Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Istvan Fehervari, Wilfried Elmenreich * Original project page: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published * by the Free Software Foundation * * There is no warranty for this free software. The GPL requires that * modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will * not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions. */ package hebbNet; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import main.FrevoMain; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import; import core.FileType; import core.AbstractRepresentation; import core.XMLFieldEntry; import utils.NESRandom; public class HebbNet extends AbstractRepresentation { protected NESRandom generator; protected float[][] weight; protected float[][] plasticity; protected float[][] currentweight; protected float[] bias; protected float[] output; protected float[] activation; protected float learningrate; protected int nodes; protected int input_nodes; protected int output_nodes; protected int hidden_nodes; protected float weight_range; protected float bias_range; protected int stepnumber; protected ArrayList<FileType> exportList = new ArrayList<FileType>(); public HebbNet(int inputnumber, int outputnumber, NESRandom random, Hashtable<String, XMLFieldEntry> properties) { super(inputnumber, outputnumber, random, properties); this.setProperties(properties); generator = random; input_nodes = inputnumber; output_nodes = outputnumber; // load properties from properties loadProperties(); // generate structure this.weight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; this.currentweight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; this.plasticity = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; this.bias = new float[this.nodes]; this.output = new float[this.nodes]; this.activation = new float[this.nodes]; learningrate = 0.0f; if (random != null) randomizeWB(); // this step is not needed for cloning, otherwise // random is not null } private void loadProperties() { XMLFieldEntry snumber = getProperties().get("stepNumber"); stepnumber = Integer.parseInt(snumber.getValue()); XMLFieldEntry wr = getProperties().get("weight_range"); this.weight_range = Float.parseFloat(wr.getValue()); XMLFieldEntry br = getProperties().get("bias_range"); this.bias_range = Float.parseFloat(br.getValue()); XMLFieldEntry hn = getProperties().get("hiddenNodes"); hidden_nodes = Integer.parseInt(hn.getValue()); nodes = input_nodes + output_nodes + hidden_nodes; } private void randomizeWB() { for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { this.weight[j][i] = rand_range(weight_range); this.plasticity[j][i] = generator.nextFloat(); } this.output[i] = 0; // *f this.bias[i] = rand_range(bias_range); } learningrate = 0.01f * generator.nextFloat(); resetWeights(); } private float rand_range(float border) { double val; val = generator.nextDouble() * 2 * border - border; // *f return (float) val; } @Override public int getNumberofMutationFunctions() { return 2; } @Override public int getNumberOfRecombinationFunctions() { return 1; } @Override protected void mutationFunction(float severity, float probability, int method) { this.mutateBias(severity, probability, method); this.mutateWeight(severity, probability, method); this.learningrate += rand_range((int) Math.max(learningrate / 5.0, 0.01)); resetWeights(); } public void mutateBias(float severity, float p, int method) { float rate = severity * bias_range; // use bias_range as 100% for (int i = input_nodes; i < bias.length; i++) { if (generator.nextFloat() < p) { switch (method) { case 1: this.bias[i] += rand_range(rate); break; case 2: // smart method, facilitates the mutation to fine-tune // small parameters this.bias[i] += rand_range((int) Math.max(this.bias[i] / 5.0, 10)); // 20% mutation break; default: this.bias[i] += rand_range(rate); break; } } } } public void mutateWeight(float severity, float p, int method) { float rate = severity * weight_range; // use weight_range as 100% // System.out.println ("mutating weight rate:"+rate+" prob:"+p); for (int i = 0; i < bias.length; i++) { for (int j = input_nodes; j < weight.length; j++) { if (generator.nextFloat() < p) switch (method) { case 1: this.weight[i][j] += rand_range(rate); break; case 2: // smart method, facilitates the mutation to // fine-tune small parameters // float // change=rand_range((int)Math.max(this.weight[i][j]/5.0,10)); // // 20% mutation // System.out.print("ch("+i+","+j+"):"+change+" "); this.weight[i][j] += rand_range((int) Math.max(this.weight[i][j] / 5.0, 10)); // 20% mutation break; default: this.weight[i][j] += rand_range(rate); break; } // mutate plasticity values if (generator.nextFloat() < p) switch (method) { case 1: this.plasticity[i][j] += rand_range(rate); break; case 2: // smart method, facilitates the mutation to // fine-tune small parameters // float // change=rand_range((int)Math.max(this.weight[i][j]/5.0,10)); // // 20% mutation // System.out.print("ch("+i+","+j+"):"+change+" "); this.plasticity[i][j] += rand_range((int) Math.max(this.plasticity[i][j] / 5.0, 10)); // 20% // mutation break; default: this.plasticity[i][j] += rand_range(rate); break; } } } } public String getHash() { double sum = 0; // add bias for (int i = 0; i < bias.length; i++) { sum += bias[i]; } // add weights for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { sum += this.weight[j][i] + this.plasticity[j][i]; } } sum += learningrate; String res = Double.toString(sum); int resint = res.hashCode(); return Integer.toHexString(resint & 0xFFFFF); } private int rndIndex(int range) { if (range < 1) return 0; return generator.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % range; } @Override public void recombinationFunction(AbstractRepresentation other, int method) { if (!(other instanceof HebbNet)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Xover between different network classes not possible!"); // modify this representation if (method == 1) { int noninodes = nodes - input_nodes; int count = rndIndex(noninodes - 1) + 1; // minimum 1, maximum all // but 1 int start = input_nodes + rndIndex(noninodes); HebbNet offspring = this; HebbNet father = (HebbNet) other; for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) { if (i >= nodes) break; for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { offspring.weight[j][i] = father.weight[j][i]; offspring.plasticity[j][i] = father.plasticity[j][i]; } offspring.bias[i] = father.bias[i]; } // return offspring; } /* * else if (method == 2) { not yet implemented } */ else this.recombinationFunction(other, method); } public float activate(float x) { if (x >= 1) return 1; else if (x <= 0) return 0; else return x; } public void reset() // resets also the network weights to default { for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++) this.output[i] = 0; resetWeights(); } private void resetWeights() // resets the network weights to default { for (int i = 0; i < bias.length; i++) for (int j = input_nodes; j < weight.length; j++) currentweight[j][i] = weight[j][i]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++) for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) currentweight[j][i] = weight[j][i]; } public ArrayList<Float> getOutput(ArrayList<Float> input) { for (int i = 0; i < stepnumber - 1; i++) { getStep(input, false); } return getStep(input, true); } /** Provides the networks output for the given input */ public ArrayList<Float> getStep(ArrayList<Float> input, boolean learn) { if (input.size() != this.input_nodes) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input vector size inappropriate!"); for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) this.output[i] = input.get(i); for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { sum += this.currentweight[j][i] * this.output[j]; // System.out.println("sum="+sum); } this.activation[i] = this.bias[i] + sum; } for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { this.output[i] = activate(this.activation[i]); } // Hebbian Learning if (learn) { float delta[][] = new float[nodes][nodes]; for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { delta[j][i] = (float) (learningrate * (output[i] - 0.5) * (output[j] - 0.5)); } } // normalize to an average value of 0.0 float sum = 0.0f; int n = 0; for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) { if (i != j) { sum += delta[j][i]; n++; } } } float corr = sum / n; // apply learning for (int i = input_nodes; i < nodes; i++) for (int j = 0; j < nodes; j++) if (i != j) currentweight[j][i] += delta[j][i] - corr; } ArrayList<Float> outputVector = new ArrayList<Float>(); for (int i = nodes - output_nodes; i < nodes; i++) { outputVector.add(this.output[i]); } return outputVector; } @Override public double diffTo(AbstractRepresentation o) { double diff = 0; if (!(o instanceof HebbNet)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("diffTo between different network classes not possible!"); HebbNet network = (HebbNet) o; for (int i = 0; i < this.weight.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.weight[i].length; j++) { diff += Math.abs(network.weight[i][j] - this.weight[i][j]); diff += Math.abs(network.plasticity[i][j] - this.plasticity[i][j]); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.bias.length; i++) diff += Math.abs(network.bias[i] - this.bias[i]); return diff; } public AbstractRepresentation cloneFunction() { HebbNet c = new HebbNet(input_nodes, output_nodes, generator, getProperties()); for (int i = 0; i < this.weight.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.weight[0].length; j++) { c.weight[i][j] = this.weight[i][j]; c.plasticity[i][j] = this.plasticity[i][j]; c.currentweight[i][j] = this.currentweight[i][j]; } } c.bias = this.bias.clone(); c.output = this.output.clone(); c.activation = this.activation.clone(); c.nodes = this.nodes; c.input_nodes = this.input_nodes; c.output_nodes = this.output_nodes; c.hidden_nodes = this.hidden_nodes; c.weight_range = this.weight_range; c.bias_range = this.bias_range; c.stepnumber = this.stepnumber; c.learningrate = this.learningrate; String n1 = this.getHash(); String n2 = c.getHash(); if (!n1.equals(n2)) System.out.println(this.getHash() + "cloned to" + c.getHash()); return c; } /** Method used for saving the properties of this component */ public void exportToXmlElement(Element element) { Element nn = element.addElement("hebbnet"); // TODO nn.addAttribute("UniqueName", getHash()); nn.addAttribute("learningrate", String.valueOf(learningrate)); nn.addAttribute("input_nodes", String.valueOf(this.input_nodes)); nn.addAttribute("output_nodes", String.valueOf(this.output_nodes)); nn.addAttribute("nodes", String.valueOf(this.nodes)); nn.addAttribute("weight_range", String.valueOf(this.weight_range)); nn.addAttribute("bias_range", String.valueOf(this.bias_range)); Element dnodes = nn.addElement("nodes"); for (int i = 0; i < this.nodes; i++) { Element node; if (i < input_nodes) { node = dnodes.addElement("node"); node.addAttribute("nr", String.valueOf(i)); node.addAttribute("type", "inputNode"); } else { node = dnodes.addElement("node"); node.addAttribute("nr", String.valueOf(i)); node.addAttribute("type", "node"); Element bias = node.addElement("bias"); bias.addText(String.valueOf(this.bias[i])); Element weights = node.addElement("weights"); for (int j = 0; j < this.nodes; j++) { Element weight = weights.addElement("weight"); weight.addAttribute("from", String.valueOf(j)); weight.addText(String.valueOf(this.weight[j][i])); weight.addAttribute("plasticity", String.valueOf(plasticity[j][i])); } } } } @Override public AbstractRepresentation loadFromXML(Node nd) { try { // Add properties loadProperties(); this.learningrate = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@learningrate")); this.input_nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@input_nodes")); this.output_nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@output_nodes")); this.nodes = Integer.parseInt(nd.valueOf("./@nodes")); this.weight_range = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@weight_range")); this.bias_range = Float.parseFloat(nd.valueOf("./@bias_range")); this.activation = new float[this.nodes]; this.output = new float[this.nodes]; this.bias = new float[this.nodes]; this.weight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; this.plasticity = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; this.currentweight = new float[this.nodes][this.nodes]; Node dnodes = nd.selectSingleNode("./nodes"); for (int nr = this.input_nodes; nr < this.nodes; nr++) { Node curnode = dnodes.selectSingleNode("./node[@nr='" + nr + "']"); if (curnode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("HebbNet: node tags inconsistent!" + "\ncheck 'nr' attributes and nodes count in nnetwork!"); this.bias[nr] = Float.parseFloat(curnode.valueOf("./bias")); Node dweights = curnode.selectSingleNode("./weights"); for (int from = 0; from < this.nodes; from++) { Node thisweight = dweights.selectSingleNode("./weight[@from='" + from + "']"); float plast = Float.parseFloat(thisweight.valueOf("./@plasticity")); float weight = Float.parseFloat(thisweight.valueOf(".")); this.weight[from][nr] = weight; this.plasticity[from][nr] = plast; } } resetWeights(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HebbNet: NumberFormatException! Check XML File"); } return this; } @Override public Hashtable<String, String> getDetails() { Hashtable<String, String> result = new Hashtable<String, String>(); result.put("input neurons", Integer.toString(this.input_nodes)); result.put("output neurons", Integer.toString(this.output_nodes)); result.put("hidden neurons", Integer.toString(nodes - input_nodes - output_nodes)); result.put("weight range", Float.toString(this.weight_range)); result.put("bias range", Float.toString(this.bias_range)); for (int n = 0; n < nodes; n++) { result.put("bias node " + n, Float.toString(this.bias[n])); for (int from = 0; from < this.nodes; from++) { result.put("weight from " + from + " to " + n, Float.toString(this.weight[from][n]) + " Plasticity:" + Float.toString(plasticity[from][n])); } } return result; } /** * @return the bias */ public float getBias(int i) { return bias[i]; } public int getNumberofNodes() { return nodes; } /** * Sets the generator of random numbers for the current representation. */ @Override public void setGenerator(NESRandom generator) { this.generator = generator; } @Override public void exportToFile(File saveFile) { String extension = FrevoMain.getExtension(saveFile); if (extension.equals("net")) { System.out.println("Exporting Pajek network file to " + saveFile.getName()); try { // Create file FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(saveFile); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write("*Vertices " + this.nodes); out.newLine(); // input neurons for (int i = 1; i < input_nodes + 1; i++) { out.write(i + " \"I" + i + "\""); out.newLine(); } for (int h = input_nodes + 1; h < nodes - output_nodes + 1; h++) { out.write(h + " \"H" + (h - input_nodes) + "\""); out.newLine(); } int a = 1; for (int o = nodes - output_nodes + 1; o < nodes + 1; o++) { out.write(o + " \"O" + a + "\""); out.newLine(); a++; } // Edges out.write("*Edges"); out.newLine(); for (int n = 0; n < input_nodes - 1; n++) { for (int p = n + 1; p < input_nodes; p++) { if (n != p) { out.write((n + 1) + " " + (p + 1) + " " + 0); out.newLine(); } } } for (int n = input_nodes; n < nodes; n++) { for (int from = 0; from < nodes; from++) { out.write((n + 1) + " " + (from + 1) + " " + weight[from][n]); // out.write((n+1)+" "+(from+1)+" "+plasticity[from][n]); out.newLine(); } } // Close the output stream out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (extension.equals("xml")) { System.out.println("Saving to XML"); Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); doc.addDocType("HebbNet", null, System.getProperty("user.dir") + "//Components//Representations//HebbNet//src//HebbNet.dtd"); Element cnetwork = doc.addElement("HebbNet"); this.exportToXmlElement(cnetwork); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setLineSeparator(System.getProperty("line.separator")); try { saveFile.createNewFile(); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(saveFile); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(out); XMLWriter wr = new XMLWriter(bw, format); wr.write(doc); wr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }