Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package com.ephesoft.dcma.dbexport; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.StatelessSession; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Batch; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.PluginPropertiesService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.hibernate.DynamicHibernateDao; import com.ephesoft.dcma.dbexport.constant.DbExportConstant; /** * This plugin is responsible for storing the values of the extracted document level fields depending on the mapping file provided. * * @author Ephesoft * @version 1.0 * @see com.ephesoft.dcma.dbexport.constant.DbExportConstant */ public class DbExporter { /** * Logger used for logging the information, errors etc. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbExporter.class); /** * Mapping dictionary storing the values from mapping file with key being the document type. */ private static Dictionary<String, ArrayList<String[]>> mappingDict; /** * {@link DynamicHibernateDao} object used for doing database operations. */ private static DynamicHibernateDao dynamicHibernateDao; /** * pluginMappingFileName to store the mapping file name. */ private String pluginMappingFileName; /** * {@link BatchSchemaService} used for performing batch operations. */ @Autowired private BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService; /** * Instance of PluginPropertiesService. **/ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchInstancePluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService; /** * @return the batchSchemaService */ public BatchSchemaService getBatchSchemaService() { return batchSchemaService; } /** * @param batchSchemaService the batchSchemaService to set */ public void setBatchSchemaService(final BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService) { this.batchSchemaService = batchSchemaService; } /** * @return the pluginPropertiesService */ public PluginPropertiesService getPluginPropertiesService() { return pluginPropertiesService; } /** * @param pluginPropertiesService the pluginPropertiesService to set */ public void setPluginPropertiesService(final PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService) { this.pluginPropertiesService = pluginPropertiesService; } private String[] defineMapping(final String mapFileLine) {"Parsing the mapping " + mapFileLine); String[] mappingArr = new String[DbExportConstant.MAPPING_CONTENT_SIZE_4]; String[] tempMappingArr = new String[DbExportConstant.TEMP_CONTENT_SIZE_2]; String tempString = mapFileLine; String delimiter = DbExportConstant.PERIOD; tempMappingArr = extractPlaceHolder(tempString, delimiter); mappingArr[DbExportConstant.DOC_TYPE_POSITION] = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION]; tempString = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ONE_POSITION]; delimiter = DbExportConstant.EQUALS_SIGN; tempMappingArr = extractPlaceHolder(tempString, delimiter); mappingArr[DbExportConstant.DOC_FIELD_POSITION] = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION]; tempString = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ONE_POSITION]; delimiter = DbExportConstant.COLON; tempMappingArr = extractPlaceHolder(tempString, delimiter); mappingArr[DbExportConstant.TABLE_NAME_POSITION] = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION]; mappingArr[DbExportConstant.COLUMN_NAME_POSITION] = tempMappingArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ONE_POSITION];"Parsed values are " + mappingArr); return mappingArr; } private String[] extractPlaceHolder(final String tempString, final String delimiter) { String[] tokenValues = new String[DbExportConstant.TEMP_CONTENT_SIZE_2]; StringTokenizer stringTokenizer; stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tempString, delimiter); if (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenValues[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION] = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); tokenValues[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ONE_POSITION] = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); } return tokenValues; } private void parseMapping(final File mappingFile) throws DCMAApplicationException { "Parsing the Document level fields to database table mappings from mapping file: " + mappingFile); ArrayList<String[]> tempArr = new ArrayList<String[]>(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(mappingFile); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String currLine = scanner.nextLine().trim(); if (!(currLine.isEmpty() && currLine.startsWith(DbExportConstant.PROPERTIES_COMMENT_PREFIX))) { String[] sArr = defineMapping(currLine); if (mappingDict.get(sArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION]) != null) { mappingDict.get(sArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION]).add(sArr); } else { tempArr = new ArrayList<String[]>(); tempArr.add(sArr); mappingDict.put(sArr[DbExportConstant.TEMP_ZERO_POSITION], tempArr); } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) { LOGGER.error( "Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, FileNotFoundException: " + fne.getMessage(), fne); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, FileNotFoundException: " + fne.getMessage(), fne); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { LOGGER.error( "Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, NoSuchElementException: " + nse.getMessage(), nse); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, NoSuchElementException: " + nse.getMessage(), nse); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Error in parsing DB Export Plugin mapping file, Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void matchMap(final String batchId, final String batchClass, final String docId, final String docType, final String docField, final String docFieldVal) throws DCMAApplicationException {"Matching the mapping for the " + "batchId: " + batchId + " batchClass: " + batchClass + " docId: " + docId + " DocType: " + docType + " DocField: " + docField + " docFieldValue: " + docFieldVal); ArrayList<String[]> tempArr = null; if (mappingDict.get(docType) != null) { tempArr = mappingDict.get(docType); for (int i = 0; i < tempArr.size(); i++) { String[] mapArr = tempArr.get(i); String mappedDocField = mapArr[DbExportConstant.DOC_FIELD_POSITION]; if (mappedDocField.equalsIgnoreCase(docField)) { String mappedDocType = mapArr[DbExportConstant.DOC_TYPE_POSITION]; String mappedDbTable = mapArr[DbExportConstant.TABLE_NAME_POSITION]; String mappedDbTableColumn = mapArr[DbExportConstant.COLUMN_NAME_POSITION];"DB_Export_Plugin, Exporting to DB:\n" + "batchId: " + batchId + " batchClass: " + batchClass + " docId: " + docId + " DocType: " + mappedDocType + " DocField: " + mappedDocField + " docFieldValue: " + docFieldVal + " to the DB table: " + mappedDbTable); exportMetaDataToDB(mappedDbTable, batchId, batchClass, mappedDocType, mappedDocField, docFieldVal, mappedDbTableColumn); } } } } private void exportMetaDataToDB(final String dbTable, final String batchId, final String batchClass, final String docType, final String docField, final String docFieldValue, final String mappedDbTableColumn) throws DCMAApplicationException { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Problem occured in updating database table "; Connection connection = null; try {"Preparing Query.."); connection = dynamicHibernateDao.getConnectionProvider().getConnection(); StatelessSession statelessSession = dynamicHibernateDao.getStatelessSession(connection); Transaction transaction = statelessSession.getTransaction(); StringBuffer dbQueryBuffer = new StringBuffer(DbExportConstant.INSERT_INTO); dbQueryBuffer.append(dbTable); String columnNames = prepareColumnNamesString(mappedDbTableColumn); dbQueryBuffer.append(columnNames); String values = prepareQueryValues(batchId, batchClass, docType, docField, docFieldValue); dbQueryBuffer.append(values); String dbQuery = null; dbQuery = dbQueryBuffer.toString();"Prepared query : " + dbQuery); SQLQuery query = dynamicHibernateDao.createUpdateOrInsertQuery(statelessSession, dbQuery); transaction.begin(); int result = query.executeUpdate(); transaction.commit(); statelessSession.close();"DB Export Plugin: Result of SQL commital transaction = " + result); } catch (HibernateException e) { LOGGER.error(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage + dbTable + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error closing the database session: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (dynamicHibernateDao != null) { dynamicHibernateDao.closeSession(); } } } private String prepareQueryValues(final String batchId, final String batchClass, final String docType, final String docField, final String docFieldValue) { StringBuffer dbQueryValueBuffer = new StringBuffer(DbExportConstant.VALUES_CONSTANT); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(batchClass); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.QOUTED_COMMA); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(batchId); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.QOUTED_COMMA); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(docType); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.QOUTED_COMMA); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(docField); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.QOUTED_COMMA); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(docFieldValue); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.SINGLE_QOUTE); dbQueryValueBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.CLOSING_BRACKET); return dbQueryValueBuffer.toString(); } private String prepareColumnNamesString(final String mappedDbTableColumn) { StringBuffer dbQueryColumnBuffer = new StringBuffer(DbExportConstant.OPEN_BRACKET); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.BATCH_CLASS_ID); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.COMMA); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.BATCH_INSTANCE_ID); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.COMMA); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.DOCUMENT_TYPE); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.COMMA); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.DOCUMENT_LEVEL_FIELD_NAME); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.COMMA); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(mappedDbTableColumn); dbQueryColumnBuffer.append(DbExportConstant.CLOSING_BRACKET); return dbQueryColumnBuffer.toString(); } private void initHibernateDao(final String batchId) throws DCMAApplicationException {"DB Export: Initializing database connectivity properties..."); String userName = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchId, DbExportConstant.DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN_NAME, DbExporterProperties.DB_EXPORT_USER); String password = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchId, DbExportConstant.DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN_NAME, DbExporterProperties.DB_EXPORT_PASSWORD); String dbDriver = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchId, DbExportConstant.DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN_NAME, DbExporterProperties.DB_EXPORT_DRIVER); String connectionUrl = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchId, DbExportConstant.DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN_NAME, DbExporterProperties.DB_EXPORT_CONN_URL);"User Name: " + userName);"Password: " + password);"Database Driver: " + dbDriver);"Database Connection URL: " + connectionUrl); if (userName == null || userName.isEmpty()) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: User Name property value is null/empty from the database. Invalid initializing of properties."; LOGGER.error(errorMessage); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage); } if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Password property value is null/empty from the database. Invalid initializing of properties."; LOGGER.error(errorMessage); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage); } if (dbDriver == null || dbDriver.isEmpty()) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Database Driver property value is null/empty from the database. Invalid initializing of properties."; LOGGER.error(errorMessage); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage); } if (connectionUrl == null || connectionUrl.isEmpty()) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Connection URL property value is null/empty from the database. Invalid initializing of properties."; LOGGER.error(errorMessage); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage); }"DB Export Plugin: Properties Initialized Successfully"); // dynamicHibernateDao = null; try { dynamicHibernateDao = new DynamicHibernateDao(userName, password, dbDriver, connectionUrl); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Error in inititializing Hibernate Connection: "; LOGGER.error(errorMessage + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void processBatchDocs(final Batch batch) throws DCMAApplicationException { String batchInstanceId = batch.getBatchInstanceIdentifier(); String batchClassId = batch.getBatchClassIdentifier(); List<Document> documentList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); for (int documentIndex = 0; documentIndex < documentList.size(); documentIndex++) { Document document = documentList.get(documentIndex); String docType = document.getType(); String docId = document.getIdentifier(); List<DocField> dlfList = document.getDocumentLevelFields().getDocumentLevelField(); for (int i = 0; i < dlfList.size(); i++) { DocField dlf = dlfList.get(i); if (dlf.getName() != null && dlf.getValue() != null) { String docFieldName = dlf.getName(); String docFieldValue = dlf.getValue(); matchMap(batchInstanceId, batchClassId, docId, docType, docFieldName, docFieldValue); } } } } /*** * The exportBatchToDb() method is the primary method exposed by the DbExporter class. It initiates the processes of parsing the * plugin's mapping file and commencing the export sequence. * * @param batchInstanceId {@link String} * @throws DCMAApplicationException exception in exporting batch document level fields to database */ public void exportBatchToDb(final String batchInstanceId) throws DCMAApplicationException {"Entering Database Export plugin (DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN)..."); String isDbExportSwitchON = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceId, DbExportConstant.DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN_NAME, DbExporterProperties.DB_EXPORT_SWITCH); if (DbExportConstant.STATE.equalsIgnoreCase(isDbExportSwitchON)) {"DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN is switched on."); try { Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceId); String pluginMappingFolderName = batchSchemaService.getAbsolutePath(batch.getBatchClassIdentifier(), batchSchemaService.getDbExportMappingFolderName(), false); String mappingFileCompletePath = pluginMappingFolderName + File.separator + getPluginMappingFileName(); File file = new File(mappingFileCompletePath); mappingDict = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String[]>>(); parseMapping(file); initHibernateDao(batch.getBatchInstanceIdentifier()); processBatchDocs(batch); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "DB Export Plugin: Problem occured in exporting batch document level fields to database"; LOGGER.error(errorMessage, e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(errorMessage, e); } } else {"DB_EXPORT_PLUGIN is switched off."); } } /** * getter for pluginMappingFileName. * @return {@link String} the pluginMappingFileName */ public String getPluginMappingFileName() { return pluginMappingFileName; } /** * setter for pluginMappingFileName. * @param pluginMappingFileName {@link String} */ public void setPluginMappingFileName(final String pluginMappingFileName) { this.pluginMappingFileName = pluginMappingFileName; } }