Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getChildText

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChildText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getChildText.


public String getChildText(final String cname) 

Source Link


Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if there's no such child.


From source file:isjexecact.AppSettings.java

  * Carrega os valores do arquivo de configurao para AppSeting ambiente.
  *//from ww w  .  j  a va2  s  .co  m
  * @throws org.jdom2.JDOMException
  * @throws java.io.IOException

public void loadDefaultSetings() throws JDOMException, IOException {
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    //Document doc = builder.build("c:/TMPGED/teste.xml");
    Document doc = builder.build(appFileName);

    Element xmllei = doc.getRootElement();
    List<Element> lista = xmllei.getChildren();

    for (Element e : lista) {
        setValue(e.getAttributeValue("id"), e.getChildText("valor"));
        //              System.out.println("Chave: "+ e.getAttributeValue("id"));
        //              System.out.println("Valor: " + e.getChildText("valor"));        


From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.ConfigurableSound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    this.setName(this.getName() + e.getAttributeValue("name"));
    log.debug("ConfigurableSound: " + e.getAttributeValue("name"));
    //log.debug("  start file: " + e.getChildText("start-file"));
    if (((start_file = e.getChildText("start-file")) != null) && !(start_file.equals(""))) {
        use_start_sound = true;/*from w w  w .  j  a  v  a2 s  .  c om*/
    } else {
        use_start_sound = false;
    //log.debug("  mid file: " + e.getChildText("mid-file"));
    if (((mid_file = e.getChildText("mid-file")) != null) && !(mid_file.equals(""))) {
        use_mid_sound = true;
    } else {
        use_mid_sound = false;
    //log.debug("  end file: " + e.getChildText("end-file"));
    if (((end_file = e.getChildText("end-file")) != null) && !(end_file.equals(""))) {
        use_end_sound = true;
    } else {
        use_end_sound = false;
    //log.debug("  short file: " + e.getChildText("short-file"));
    if (((short_file = e.getChildText("short-file")) != null) && !(short_file.equals(""))) {
        use_short_sound = true;
    } else {
        use_short_sound = false;

    //log.debug("  start sound dur: " + e.getChildText("start-sound-duration"));
    String ssd = e.getChildText("start-sound-duration");
    if ((ssd != null) && !(ssd.equals(""))) {
        start_sound_duration = Integer.parseInt(ssd);
    } else {
        start_sound_duration = 0;

    //log.debug("  gain: " + e.getChildText("gain"));
    String g = e.getChildText("gain");
    if ((g != null) && !(g.equals(""))) {
        gain = Float.parseFloat(g);
    } else {
        gain = default_gain;

     log.debug("Use:  start = " + use_start_sound + 
     "mid = " + use_mid_sound +
     "end = " + use_end_sound +
     "short = " + use_short_sound);
    // Reboot the sound
    initialized = false;


From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.Diesel2Sound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    Element el;
    String fn;/*from   ww  w.ja  va 2  s  .  co m*/
    NotchSound sb;

    // Handle the common stuff.
    super.setXml(e, vf);

    log.debug("Diesel EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
    notch_sounds = new HashMap<Integer, NotchSound>();

    // Get the notch sounds
    Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("notch-sound")).iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        fn = el.getChildText("file");
        int nn = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("notch"));
        //log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn);
        sb = new NotchSound(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i, "Engine_" + i);
        sb.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());
        if (el.getChildText("accel-file") != null) {
                    new SoundBite(vf, el.getChildText("accel-file"), "Engine_na" + i, "Engine_na" + i));
        } else {
        if (el.getChildText("decel-file") != null) {
                    new SoundBite(vf, el.getChildText("decel-file"), "Engine_nd" + i, "Engine_nd" + i));
        } else {
        // Store in the list.
        notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);

    // Get the start and stop sounds
    el = e.getChild("start-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Start sound: " + fn);
        start_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_start", "Engine_Start");
        // Handle gain
        start_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());
    el = e.getChild("shutdown-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Shutdown sound: " + fn);
        shutdown_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_shutdown", "Engine_Shutdown");
        // Handle gain
        shutdown_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());


From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.Diesel3Sound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    Element el;/*w  ww .j  av  a2  s.  c  o m*/
    String fn;
    D3Notch sb;

    // Handle the common stuff.
    super.setXml(e, vf);

    //log.debug("Diesel EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
    _soundName = this.getName() + ":LoopSound";
    log.debug("Diesel3: name: " + this.getName() + " soundName " + _soundName);
    notch_sounds = new HashMap<Integer, D3Notch>();
    String in = e.getChildText("idle-notch");
    Integer idle_notch = null;
    if (in != null) {
        idle_notch = Integer.parseInt(in);
    } else {
        // leave idle_notch null for now. We'll use it at the end to trigger a "grandfathering" action
        log.warn("No Idle Notch Specified!");

    // Get the notch sounds
    Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("notch-sound")).iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        sb = new D3Notch();
        int nn = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("notch"));
        if ((idle_notch != null) && (nn == idle_notch)) {
            log.debug("This Notch (" + nn + ") is Idle.");
        List<Element> elist = el.getChildren("file");
        int j = 0;
        for (Element fe : elist) {
            fn = fe.getText();
            //AudioBuffer b = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i + "_" + j, "Engine_" + i + "_" + j);
            //log.debug("Buffer created: " + b + " name: " + b.getSystemName());
            List<AudioBuffer> l = D3Notch.getBufferList(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i + "_" + j,
                    "Engine_" + i + "_" + j);
            log.debug("Buffers Created: ");
            for (AudioBuffer b : l) {
                log.debug("\tSubBuffer: " + b.getSystemName());
        //log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn);

        // Gain is broken, for the moment.  Buffers don't have gain. Sources do.
        if (el.getChildText("accel-file") != null) {
                    D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("accel-file"), "Engine_na" + i, "Engine_na" + i));
        } else {
        if (el.getChildText("decel-file") != null) {
                    D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("decel-file"), "Engine_nd" + i, "Engine_nd" + i));
        } else {
        // Store in the list.
        notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);

    // Get the start and stop sounds
    el = e.getChild("start-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Start sound: " + fn);
        start_buffer = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_start", "Engine_Start");
    el = e.getChild("shutdown-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Shutdown sound: " + fn);
        stop_buffer = D3Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, "Engine_shutdown", "Engine_Shutdown");

    // Handle "grandfathering the idle notch indication
    // If the VSD designer did not explicitly designate an idle notch...
    // Find the Notch with the lowest notch number, and make it the idle notch.
    // If there's a tie, this will take the first value, but the notches /should/
    // all have unique notch numbers.
    if (idle_notch == null) {
        D3Notch min_notch = null;
        // No, this is not a terribly efficient "min" operation.  But that's OK.
        for (D3Notch n : notch_sounds.values()) {
            if ((min_notch == null) || (n.getNotch() < min_notch.getNotch())) {
                min_notch = n;
        log.debug("No Idle Notch Specified.  Choosing Notch ("
                + (min_notch != null ? min_notch.getNotch() : "min_notch not set") + ") to be the Idle Notch.");
        if (min_notch != null) {
        } else {
            log.warn("Could not set idle notch because min_notch was still null");

    // Kick-start the loop thread.

From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.DieselSound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    Element el;
    //int num_notches;
    String fn;/*from   ww w .ja v a 2  s  .  c  om*/
    SoundBite sb;

    // Handle the common stuff.
    super.setXml(e, vf);

    log.debug("Diesel EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
    notch_sounds = new HashMap<Integer, SoundBite>();
    transition_sounds = new ArrayList<NotchTransition>();

    // Get the notch sounds
    Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("notch-sound")).iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        fn = el.getChildText("file");
        int nn = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("notch"));
        //log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn);
        sb = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i, "Engine_" + i);
        sb.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());
        // Store in the list.
        notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);

    // Get the notch transitions
    itr = (e.getChildren("notch-transition")).iterator();
    i = 0;
    NotchTransition nt;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        fn = el.getChildText("file");
        nt = new NotchTransition(vf, fn, "Engine_nt" + i, "Engine_nt" + i);
        //log.debug("Transition: prev=" + nt.getPrevNotch() + " next=" + nt.getNextNotch() + " File: " + fn);
        nt.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());
        // Handle gain

    // Get the start and stop sounds
    el = e.getChild("start-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Start sound: " + fn);
        start_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_start", "Engine_Start");
        // Handle gain
        start_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());
    el = e.getChild("shutdown-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
        //log.debug("Shutdown sound: " + fn);
        shutdown_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_shutdown", "Engine_Shutdown");
        // Handle gain
        shutdown_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime());


From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.EngineSound.java

License:Open Source License

protected float setXMLGain(Element e) {
    String g = e.getChildText("gain");
    log.debug("  gain: " + g);
    if ((g != null) && !(g.equals(""))) {
        return (Float.parseFloat(g));
    } else {/*from  w ww  .j  av  a  2  s  .  c om*/
        return (default_gain);


From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.EngineSound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    // Do only the stuff common...
    if (this.getName() == null) {
    }//from w w w . j ava  2s.  c  o  m
    //log.debug("EngineSound: " + this.getName());
    log.debug("Name: " + this.getName() + "Fade-In-Time: " + this.getFadeInTime() + " Fade-Out-Time: "
            + this.getFadeOutTime());

From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.Steam1Sound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    Element el;//  w  ww  .  j a va2 s  .c o m
    String fn, n;
    S1Notch sb;

    // Handle the common stuff
    super.setXml(e, vf);

    _soundName = this.getName();
    log.debug("Steam1: name: {}, soundName: {}", this.getName(), _soundName);

    // Required values
    top_speed = Integer.parseInt(e.getChildText("top-speed"));
    log.debug("top speed forward: {} MPH", top_speed);

    // Optional value
    // Steam locos can have different top speed reverse.
    n = e.getChildText("top-speed-reverse"); // Optional value.
    if (n != null) {
        top_speed_reverse = Integer.parseInt(n);
    } else {
        top_speed_reverse = top_speed; // Default for top_speed_reverse!
    log.debug("top speed reverse: {} MPH", top_speed_reverse);

    driver_diameter_float = Float.parseFloat(e.getChildText("driver-diameter-float"));
    log.debug("driver diameter: {} inches", driver_diameter_float);
    num_cylinders = Integer.parseInt(e.getChildText("cylinders"));
    log.debug("Number of cylinders defined: {}", num_cylinders);

    // Optional value
    // Allows to adjust speed
    n = e.getChildText("exponent"); // Optional value
    if (n != null) {
        exponent = Float.parseFloat(n);
    } else {
        exponent = 1.0f; // Default
    log.debug("exponent: {}", exponent);

    // Optional value
    // Acceleration and deceleration rate
    n = e.getChildText("accel-rate"); // Optional value
    if (n != null) {
        accel_rate = Integer.parseInt(n);
    } else {
        accel_rate = 35; // Default
    log.debug("accel rate: {}", accel_rate);

    n = e.getChildText("decel-rate"); // Optional value
    if (n != null) {
        decel_rate = Integer.parseInt(n);
    } else {
        decel_rate = 18; // Default
    log.debug("decel rate: {}", decel_rate);

    n = e.getChildText("brake-time"); // Optional value
    if (n != null) {
        brake_time = Integer.parseInt(n);
    } else {
        brake_time = 0; // Default
    log.debug("brake time: {}", brake_time);

    // Optional value 
    // auto-start
    is_auto_start = setXMLAutoStart(e);
    log.debug("config auto-start: {}", is_auto_start);

    // Optional value
    // Allows to adjust OpenAL attenuation
    // Sounds with distance to listener position lower than reference-distance will not have attenuation
    engine_rd = setXMLReferenceDistance(e); // Handle reference distance
    log.debug("engine-sound referenceDistance: {}", engine_rd);

    // Optional value
    // Allows to adjust the engine gain
    n = e.getChildText("engine-gain");
    if ((n != null) && (!n.isEmpty())) {
        engine_gain = Float.parseFloat(n);
        // Make some restrictions, since engine_gain is used for calculations later
        if ((engine_gain < default_gain - 0.4f) || (engine_gain > default_gain + 0.2f)) {
            log.info("Invalid engine gain {} was set to default {}", engine_gain, default_gain);
            engine_gain = default_gain;
    } else {
        engine_gain = default_gain;
    log.debug("engine gain: {}", engine_gain);

    // Optional value
    // Defines how many rpms in 0.5 seconds will trigger decel actions like braking
    n = e.getChildText("decel-trigger-rpms");
    if (n != null) {
        decel_trigger_rpms = Integer.parseInt(n);
    } else {
        decel_trigger_rpms = 999; // Default (need a value)
    log.debug("number of rpms to trigger decelerating actions: {}", decel_trigger_rpms);

    // Get the sounds.
    // Note: each sound must have equal attributes, e.g. 16-bit, 44100 Hz
    // Get the files and create a buffer and byteBuffer for each file
    // For each notch there must be <num_cylinders * 2> chuff files
    notch_sounds = new HashMap<>();
    int i = 0; // notch number (index)
    int j = 0; // chuff or coast number (index)
    int fmt = 0; // Sound sample format
    int nn = 1; // notch number (visual)

    // Get the notch-sounds.
    Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("s1notch-sound")).iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        sb = new S1Notch();

        // Get the chuff sounds
        List<Element> elist = el.getChildren("notch-file");
        j = 0;
        for (Element fe : elist) {
            fn = fe.getText();
            log.debug("notch: {}, file: {}", nn, fn);
            AudioBuffer b = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_NOTCH_" + i + "_" + j,
                    _soundName + "_NOTCH_" + i + "_" + j);
            log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", b, b.getSystemName(), b.getFormat());
            if (fmt == 0) {
                // Get the format of the (first) WAV file
                // Since all WAV files of the notches MUST have the same format,
                // I asume this format for all WAV files for now
                fmt = AudioUtil.getWavFormat(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
                log.debug("fmt: {}", fmt);
            ByteBuffer data = AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
        log.debug("Number of chuff sounds for notch {} defined: {}", nn, j);

        // Create a filler Buffer for queueing and a ByteBuffer for length modification
        fn = el.getChildText("notchfiller-file");
        if (fn != null) {
            log.debug("notch filler file: {}", fn);
            AudioBuffer bnf = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, el.getChildText("notchfiller-file"),
                    _soundName + "_NOTCHFILLER_" + i, _soundName + "_NOTCHFILLER_" + i);
            log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bnf, bnf.getSystemName(), bnf.getFormat());
            sb.setNotchFillerData(AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn)));
        } else {
            log.debug("no notchfiller available.");

        // Coasting sound and helpers are bound to first notch only
        // VSDFile validation makes sure that there is at least one notch
        if (nn == 1) {
            // Get the coasting sounds
            j = 0;
            List<Element> elistc = el.getChildren("coast-file");
            for (Element fe : elistc) {
                fn = fe.getText();
                log.debug("coasting file: {}", fn);
                AudioBuffer bc = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_COAST_" + j,
                        _soundName + "_COAST_" + j);
                log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bc, bc.getSystemName(), bc.getFormat());
                sb.addCoastBuffer(bc); // WAV in Buffer for queueing
                ByteBuffer datac = AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn));
                sb.addCoastData(datac); // WAV data in ByteBuffer for length modification
            log.debug("Number of coasting sounds for notch {} defined: {}", nn, j);

            // Create a filler Buffer for queueing and a ByteBuffer for length modification
            fn = el.getChildText("coastfiller-file");
            if (fn != null) {
                log.debug("coasting filler file: {}", fn);
                AudioBuffer bcf = S1Notch.getBuffer(vf, fn, _soundName + "_COASTFILLER",
                        _soundName + "_COASTFILLER");
                log.debug("buffer created: {}, name: {}, format: {}", bcf, bcf.getSystemName(),
                sb.setCoastFillerData(AudioUtil.getWavData(S1Notch.getWavStream(vf, fn)));
            } else {
                log.debug("no coastfiller available.");

            // Add some helper Buffers. They are needed for creating
            // variable sound clips in length. Ten helper buffers should
            // serve well for that purpose. These buffers are bound to notch 1
            for (int jk = 0; jk < 10; jk++) {
                AudioBuffer bh = S1Notch.getBufferHelper(_soundName + "_BUFFERHELPER_" + jk,
                        _soundName + "_BUFFERHELPER_" + jk);
                log.debug("buffer helper created: {}, name: {}", bh, bh.getSystemName());

        log.debug("sample format for notch {}: {}", nn, fmt);

        // Store in the list
        notch_sounds.put(nn, sb);
    log.debug("Number of notches defined: {}", notch_sounds.size());

    // Get the trigger sounds
    // Note: other than notch sounds, trigger sounds can have different attributes
    trigger_sounds = new HashMap<>();

    // Get the idle sound
    el = e.getChild("idle-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
        log.debug("idle sound: {}", fn);
        idle_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "_IDLE", _soundName + "_Idle");
        idle_sound.setGain(setXMLGain(el)); // Handle gain
        log.debug("idle sound gain: {}", idle_sound.getGain());
        idle_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
        idle_sound.setReferenceDistance(setXMLReferenceDistance(el)); // Handle reference distance
        log.debug("idle-sound reference distance: {}", idle_sound.getReferenceDistance());
        trigger_sounds.put("idle", idle_sound);
        log.debug("trigger idle sound: {}", trigger_sounds.get("idle"));

    // Get the boiling sound
    el = e.getChild("boiling-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
        log.debug("boiling-sound: {}", fn);
        boiling_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, name + "_BOILING", name + "_Boiling");
        boiling_sound.setGain(setXMLGain(el)); // Handle gain
        log.debug("boiling-sound gain: {}", boiling_sound.getGain());
        boiling_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
        log.debug("boiling-sound reference distance: {}", boiling_sound.getReferenceDistance());
        trigger_sounds.put("boiling", boiling_sound);
        log.debug("trigger boiling sound: {}", trigger_sounds.get("boiling"));

    // Get the brake sound
    el = e.getChild("brake-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
        log.debug("brake sound: {}", fn);
        brake_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "_BRAKE", _soundName + "_Brake");
        log.debug("brake sound gain: {}", brake_sound.getGain());
        brake_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
        log.debug("brake-sound reference distance: {}", brake_sound.getReferenceDistance());
        trigger_sounds.put("brake", brake_sound);
        log.debug("trigger brake sound: {}", trigger_sounds.get("brake"));

    // Get the pre-arrival sound
    el = e.getChild("pre-arrival-sound");
    if (el != null) {
        fn = el.getChild("sound-file").getValue();
        log.debug("pre-arrival sound: {}", fn);
        pre_arrival_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, _soundName + "_PRE-ARRIVAL", _soundName + "_Pre-arrival");
        log.debug("pre-arrival sound gain: {}", pre_arrival_sound.getGain());
        pre_arrival_sound.setFadeTimes(500, 500);
        log.debug("pre-arrival-sound reference distance: {}", pre_arrival_sound.getReferenceDistance());
        trigger_sounds.put("pre_arrival", pre_arrival_sound);
        log.debug("trigger pre_arrival sound : {}", trigger_sounds.get("pre_arrival"));

    // Kick-start the loop thread

    // Check auto-start setting

From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.SteamSound.java

License:Open Source License

public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) {
    Element el;/*from w w  w .j av  a 2s  .com*/
    //int num_rpms;
    String fn;
    SoundBite sb;

    super.setXml(e, vf);

    log.debug("Steam EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue());
    String n = e.getChild("top-speed").getValue();
    if (n != null) {
        top_speed = Integer.parseInt(n);
        //log.debug("Top speed: " + top_speed + " MPH");
    n = e.getChildText("driver-diameter");
    if (n != null) {
        driver_diameter = Integer.parseInt(n);
        //log.debug("Driver diameter: " + driver_diameter + " inches");
    n = e.getChildText("cylinders");
    if (n != null) {
        num_cylinders = Integer.parseInt(n);
        //log.debug("Num Cylinders: " + num_cylinders);
    // For now, num_rpms is not used.  
          n = e.getChild("rpm-steps").getValue();
          if (n != null) {
          num_rpms = Integer.parseInt(n);
          //log.debug("Number of rpm steps: " + num_rpms);

    rpm_sounds = new ArrayList<RPMSound>();

    // Get the RPM steps
    Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("rpm-step")).iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        el = itr.next();
        fn = el.getChildText("file");
        int min_r = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("min-rpm"));
        int max_r = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("max-rpm"));
        //log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn);
        sb = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Steam_n" + i, "Steam_" + i);
        sb.setFadeTimes(100, 100);
        // Store in the list.
        boolean chuff = false;
        Element c;
        if ((c = el.getChild("use-chuff-gen")) != null) {
            log.debug("Use Chuff Generator " + c.toString());
            chuff = true;

        rpm_sounds.add(new RPMSound(sb, min_r, max_r, chuff));

     // Get the start and stop sounds
     el = e.getChild("start-sound");
     if (el != null) {
     fn = el.getChild("file").getValue();
     log.debug("Start sound: " + fn);
     start_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_start", 
     // Handle gain

From source file:jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder.VSDFile.java

License:Open Source License

protected boolean validateOptionalFile(Element el, String name, Boolean required) {
    String s = el.getChildText(name);
    if ((s != null) && (getFile(s) == null)) {
        log.debug("File " + s + " for element " + name + " in Element " + el.getAttributeValue("name")
                + " not found.");
        return (false);
    }//w w w . ja v a  2  s. c o m
    return (true);