List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attribute
Attribute attribute(QName qName);
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License:Apache License
public void changeLdapUriTo(String newLdapUri) { Element ldap = (Element) getNode("/cruise/server/security/ldap"); ldap.attribute("uri").setValue(newLdapUri); }
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License:Apache License
public void changePasswordPathTo(String passwordFilePath) { Element passwordFile = (Element) getNode("/cruise/server/security/passwordFile"); passwordFile.attribute("path").setValue(passwordFilePath); }
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License:Apache License
private void removeAttribute(Element serverTag, String attributeName) { serverTag.remove(serverTag.attribute(attributeName)); }
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License:Apache License
public void modifyPipeline(String pipelineName, String node, String attribute, String attrValue) { Element pipeline = pipelineElement(pipelineName); Element trackingTool = findOrCreateAt(pipeline, 0, node); Attribute linkAttr = trackingTool.attribute(attribute); if (linkAttr == null) { trackingTool.add(new DefaultAttribute(attribute, attrValue)); } else {/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . co m*/ linkAttr.setValue(attrValue); } }
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License:Apache License
public void hasMaterialWithAttribs(String pipelineName, String materialType, String materialName, String... nameValues) {/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ Element material = material(pipelineName, materialName); if (material == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find material of type '" + materialType + "' and name '" + materialName + "'"); } for (String nameValue : nameValues) { String[] nameAndValue = nameValue.split(">"); String value = nameAndValue[1]; if ("tfs".equals(materialType) && "url".equals(nameAndValue[0])) { value = TfsServer.getUrl() + value; } Attribute attrib = material.attribute(nameAndValue[0]); if (attrib == null || !attrib.getText().equals(value)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find attribute pair: " + nameValue); } } }
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License:Apache License
public void invertFileFilter(String pipelineName) { List<Element> materials = materialsForPipeline(pipelineName); for (Element material : materials) { Attribute invertFile = material.attribute("invertFilter"); if (invertFile == null) { material.add(new DefaultAttribute("invertFilter", "true")); } else {//ww w. ja va 2 s. c o m invertFile.setValue("true"); } } }
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License:Apache License
private static void setAttr(int i, Element test, final String attr) { Attribute classname = test.attribute(attr); classname.setValue(classname.getValue() + i); }
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@RequestMapping("/superiorConfigRegist") @ResponseBody//from w w w . j ava 2 s. c om public Object superiorConfigRegist(SID sid, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Result result = new Result(true, "??"); String operator = request.getParameter("operator"); String registIp = request.getParameter("registIp"); String registName = request.getParameter("registName"); String param = ""; if (registIp.equals(IpAddress.getLocalIp().toString())) { result = new Result(false, "???"); return result; } if (StringUtils.containsAny(registName, "<>'*?:/|\"\\")) { return result.buildError("?????"); } Node parentNode = nodeMgrFacade.getParentNode(); Node KernelNode = nodeMgrFacade.getKernelAuditor(false); try { if ("regist".equals(operator)) { if (parentNode != null) { return result.buildError("??"); } else { //?? param = "<Register>" + "<Ip>" + IpAddress.getLocalIp() + "</Ip>" + //?IP "<Alias>" + registName + "</Alias>" + "<NodeId>" + KernelNode.getNodeId() + "</NodeId>" + "<Type>register</Type>" + "</Register>"; } } else if ("delete".equals(operator)) { if (parentNode == null) { return result.buildError("??"); } param = "<Register>" + "<Ip>" + IpAddress.getLocalIp() + "</Ip>" + "<Type>delete</Type>" + "</Register>"; } else if ("update".equals(operator)) { if (parentNode == null) { return result.buildError("??"); } try { nodeMgrFacade.delNode(parentNode); param = "<Register>" + "<Ip>" + IpAddress.getLocalIp() + "</Ip>" + "<Type>delete</Type>" + "</Register>"; String url = "https://" + parentNode.getIp() + "/resteasy/node/register"; Map<String, String> cookies = new HashMap<String, String>(); cookies.put("sessionid", RestUtil.getSessionId(registIp)); String returnInfo = HttpUtil.doPostWithSSLByString(url, param, cookies, "UTF-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(returnInfo)) {"?IP:" + parentNode.getIp()); } } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("{}????", parentNode.getIp()); } //? // registNode(registIp, registName,KernelNode); param = "<Register>" + "<Ip>" + IpAddress.getLocalIp() + "</Ip>" + //?IP "<Alias>" + registName + "</Alias>" + "<NodeId>" + KernelNode.getNodeId() + "</NodeId>" + "<Type>register</Type>" + "</Register>"; } String url = "https://" + registIp + "/resteasy/node/register"; Map<String, String> cookies = new HashMap<String, String>(); cookies.put("sessionid", RestUtil.getSessionId(registIp)); String returnInfo = HttpUtil.doPostWithSSLByString(url, param, cookies, "UTF-8"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(returnInfo)) { Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(returnInfo); Element root = document.getRootElement(); String successResponse = root.attribute("success").getValue(); if ("false".equals(successResponse)) { Element elementMessage = root.element("Message"); result.buildError(elementMessage.getText()); return result; } if ("regist".equals(operator)) { // registNode(registIp, registName, KernelNode);"?IP:" + registIp); result = new Result(true, "?"); result.setResult(KernelNode.getResourceId()); } else if ("update".equals(operator)) { registNode(registIp, registName, KernelNode);"??IP:" + registIp); result = new Result(true, "??"); result.setResult(KernelNode.getResourceId()); } else { // nodeMgrFacade.delNode(parentNode);"?IP:" + parentNode.getIp()); result = new Result(true, "?"); } } else { result.buildError("?"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result.buildError("?"); } return result; }
From source
private static String nvlAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, int defaultValue) { if (element == null || element.attribute(attributeName) == null || "null".equals(element.attributeValue(attributeName))) { return String.valueOf(defaultValue); } else {/* ww w. java2s. co m*/ String result = element.attributeValue(attributeName); return result; } }
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/** * Verilen elementten ( permission ) actionlar toplar ve register eder. * @param e//from ww w . ja v a 2s . com * @param gn */ private void registerPermission(Element e, String gn) { Attribute target = e.attribute("target"); String t = target.getText(); List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); populateEntityActions(e, al); populateActions(e, al); populateExculedActions(e, al); //Tm data topland imdi map'e ekleniyor... PermissionGroup pg = permMap.get(gn); if (pg == null) { pg = new PermissionGroup(); pg.setName(gn); permMap.put(gn, pg); } PermissionDefinition pd = new PermissionDefinition(); pd.setTarget(t); pd.getActions().addAll(al); pg.getDefinitions().add(pd);"Registered Permission = #0.#1#2", gn, t, al); }