List of usage examples for org.hibernate StatelessSession close
void close();
From source
License:Apache License
public List<String> findAlarmIds(String tenantId, Map<String, String> dimensions) { logger.trace(BaseSqlRepo.ORM_LOG_MARKER, "findAlarmIds(...) entering"); List<String> alarmIdList = null; StatelessSession session = null; try {//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m session = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); final String sql = this.findAlarmQueryString(dimensions); final Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql).setString("tenantId", tenantId); this.bindDimensionsToQuery(query, dimensions); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> rows = query.list(); alarmIdList = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(rows.size()); for (Object[] row : rows) { String id = (String) row[0]; alarmIdList.add(id); } } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } // no need to check if alarmIdList != null, because in case of exception method // will leave immediately, otherwise list wont be null. return alarmIdList; }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Alarm> findAlarms(@Nonnull final LookupHelper lookupHelper) { StatelessSession session = null; try {//from w ww.ja v a 2 s. c om session = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); final Criteria criteria = lookupHelper.apply(session.createCriteria(AlarmDb.class, "a") .createAlias("a.subAlarms", "sa").createAlias("a.alarmDefinition", "ad") .add(Restrictions.isNull("ad.deletedAt")).addOrder(Order.asc("")) .setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add("")) .add("")).add("a.state")) .add(Projections.alias(""), "sub_alarm_id")) .add("sa.expression")) .add("")) .add("ad.tenantId"))) .setReadOnly(true)); assert criteria != null; return this.createAlarms(session, (List<Object[]>) criteria.list(), lookupHelper); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public static void install(SessionFactoryImplementor sfi) { if (!SettingsFactory.isDistinctRankCreateable(sfi.getProperties())) { return;/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ }, "true", DISTINCT_RANK)); StatelessSession sls = sfi.openStatelessSession(); try { Connection con = ((SessionImplementor) sls).connection(); installPLSQLWrapper(con); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new QueryException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new HibernateException("Can not install the installable dialect", ex); } finally { sls.close(); } }
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@Override public boolean calculateMatches(RetrieveContext ctx) throws DicomServiceException { StatelessSession session = openStatelessSession(); Collection<InstanceLocations> matches = ctx.getMatches(); matches.clear();// w ww. j av a 2 s . com try { HashMap<Long, InstanceLocations> instMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Long, Attributes> seriesAttrsMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Long, StudyInfo> studyInfoMap = new HashMap<>(); Series.MetadataUpdate metadataUpdate = ctx.getSeriesMetadataUpdate(); if (metadataUpdate != null && metadataUpdate.instancePurgeState == Series.InstancePurgeState.PURGED) { SeriesAttributes seriesAttributes = getSeriesAttributes(session, metadataUpdate.seriesPk); studyInfoMap.put(seriesAttributes.studyInfo.getStudyPk(), seriesAttributes.studyInfo); ctx.getSeriesInfos().add(seriesAttributes.seriesInfo); addLocationsFromMetadata(ctx, metadataUpdate.storageID, metadataUpdate.storagePath, seriesAttributes.attrs); } else { for (Tuple tuple : createQuery(ctx, session).fetch()) { Long instPk = tuple.get(; InstanceLocations match = instMap.get(instPk); if (match == null) { Long seriesPk = tuple.get(; Attributes seriesAttrs = seriesAttrsMap.get(seriesPk); if (seriesAttrs == null) { SeriesAttributes seriesAttributes = getSeriesAttributes(session, seriesPk); studyInfoMap.put(seriesAttributes.studyInfo.getStudyPk(), seriesAttributes.studyInfo); ctx.getSeriesInfos().add(seriesAttributes.seriesInfo); ctx.setPatientUpdatedTime(seriesAttributes.patientUpdatedTime); seriesAttrsMap.put(seriesPk, seriesAttrs = seriesAttributes.attrs); } Attributes instAttrs = AttributesBlob.decodeAttributes( tuple.get(QueryBuilder.instanceAttributesBlob.encodedAttributes), null); Attributes.unifyCharacterSets(seriesAttrs, instAttrs); instAttrs.addAll(seriesAttrs); match = instanceLocationsFromDB(tuple, instAttrs); matches.add(match); instMap.put(instPk, match); } addLocation(match, tuple); } if (ctx.isConsiderPurgedInstances()) { for (Tuple tuple : queryMetadataStoragePath(ctx, session).fetch()) { Long seriesPk = tuple.get(; SeriesAttributes seriesAttributes = getSeriesAttributes(session, seriesPk); studyInfoMap.put(seriesAttributes.studyInfo.getStudyPk(), seriesAttributes.studyInfo); ctx.getSeriesInfos().add(seriesAttributes.seriesInfo); ctx.setPatientUpdatedTime(seriesAttributes.patientUpdatedTime); addLocationsFromMetadata(ctx, tuple.get(QMetadata.metadata.storageID), tuple.get(QMetadata.metadata.storagePath), seriesAttributes.attrs); } } } ctx.setNumberOfMatches(matches.size()); ctx.getStudyInfos().addAll(studyInfoMap.values()); updateStudyAccessTime(ctx); return !matches.isEmpty(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DicomServiceException(Status.UnableToCalculateNumberOfMatches, e); } finally { session.close(); } }
From source
@Override @Remove//from w w w .j av a 2 s .c om public void close() { StatelessSession s = session; Connection c = connection; connection = null; session = null; query = null; s.close(); try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new EJBException(e); } }
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@Override @Remove/*from w ww .j a v a2 s . c om*/ public void close() { StatelessSession s = session; Connection c = connection; connection = null; session = null; results = null; s.close(); try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new EJBException(e); } }
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@Remove public void close() { StatelessSession s = session; Connection c = connection;// w w w. j a v a 2s .c om connection = null; session = null; results = null; s.close(); try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new EJBException(e); } }
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@Remove public void close() { StatelessSession s = session; Connection c = connection;//from w ww . j a va2s . c o m connection = null; session = null; query = null; results = null; s.close(); try { c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO } }
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License:Open Source License
@Path("/cities") @GET/*from ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<PlaceTo> getEndangeredCities(@QueryParam("x") final float x, @QueryParam("y") final float y) { StatelessSession session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession(); try { // Begin unit of work session.beginTransaction(); SimpleTransformerSink<PlaceTo> sink = new SimpleTransformerSink<PlaceTo>(); ClosedTransformerChain chain = TransformerChainFactory.<Geometry, PlaceTo>newChain() .add(new RiverSegmentSource(x, y, session)) // <Geometry> .add(new Buffer()) // <Geometry> -> <Geometry> .add(new GetCitiesWithinBounds(session)) // <Geometry> -> [<Place>] .addFilter(new FilterDuplicates<Place>()) // <Place> -> <Place> .add(new PlaceToTransferObject()) // <Place> -> <PlaceTo> .last(sink); // collect chain.addTransformerEventListener(new TransformerEventListener() { @Override public void ErrorOccurred(TransformerErrorEvent event) { // Log errors here } });; List<PlaceTo> endangeredPlaces = sink.getCollectedOutput(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return endangeredPlaces; } catch (Exception ex) { HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getTransaction().rollback(); } finally { session.close(); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public void delete(List<String> externalIds, String providerKey, boolean includeDescendants) throws RepositoryException { if (externalIds.isEmpty()) { return;//from ww w. jav a2 s.c o m } StatelessSession session = null; try { List<Integer> hashes = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (String externalId : externalIds) { int hash = externalId.hashCode(); hashes.add(hash); } session = hibernateSessionFactory.openStatelessSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // delete all session.createQuery( "delete from UuidMapping where providerKey=:providerKey and externalIdHash in (:externalIds)") .setString("providerKey", providerKey).setParameterList("externalIds", hashes).executeUpdate(); if (includeDescendants) { // delete descendants Query selectStmt = session .createQuery( "from UuidMapping where providerKey=:providerKey and externalId like :externalId") .setString("providerKey", providerKey); for (String externalId : externalIds) { selectStmt.setString("externalId", externalId + "/%"); List<?> descendants = selectStmt.list(); for (Object mapping : descendants) { UuidMapping m = (UuidMapping) mapping; session.delete(m); invalidateCache(m.getExternalIdHash(), providerKey); } } } session.getTransaction().commit(); for (String externalId : externalIds) { int hash = externalId.hashCode(); invalidateCache(hash, providerKey); } } catch (Exception e) { if (session != null) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } throw new RepositoryException(e); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }