Example usage for org.dom4j Element attribute

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attribute


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element attribute.


Attribute attribute(QName qName);

Source Link




From source file:ca.coder2000.recipes.RecipeFile.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Checks the version of the recipe file.
 * @throws Exception If the version of the recipe file is wrong.
 *///from  w  w  w  .  ja  v a2 s. c o m
public void checkVersion() throws Exception {
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    Attribute version = root.attribute("version");

    if (Double.valueOf(version.getStringValue()).doubleValue() != 0.1) {
        valid = false;
        throw new Exception(

    valid = true;

From source file:cc.warlock.build.FeatureVersionReplacer.java

License:Open Source License

protected void replaceVersions() throws BuildException {
    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();

    try {//  w  ww  .j  a  v a2s .c o  m
        File featureFile = new File(new File(new File(buildDirectory, "features"), feature), "feature.xml");
        Document featureDoc = reader.read(featureFile);
        Element featureEl = featureDoc.getRootElement();

        //          Properties versions = new Properties();
        //          File versionsFile = new File(buildDirectory, "finalPluginsVersions.properties");
        //          FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(versionsFile);
        //          versions.load(stream);
        //          stream.close();
        //          for (Element pluginEl : (List<Element>) featureEl.elements("plugin"))
        //          {
        //             if (pluginEl.attributeValue("version").equals("0.0.0"))
        //             {
        //                if (versions.containsKey(pluginEl.attributeValue("id")))
        //                   pluginEl.attribute("version").setValue(versions.getProperty(pluginEl.attributeValue("id")));
        //             }
        //          }

        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();

        FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(featureFile);
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(outStream, format);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

From source file:cc.warlock.rcp.application.WarlockPerspectiveLayout.java

License:Open Source License

public void parseElement(Element element) {
    if (element.attribute("x") != null) {
        bounds.x = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("x"));
        bounds.y = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("y"));
        bounds.width = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("width"));
        bounds.height = Integer.parseInt(element.attributeValue("height"));
    }//from   w  w w .ja  v  a2  s  . c  o m

From source file:ch.javasoft.metabolic.efm.config.Config.java

License:BSD License

 * Derives the configuration from the xml file stored in the system 
 * properties.//from   ww  w  . ja v a2 s  .co m
 * @return                  the config
 * @throws XmlConfigException   if invalid configuration settings were 
 *                         detected
public static Config getFromXmlConfig(XmlConfig xmlConfig) throws XmlConfigException {
    Element efmCompConfig = getConfigMetabolicCompression(xmlConfig);
    Element efmImplConfig = getConfigEfmImplConfig(xmlConfig);
    Element efmOutputConfig = getConfigEfmOutput(xmlConfig);
    Element efmNumConfig = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.numeric);
    Element efmDistConfig = XmlUtil.getOptionalSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.distribute);
    Element elGenerator = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.generator);
    Element elReacsToSup = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig,
    Element elReacsToEnf = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig,
    Element elReacsNoSplit = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig,
    Element elTmpDir = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.temp_dir);
    Element elProgress = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.progress);
    Element elFlag = XmlUtil.getOptionalSingleChildElement(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.flag);
    String rowOrdering = getAttributeValue(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.row_ordering, XmlAttribute.value);
    String adjMethod = getAttributeValue(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.adjacency_method, XmlAttribute.value);
    int maxThreads = Integer
            .parseInt(getAttributeValue(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.maxthreads, XmlAttribute.value));
    Element elArithmetic = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmNumConfig, XmlElement.arithmetic);
    Element elPrecision = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmNumConfig, XmlElement.precision);
    Element elZero = XmlUtil.getRequiredSingleChildElement(efmNumConfig, XmlElement.zero);
    int precision = XmlElement.parsePrecision(elPrecision.attribute(XmlAttribute.value.getXmlName()));
    double dblZero = XmlElement.parseZero(elZero.attribute(XmlAttribute.value.getXmlName()));
    Arithmetic arithmetic = Arithmetic.parse(elArithmetic.attribute(XmlAttribute.value.getXmlName()));
    Normalize normalize = Normalize.parse(efmOutputConfig.attribute(XmlAttribute.normalize.getXmlName()));
    Generator generator = Generator.parse(elGenerator.attribute(XmlAttribute.value.getXmlName()));
    String reacsToSuppress = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elReacsToSup, XmlAttribute.value);
    String reacsToEnforce = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elReacsToEnf, XmlAttribute.value);
    String reacsNoSplit = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elReacsNoSplit, XmlAttribute.value);
    Zero zero = Double.isNaN(dblZero) ? arithmetic.getDefaultZero() : new Zero(dblZero);
    File tmpDir = new File(XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elTmpDir, XmlAttribute.name));
    String strProgType = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elProgress, XmlAttribute.type);
    String strProgPartition = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(elProgress, XmlAttribute.partition);
    String flag = elFlag == null ? null : XmlUtil.getOptionalAttributeValue(elFlag, XmlAttribute.value, null);
    final int progPartition;
    try {
        progPartition = Integer.parseInt(strProgPartition);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new XmlConfigException(
                "invalid value for progress partition, expected integer value, but found: " + strProgPartition,
    final ProgressType progType = ProgressType.parse(strProgType);

    MetabolicCompressionConfig cmpCfg = new MetabolicCompressionConfig(efmCompConfig);
    final boolean preprocessDuplicateGenes;
    final CompressionMethod[] cmpMethods;
    try {
        preprocessDuplicateGenes = cmpCfg.getPreprocessDuplicateGenes();
        cmpMethods = cmpCfg.getCompressionMethods();
    } catch (ch.javasoft.metabolic.compress.config.XmlConfigException ex) {
        throw new XmlConfigException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getNode());

    if (flag == null || (flag = flag.trim()).length() == 0)
        flag = null;
    final DistributedConfig distConfig = new DistributedConfig(efmDistConfig);

    boolean selfTest = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(getAttributeValue(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.self_test, XmlAttribute.value));
    boolean parseOnly = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(getAttributeValue(efmImplConfig, XmlElement.parse_only, XmlAttribute.value));
    return new Config(xmlConfig, zero, adjMethod, rowOrdering, cmpMethods, preprocessDuplicateGenes, selfTest,
            parseOnly, maxThreads, arithmetic, precision, generator, normalize, reacsToSuppress, reacsToEnforce,
            reacsNoSplit, tmpDir, progPartition, progType, flag, distConfig);

From source file:ch.javasoft.xml.config.ConstConfigParser.java

License:BSD License

private static <T> T parseConstant(Element constElement, Class<T> expectedType, boolean allowNull)
        throws XmlConfigException {
    final String sValue;
    if (constElement.attributeCount() == 1) {
        sValue = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(constElement, new Attribute(constElement.attribute(0)));
    } else {//from  w  ww .j  a v  a  2  s  .  c  om
        sValue = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(constElement, XmlAttribute.value);
    if (allowNull && sValue.equals("null")) {
        return null;
    try {
        return expectedType.getConstructor(METHOD_SIGNATURE).newInstance(new Object[] { sValue });
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new XmlConfigException(
                "cannot create " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " const value '" + sValue + "', e=" + ex,
                constElement, ex);

From source file:ch.javasoft.xml.config.XmlConfig.java

License:BSD License

protected List<Element> resolve(Element element, String path) throws XmlConfigException {
    final List<Element> resolved = new ArrayList<Element>();
    Attribute refAtt = element.attribute(XmlAttribute.ref.getXmlName());
    if (refAtt == null) {
        resolved.add(element);//w ww . ja v a 2  s.c  o  m
    } else {
        resolveAttributeValue(refAtt, path);
        List<Element> refElCont = getReferredElementContent(refAtt.getValue(), path);
        for (final Element el : refElCont) {
            final Element newEl = el.createCopy();
            resolved.addAll(resolve(newEl, XmlUtil.getElementPath(el, true/*recurseParents*/)));
        if (!element.getParent().remove(element)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("internal error: should have been removed");

    for (Element elem : resolved) {
        Iterator<Attribute> itA = elem.attributeIterator();
        while (itA.hasNext()) {
            Attribute att = itA.next();
            resolveAttributeValue(att, path);

        //         resolve(elem.elementIterator(), path);
        Iterator<Element> itE = elem.elementIterator();
        while (itE.hasNext()) {
            Element child = itE.next();
            resolve(child, path + "/" + XmlUtil.getElementPath(child, false /*recurseParents*/));
        if (elem.attribute(XmlAttribute.ref.getXmlName()) != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("internal error: should have been resolved");
    return resolved;

From source file:ch.javasoft.xml.config.XmlConfig.java

License:BSD License

 * Returns the logging properties read from the <tt>logging</tt> element, or
 * <code>null</code> if no logging properties found in the xml config.
 * <p>//from www.j  a v  a 2  s .c om
 * The logging element is expected to look like this:
 * <pre>
  <prop name=".level"    value="INFO"/>   
  <prop name="handlers"    value="ch.javasoft.util.logging.StandardOutHandler,ch.javasoft.util.logging.StandardErrHandler"/>
 * </pre>
 * @param config            the config element to use
 * @throws XmlConfigException   if an xml configuration error occurs
private Properties getLoggingProperties(Element config) throws XmlConfigException {
    final Element logging = XmlUtil.getOptionalSingleChildElement(config, XmlElement.logging);
    final List<Element> props = (List<Element>) logging.elements(XmlElement.property.getXmlName());

    if (props != null) {
        final Properties loggingProps = new Properties();
        for (final Element property : props) {
            String path = XmlUtil.getElementPath(property, true /*recurseParents*/);

            final Attribute attRef = property.attribute(XmlAttribute.ref.getXmlName());
            final Iterable<Element> resolved;
            if (attRef != null) {
                resolved = resolve(property, path);
            } else {
                resolved = Collections.singleton(property);
            for (Element prop : resolved) {
                final Attribute attName = prop.attribute(XmlAttribute.name.getXmlName());
                final Attribute attValue = prop.attribute(XmlAttribute.value.getXmlName());
                if (attName == null) {
                    throw new XmlConfigException("name attribute missing", path);
                resolveAttributeValue(attName, path);
                final String name = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(prop, XmlAttribute.name);
                path += "[name=" + name + "]";
                resolveAttributeValue(attValue, path);
                final String value = XmlUtil.getRequiredAttributeValue(prop, XmlAttribute.value);
                loggingProps.put(name, value);
        return loggingProps;
    return null;

From source file:ch.javasoft.xml.config.XmlUtil.java

License:BSD License

 * Returns the desired attribute value, or throws an exception no such
 * attribute exists.//from  w w w . j  ava  2  s .com
 * @param element            the element to get the attribute value from
 * @param attribute            specifies the desired attribute name
 * @return                  the attribute value
 * @throws XmlConfigException   if no such attribute value is defined
public static String getRequiredAttributeValue(Element element, XmlNode attribute) throws XmlConfigException {
    Attribute att = element.attribute(attribute.getXmlName());
    if (att == null) {
        throw new XmlConfigException(
                "missing " + attribute.getXmlName() + " attribute for " + element.getName() + " element",
    return att.getValue();

From source file:ch.javasoft.xml.config.XmlUtil.java

License:BSD License

 * Returns the desired attribute value, or the given default value if no 
 * such attribute exists.//w  w w .  ja  v  a2 s .c  o  m
 * @param element            the element to get the attribute value from
 * @param attribute            specifies the desired attribute name
 * @param defaultValue         the default value to use if no such 
 *                         attribute exists
 * @return                  the attribute value, or the default if no
 *                         such attribute exists
public static String getOptionalAttributeValue(Element element, XmlNode attribute, String defaultValue)
        throws XmlConfigException {
    Attribute att = element.attribute(attribute.getXmlName());
    if (att == null) {
        return defaultValue;
    return att.getValue();

From source file:client.ManageNets.java

License:Open Source License

private void parseDoc() {
    //seznam uzivatelu
    List<Element> u = serverroot.elements();
    //seznam siti
    List<Element> n;
    //seznam verzi
    List<Element> v;
    //n.size();/*from  w  w w.j a  v  a2s  . c o  m*/

    names = new String[u.size()];
    nets = new String[u.size()][];
    versions = new String[u.size()][][];
    descriptions = new String[u.size()][][];

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    for (Element e : u) {

        names[i] = e.attribute("login").getValue();

        n = e.elements();

        nets[i] = new String[n.size()];
        versions[i] = new String[n.size()][];
        descriptions[i] = new String[n.size()][];

        j = 0;
        for (Element f : n) {

            nets[i][j] = f.attribute("name").getText();

            v = f.elements();

            versions[i][j] = new String[v.size()];
            descriptions[i][j] = new String[v.size()];

            //s verzema jdu odzadu aby byly nejnovejsi nejdrive
            k = v.size() - 1;
            for (Element g : v) {

                versions[i][j][k] = convVerToPrint(g.attribute("time").getText());
                descriptions[i][j][k] = g.attribute("description").getText();
