List of usage examples for org.hibernate StatelessSession close
void close();
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License:Mozilla Public License
@Override public void insertAll(List<GenericVulnerability> vulnerabilityList) { StatelessSession statelessSession = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); Transaction transaction = statelessSession.beginTransaction(); try {/* www .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ for (GenericVulnerability vulnerability : vulnerabilityList) { statelessSession.insert(vulnerability); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { transaction.rollback(); } finally { statelessSession.close(); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void exportMetaDataToDB(final String dbTable, final String batchId, final String batchClass, final String docType, final String docField, final String docFieldValue, final String mappedDbTableColumn) throws DCMAApplicationException { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Problem occured in updating database table "; Connection connection = null; try {/*from ww w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/"Preparing Query.."); connection = dynamicHibernateDao.getConnectionProvider().getConnection(); StatelessSession statelessSession = dynamicHibernateDao.getStatelessSession(connection); Transaction transaction = statelessSession.getTransaction(); StringBuffer dbQueryBuffer = new StringBuffer(DbExportConstant.INSERT_INTO); dbQueryBuffer.append(dbTable); String columnNames = prepareColumnNamesString(mappedDbTableColumn); dbQueryBuffer.append(columnNames); String values = prepareQueryValues(batchId, batchClass, docType, docField, docFieldValue); dbQueryBuffer.append(values); String dbQuery = null; dbQuery = dbQueryBuffer.toString();"Prepared query : " + dbQuery); SQLQuery query = dynamicHibernateDao.createUpdateOrInsertQuery(statelessSession, dbQuery); transaction.begin(); int result = query.executeUpdate(); transaction.commit(); statelessSession.close();"DB Export Plugin: Result of SQL commital transaction = " + result); } catch (HibernateException e) { LOGGER.error(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error closing the database session: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (dynamicHibernateDao != null) { dynamicHibernateDao.closeSession(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean testConnection(String connectionURL, String userName, String password, String driverClass) { boolean connectionSuccessful = false; if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(connectionURL) || !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(userName) || !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(password) || !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(driverClass)) { try {// w w w . jav a 2s.c om final DynamicHibernateDao dao = HibernateDaoUtil.testHibernateDaoConnection(driverClass, connectionURL, userName, password); try { StatelessSession session = dao.getStatelessSession(); connectionSuccessful = true; session.close(); } catch (DCMAException dcmaException) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block connectionSuccessful = false; LOGGER.error( StringUtil.concatenate("Unable to establish connection.", dcmaException.getMessage())); } finally { dao.closeSession(); } } catch (DCMAException dcmaException) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block"Unable to connect to Database.", dcmaException.getMessage())); } } return connectionSuccessful; }
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License:Apache License
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false) protected <T> void save(List<T> entities) { StatelessSession session = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); for (T entity : entities) { session.update(entity);//from www . j av a2 s. c o m } session.close(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void closeStatelessSession(final StatelessSession statelessSession) { try {/*from w w w .j a v a 2s.c o m*/ statelessSession.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not close stateless session", e); } }
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License:Open Source License
public Serializable getId() { StatelessSession session = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); Serializable id = generator.generate((StatelessSessionImpl) session, new ID()); session.close(); return id;/* w ww . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public synchronized Ticket peekTicket() throws BillingException { final Ticket[] ticket = { null }; hibernateHelper.retry(new Runnable() { @Override/*from w w w . jav a2 s . c om*/ public void run() { StatelessSession session = hibernateHelper.getSession(); try { ticket[0] = (Ticket) session.createCriteria(Ticket.class).setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult(); ; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("(HibernateTicketManager) peekTicket " + ticket[0]); } } finally { session.close(); } } }); return ticket[0]; }
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License:Open Source License
public synchronized SecurityToken consumeToken(final String tokenID) throws NoSuchSecurityTokenException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException { final SecurityToken[] token = { null }; Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.debug("(SecurityTokenManager) Try to consume tokenID: '" + tokenID + "'"); removeExpired();//from ww w.ja v a 2 s. com if (tokens != null) { token[0] = tokens.get(tokenID); if (Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.isDebugEnabled()) { Engine.logSecurityTokenManager .debug("(SecurityTokenManager) Memory tokens manager retrieves: " + token[0]); } } if (hibernateHelper != null) { hibernateHelper.retry(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { StatelessSession session = hibernateHelper.getSession(); try { token[0] = (SecurityToken) session.createCriteria(SecurityToken.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("tokenID", tokenID)).uniqueResult(); } finally { session.close(); } } }); if (Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.isDebugEnabled()) { Engine.logSecurityTokenManager .debug("(SecurityTokenManager) Database tokens manager retrieves: " + token[0]); } } if (token[0] == null) { Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.debug("(SecurityTokenManager) Not found tokenID: '" + tokenID + "'"); throw new NoSuchSecurityTokenException(tokenID); } if (tokens != null) { tokens.remove(tokenID); } if (hibernateHelper != null) { hibernateHelper.delete(token[0]); } if (token[0].isExpired()) { Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.debug("(SecurityTokenManager) Expired tokenID: '" + tokenID + "'"); throw new ExpiredSecurityTokenException(tokenID); } Engine.logSecurityTokenManager.debug("(SecurityTokenManager) The security token is: '" + token[0] + "'"); return token[0]; }
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License:Creative Commons License
/** * This method implements the core logic of the batch processor. * @param databaseSession contains the database session from the abstract class that will be used to iterator over the individual records. * @param messagingCore contains a reference to the messaging infrastructure. * @param dataQualityService contains a reference to the data quality service. * @throws CprException will be thrown for any Cpr Related problems. * @throws JSONException will be thrown for any JSON problems. * @throws JMSException will be thrown for any messaging problems. *///from www. j a va2s . c o m @Override public void implementBatchProcessor(StatelessSession databaseSession, MessagingCore messagingCore, DataQualityService dataQualityService) throws CprException, ParseException, JSONException, JMSException { final Date d = new Date(); // Calculate the start and end date/times based on the current date. setStartDateTime(Utility.makeStartDate(d)); setEndDateTime(Utility.makeEndDate(d)); // Do a select to find all of the people who have had an address changed for the current date. final Query query = databaseSession .createQuery("from AddressStaging where importDate BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date"); query.setFetchSize(RECORD_FETCH_SIZE); query.setParameter("start_date", startDateTime); query.setParameter("end_date", endDateTime); // Init some objects. StatelessSession recordSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); final AddressPostProcessor addressPostProcessor = new AddressPostProcessor(recordSession, messagingCore); final ChangeNotification changeNotification = new ChangeNotification(recordSession, messagingCore); final PersonBio personBio = new PersonBio(recordSession, BatchDataSource.ADDRESS_POSTPROCESS, dataQualityService); Transaction tx = null; // Loop through the results. for (final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AddressStaging bean = (AddressStaging); final Long personId = bean.getPersonId(); try { tx = recordSession.beginTransaction(); // Process an address change for a person. addressPostProcessor.resetHistoryBeans(); addressPostProcessor.processAddressChange(personId, AddressType.get(bean.getDataTypeKey())); // Only check for messaging if there was a change. if (addressPostProcessor.getOldAddressBean() != null || addressPostProcessor.getNewAddressBean() != null) { // Find the person using their person identifier. Long pid = personBio.findPersonUsingPersonId(personId); if (pid != null && pid.equals(personId)) { // Set the required information for a json message. if (addressPostProcessor.getNewAddressBean() != null) { changeNotification.setRequiredInfo(personId, personBio.getPsuIdNumber(), personBio.getPrimaryUserid(), addressPostProcessor.getNewAddressBean().getImportFrom()); // Address change. changeNotification.addressChange(addressPostProcessor.getOldAddressBean(), addressPostProcessor.getNewAddressBean()); } else { "Address Post Process Batch: expired old address, but did not add a new one for person identifier : " + personId); } } } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { // $codepro.audit.disable logExceptions LOG.error("Address Post Processor Batch: error encountered person identifier : " + personId); tx.rollback(); recordSession.close(); recordSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); addressPostProcessor.setStatelessSession(recordSession); changeNotification.setStatelessSession(recordSession); personBio.setDatabaseSession(recordSession); } } try { recordSession.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // $codepro.audit.disable emptyCatchClause } }
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License:Creative Commons License
@Override public void implementBatchProcessor(final StatelessSession databaseSession, final MessagingCore messagingCore, final DataQualityService dataQualityService) throws CprException, JSONException, JMSException { final long startTime, stopTime; final long totalRecords; long recordsProcessed = 0; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Perform a query for all of the trans empl records. final Query query = databaseSession.createQuery("FROM TransEmpl ORDER BY codeApptType ASC"); query.setFetchSize(RECORD_FETCH_SIZE); StatelessSession recordSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); final EmployeeInfo employeeInfo = new EmployeeInfo(recordSession, BATCH_DATA_SOURCE, dataQualityService); final ChangeNotification changeNotification = new ChangeNotification(recordSession, messagingCore); affiliationCalculator = new EduPersonAffiliationCalculator(recordSession, BATCH_DATA_SOURCE, dataQualityService);/* ww w.j ava 2 s. c o m*/ Transaction tx = null; final List<?> queryList = query.list(); totalRecords = queryList.size(); // Loop for all of the records that were found. for (final Iterator<?> it = queryList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final TransEmpl transEmpl = (TransEmpl); recordsProcessed++; fixBogusData(transEmpl); try { // Begin transaction. tx = recordSession.beginTransaction(); employeeInfo.resetHistoryBeans(); affiliationCalculator.resetHistoryBeans(); employeeInfo.setRecordNumber(transEmpl.getTransEmplKey().longValue()); employeeInfo.findPerson(transEmpl.getPsuId()); final Long personId = employeeInfo.getPersonId(); if (personId == null) { addEmployee(transEmpl, employeeInfo, changeNotification); } else { updateEmployee(transEmpl, employeeInfo, changeNotification); } // Commit! tx.commit(); } catch (final HibernateException ex) { // Log the error. LOG.error(BATCH_DATA_SOURCE.toString() + " Batch: error encountered on record #: " + transEmpl.getTransEmplKey(), ex); // Rollback the transaction, close the session. tx.rollback(); recordSession.close(); // We need to create a new session and update the person bio with the new session. recordSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); employeeInfo.setDatabaseSession(recordSession); changeNotification.setStatelessSession(recordSession); affiliationCalculator.setDatabaseSession(recordSession); } catch (final CprException ex) { // Log the error. LOG.error(BATCH_DATA_SOURCE.toString() + " Batch: error encountered on record #: " + transEmpl.getTransEmplKey(), ex); throw ex; } } try { recordSession.close(); } catch (final HibernateException e) { // Rollback the transaction, close the session. tx.rollback(); recordSession.close(); // We need to create a new session and update the helper classes with the new session. recordSession = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); employeeInfo.setDatabaseSession(recordSession); changeNotification.setStatelessSession(recordSession); affiliationCalculator.setDatabaseSession(recordSession); } stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final double elapsedTime = ((double) stopTime - startTime) / 1000; + " Batch: processed " + recordsProcessed + " records out of " + totalRecords + " in " + elapsedTime + " seconds"); }