Example usage for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node selectSingleNode.


Node selectSingleNode(String xpathExpression);

Source Link


selectSingleNode evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a single Node instance.


From source file:com.log4ic.compressor.utils.MemcachedUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static AddressConfig biludAddrMapConfig(List<Node> nodeList) {
    AddressConfig config = new AddressConfig();
    config.addressMap = new LinkedHashMap<InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress>();
    List<Integer> weightsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (Node node : nodeList) {
        Node masterNode = node.selectSingleNode("master");
        Node weightsNode = ((Element) node).attribute("weights");
        int weights = 1;
        if (weightsNode != null) {
            try {
                weights = Integer.parseInt(weightsNode.getText());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //fuck ide
            }//w w w .ja  v a 2s  .  c o m
        InetSocketAddress masterAddr;
        if (masterNode != null) {
            masterAddr = biludAddr(masterNode);
        } else {
            masterAddr = biludAddr(node);
        Node standbyNode = node.selectSingleNode("standby");
        InetSocketAddress standbyAddr = null;
        if (standbyNode != null) {
            standbyAddr = biludAddr(standbyNode);
        config.addressMap.put(masterAddr, standbyAddr);
    config.widgets = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(weightsList.toArray(new Integer[weightsList.size()]));
    return config;

From source file:com.mindquarry.desktop.model.task.TaskTransformer.java

License:Open Source License

public void people(Node node) {
    Node personID = node.selectSingleNode("./person"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Node role = node.selectSingleNode("./role"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    task.addPerson(personID.getText(), role.getText());

From source file:com.mindquarry.desktop.model.task.TaskTransformer.java

License:Open Source License

public void dependencies(Node node) {
    Node taskID = node.selectSingleNode("./task"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    Node role = node.selectSingleNode("./role"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    task.addDependency(taskID.getText(), role.getText());

From source file:com.ming800.core.p.service.impl.JmenuManagerImpl.java

 * ??xmlJmenu jmenuMap//from  ww  w .ja  v  a  2  s  .c o  m
private static Menu initJmenuMap(Document infoDocument) {
    Menu menu = new Menu();
    //        Document infoDocument = ResourcesUtil.getDocument(xmlPath);
    if (infoDocument != null) {

        List<Node> menuNodeList = infoDocument.selectNodes("menu");
        String name = menuNodeList.get(0).selectSingleNode("@name").getText();

        HashMap<String, Jmenu> jmenuMap = new HashMap<>();
        List<Node> jmenuNodeList = infoDocument.selectNodes("menu/jmenu");
        for (Node jMenuXmlNode : jmenuNodeList) {
            Jmenu jmenu = new Jmenu();
            jmenu.setChildren(new ArrayList<Jnode>());
            String id = jMenuXmlNode.selectSingleNode("@id").getText();
            List<Node> firstLayerList = jMenuXmlNode.selectNodes("jnode");
            for (Node firstLayerXmlNode : firstLayerList) {
                Jnode firstLayerJnode = JmenuManagerImpl.parseXmlNodeToJavaBean(firstLayerXmlNode);
                firstLayerJnode.setChildren(new ArrayList<Jnode>());
                List<Node> secondLayerList = firstLayerXmlNode.selectNodes("jnode");
                for (Node secondLayerXmlNode : secondLayerList) {
                    Jnode secondLayerJnode = JmenuManagerImpl.parseXmlNodeToJavaBean(secondLayerXmlNode);
            jmenuMap.put(jmenu.getId(), jmenu);


    return menu;

From source file:com.ming800.core.p.service.impl.JmenuManagerImpl.java

 * xmlNodeJnode/* w w  w .j a v  a 2  s  .c om*/
 * @param xmlNode
 * @return
private static Jnode parseXmlNodeToJavaBean(Node xmlNode) {
    String url = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@url").getText();
    String text_zh_CN = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@text_zh_CN").getText();
    String text_en_US = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@text_en_US").getText();
    String state = "open";
    if (xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@state") != null) {
        state = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@state").getText();
    //        String extend = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@extend").getText();
    String setting = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@setting").getText();
    String access = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@access").getText();
    String branch = xmlNode.selectSingleNode("@branch").getText();

    Jnode jnode = new Jnode();
    jnode.setId(jmenuId++ + "");
    return jnode;

From source file:com.mirth.connect.connectors.jdbc.JdbcUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static Object[] getParams(UMOEndpointURI uri, List<String> paramNames, Object root) throws Exception {
    Object[] params = new Object[paramNames.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.size(); i++) {
        String param = paramNames.get(i);
        String name = param.substring(2, param.length() - 1);
        Object value = null;/*from   www .j a  va  2 s . com*/

        if ("NOW".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
            value = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
        } else if ("payload".equals(name)) {
            value = root;
        } else if (root instanceof MessageObject) {
            TemplateValueReplacer parser = new TemplateValueReplacer();
            value = parser.replaceValues(param, (MessageObject) root);
        } else if (root instanceof Map) {
            value = ((Map) root).get(name);
        } else if (root instanceof org.w3c.dom.Document) {
            org.w3c.dom.Document x3cDoc = (org.w3c.dom.Document) root;
            org.dom4j.Document dom4jDoc = new DOMReader().read(x3cDoc);

            try {
                Node node = dom4jDoc.selectSingleNode(name);
                if (node != null) {
                    value = node.getText();
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                value = null;
        } else if (root instanceof org.dom4j.Document) {
            org.dom4j.Document dom4jDoc = (org.dom4j.Document) root;

            try {
                Node node = dom4jDoc.selectSingleNode(name);
                if (node != null) {
                    value = node.getText();
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                value = null;
        } else if (root instanceof org.dom4j.Node) {
            org.dom4j.Node dom4jNode = (org.dom4j.Node) root;

            try {
                Node node = dom4jNode.selectSingleNode(name);
                if (node != null) {
                    value = node.getText();
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                value = null;
        } else {
            try {
                value = BeanUtils.getProperty(root, name);
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                value = null;

        if (value == null) {
            value = uri.getParams().getProperty(name);

        if (value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not retrieve argument " + name);

        params[i] = value;

    return params;

From source file:com.mothsoft.alexis.engine.numeric.President2012DataSetImporter.java

License:Apache License

private Map<Date, PollResults> getPage(final String after, final int pageNumber) {
    final Map<Date, PollResults> pageMap = new LinkedHashMap<Date, PollResults>();

    HttpClientResponse httpResponse = null;

    try {//from   ww  w. j a  va2s .c o  m
        final URL url = new URL(String.format(BASE_URL, after, pageNumber));
        httpResponse = NetworkingUtil.get(url, null, null);

        final SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();

        org.dom4j.Document document;
        try {
            document = saxReader.read(httpResponse.getInputStream());
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } finally {

        final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(YYYY_MM_DD);

        final List<Node> questions = document.selectNodes(XPATH_QUESTIONS);
        for (final Node question : questions) {
            final Date endDate;
            final Node poll = question.selectSingleNode(ANCESTOR_POLL);
            final Node endDateNode = poll.selectSingleNode(END_DATE);
            try {
                endDate = format.parse(endDateNode.getText());
                logger.debug(String.format("%s: %s", END_DATE, format.format(endDate)));
            } catch (final ParseException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

            final List<Node> responses = question.selectNodes(XPATH_RESPONSE_FROM_QUESTION);
            for (final Node response : responses) {
                final Node choiceNode = response.selectSingleNode(CHOICE);
                final String choice = choiceNode.getText();

                if (President2012DataSetImporter.CANDIDATE_OPTIONS.contains(choice)) {
                    final Node valueNode = response.selectSingleNode(VALUE);
                    final Double value = Double.valueOf(valueNode.getText());
                    append(pageMap, endDate, choice, value);

        httpResponse = null;

    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
        if (httpResponse != null) {

    return pageMap;

From source file:com.nokia.helium.ant.data.AntComment.java

License:Open Source License

 * Clean the whitespace of the doc text.
 * Trim the whole string and also remove a consistent indent from the start
 * of each line.//from   w  w  w  .  j  ava  2  s.  c  o  m
static String getCleanedDocNodeText(Node docNode) {
    Node preceedingWhitespaceNode = docNode.selectSingleNode("preceding-sibling::text()");
    int indent = 0;
    if (preceedingWhitespaceNode != null) {
        String text = preceedingWhitespaceNode.getText();
        String[] lines = text.split("\n");
        if (lines.length > 0) {
            indent = lines[lines.length - 1].length();

    String text = docNode.getText();
    text = text.trim();

    String[] docLines = text.split("\n");
    // Do not remove from the first line, it is already trimmed.
    text = docLines[0] + "\n";
    for (int i = 1; i < docLines.length; i++) {
        String line = docLines[i].replaceFirst("^[ \t]{" + indent + "}", "");
        text += line + "\n";

    return text;

From source file:com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand.AddEventCommand.java

License:Open Source License

public String execute(String uri, String xml) {
    logger.debug("Add event of presentation " + uri);
    logger.debug("Add event xml " + xml);

    Document doc = XMLHelper.asDocument(xml);
    List<Node> events;
    String ticket = "";
    String user = "";

    if (doc == null) {
        logger.error("Could not parse xml");
        return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "No xml found", "Please provide xml", "");
    } else {//w w w  .  j  a  v a2 s  .  com
        events = doc.selectNodes("/fsxml/*");
        user = doc.selectSingleNode("//properties/user") == null ? ""
                : doc.selectSingleNode("//properties/user").getText();
        user = user.toLowerCase();
        ticket = doc.selectSingleNode("//properties/ticket") == null ? ""
                : doc.selectSingleNode("//properties/ticket").getText();

    //TODO: validate ticket

    // create playlist if it does not exist

    for (Iterator<Node> it = events.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Node event = it.next();

        if (!event.getName().equals("properties")) {
            logger.debug("received " + event.asXML());

            String starttime = event.selectSingleNode("properties/starttime") == null ? ""
                    : event.selectSingleNode("properties/starttime").getText();
            String duration = event.selectSingleNode("properties/duration") == null ? ""
                    : event.selectSingleNode("properties/duration").getText();
            String reason = event.selectSingleNode("properties/reason") == null ? ""
                    : event.selectSingleNode("properties/reason").getText();

            logger.debug("starttime = " + starttime + " duration = " + duration + " reason = " + reason);

            // determine starttime relative to beginning of video
            long stSpringfield = determineCorrectStarttime(uri, starttime);

            if (starttime.equals("") || duration.equals("") || reason.equals("")) {
                logger.error("Not all mandatory fields where provided");
                return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "No all mandatory fields available",
                        "Please provide all mandatory fields in your request", "");

            // create new 'bookmark'
            StringBuffer bmXml = new StringBuffer();
            bmXml.append(LASTUPDATE_FORMAT.format(new Date()));
            String bmUri = uri + "/videoplaylist/1/bookmark";
            String resp = FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().handlePOST(bmUri, bmXml.toString());

    return FSXMLBuilder.getFSXMLStatusMessage("The properties where successfully added", "", "");

From source file:com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand.CommandHandler.java

License:Open Source License

private void initCommandList() {
    File file = new File(GlobalConfig.instance().getBaseDir() + "conf/" + CONFIG_FILE);
    logger.info("Initializing command list: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
    Document doc = XMLHelper.getXmlFromFile(file);
    if (doc != null) {
        List<Node> nl = doc.selectNodes("//command");
        for (Node n : nl) {
            if (n instanceof Element) {
                if (n.getName() != null && n.getName().equals("command")) {
                    Node idn = n.selectSingleNode("./id");
                    Node cln = n.selectSingleNode("./class");
                    Node jn = n.selectSingleNode("./jar");
                    if (idn != null && cln != null) {

                        String id = idn.getText();
                        String cl = cln.getText();
                        String jar = null;
                        if (jn != null && cl != null) {
                            jar = jn.getText();
                        }//from ww  w.  j a va  2s  .c  o  m
                        if (id != null && cl != null) {
                            try {
                                if (jar != null) {
                                    logger.info("Loading jar " + jar + " for class " + cl);
                                    Class<?> commandClass = loadJar(jar, cl);
                                    if (commandClass != null) {
                                        Command o = (Command) commandClass.newInstance();
                                        commands.put(id, o);
                                } else {
                                    Class c = Class.forName(cl);
                                    Object o = c.newInstance();
                                    if (o instanceof Command) {
                                        commands.put(id, (Command) o);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                System.out.println("Problem with loading " + cl);