List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChildText
public String getChildText(final String cname)
From source
private void importar() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, JDOMException, SQLException { configuraBarra();/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ int i = 0; for (Element e : this.elementosXml) { pr.getProgressbar().setValue(++i); String nome = e.getChildText("Nome"); String telefone = e.getChildText("Telefone"); String uf = new IdentificaUfController(telefone).recuperaUf(); String opera = new IdentificaOperadoraController(telefone).getOperadora(); try { Pessoa p = new VerificaNonodigController(new Pessoa(nome, telefone, uf, opera)) .executarVerificacao(); if (dao.add(p)) { if (p.getOperadora().equals("") || p.getUf().equals("")) { this.incompleto++; } else { this.sucesso++; } } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.msgFalhaImpExportacao(ex.getMessage(), user); Logger.getLogger(PrincipalController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } pr.dispose(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void startSequence(String name) { try {//from w w w .j av a2 s. c o m SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document; if (project.isGzipExport()) document = builder .build(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(projectPath + name + ".xml")))); else document = File(projectPath + name + ".xml")); Element rootNode = document.getRootElement(); elementList = rootNode.getChildren(); Element startNode = rootNode.getChildren("dStart").get(0); target = Integer.valueOf(startNode.getChildText("target0")); } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.")) throw new DialogueParserException("Error decoding file."); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Apache License
private Project loadProject(DialogueLoader projectFile) { String name = ""; boolean gzipExport = false; ArrayList<PCharacter> characterList = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> characterMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<PCallback> callbackList = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> callbackMap = new HashMap<>(); try {/*from w w w .j av a 2 s .c o m*/ SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =; Element rootNode = document.getRootElement(); name = rootNode.getChildText("name"); gzipExport = Boolean.valueOf(rootNode.getChildText("gzipExport")); List<Element> characterElementList = rootNode.getChild("characterList").getChildren(); for (Element el : characterElementList) characterList.add(loadCharacter(el)); List<Element> callbackElementList = rootNode.getChild("callbackList").getChildren(); for (Element el : callbackElementList) callbackList.add(loadCallback(el)); List<Element> characterHaspMapElementList = rootNode.getChild("characterMap").getChildren(); for (Element el : characterHaspMapElementList) characterMap.put(Integer.valueOf(el.getChildren().get(0).getText()), Integer.valueOf(el.getChildren().get(1).getText())); List<Element> callbackHaspMapElementList = rootNode.getChild("callbackMap").getChildren(); for (Element el : callbackHaspMapElementList) callbackMap.put(Integer.valueOf(el.getChildren().get(0).getText()), Integer.valueOf(el.getChildren().get(1).getText())); } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) { throw new DialogueParserException("Chould not load project! Is your project.xml file correct?"); } return new Project(name, gzipExport, characterList, characterMap, callbackList, callbackMap); }
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License:Apache License
private PCallback loadCallback(Element callbackElement) { int id = Integer.valueOf(callbackElement.getChildText("id")); String name = callbackElement.getChildText("name"); return new PCallback(id, name); }
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License:Apache License
private PCharacter loadCharacter(Element characterElement) { int id = Integer.valueOf(characterElement.getChildText("id")); String name = characterElement.getChildText("name"); String textureName = characterElement.getChildText("textureName"); return new PCharacter(id, name, textureName); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { ConexaoBD conexao = new ConexaoBD(); Cliente cliente = new Cliente(); Cidade cidade = new Cidade(); File arquivo_xml = new File("C:\\Users\\labin\\Downloads\\clientes.xml"); if (arquivo_xml.exists()) { SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); Document d;//from ww w . jav a 2 s .c o m try { d =; Element cidades = d.getRootElement(); List cid = cidades.getChildren(); Iterator i = cid.iterator(); conexao.abreConexao(); while (i.hasNext()) { Element element = (Element); cidade.setCodigo(Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("codigo"))); cidade.setNome(element.getAttributeValue("nome")); cidade.setUf(element.getAttributeValue("uf")); conexao.insereCidade(cidade); List clientes = element.getChildren(); Iterator cli = clientes.iterator(); while (cli.hasNext()) { Element client = (Element); cliente.setMatricula(Integer.parseInt(client.getChildText("matricula"))); cliente.setNome(client.getChildText("nome")); cliente.setData(client.getChildText("nascimento")); cliente.setCodigo_cidade(Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue("codigo"))); conexao.insereCliente(cliente); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } }
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/** * This method reads in the data from an intermediate node that was read * into from an XML data file. If there are missing data elements then * empty values are used./* w w w . j a v a m*/ * * @param node An XML element tree from a data file. * @param currDayStats Stores the daily statistics. */ public void ReadData(Element node, DailyStats currDayStats) { //Get date from current reading String date = node.getChildText("date"); if (date != null) { date = date.trim(); } int firstSlash = date.indexOf("/"); int secondSlash = date.lastIndexOf("/"); this.month = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(0, firstSlash)); = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(firstSlash + 1, secondSlash)); this.year = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(secondSlash + 1)) + 2000; //Attempt to read in time value try { this.time = node.getChildText("time").trim(); int colon = this.time.indexOf(":"); this.minute = Integer.parseInt(this.time.substring(colon + 1, colon + 3)); this.hour = Integer.parseInt(this.time.substring(0, colon)); //Adjust for 12 o'clock if (this.time.charAt(colon + 3) == 'P' && hour != 12) this.hour += 12; if (this.time.charAt(colon + 3) == 'A' && hour == 12) this.hour -= 12; } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set time to empty string this.time = ""; } //Attempt to read in temperature value try { this.temperature = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("temperature")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set temperature to invalid number this.temperature = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in humidity value try { this.humidity = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("humidity")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set humidity to invalid number this.humidity = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in barometer value try { this.barometer = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("barometer")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set barometer to invalid number this.barometer = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in windSpeed value try { this.windSpeed = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windspeed")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set windSpeed to invalid number this.windSpeed = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in windDirection value try { this.windDirection = node.getChildText("winddirection").trim(); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set windDirection to empty string this.windDirection = ""; } //Attempt to read in windGust value try { this.windGust = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windgust")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set windGust to invalid number this.windGust = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in windChill value try { this.windChill = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windchill")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set windChill to invalid number this.windChill = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in heatIndex value try { this.heatIndex = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("heatindex")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set heatIndex to invalid number this.heatIndex = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in uvIndex value try { this.uvIndex = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("uvindex")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set uvIndex to invalid number this.uvIndex = INVALID_DATA; } //Attempt to read in rainFall value try { this.rainFall = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("rainfall")); } catch (Exception e) { //If failure, set rainFall to invalid number this.rainFall = INVALID_DATA; } }
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License:Open Source License
public Ingredient(Element element) { = element.getChildText("name"); this.alias = MyElement.tryGetList(element, "alias", this); this.density = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "density"); this.calSpec = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "calSpec"); this.fatSpec = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "fatSpec"); this.carbSpec = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "carbSpec"); this.protSpec = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "protSpec"); this.measure = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "measure"); this.measureInGram = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "measure_in_gram"); this.measureUnit = MyElement.tryGetString(element, "measureUnit"); this.weightPerPiece = MyElement.tryGetDouble(element, "weightPerPiece"); if (weightPerPiece > 0) { Convert.setSpecialUnit(name, weightPerPiece); for (String aliasName : alias) Convert.setSpecialUnit(aliasName.trim(), weightPerPiece); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m }
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License:Open Source License
public void listElements(Element topElement, String listName, String[] listElemName) { List<Element> list = topElement.getChildren(listName); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { System.out.println("SubElement " + i); Element node = (Element) list.get(i); for (String nodeChildName : listElemName) { System.out.println("nodeChildName : " + node.getChildText(nodeChildName)); }//from ww w . j ava 2s. co m } }
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License:Open Source License
public static String tryGetString(Element element, String attrName) { String retVal = ""; try {//from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om retVal = element.getChildText(attrName); } catch (Exception ex) { //ignore, return zero } return retVal; }