Source code

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package prog1;

import org.jdom2.Element;

 * This is a class that is used to hold the weather data read in from an XML
 * file.
 * @author Matt Dyke
public class WeatherReading {
    public int day;
    public int month;
    public int year;
    public String time;
    public int hour;
    public int minute;
    public double temperature;
    public double humidity;
    public double barometer;
    public double windSpeed;
    public String windDirection;
    public double windGust;
    public double windChill;
    public double heatIndex;
    public double uvIndex;
    public double rainFall;

    private int INVALID_DATA;

     * The constructor for a WeatherReading object used to hold data.
     * Initializes all data fields in case of missing values.
    public WeatherReading() {
        //Initialize all variables to 0 = 0;
        this.month = 0;
        this.year = 0;
        this.time = "";
        this.hour = 0;
        this.minute = 0;
        this.temperature = 0;
        this.humidity = 0;
        this.barometer = 0;
        this.windSpeed = 0;
        this.windDirection = "";
        this.windGust = 0;
        this.windChill = 0;
        this.heatIndex = 0;
        this.uvIndex = 0;
        this.rainFall = 0;

        //Set invalid data flag
        this.INVALID_DATA = -10000;

     * This method reads in the data from an intermediate node that was read
     * into from an XML data file. If there are missing data elements then
     * empty values are used.
     * @param node An XML element tree from a data file.
     * @param currDayStats Stores the daily statistics.
    public void ReadData(Element node, DailyStats currDayStats) {
        //Get date from current reading
        String date = node.getChildText("date");
        if (date != null) {
            date = date.trim();
        int firstSlash = date.indexOf("/");
        int secondSlash = date.lastIndexOf("/");
        this.month = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(0, firstSlash)); = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(firstSlash + 1, secondSlash));
        this.year = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(secondSlash + 1)) + 2000;

        //Attempt to read in time value
        try {
            this.time = node.getChildText("time").trim();

            int colon = this.time.indexOf(":");
            this.minute = Integer.parseInt(this.time.substring(colon + 1, colon + 3));
            this.hour = Integer.parseInt(this.time.substring(0, colon));

            //Adjust for 12 o'clock
            if (this.time.charAt(colon + 3) == 'P' && hour != 12)
                this.hour += 12;
            if (this.time.charAt(colon + 3) == 'A' && hour == 12)
                this.hour -= 12;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set time to empty string
            this.time = "";

        //Attempt to read in temperature value
        try {
            this.temperature = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("temperature"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set temperature to invalid number
            this.temperature = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in humidity value
        try {
            this.humidity = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("humidity"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set humidity to invalid number
            this.humidity = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in barometer value
        try {
            this.barometer = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("barometer"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set barometer to invalid number
            this.barometer = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in windSpeed value
        try {
            this.windSpeed = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windspeed"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set windSpeed to invalid number
            this.windSpeed = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in windDirection value
        try {
            this.windDirection = node.getChildText("winddirection").trim();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set windDirection to empty string
            this.windDirection = "";

        //Attempt to read in windGust value
        try {
            this.windGust = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windgust"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set windGust to invalid number
            this.windGust = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in windChill value
        try {
            this.windChill = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("windchill"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set windChill to invalid number
            this.windChill = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in heatIndex value
        try {
            this.heatIndex = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("heatindex"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set heatIndex to invalid number
            this.heatIndex = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in uvIndex value
        try {
            this.uvIndex = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("uvindex"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set uvIndex to invalid number
            this.uvIndex = INVALID_DATA;

        //Attempt to read in rainFall value
        try {
            this.rainFall = Double.parseDouble(node.getChildText("rainfall"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //If failure, set rainFall to invalid number
            this.rainFall = INVALID_DATA;

     * This method outputs the data held in a WeatherReading object.
    public void PrintData() {
        System.out.println(this.month + "/" + + "/" + this.year);