List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attribute
Attribute attribute(QName qName);
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License:Apache License
/** * element/*from www .ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param element * @param properties */ private static void updateElement(Element element, Map<String, String> properties) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("tools:")) { continue; } String keyNoPrefix = key; String[] values = StringUtils.split(key, ":"); if (values.length > 1) { keyNoPrefix = values[1]; } if (null == entry.getValue()) { continue; } else { Attribute attribute = element.attribute(keyNoPrefix); if (null != attribute) { attribute.setValue(entry.getValue()); } else { element.addAttribute(key, entry.getValue()); } } } }
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License:Apache License
public static void collectBundleInfo(AppVariantContext appVariantContext, BundleInfo bundleInfo, File manifest, List<AndroidLibrary> androidLibraries) throws DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document =, appVariantContext));// ?XML Element root = document.getRootElement();// List<? extends Node> metadataNodes = root.selectNodes("//meta-data"); for (Node node : metadataNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); if (attribute.getValue().equals("label")) { Attribute labelAttribute = element.attribute("value"); bundleInfo.setName(labelAttribute.getValue()); } else if (attribute.getValue().equals("description")) { Attribute descAttribute = element.attribute("value"); bundleInfo.setDesc(descAttribute.getValue()); }/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ } addComponents(bundleInfo, root); if (null != androidLibraries) { for (AndroidLibrary depLib : androidLibraries) { SAXReader reader2 = new SAXReader(); Document document2 =, appVariantContext));// ?XML Element root2 = document2.getRootElement();// addComponents(bundleInfo, root2); } } }
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License:Apache License
private static void addComponents(BundleInfo bundleInfo, Element root) { List<? extends Node> serviceNodes = root.selectNodes("//service"); for (Node node : serviceNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); addToList(bundleInfo.getServices(), attribute.getValue()); }/*ww w. j ava2 s . c o m*/ List<? extends Node> receiverNodes = root.selectNodes("//receiver"); for (Node node : receiverNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); addToList(bundleInfo.getReceivers(), attribute.getValue()); } List<? extends Node> providerNodes = root.selectNodes("//provider"); for (Node node : providerNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); addToList(bundleInfo.getContentProviders(), attribute.getValue()); } List<? extends Node> activityNodes = root.selectNodes("//activity"); for (Node node : activityNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); addToList(bundleInfo.getActivities(), attribute.getValue()); } }
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License:Apache License
@com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step("Verify cctray feed contains stage <stageName> job <jobName> with current activity <activity> with label <label> and last status <status>") public void verifyCctrayFeedContainsStageJobWithCurrentActivityWithLabelAndLastStatus(String stageName, String jobName, String activity, String label, String status) throws Exception { Element node = jobNode(stageName, jobName); assertThat(node.attribute("activity").getStringValue(), is(activity)); assertThat(node.attribute("lastBuildStatus").getStringValue(), is(status)); assertThat(node.attribute("lastBuildLabel").getStringValue(), is(label)); }
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License:Apache License
@com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step("Verify cctray feed contains stage <stageName> with current activity <activity> with label <label> and last status <status>") public void verifyCctrayFeedContainsStageWithCurrentActivityWithLabelAndLastStatus(String stageName, String activity, String label, String status) throws Exception { Element node = stageNode(stageName); assertThat(node.attribute("activity").getStringValue(), is(activity)); assertThat(node.attribute("lastBuildStatus").getStringValue(), is(status)); assertThat(node.attribute("lastBuildLabel").getStringValue(), is(label)); }
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License:Apache License
@com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step("Verify cctray feed contains stage <stageName> with relative weburl <webUrl>") public void verifyCctrayFeedContainsStageWithRelativeWeburl(String stageName, String webUrl) throws Exception { String expectedWebUrl = "/pipelines/" + state.currentRuntimePipelineName() + webUrl; Element node = stageNode(stageName); String actualWebUrl = node.attribute("webUrl").getStringValue(); assertThat(actualWebUrl, containsString(expectedWebUrl)); }
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License:Apache License
@com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step("Verify cctray feed contains stage <stageName> and job <jobName> with relative weburl <webUrl>") public void verifyCctrayFeedContainsStageAndJobWithRelativeWeburl(String stageName, String jobName, String webUrl) throws Exception { String expectedWebUrl = "/tab/build/detail/" + state.currentRuntimePipelineName() + webUrl; Element node = jobNode(stageName, jobName); String actualWebUrl = node.attribute("webUrl").getStringValue(); assertThat(actualWebUrl, containsString(expectedWebUrl)); }
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License:Apache License
private void pointPasswordFileToAbsolutePath(CruiseConfigDom dom, File passwordProperties) throws IOException { Element passwordFile = dom.getPasswordFile(); passwordFile.attribute("path").setValue(passwordProperties.getCanonicalPath()); }
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License:Apache License
private void pointPasswordFileToAbsolutePath(CruiseConfigDom dom) throws IOException { File destination = config.copyPasswordFile(getClass().getResource("/config/")); Element passwordFile = dom.getPasswordFile(); passwordFile.attribute("path").setValue(destination.getCanonicalPath()); }
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License:Apache License
@com.thoughtworks.gauge.Step("Verify stage <stageName> has attribute <attribute> set to <value> where null means <defaultValue>") public void verifyStageHasAttributeSetToWhereNullMeans(String stageName, String attribute, String value, String defaultValue) throws Exception { CruiseConfigDom dom = configuration.provideDomAsAdmin(); Element stage = dom.getStage(state.currentRuntimePipelineName(), stageName); Attribute attr = stage.attribute(attribute); if (attr == null) { assertThat(defaultValue, is(value)); } else {//from w w w . ja va2 s . com assertThat(attr.getValue(), is(value)); } }