Java org.hibernate StatelessSession fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.hibernate StatelessSession fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.hibernate StatelessSession.

The text is from its open source code.


org.hibernate.StatelessSession has the following implementations.
Click this link to see all its implementation.


Begin a unit of work and return the associated Transaction object.
Close the stateless session and release the JDBC connection.
Returns the current JDBC connection associated with this instance.

If the session is using aggressive connection release (as in a CMT environment), it is the application's responsibility to close the connection returned by this call.
CriteriacreateCriteria(Class persistentClass)
Create Criteria instance for the given class (entity or subclasses/implementors).
CriteriacreateCriteria(Class persistentClass, String alias)
Create Criteria instance for the given class (entity or subclasses/implementors), using a specific alias.
org.hibernate.query.QuerycreateQuery(String queryString)
NativeQuerycreateSQLQuery(String queryString)
voiddelete(Object entity)
Delete a row.
voiddelete(String entityName, Object entity)
Delete a row.
Objectget(String entityName, Serializable id)
Retrieve a row.
Objectget(Class entityClass, Serializable id)
Retrieve a row.
org.hibernate.query.QuerygetNamedQuery(String queryName)
Get the Transaction instance associated with this session.
Serializableinsert(Object entity)
Insert a row.
Serializableinsert(String entityName, Object entity)
Insert a row.
voidupdate(Object entity)
Update a row.
voidupdate(String entityName, Object entity)
Update a row.