Java tutorial
package jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder; /* * <hr> * This file is part of JMRI. * <P> * JMRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation. See the "COPYING" file for a copy * of this license. * <P> * JMRI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * <P> * * @author Mark Underwood Copyright (C) 2011 * @version $Revision: 18481 $ */ import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import jmri.util.PhysicalLocation; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; // Usage: // EngineSound() : constructor // play() : plays short horn pop // loop() : starts extended sustain horn // stop() : ends extended sustain horn (plays end sound) class Diesel2Sound extends EngineSound { // Engine Sounds HashMap<Integer, NotchSound> notch_sounds; SoundBite start_sound; SoundBite shutdown_sound; SoundBite notch_transition; // used for changing notches Float throttle_setting; EnginePane engine_pane; int current_notch = 1; boolean changing_speed = false; public Diesel2Sound(String name) { super(name); } // Note: Play and Loop do the same thing, since all of the notch sounds are set to loop. @Override public void play() { log.debug("EngineSound Play: current_notch = " + current_notch); if (notch_sounds.containsKey(current_notch) && (engine_started || auto_start_engine)) { notch_sounds.get(current_notch).play(); is_playing = true; } } // Note: Play and Loop do the same thing, since all of the notch sounds are set to loop. @Override public void loop() { if (notch_sounds.containsKey(current_notch) && (engine_started || auto_start_engine)) { notch_sounds.get(current_notch).play(); is_playing = true; } } @Override public void stop() { if (notch_sounds.containsKey(current_notch)) { notch_sounds.get(current_notch).stop(); } is_playing = false; } @Override public void handleSpeedChange(Float s, EnginePane e) { throttle_setting = s; if (!changing_speed) { changeSpeed(s, e); } } // Responds to "CHANGE" trigger public void changeThrottle(float s) { NotchSound cn = notch_sounds.get(current_notch); log.debug("Change Throttle: " + s + " Accel Limit = " + cn.getAccelLimit() + " Decel Limit = " + cn.getDecelLimit()); throttle_setting = s; // Really first, is this a "Panic Stop"? if (s < 0) { // DO something to shut down this.shutdown(); return; } // First, am I too fast or too slow for the current notch? if ((s <= cn.getAccelLimit()) && (s >= cn.getDecelLimit())) { // Still (or now) in this notch. Nothing to do. changing_speed = false; log.debug("No Change"); cn.fadeIn(); //; return; } else if (s > cn.getAccelLimit()) { // Too fast. Need to go to next notch up. changing_speed = true; notch_transition = cn.getAccelSound(); current_notch = cn.getNextNotch(); log.debug("Change up. notch=" + current_notch); } else if (s < cn.getDecelLimit()) { // Too slow. Need to go to next notch down. changing_speed = true; notch_transition = cn.getDecelSound(); current_notch = cn.getPrevNotch(); log.debug("Change down. notch=" + current_notch); } // Now, regardless of whether we're going up or down, set the timer, // fade the current sound, and move on. if (notch_transition == null) { // No transition sound to play. Skip the timer bit. // Recurse directly to try the next notch. //cn.fadeOut();; changeThrottle(s); log.debug("No transition sound defined."); return; } t = newTimer(notch_transition.getLengthAsInt() - this.getFadeInTime(), false, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleNotchTimerPop(e); } }); t.start(); //cn.fadeOut(); cn.stop(); //notch_transition.fadeIn();; // Regardless, set the throttle to the (possibly new) current notch. } protected void changeSpeed(Float s, EnginePane e) { engine_pane = e; // this should probably be cleaned up. It's here for the recursion. changeThrottle(s); } protected void handleNotchTimerPop(ActionEvent e) { // semi-Recursively call the speed change handler until it quits setting up timers. notch_transition.fadeOut(); changeSpeed(throttle_setting, engine_pane); } @Override public void startEngine() {; current_notch = calcEngineNotch(0.0f); t = newTimer(start_sound.getLengthAsInt() - start_sound.getFadeOutTime(), false, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { startToIdleAction(e); } }); t.setInitialDelay(start_sound.getLengthAsInt() - start_sound.getFadeOutTime()); t.setRepeats(false); log.debug("Starting Engine"); t.start(); } @Override public void stopEngine() { notch_sounds.get(current_notch).fadeOut();; engine_started = false; } private void startToIdleAction(ActionEvent e) { log.debug("Starting idle sound notch = " + current_notch + " sound = " + notch_sounds.get(current_notch)); notch_sounds.get(current_notch).loop(); engine_started = true; } @Override public void shutdown() { for (NotchSound ns : notch_sounds.values()) { ns.stop(); } if (start_sound != null) { start_sound.stop(); } if (shutdown_sound != null) { shutdown_sound.stop(); } } @Override public void mute(boolean m) { for (NotchSound ns : notch_sounds.values()) { ns.mute(m); } if (start_sound != null) { start_sound.mute(m); } if (shutdown_sound != null) { shutdown_sound.mute(m); } } @Override public void setVolume(float v) { for (NotchSound ns : notch_sounds.values()) { ns.setVolume(v); } if (start_sound != null) { start_sound.setVolume(v); } if (shutdown_sound != null) { shutdown_sound.setVolume(v); } } @Override public void setPosition(PhysicalLocation p) { for (NotchSound ns : notch_sounds.values()) { ns.setPosition(p); } if (start_sound != null) { start_sound.setPosition(p); } if (shutdown_sound != null) { shutdown_sound.setPosition(p); } } @Override public Element getXml() { Element me = new Element("sound"); me.setAttribute("name", this.getName()); me.setAttribute("type", "engine"); // Do something, eventually... return (me); } @Override public void setXml(Element e, VSDFile vf) { Element el; String fn; NotchSound sb; // Handle the common stuff. super.setXml(e, vf); log.debug("Diesel EngineSound: " + e.getAttribute("name").getValue()); notch_sounds = new HashMap<Integer, NotchSound>(); // Get the notch sounds Iterator<Element> itr = (e.getChildren("notch-sound")).iterator(); int i = 0; while (itr.hasNext()) { el =; fn = el.getChildText("file"); int nn = Integer.parseInt(el.getChildText("notch")); //log.debug("Notch: " + nn + " File: " + fn); sb = new NotchSound(vf, fn, "Engine_n" + i, "Engine_" + i); sb.setLooped(true); sb.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime()); sb.setGain(setXMLGain(el)); sb.setNextNotch(el.getChildText("next-notch")); sb.setPrevNotch(el.getChildText("prev-notch")); sb.setAccelLimit(el.getChildText("accel-limit")); sb.setDecelLimit(el.getChildText("decel-limit")); if (el.getChildText("accel-file") != null) { sb.setAccelSound( new SoundBite(vf, el.getChildText("accel-file"), "Engine_na" + i, "Engine_na" + i)); } else { sb.setAccelSound(null); } if (el.getChildText("decel-file") != null) { sb.setDecelSound( new SoundBite(vf, el.getChildText("decel-file"), "Engine_nd" + i, "Engine_nd" + i)); } else { sb.setDecelSound(null); } // Store in the list. notch_sounds.put(nn, sb); i++; } // Get the start and stop sounds el = e.getChild("start-sound"); if (el != null) { fn = el.getChild("file").getValue(); //log.debug("Start sound: " + fn); start_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_start", "Engine_Start"); // Handle gain start_sound.setGain(setXMLGain(el)); start_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime()); start_sound.setLooped(false); } el = e.getChild("shutdown-sound"); if (el != null) { fn = el.getChild("file").getValue(); //log.debug("Shutdown sound: " + fn); shutdown_sound = new SoundBite(vf, fn, "Engine_shutdown", "Engine_Shutdown"); shutdown_sound.setLooped(false); // Handle gain shutdown_sound.setGain(setXMLGain(el)); shutdown_sound.setFadeTimes(this.getFadeInTime(), this.getFadeOutTime()); } } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EngineSound.class.getName()); }