List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChildText
public String getChildText(final String cname)
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private void sortElements(Document doc) { // Need tableProperties to be at the top doc.getRootElement().sortChildren(new Comparator<Element>() { @Override/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ public int compare(Element o1, Element o2) { if (o1.getName().equals("tableProperties")) { return -1; } else if (o2.getName().equals("tableProperties")) { return 1; } else { return Integer.valueOf(o1.getChildText("id")).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(o2.getChildText("id"))); } } }); /* Why is this necessary? */ for (Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) { e.sortChildren(new Comparator<Element>() { @Override public int compare(Element o1, Element o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Generates e-mail from the given input document by transforming it with an xsl stylesheet, * and sends the e-mail afterwards.//w ww. j av a 2s. c om * * @param input the xml input document * @param stylesheet the xsl stylesheet that will generate the e-mail, without the ending ".xsl" * @param parameters the optionally empty table of xsl parameters * @return the generated e-mail * * @see org.mycore.common.MCRMailer */ public static Element sendMail(Document input, String stylesheet, Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception {"Generating e-mail from " + input.getRootElement().getName() + " using " + stylesheet + ".xsl"); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) debug(input.getRootElement()); Element eMail = transform(input, stylesheet, parameters).getRootElement(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) debug(eMail); if (eMail.getChildren("to").isEmpty()) LOGGER.warn("Will not send e-mail, no 'to' address specified"); else {"Sending e-mail to " + eMail.getChildText("to") + ": " + eMail.getChildText("subject")); MCRMailer.send(eMail); } return eMail; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Reads all files and urns from the derivate. * /*from w w w .ja va 2 s .co m*/ * @return A {@link Map} which contains the files as key and the urns as value. If no URN assigned the map will be empty. */ public Map<String, String> getUrnMap() { Map<String, String> fileUrnMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); XPathExpression<Element> filesetPath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("./mycorederivate/derivate/fileset", Filters.element()); Element result = filesetPath.evaluateFirst(this.createXML()); if (result == null) { return fileUrnMap; } String urn = result.getAttributeValue("urn"); if (urn != null) { XPathExpression<Element> filePath = XPathFactory.instance() .compile("./mycorederivate/derivate/fileset[@urn='" + urn + "']/file", Filters.element()); List<Element> files = filePath.evaluate(this.createXML()); for (Element currentFileElement : files) { String currentUrn = currentFileElement.getChildText("urn"); String currentFile = currentFileElement.getAttributeValue("name"); fileUrnMap.put(currentFile, currentUrn); } } return fileUrnMap; }
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License:Open Source License
public MCRFileMetadata(Element file) { = file.getAttributeValue("name"); this.urn = file.getChildText("urn"); this.handle = file.getChildText("handle"); List<Element> categoryElements = file.getChildren("category"); this.categories = Collections.emptySet(); if (!categoryElements.isEmpty()) { categories = new ArrayList<MCRCategoryID>(categoryElements.size()); for (Element categElement : categoryElements) { MCRCategoryID categId = MCRCategoryID.fromString(categElement.getAttributeValue("id")); categories.add(categId);//from ww w .j a v a 2 s .co m } } }
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License:Open Source License
private static Element listDerivateContent(MCRObject mcrObj, MCRDerivate derObj, String deriPath, UriInfo info) throws IOException { Element eContents = new Element("contents"); eContents.setAttribute("mycoreobject", mcrObj.getId().toString()); eContents.setAttribute("derivate", derObj.getId().toString()); if (!deriPath.endsWith("/")) { deriPath += "/"; }/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .com*/ MCRPath p = MCRPath.getPath(derObj.getId().toString(), deriPath); if (p != null) { eContents.addContent(MCRPathXML.getDirectoryXML(p).getRootElement().detach()); } String baseURL = MCRJerseyUtil.getBaseURL(info) + MCRConfiguration.instance().getString("MCR.RestAPI.v1.Files.URL.path"); baseURL = baseURL.replace("${mcrid}", mcrObj.getId().toString()).replace("${derid}", derObj.getId().toString()); XPathExpression<Element> xp = XPathFactory.instance().compile(".//child[@type='file']", Filters.element()); for (Element e : xp.evaluate(eContents)) { String uri = e.getChildText("uri"); if (uri != null) { int pos = uri.lastIndexOf(":/"); String path = uri.substring(pos + 2); while (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } e.setAttribute("href", baseURL + path); } } return eContents; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Handles MCRUserServlet?action=save&id={userID}. * This is called by user-editor.xml editor form to save the * changed user data from editor submission. Redirects to * show user data afterwards. //w w w . j av a 2s .com */ private void saveUser(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { MCRUser currentUser = MCRUserManager.getCurrentUser(); if (!checkUserIsNotNull(res, currentUser, null)) { return; } boolean hasAdminPermission = MCRAccessManager.checkPermission(MCRUser2Constants.USER_ADMIN_PERMISSION); boolean allowed = hasAdminPermission || MCRAccessManager.checkPermission(MCRUser2Constants.USER_CREATE_PERMISSION); if (!allowed) { String msg = MCRTranslation.translate("component.user2.UserServlet.noCreatePermission"); res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, msg); return; } Document doc = (Document) (req.getAttribute("MCRXEditorSubmission")); Element u = doc.getRootElement(); String userName = u.getAttributeValue("name"); String realmID = MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm().getID(); if (hasAdminPermission) { realmID = u.getAttributeValue("realm"); } MCRUser user; boolean userExists = MCRUserManager.exists(userName, realmID); if (!userExists) { user = new MCRUser(userName, realmID);"create new user " + userName + " " + realmID); // For new local users, set password String pwd = u.getChildText("password"); if ((pwd != null) && (pwd.trim().length() > 0) && user.getRealm().equals(MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm())) { MCRUserManager.updatePasswordHashToSHA256(user, pwd); } } else { user = MCRUserManager.getUser(userName, realmID); if (!(hasAdminPermission || currentUser.equals(user) || currentUser.equals(user.getOwner()))) { res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } } XPathExpression<Attribute> hintPath = XPathFactory.instance().compile("password/@hint", Filters.attribute()); Attribute hintAttr = hintPath.evaluateFirst(u); String hint = hintAttr == null ? null : hintAttr.getValue(); if ((hint != null) && (hint.trim().length() == 0)) { hint = null; } user.setHint(hint); updateBasicUserInfo(u, user); if (hasAdminPermission) { boolean locked = "true".equals(u.getAttributeValue("locked")); user.setLocked(locked); boolean disabled = "true".equals(u.getAttributeValue("disabled")); user.setDisabled(disabled); Element o = u.getChild("owner"); if (o != null && !o.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { String ownerName = o.getAttributeValue("name"); String ownerRealm = o.getAttributeValue("realm"); MCRUser owner = MCRUserManager.getUser(ownerName, ownerRealm); if (!checkUserIsNotNull(res, owner, ownerName + "@" + ownerRealm)) { return; } user.setOwner(owner); } else { user.setOwner(null); } String validUntilText = u.getChildTextTrim("validUntil"); if (validUntilText == null || validUntilText.length() == 0) { user.setValidUntil(null); } else { String dateInUTC = validUntilText; if (validUntilText.length() == 10) { dateInUTC = convertToUTC(validUntilText, "yyyy-MM-dd"); } MCRISO8601Date date = new MCRISO8601Date(dateInUTC); user.setValidUntil(date.getDate()); } } else { // save read user of creator user.setRealm(MCRRealmFactory.getLocalRealm()); user.setOwner(currentUser); } Element gs = u.getChild("roles"); if (gs != null) { user.getSystemRoleIDs().clear(); user.getExternalRoleIDs().clear(); List<Element> groupList = (List<Element>) gs.getChildren("role"); for (Element group : groupList) { String groupName = group.getAttributeValue("name"); if (hasAdminPermission || currentUser.isUserInRole(groupName)) { user.assignRole(groupName); } else { LOGGER.warn("Current user " + currentUser.getUserID() + " has not the permission to add user to group " + groupName); } } } if (userExists) { MCRUserManager.updateUser(user); } else { MCRUserManager.createUser(user); } res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL( "MCRUserServlet?action=show&id=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getUserID(), "UTF-8"))); }
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License:Open Source License
private void updateBasicUserInfo(Element u, MCRUser user) { String name = u.getChildText("realName"); if ((name != null) && (name.trim().length() == 0)) { name = null;//from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m } user.setRealName(name); String eMail = u.getChildText("eMail"); if ((eMail != null) && (eMail.trim().length() == 0)) { eMail = null; } user.setEMail(eMail); Element attributes = u.getChild("attributes"); if (attributes != null) { List<Element> attributeList = attributes.getChildren("attribute"); user.getAttributes().clear(); for (Element attribute : attributeList) { String key = attribute.getAttributeValue("name"); String value = attribute.getAttributeValue("value"); user.getAttributes().put(key, value); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public Module parse(Element element) { if (element.getName().equals("channel") || element.getName().equals("feed")) { return new PhotocastModuleImpl(); } else if (element.getChild("metadata", Parser.NS) == null && element.getChild("image", Parser.NS) == null) return null; PhotocastModule pm = new PhotocastModuleImpl(); List children = element.getChildren(); Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (!e.getNamespace().equals(Parser.NS)) continue; if (e.getName().equals("photoDate")) { try { pm.setPhotoDate(Parser.PHOTO_DATE_FORMAT.parse(e.getText())); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse photoDate: " + e.getText() + " " + ex.toString()); }/* w w w . ja v a 2 m*/ } else if (e.getName().equals("cropDate")) { try { pm.setCropDate(Parser.CROP_DATE_FORMAT.parse(e.getText())); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse cropDate: " + e.getText() + " " + ex.toString()); } } else if (e.getName().equals("thumbnail")) { try { pm.setThumbnailUrl(new URL(e.getText())); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse thumnail: " + e.getText() + " " + ex.toString()); } } else if (e.getName().equals("image")) { try { pm.setImageUrl(new URL(e.getText())); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse image: " + e.getText() + " " + ex.toString()); } } else if (e.getName().equals("metadata")) { String comments = ""; PhotoDate photoDate = null; if (e.getChildText("PhotoDate") != null) { try { photoDate = new PhotoDate(Double.parseDouble(e.getChildText("PhotoDate"))); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warning("Unable to parse PhotoDate: " + e.getText() + " " + ex.toString()); } } if (e.getChildText("Comments") != null) { comments = e.getChildText("Comments"); } pm.setMetadata(new Metadata(photoDate, comments)); } } return pm; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Download and parse banners.xml/*w ww .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ * Map key : banner type (season, fanart, series...) * Map value : vector of urls * @return map * @throws ProviderException */ public HashMap<String, String[]> bannersInfo(String seriesId) throws ProviderException { class BannerInfo implements Comparable<BannerInfo> { String url; double rating; @Override public int compareTo(BannerInfo o) { return (int) (rating - ((BannerInfo) o).rating); } } HashMap<String, List<BannerInfo>> res = new HashMap<String, List<BannerInfo>>(); Document doc = downloadXml("" + apiKey + "/series/" + seriesId + "/banners.xml"); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> banners = root.getChildren(); for (Element bannerElem : banners) { String type = bannerElem.getChildText("BannerType"); String url = bannerElem.getChildText("BannerPath"); String rating = (bannerElem.getChildText("Rating").isEmpty()) ? "0" : bannerElem.getChildText("Rating"); if (!res.containsKey(type)) res.put(type, new ArrayList<BannerInfo>()); BannerInfo bi = new BannerInfo(); bi.url = url; bi.rating = Double.parseDouble(rating); res.get(type).add(bi); } HashMap<String, String[]> bannersMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); //We sort banners info and limit 5 banners by type for (Entry<String, List<BannerInfo>> entry : res.entrySet()) { Collections.sort(entry.getValue(), Collections.reverseOrder()); int size = (entry.getValue().size() > 10) ? 10 : entry.getValue().size(); bannersMap.put(entry.getKey(), new String[size]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { bannersMap.get(entry.getKey())[i] = entry.getValue().get(i).url; } } return bannersMap; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List<Block> displayField(JIRAField field, Element issue, JIRAMacroParameters parameters) { List<Block> result = Collections.emptyList(); String key = issue.getChildText(JIRAField.KEY.getId()); if (key != null) { String link = issue.getChildText(JIRAField.LINK.getId()); List<Block> labelBlocks = Arrays.<Block>asList(new VerbatimBlock(key, true)); // If the Issue is closed then display it striked-out String resolutionId = issue.getChild(JIRAField.RESOLUTION.getId()).getAttributeValue("id"); if (!"-1".equals(resolutionId)) { // The issue is resolved labelBlocks = Arrays.<Block>asList(new FormatBlock(labelBlocks, Format.STRIKEDOUT)); }/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (link != null) { ResourceReference reference = new ResourceReference(link, ResourceType.URL); result = Arrays.<Block>asList(new LinkBlock(labelBlocks, reference, true)); } else { result = labelBlocks; } } return result; }