Java tutorial
/*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This file is part of Fourmiz, an simulation of ant live. Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Barranger <> Jean-Baptiste Le Henaff <> Antoine Fouque <> Julien Camenen <jcamenen@gmail.Com> Fourmiz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fourmiz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fourmiz. If not, see <>. */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package fourmiz.engine; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.DataConversionException; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Rectangle; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Shape; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f; import tools.RessourceManager; import fourmiz.collision.CollisionManager; import fourmiz.collision.Entity; /** * Class to load level from xml files and handle cadence all entities * @author Nicolas */ public class Engine { public static int SIZE_CASE = 100; private int xCase, yCase; private float xScale, yScale; private List<EngineListener> listeners = new ArrayList<EngineListener>(); private CollisionManager collisionManager = new CollisionManager(); private List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); private List<Entity> entitiesAdd = new ArrayList<Entity>(); private List<Entity> entitiesRemove = new ArrayList<Entity>(); private Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(getClass()); private boolean loaded = false; private static String renderSuffix = "-render.xml"; private static String mapSuffix = "-map.xml"; private static String resourcePath = "ressources/"; private String currentGame; private RessourceManager ressources = new RessourceManager(); public static Shape getDefaultShape() { return new Rectangle(0, 0, SIZE_CASE, SIZE_CASE); } public RessourceManager getRessources() { return ressources; } /** * Callback method called at each cycle, it call each {@link Entity#update(int)} of entity contained * @param delta time elapsed from last call */ public void update(int delta) { for (Entity entity : entities) entity.update(delta); checkEntityBuff(); collisionManager.performCollision(); checkEntityBuff(); } /** * Like we can't add or remove {@link Entity} during update phase we must add temporary this change to different * list. This method check is temporary {@link Entity} exist and if is the case, it add them to right mode. */ public void checkEntityBuff() { entities.addAll(entitiesAdd); collisionManager.addEntity(entitiesAdd); entities.removeAll(entitiesRemove); collisionManager.removeEntity(entitiesRemove); for (Entity entity : this.entitiesAdd) notifyEntityAdded(entity); for (Entity entity : this.entitiesRemove) notifyEntityRemoved(entity); entitiesAdd.clear(); entitiesRemove.clear(); } /** * Return copy of {@link ArrayList} of all {@link Entity} contained * @return the list */ public List<Entity> getEntities() { return this.entities; } public void addEntityToBuff(Entity entity) { this.entitiesAdd.add(entity); this.log.debug("add Entity: " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", ID: " + entity.getID() + ", position: " + entity.getPosition() + ", direction: " + entity.getDirection()); } public void removeEntityToBuff(Entity entity) { this.entitiesRemove.add(entity); this.log.debug("remove Entity: " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", ID: " + entity.getID() + ", position: " + entity.getPosition() + ", direction: " + entity.getDirection()); } public void addEntity(Entity entity) { this.entities.add(entity); this.collisionManager.addEntity(entity); notifyEntityAdded(entity); this.log.debug("add Entity: " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", ID: " + entity.getID() + ", position: " + entity.getPosition() + ", direction: " + entity.getDirection()); } public void removeEntity(Entity entity) { this.entities.remove(entity); this.collisionManager.removeEntity(entity); notifyEntityRemoved(entity); this.log.debug("remove Entity: " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", ID: " + entity.getID() + ", position: " + entity.getPosition() + ", direction: " + entity.getDirection()); } public List<? extends Entity> getListOf(Class<?> classType) { List<Entity> list = new ArrayList<Entity>(); for (Entity entity : this.entities) if (entity.getClass().equals(classType)) list.add(entity); return list; } /** * Return list of possible game to load * @return the list of game */ public static List<String> getPossibleGame() { List<String> listMap = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> listRender = new ArrayList<String>(); File[] files = (new File(resourcePath)).listFiles(); for (File file : files) { String name = file.getName(); if (name.endsWith(renderSuffix)) { listRender.add(name.substring(0, name.indexOf(renderSuffix))); } if (name.endsWith(mapSuffix)) { listMap.add(name.substring(0, name.indexOf(mapSuffix))); } } listMap.retainAll(listRender); return listMap; } /** * Load a specific game * @param name * @throws JDOMException * @throws IOException * @throws SlickException */ public void loadLevel(String name) throws JDOMException, IOException, SlickException { currentGame = name; ressources.load(resourcePath + currentGame + renderSuffix); SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc = File(resourcePath + currentGame + mapSuffix)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> listElem = root.getChildren(); for (Element elem : listElem) { switch (elem.getName()) { case "Config": loadConfig(elem.getChildren()); break; case "Entity": loadEntity(elem.getChildren()); break; default: log.warn("loadLevel: unknown type object -> " + elem.getName()); continue; } } this.loaded = true; } /** * Parse configuration part of xml * @param configs */ private void loadConfig(Collection<Element> configs) { for (Element elem : configs) { switch (elem.getName()) { case "Chart": setxCase(Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttributeValue("xCase"))); setyCase(Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttributeValue("yCase"))); setxScale(Float.parseFloat(elem.getAttributeValue("xScale"))); setyScale(Float.parseFloat(elem.getAttributeValue("yScale"))); break; default: log.warn("loadLevel: unknown type config -> " + elem.getName()); continue; } } } /** * Parse entity part of xml * @param elems * @throws DataConversionException */ private void loadEntity(Collection<Element> elems) throws DataConversionException { for (Element elem : elems) { Entity entity = null; switch (elem.getName()) { case "Anthill": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Anthill, this); break; case "Egg": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Egg, this); break; case "Larva": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Larva, this); break; case "Nymph": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Nymph, this); break; case "FourmizWorker": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.FourmizWorker, this); break; case "FourmizSoldier": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.FourmizSoldier, this); break; case "FourmizSex": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.FourmizSex, this); break; case "Queen": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Queen, this); break; case "Prey": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.Prey, this); break; case "PopPrey": entity = EntityFactory.createEntity(EntityName.PopPrey, this); break; default: log.warn("loadLevel: unknown type entity -> " + elem.getName()); continue; } Vector2f position = new Vector2f(); position.x = elem.getAttribute("x").getIntValue() * SIZE_CASE; position.y = elem.getAttribute("y").getIntValue() * SIZE_CASE; entity.setPosition(position); entity.setDirection(elem.getAttribute("dir").getIntValue()); addEntity(entity); } } public int getxCase() { return xCase; } public void setxCase(int xCase) { this.xCase = xCase; } public int getyCase() { return yCase; } public void setyCase(int yCase) { this.yCase = yCase; } public float getxScale() { return xScale; } public void setxScale(float xScale) { this.xScale = xScale; } public float getyScale() { return yScale; } public void setyScale(float yScale) { this.yScale = yScale; } /** * Unload the engine of all his entity and other */ public void unLoad() { for (Entity entity : this.entities) entity.clear(); this.entities.clear(); this.entitiesAdd.clear(); this.entitiesRemove.clear(); this.collisionManager = new CollisionManager(); this.loaded = false; } public boolean isLoad() { return this.loaded; } public boolean addListener(EngineListener listener) { return this.listeners.add(listener); } public boolean removeListener(EngineListener listener) { return this.listeners.remove(listener); } protected void notifyEntityAdded(Entity entity) { for (EngineListener listener : this.listeners) listener.entityAdded(entity); } protected void notifyEntityRemoved(Entity entity) { for (EngineListener listener : this.listeners) listener.entityRemoved(entity); } }