List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getChildText
public String getChildText(final String cname)
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License:Open Source License
/************************************************************************/ private String importCapabilities(Element capElem) { String result = "Capabilities: 0 in imported file."; if (capElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Capability")) { int added = 0; List<Element> capList = capElem.getChildren(); for (Element cap : capList) { String id = cap.getAttributeValue("id"); Capability c = orgDataSet.getCapability(id); if ((c == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownCapabilityName(cap.getChildText("name")))) { c = new Capability(); c.reconstitute(cap); orgDataSet.importCapability(c); added++;/* w w w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ } } result = String.format("Capabilities: %d/%d imported.", added, capList.size()); } else { result = "Capabilities: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importNonHumanCategories(Element nhcElem) { String result = "NonHumanCategories: 0 in imported file."; if (nhcElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("NonHumanCategory")) { int added = 0; List<Element> children = nhcElem.getChildren(); for (Element nhc : children) { String id = nhc.getAttributeValue("id"); String name = nhc.getChildText("name"); NonHumanCategory c = orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategory(id); if ((c == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownNonHumanCategoryName(name))) { c = new NonHumanCategory(name); c.setID(id);/* w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ c.setDescription(nhc.getChildText("description")); c.setNotes(nhc.getChildText("notes")); for (Element eSubCat : nhc.getChild("subcategories").getChildren()) { String subcat = eSubCat.getText(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subcat)) { c.addSubCategory(subcat); } } orgDataSet.importNonHumanCategory(c); added++; } } result = String.format("NonHumanCategories: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "NonHumanCategories: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importNonHumanResources(Element nhrElem) { String result = "NonHumanResources: 0 in imported file."; if (nhrElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("NonHumanResource")) { int added = 0; List<Element> children = nhrElem.getChildren(); for (Element nhr : children) { String id = nhr.getAttributeValue("id"); NonHumanResource r = orgDataSet.getNonHumanResource(id); if ((r == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownNonHumanResourceName(nhr.getChildText("name")))) { r = new NonHumanResource(nhr); String catID = nhr.getChild("category").getAttributeValue("id"); NonHumanCategory category = orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategory(catID); if (category != null) { r.setCategory(category); String subcat = nhr.getChildText("subcategory"); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subcat)) { r.setSubCategory(subcat); }/* w ww. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ } orgDataSet.importNonHumanResource(r); added++; } } result = String.format("NonHumanResources: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "NonHumanResources: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importRoles(Element roleElem) { String result = "Roles: 0 in imported file."; if (roleElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Role")) { Hashtable<String, Role> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, Role>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = roleElem.getChildren(); for (Element role : children) { String id = role.getAttributeValue("id"); Role r = orgDataSet.getRole(id); if ((r == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownRoleName(role.getChildText("name")))) { r = new Role(); // ensure all roles created before cyclic refs are added Element belongsTo = role.getChild("belongsToID"); if (belongsTo != null) { cyclics.put(belongsTo.getText(), r); }//w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m r.reconstitute(role); orgDataSet.importRole(r); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { Role r = cyclics.get(id); r.setOwnerRole(orgDataSet.getRole(id)); orgDataSet.updateRole(r); } result = String.format("Roles: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Roles: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importOrgGroups(Element ogElem) { String result = "OrgGroup: 0 in imported file."; if (ogElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("OrgGroup")) { Hashtable<String, OrgGroup> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, OrgGroup>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = ogElem.getChildren(); for (Element group : children) { String id = group.getAttributeValue("id"); OrgGroup og = orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(id); if ((og == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownOrgGroupName(group.getChildText("groupName")))) { og = new OrgGroup(); // ensure all OrgGroups created before cyclic refs are added Element belongsTo = group.getChild("belongsToID"); if (belongsTo != null) { cyclics.put(belongsTo.getText(), og); }// ww w. java 2 s. c om og.reconstitute(group); orgDataSet.importOrgGroup(og); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { OrgGroup og = cyclics.get(id); og.setBelongsTo(orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(id)); orgDataSet.updateOrgGroup(og); } result = String.format("OrgGroups: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "OrgGroups: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importPositions(Element posElem) { String result = "Positions: 0 in imported file."; if (posElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("OrgGroup")) { Hashtable<String, Position> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, Position>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = posElem.getChildren(); for (Element pos : children) { String id = pos.getAttributeValue("id"); Position p = orgDataSet.getPosition(id); if ((p == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownPositionName(pos.getChildText("title")))) { p = new Position(); // ensure all Positions created before cyclic refs are added Element reportsTo = pos.getChild("reportstoid"); if (reportsTo != null) { cyclics.put(reportsTo.getText(), p); }//from w ww. j a va2s. c o m p.reconstitute(pos); Element ogElem = pos.getChild("orggroupid"); if (ogElem != null) { p.setOrgGroup(orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(ogElem.getText())); } orgDataSet.importPosition(p); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { Position p = cyclics.get(id); p.setReportsTo(orgDataSet.getPosition(id)); orgDataSet.updatePosition(p); } result = String.format("Positions: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Positions: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private String importParticipants(Element pElem) { String result = "Participants: 0 in imported file."; int added = 0; if (pElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Participant")) { List<Element> children = pElem.getChildren(); for (Element part : children) { String id = part.getAttributeValue("id"); Participant p = orgDataSet.getParticipant(id); if ((p == null) && (!_rm.isKnownUserID(part.getChildText("userid")))) { p = new Participant(); p.reconstitute(part); p.setPassword(part.getChildText("password")); p.setDescription(part.getChildText("description")); p.setNotes(part.getChildText("notes")); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "roles"); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "positions"); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "capabilities"); p.getUserPrivileges().setPrivilegesFromBits(part.getChildText("privileges")); _rm.importParticipant(p); added++;//from w ww .j av a } } result = String.format("Participants: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Positions: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private DynFormField addField(String name, String type, Element data, String minOccurs, String maxOccurs, int level) { String value = (data != null) ? data.getChildText(name) : ""; DynFormField input = new DynFormField(name, type, value); populateField(input, name, minOccurs, maxOccurs, level); return input; }
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License:Open Source License
private void adjustSessionTimeout(WorkItemRecord wir) { // get new timeout value (if any) String rawValue = null;/*from ww w .j ava2 s .c om*/ Element data = wir.getDataList(); if (data != null) { rawValue = data.getChildText("ySessionTimeout"); } // convert to int, remember current timeout, set new timeout (as secs) if (rawValue != null) { try { int minutes = new Integer(rawValue); HttpSession session = _sb.getExternalSession(); _sb.setDefaultSessionTimeoutValue(session.getMaxInactiveInterval()); session.setMaxInactiveInterval(minutes * 60); _sb.setSessionTimeoutValueChanged(true); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // bad timeout value supplied - nothing further to do } } }
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License:Open Source License
public void reconstitute(Element e) { setID(e.getAttributeValue("id")); setDescription(JDOMUtil.decodeEscapes(e.getChildText("description"))); setNotes(JDOMUtil.decodeEscapes(e.getChildText("notes"))); }