Example usage for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode.


Node selectSingleNode(String xpathExpression);

Source Link


selectSingleNode evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a single Node instance.


From source file:GnuCash.Transaction.java

License:Open Source License

static void addTransactions(Vector<Transaction> transactions, Node n, String account_id) {
    List<Node> NL = n.selectNodes("trn:splits[trn:split[split:account='" + account_id + "']]/trn:split");

    for (int i = 0; i < NL.size(); i++) {

        Transaction t = new Transaction();
        t.description = n.selectSingleNode("trn:description").getText();
        t.currency_id = n.selectSingleNode("trn:currency/cmdty:id").getText();
        t.date = getDateValue(n.selectSingleNode("trn:date-posted/ts:date").getText());

        t.value = getDoubleValue(NL.get(i).selectSingleNode("split:value").getText());

        if (NL.get(i).selectSingleNode("split:account[@type='guid']").getText().equals(account_id)) {
            t.quantity = getDoubleValue(NL.get(i).selectSingleNode("split:quantity").getText());
        }/*  w  ww .  ja va 2  s. c o m*/


From source file:hebbNet.HebbNet.java

License:Open Source License

public AbstractRepresentation loadFromXML(Node nd) {
    try {/*from www.  j a  v a2s  .  c  o  m*/
        // Add properties
        this.learningrate = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@learningrate"));
        this.input_nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@input_nodes"));
        this.output_nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@output_nodes"));
        this.nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@nodes"));
        this.weight_range = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@weight_range"));
        this.bias_range = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@bias_range"));
        this.activation = new float[this.nodes];
        this.output = new float[this.nodes];
        this.bias = new float[this.nodes];
        this.weight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes];
        this.plasticity = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes];
        this.currentweight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes];
        Node dnodes = nd.selectSingleNode("./nodes");
        for (int nr = this.input_nodes; nr < this.nodes; nr++) {
            Node curnode = dnodes.selectSingleNode("./node[@nr='" + nr + "']");
            if (curnode == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("HebbNet: node tags inconsistent!"
                        + "\ncheck 'nr' attributes and nodes count in nnetwork!");
            this.bias[nr] = Float.parseFloat(curnode.valueOf("./bias"));
            Node dweights = curnode.selectSingleNode("./weights");
            for (int from = 0; from < this.nodes; from++) {
                Node thisweight = dweights.selectSingleNode("./weight[@from='" + from + "']");
                float plast = Float.parseFloat(thisweight.valueOf("./@plasticity"));
                float weight = Float.parseFloat(thisweight.valueOf("."));
                this.weight[from][nr] = weight;
                this.plasticity[from][nr] = plast;
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("HebbNet: NumberFormatException! Check XML File");
    return this;

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initTextPropertyFrom(ModelElement model, String prop, TextPropertyElement pe, String xpath,
        Node node) {
    model.setPropertyValue(prop, valueOf(node.selectSingleNode(xpath)));

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initTextPropertyFrom(TextPropertyElement pe, Node node, String xpath) {

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initCheckPropertyFrom(CheckBoxPropertyElement pe, Node node, String xpath) {
    pe.setValue(node.selectSingleNode(xpath) != null);

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initPropertiesCollectionFrom(PropertyElementCollection pec, Node node, String groupXPath,
        String propertyXPath) {//from  w  w  w  .  j  a  v  a  2s .  co m
    List<Node> subNodes = null;
    if (groupXPath != null && !groupXPath.isEmpty()) {
        if (node.selectSingleNode(groupXPath) != null) {
            subNodes = node.selectSingleNode(groupXPath).selectNodes(propertyXPath);
    } else {
        subNodes = node.selectNodes(propertyXPath);

    if (subNodes != null) {
        for (Node subNode : subNodes) {
            PropertyPropertyElement pe = (PropertyPropertyElement) pec.createAndAdd();
            pe.setValueOfName(XMLReadUtils.valueOf("./name", subNode));
            pe.setValueOfValue(XMLReadUtils.valueOf("./value", subNode));
            pe.setValueOfDescription(XMLReadUtils.valueOf("./description", subNode));

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static void initPropertyPropertyElementFrom(PropertyPropertyElement ppe, Node node) {
    String propName = "";
    String propValue = "";
    String propDescription = "";

    Node n = node.selectSingleNode("name");
    if (n != null) {
        propName = n.getText();//from   w ww  . j  av a 2s.c  om

    n = node.selectSingleNode("value");
    if (n != null) {
        propValue = n.getText();

    n = node.selectSingleNode("description");
    if (n != null) {
        propDescription = n.getText();


From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initGlobalPropertyFrom(GlobalPropertyElement gpe, Node node, String xpath) {
    Node globalNode = node.selectSingleNode(xpath);
    if (globalNode != null) {
        initTextPropertyFrom(gpe.jobtracker, globalNode, "./job-tracker");
        initTextPropertyFrom(gpe.namenode, globalNode, "./name-node");
        initTextCollectionFrom(gpe.jobxml, globalNode, "./job-xml");
        initPropertiesCollectionFrom(gpe.configuration, globalNode, "./configuration", "./property");
    }//  w ww . j  a va2 s .com

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initPreparePropertyFrom(PreparePropertyElement ppe, Node node, String xpath) {
    Node prepareNode = node.selectSingleNode(xpath);
    if (prepareNode != null) {
        initTextCollectionFromAttribute(ppe.delete, prepareNode, "./delete", "@path");
        initTextCollectionFromAttribute(ppe.mkdir, prepareNode, "./mkdir", "@path");
    }/*  w w  w. j  a v  a 2 s .  co m*/

From source file:io.mashin.oep.hpdl.XMLReadUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void initCredentialsCollectionFrom(PropertyElementCollection pec, Node node, String groupXPath,
        String childXPath) {/*from   ww  w .j a v a2 s . com*/
    Node groupNode = node.selectSingleNode(groupXPath);
    if (groupNode != null) {
        List<Node> subNodes = groupNode.selectNodes(childXPath);
        if (subNodes != null) {
            for (Node subNode : subNodes) {
                CredentialPropertyElement cpe = (CredentialPropertyElement) pec.createAndAdd();
                cpe.setValueOfName(valueOf("@name", subNode));
                cpe.setValueOfType(valueOf("@type", subNode));
                initPropertiesCollectionFrom(cpe.credential, subNode, null, "./property");