List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attribute
Attribute attribute(QName qName);
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License:Open Source License
private static Try readTry(Element element) { Try tryAction;//www.j a va 2 s. com Attribute catchRegister = element.attribute("catchregister"); if (catchRegister != null) { tryAction = new Try(Short.parseShort(catchRegister.getValue())); } else { Attribute catchVariable = element.attribute("catchvariable"); if (catchVariable != null) { tryAction = new Try(catchVariable.getValue()); } else { throw new MissingNodeException( "Neither catch register nor catch variable specified within try action!"); } } RecordXMLReader.readActionBlock(tryAction.getTryBlock(), RecordXMLReader.getElement("try", element)); Element catchElement = element.element("catch"); if (catchElement != null) { RecordXMLReader.readActionBlock(tryAction.getCatchBlock(), catchElement); } Element finallyElement = element.element("finally"); if (finallyElement != null) { RecordXMLReader.readActionBlock(tryAction.getFinallyBlock(), finallyElement); } return tryAction; }
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License:Open Source License
static boolean getBooleanAttribute(String name, Element parentElement) { // boolean attributes are written only for "true" values Attribute attribute = parentElement.attribute(name); return ((attribute != null) && attribute.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")); }
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License:Open Source License
static String getStringAttribute(String attributeName, Element parentElement) { Attribute attribute = parentElement.attribute(attributeName); if (attribute == null) { throw new MissingAttributeException(attributeName, parentElement.getPath()); }//from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m return attribute.getValue(); }
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License:Open Source License
static AlignmentZone[] readAlignmentZones(Element parentElement) { Element zonesElement = getElement("zones", parentElement); List zoneElements = zonesElement.elements("zone"); int zonesCount = zoneElements.size(); AlignmentZone[] zones = new AlignmentZone[zonesCount]; for (int i = 0; i < zonesCount; i++) { Element zoneElement = (Element) zoneElements.get(i); AlignmentZone zone = new AlignmentZone(); Attribute leftAttribute = zoneElement.attribute("left"); if (leftAttribute != null) { float left = Float.parseFloat(leftAttribute.getValue()); float width = getFloatAttribute("width", zoneElement); zone.setX(left, width);//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .com } Attribute baselineAttribute = zoneElement.attribute("baseline"); if (baselineAttribute != null) { float baseline = Float.parseFloat(baselineAttribute.getValue()); float height = getFloatAttribute("height", zoneElement); zone.setY(baseline, height); } zones[i] = zone; } return zones; }
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License:Open Source License
static ButtonCondAction[] readButtonCondActions(Element parentElement) { Element actionsElement = parentElement.element("actions"); if (actionsElement != null) { List actions = actionsElement.elements(); int arraySize = actions.size(); ButtonCondAction[] actionArray = new ButtonCondAction[arraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { ButtonCondAction action = new ButtonCondAction(); Element actionElement = (Element) actions.get(i); if (getBooleanAttribute("outdowntoidle", actionElement)) { action.setOutDownToIdle(); }//from ww w .j a v a2s . c om if (getBooleanAttribute("outdowntooverdown", actionElement)) { action.setOutDownToOverDown(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("idletooverdown", actionElement)) { action.setIdleToOverDown(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("idletooverup", actionElement)) { action.setIdleToOverUp(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("overdowntoidle", actionElement)) { action.setOverDownToIdle(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("overdowntooutdown", actionElement)) { action.setOverDownToOutDown(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("overdowntooverup", actionElement)) { action.setOverDownToOverUp(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("overuptoidle", actionElement)) { action.setOverUpToIdle(); } if (getBooleanAttribute("overuptooverdown", actionElement)) { action.setOverUpToOverDown(); } Attribute keyPress = actionElement.attribute("keypress"); if (keyPress != null) { action.setKeyPress(Byte.parseByte(keyPress.getValue())); } readActionBlock(action.getActions(), actionElement); actionArray[i] = action; } return actionArray; } return null; }
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License:Open Source License
static ClipActions readClipActions(Element element) { ClipEventFlags eventFlags = readClipEventFlags(element); List recordElements = element.elements("clipactionrecord"); List records = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = recordElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element recordElement = (Element); ClipActionRecord record = new ClipActionRecord(readClipEventFlags(recordElement)); Attribute keyCode = recordElement.attribute("keycode"); if (keyCode != null) { record.setKeyCode(Short.parseShort(keyCode.getValue())); }//w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m readActionBlock(record.getActions(), recordElement); records.add(record); } return new ClipActions(eventFlags, records); }
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License:Open Source License
static Color readColor(Element element) { if (element.attribute("a") == null) { return readRGB(element); }/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s. c om*/ return readRGBA(element); }
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License:Open Source License
static SoundInfo readSoundInfo(Element parentElement) { Element element = getElement("soundinfo", parentElement); SoundInfo soundInfo = new SoundInfo(); if (getBooleanAttribute("syncstop", element)) { soundInfo.setSyncStop();//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om } if (getBooleanAttribute("syncnomultiple", element)) { soundInfo.setSyncNoMultiple(); } Attribute loopCount = element.attribute("loopcount"); if (loopCount != null) { soundInfo.setLoopCount(Integer.parseInt(loopCount.getValue())); } Attribute inPoint = element.attribute("inpoint"); if (inPoint != null) { soundInfo.setInPoint(Integer.parseInt(inPoint.getValue())); } Element envelopeRecordsElement = element.element("enveloperecords"); if (envelopeRecordsElement != null) { soundInfo.setEnvelopeRecords(readSoundEnvelopeRecords(envelopeRecordsElement)); } return soundInfo; }
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License:Open Source License
static TextRecord[] readTextRecords(Element parentElement) { Element element = getElement("textrecords", parentElement); List recordElements = element.elements(); int arrayLength = recordElements.size(); TextRecord[] records = new TextRecord[arrayLength]; for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { Element recordElement = (Element) recordElements.get(i); GlyphEntry[] glyphEntries = readGlyphEntries(recordElement); TextRecord record = new TextRecord(glyphEntries); Attribute fontId = recordElement.attribute("fontid"); if (fontId != null) { record.setFont(Integer.parseInt(fontId.getValue()), getIntAttribute("height", recordElement)); }//from w w w .j a v a 2 Attribute xOffset = recordElement.attribute("xoffset"); if (xOffset != null) { record.setXOffset(Short.parseShort(xOffset.getValue())); } Attribute yOffset = recordElement.attribute("yoffset"); if (yOffset != null) { record.setYOffset(Short.parseShort(yOffset.getValue())); } Element color = recordElement.element("color"); if (color != null) { record.setTextColor(RecordXMLReader.readColor(color)); } records[i] = record; } return records; }
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License:Open Source License
private static ShapeRecord readStyleChangeRecord(Element element) { StyleChangeRecord record = new StyleChangeRecord(); Element moveTo = element.element("moveto"); if (moveTo != null) { record.setMoveTo(getIntAttribute("x", moveTo), getIntAttribute("y", moveTo)); }// w w w. ja v a 2 s . co m Element styles = element.element("styles"); if (styles != null) { Attribute line = styles.attribute("line"); if (line != null) { record.setLineStyle(Integer.parseInt(line.getValue())); } Attribute fill0 = styles.attribute("fill0"); if (fill0 != null) { record.setFillStyle0(Integer.parseInt(fill0.getValue())); } Attribute fill1 = styles.attribute("fill1"); if (fill1 != null) { record.setFillStyle1(Integer.parseInt(fill1.getValue())); } Element newLineStyles = styles.element("linestyles"); if (newLineStyles != null) { // new line styles always come together with new fill styles Element newFillStyles = getElement("fillstyles", styles); record.setNewStyles(readLineStyles(newLineStyles), readFillStyles(newFillStyles)); } } return record; }