Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved. * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology. * * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>. */ package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.datastore.orgdata; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.ResourceManager; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.*; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanCategory; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanResource; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanSubCategory; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.rsInterface.ResourceGatewayException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.JDOMUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.StringUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.XNode; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.XNodeParser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Michael Adams * @date 14/11/2008, 08/11/10 (non-human resources) */ public class DataBackupEngine { ResourceManager _rm = ResourceManager.getInstance(); ResourceDataSet orgDataSet = _rm.getOrgDataSet(); Logger _log = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass()); public String exportOrgData() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("<orgdata>"); result.append(exportParticipants()); result.append(exportRoles()); result.append(exportPositions()); result.append(exportCapabilities()); result.append(exportOrgGroups()); result.append(exportNonHumanResources()); result.append(exportNonHumanCategories()); result.append("</orgdata>"); XNode node = new XNodeParser().parse(result.toString()); return node.toPrettyString(true); } public List<String> importOrgData(String xml) { List<String> msgList = new ArrayList<String>(); Document doc = JDOMUtil.stringToDocument(xml); if (doc != null) { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (root != null) { msgList.add(importCapabilities(root.getChild("capabilities"))); msgList.add(importRoles(root.getChild("roles"))); msgList.add(importOrgGroups(root.getChild("orggroups"))); msgList.add(importPositions(root.getChild("positions"))); msgList.add(importParticipants(root.getChild("participants"))); msgList.add(importNonHumanCategories(root.getChild("nonhumancategories"))); msgList.add(importNonHumanResources(root.getChild("nonhumanresources"))); } } if (msgList.isEmpty()) msgList.add("Invalid YAWL Org Data Export file."); return msgList; } /*************************************************************************/ private String exportParticipants() { Set<Participant> pSet = orgDataSet.getParticipants(); if (pSet != null) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<participants>"); for (Participant p : pSet) { xml.append(String.format("<participant id=\"%s\">", p.getID())); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getUserID(), "userid")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getPassword(), "password")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getFirstName(), "firstname")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getLastName(), "lastname")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getDescription(), "description")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(p.getNotes(), "notes")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(String.valueOf(p.isAdministrator()), "isAdministrator")); xml.append("<roles>"); for (Role role : p.getRoles()) xml.append(StringUtil.wrap(role.getID(), "role")); xml.append("</roles>"); xml.append("<positions>"); for (Position position : p.getPositions()) xml.append(StringUtil.wrap(position.getID(), "position")); xml.append("</positions>"); xml.append("<capabilities>"); for (Capability capability : p.getCapabilities()) xml.append(StringUtil.wrap(capability.getID(), "capability")); xml.append("</capabilities>"); xml.append("<privileges>").append(p.getUserPrivileges().getPrivilegesAsBits()) .append("</privileges>"); xml.append("</participant>"); } xml.append("</participants>"); return xml.toString(); } return ""; } private String exportRoles() { return orgDataSet.getRolesAsXML(); } private String exportPositions() { return orgDataSet.getPositionsAsXML(); } private String exportCapabilities() { return orgDataSet.getCapabilitiesAsXML(); } private String exportOrgGroups() { return orgDataSet.getOrgGroupsAsXML(); } private String exportNonHumanResources() { XNode top = new XNode("nonhumanresources"); for (NonHumanResource n : orgDataSet.getNonHumanResources()) { XNode resource = top.addChild("nonhumanresource"); resource.addAttribute("id", n.getID()); resource.addChild("name", n.getName(), true); if (n.getDescription() != null) { resource.addChild("description", n.getDescription(), true); } if (n.getNotes() != null) resource.addChild("notes", n.getNotes(), true); XNode category = resource.addChild("category"); category.addAttribute("id", n.getCategory().getID()); String subcat = n.getSubCategoryName(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subcat)) { resource.addChild("subcategory", subcat, true); } } return top.toString(); } private String exportNonHumanCategories() { XNode top = new XNode("nonhumancategories"); for (NonHumanCategory category : orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategories()) { XNode catNode = top.addChild("nonhumancategory"); catNode.addAttribute("id", category.getID()); catNode.addChild("name", category.getName(), true); if (category.getDescription() != null) { catNode.addChild("description", category.getDescription(), true); } if (category.getNotes() != null) { catNode.addChild("notes", category.getNotes(), true); } XNode subCatNode = catNode.addChild("subcategories"); for (NonHumanSubCategory subCategory : category.getSubCategories()) { subCatNode.addChild("name", subCategory.getName(), true); } } return top.toString(); } /************************************************************************/ private String importCapabilities(Element capElem) { String result = "Capabilities: 0 in imported file."; if (capElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Capability")) { int added = 0; List<Element> capList = capElem.getChildren(); for (Element cap : capList) { String id = cap.getAttributeValue("id"); Capability c = orgDataSet.getCapability(id); if ((c == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownCapabilityName(cap.getChildText("name")))) { c = new Capability(); c.reconstitute(cap); orgDataSet.importCapability(c); added++; } } result = String.format("Capabilities: %d/%d imported.", added, capList.size()); } else { result = "Capabilities: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importNonHumanCategories(Element nhcElem) { String result = "NonHumanCategories: 0 in imported file."; if (nhcElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("NonHumanCategory")) { int added = 0; List<Element> children = nhcElem.getChildren(); for (Element nhc : children) { String id = nhc.getAttributeValue("id"); String name = nhc.getChildText("name"); NonHumanCategory c = orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategory(id); if ((c == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownNonHumanCategoryName(name))) { c = new NonHumanCategory(name); c.setID(id); c.setDescription(nhc.getChildText("description")); c.setNotes(nhc.getChildText("notes")); for (Element eSubCat : nhc.getChild("subcategories").getChildren()) { String subcat = eSubCat.getText(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subcat)) { c.addSubCategory(subcat); } } orgDataSet.importNonHumanCategory(c); added++; } } result = String.format("NonHumanCategories: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "NonHumanCategories: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importNonHumanResources(Element nhrElem) { String result = "NonHumanResources: 0 in imported file."; if (nhrElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("NonHumanResource")) { int added = 0; List<Element> children = nhrElem.getChildren(); for (Element nhr : children) { String id = nhr.getAttributeValue("id"); NonHumanResource r = orgDataSet.getNonHumanResource(id); if ((r == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownNonHumanResourceName(nhr.getChildText("name")))) { r = new NonHumanResource(nhr); String catID = nhr.getChild("category").getAttributeValue("id"); NonHumanCategory category = orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategory(catID); if (category != null) { r.setCategory(category); String subcat = nhr.getChildText("subcategory"); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subcat)) { r.setSubCategory(subcat); } } orgDataSet.importNonHumanResource(r); added++; } } result = String.format("NonHumanResources: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "NonHumanResources: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importRoles(Element roleElem) { String result = "Roles: 0 in imported file."; if (roleElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Role")) { Hashtable<String, Role> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, Role>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = roleElem.getChildren(); for (Element role : children) { String id = role.getAttributeValue("id"); Role r = orgDataSet.getRole(id); if ((r == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownRoleName(role.getChildText("name")))) { r = new Role(); // ensure all roles created before cyclic refs are added Element belongsTo = role.getChild("belongsToID"); if (belongsTo != null) { cyclics.put(belongsTo.getText(), r); } r.reconstitute(role); orgDataSet.importRole(r); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { Role r = cyclics.get(id); r.setOwnerRole(orgDataSet.getRole(id)); orgDataSet.updateRole(r); } result = String.format("Roles: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Roles: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importOrgGroups(Element ogElem) { String result = "OrgGroup: 0 in imported file."; if (ogElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("OrgGroup")) { Hashtable<String, OrgGroup> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, OrgGroup>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = ogElem.getChildren(); for (Element group : children) { String id = group.getAttributeValue("id"); OrgGroup og = orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(id); if ((og == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownOrgGroupName(group.getChildText("groupName")))) { og = new OrgGroup(); // ensure all OrgGroups created before cyclic refs are added Element belongsTo = group.getChild("belongsToID"); if (belongsTo != null) { cyclics.put(belongsTo.getText(), og); } og.reconstitute(group); orgDataSet.importOrgGroup(og); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { OrgGroup og = cyclics.get(id); og.setBelongsTo(orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(id)); orgDataSet.updateOrgGroup(og); } result = String.format("OrgGroups: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "OrgGroups: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importPositions(Element posElem) { String result = "Positions: 0 in imported file."; if (posElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("OrgGroup")) { Hashtable<String, Position> cyclics = new Hashtable<String, Position>(); int added = 0; List<Element> children = posElem.getChildren(); for (Element pos : children) { String id = pos.getAttributeValue("id"); Position p = orgDataSet.getPosition(id); if ((p == null) && (!orgDataSet.isKnownPositionName(pos.getChildText("title")))) { p = new Position(); // ensure all Positions created before cyclic refs are added Element reportsTo = pos.getChild("reportstoid"); if (reportsTo != null) { cyclics.put(reportsTo.getText(), p); } p.reconstitute(pos); Element ogElem = pos.getChild("orggroupid"); if (ogElem != null) { p.setOrgGroup(orgDataSet.getOrgGroup(ogElem.getText())); } orgDataSet.importPosition(p); added++; } } for (String id : cyclics.keySet()) { Position p = cyclics.get(id); p.setReportsTo(orgDataSet.getPosition(id)); orgDataSet.updatePosition(p); } result = String.format("Positions: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Positions: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private String importParticipants(Element pElem) { String result = "Participants: 0 in imported file."; int added = 0; if (pElem != null) { if (orgDataSet.isDataEditable("Participant")) { List<Element> children = pElem.getChildren(); for (Element part : children) { String id = part.getAttributeValue("id"); Participant p = orgDataSet.getParticipant(id); if ((p == null) && (!_rm.isKnownUserID(part.getChildText("userid")))) { p = new Participant(); p.reconstitute(part); p.setPassword(part.getChildText("password")); p.setDescription(part.getChildText("description")); p.setNotes(part.getChildText("notes")); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "roles"); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "positions"); addParticipantToResourceGroup(p, part, "capabilities"); p.getUserPrivileges().setPrivilegesFromBits(part.getChildText("privileges")); _rm.importParticipant(p); added++; } } result = String.format("Participants: %d/%d imported.", added, children.size()); } else { result = "Positions: could not import, external dataset is read-only."; } } return result; } private void addParticipantToResourceGroup(Participant p, Element e, String resGroup) { Element groupElem = e.getChild(resGroup); if (groupElem != null) { for (Element eID : groupElem.getChildren()) { String id = eID.getText(); try { if (resGroup.equals("roles")) p.addRole(id); else if (resGroup.equals("positions")) p.addPosition(id); else if (resGroup.equals("capabilities")) p.addCapability(id); } catch (ResourceGatewayException rge) { _log.warn("Unable to add {} for participant '{}': {}", resGroup, p.getFullName(), rge.getMessage()); } } } } }