Example usage for Java org.dom4j Node fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
short | ELEMENT_NODE Matches Element nodes |
short | ATTRIBUTE_NODE Matches elements nodes |
short | TEXT_NODE Matches elements nodes |
short | CDATA_SECTION_NODE Matches elements nodes |
short | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE Matches elements nodes |
short | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE Matches ProcessingInstruction |
short | COMMENT_NODE Matches Comments nodes |
short | DOCUMENT_NODE Matches Document nodes |
short | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE Matches DocumentType nodes |
short | NAMESPACE_NODE Matchs a Namespace Node - NOTE this differs from DOM |
void | accept(Visitor visitor) |
String | asXML() |
Object | clone() |
XPath | createXPath(String xpathExpression) |
Node | detach() Removes this node from its parent if there is one. |
Document | getDocument() |
String | getName() |
short | getNodeType() Returns the code according to the type of node. |
String | getNodeTypeName() DOCUMENT ME! |
Element | getParent() |
String | getPath() Returns the XPath expression which will return a node set containing the given node such as /a/b/@c. |
String | getStringValue() Returns the XPath string-value of this node. |
String | getText() Returns the text of this node. |
String | getUniquePath() Returns the XPath expression which will return a nodeset of one node which is the current node. |
boolean | hasContent() |
boolean | isReadOnly() |
boolean | matches(String xpathExpression) |
Number | numberValueOf(String xpathExpression) |
List | selectNodes(String xpathExpression) |
List | selectNodes(String xpathExpression, String comparisonXPathExpression) |
Object | selectObject(String xpathExpression) |
Node | selectSingleNode(String xpathExpression) |
void | setName(String name) Sets the text data of this node or this method will throw an |
void | setParent(Element parent) |
void | setText(String text) Sets the text data of this node or this method will throw an |
String | valueOf(String xpathExpression) |
void | write(Writer writer) |