Example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getValue

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute getValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getValue.


String getValue();

Source Link


Returns the value of the attribute.


From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.access.AccessBroker.java

License:Open Source License

 * Constructs a new <code>AccessBroker</code> using information from the
 * specified XML.// w  w w. j av  a  2 s  . c  o  m
 * @param e XML that defines the desired broker.
 * @return A broker with the characteristics specified in the XML.
protected AccessBroker(Element e) {

    // Assertions.
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    if (!e.getName().equals("access-broker")) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be an <access-broker> " + "element.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    // Handle.
    Attribute h = e.attribute("handle");
    if (h == null) {
        String msg = "Element <access-broker> is missing required " + "attribute 'handle'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    String val = h.getValue().trim();
    if (val.length() == 0) {
        String msg = "Attribute 'handle' cannot be zero-length or contain " + "only whitespace.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    this.handle = val;

    // Add to collection.
    instances.put(val, this);


From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.access.AccessRule.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns an array of AccessRules from parsing the given XML.
 *  //  w w w .  j  av a 2s .  com
 * @param e
 * Format of the xml
 *          <access impl="net.unicon.academus.apps.briefcase.BriefcaseAccessType">
 *               <type handle="READ" value="GRANT"/>  
 *               <type handle="EDIT" value="GRANT"/>  
 *          </access>
 * @return An array of AccessRule objects.
public static AccessRule[] parse(Element e) {

    // assertions 
    if (e == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'e' cannot be null.");
    if (!e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("access")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'e' should be ab element with name 'access'.");

    Attribute impl = e.attribute("impl");
    if (impl == null) {
        String msg = "Element <access> must contain the attribute " + " 'impl'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Class c;
    Method m;
    AccessType[] access;

    List yList = e.selectNodes("type");
    AccessRule[] rules = new AccessRule[yList.size()];
    try {
        c = Class.forName(impl.getValue());
        m = c.getDeclaredMethod("getAccessType", new Class[] { String.class });

        for (int i = 0; i < yList.size(); i++) {
            Element a = (Element) yList.get(i);
            Attribute v = a.attribute("value");
            Attribute h = a.attribute("handle");
            if (v == null) {
                String msg = "Element <type> is missing required attribute " + "'value'.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
            if (h == null) {
                String msg = "Element <type> is missing required attribute " + "'handle'.";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

            rules[i] = new AccessRule((AccessType) m.invoke(null, new Object[] { h.getValue() }),
                    v.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("GRANT") ? true : false);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("There was an error in parsing the Access Rule.", ex);

    return rules;

From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.access.permissions.PermissionsAccessBroker.java

License:Open Source License

public static AccessBroker parse(Element ce) {
    // Targets Access Broker -- Can be null.
    Element e = (Element) ce.selectSingleNode("targets/access-broker");
    AccessBroker targets = null;/*from w  w  w.j a v a2s .c o  m*/
    if (e != null)
        targets = AccessBroker.parse(e);

    // Permissions Access Broker
    e = (Element) ce.selectSingleNode("permissions/access-broker");
    if (e == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("PermissionsAccessBroker requires an <access-broker> element "
                + "under element <permissions>.");
    AccessBroker permissions = AccessBroker.parse(e);

    // AccessType[] declaration
    e = (Element) ce.selectSingleNode("access");
    if (e == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("PermissionsAccessBroker requires an <access> element.");
    Attribute impl = e.attribute("impl");
    if (impl == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The element <access> must contain an 'impl' attribute.");

    AccessType[] accessTypes = null;
    try {
        accessTypes = (AccessType[]) Class.forName(impl.getValue()).getMethod("getInstances", null).invoke(null,
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the class " + impl.getValue(), ex1);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex2) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the Method 'getInstances' on class " + impl.getValue(), ex2);
    } catch (Exception ex3) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to execute Method 'getInstances' on class " + impl.getValue(), ex3);

    if (accessTypes == null || accessTypes.length == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No AccessTypes found from <access> element declaration.");

    return new PermissionsAccessBroker(ce, targets, permissions, accessTypes);

From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.access.rdbms.RdbmsAccessBroker.java

License:Open Source License

public static AccessBroker parse(Element e) {

    // Assertions.
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    }/*from w w  w .j a  v  a2  s. c  o m*/
    if (!e.getName().equals("access-broker")) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be an <access-broker> " + "element.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    // Call parse() in the specified implementation.
    Attribute impl = e.attribute("impl");

    Attribute handle = e.attribute("handle");
    String name = handle.getText();

    // AccessTypes lookup
    Element el = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("access");
    if (el == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("RdbmsAccessBroker requires the <access> element.");
    impl = el.attribute("impl");
    if (impl == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The element <access> must contain an 'impl' attribute.");
    AccessType[] accessTypes = null;
    try {
        accessTypes = (AccessType[]) Class.forName(impl.getValue()).getMethod("getInstances", null).invoke(null,
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex1) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the class " + impl.getValue(), ex1);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex2) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the Method 'getInstances' on class " + impl.getValue(), ex2);
    } catch (Exception ex3) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to execute Method 'getInstances' on class " + impl.getValue(), ex3);
    if (accessTypes == null || accessTypes.length == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No AccessTypes found from <access> element declaration.");

    return getInstance(getDataSource(), name, accessTypes, true, e);


From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.encrypt.EncryptionService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Initialize the service instances from the configuration file.
 *///from  ww w. ja v a 2 s  . c  o  m
private static Map createInstances() {
    Map serviceInstances = new HashMap();

    try {
        URL configUrl = EncryptionService.class.getResource(CONFIGURATION_FILE);

        if (configUrl == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to locate encryption service configuration.");

        Element configElement = (Element) (new SAXReader()).read(configUrl.toString())

        SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");

        List eList = configElement.selectNodes("encryption-instance");
        Iterator it = eList.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Element e = (Element) it.next();
            Attribute attr = e.attribute("encrypt");
            boolean encrypt = (attr == null || !attr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("false"));
            String appName = e.selectSingleNode("name").getText();
            String keyStr = e.selectSingleNode("key").getText();

            if (keyStr == null || keyStr.length() < 8)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("<key> must be at least 8 characters.");

            Key key = skf.generateSecret(new DESKeySpec(keyStr.getBytes()));

            serviceInstances.put(appName, new EncryptionService(encrypt, key));

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize EncryptionService", ex);

    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(serviceInstances);

From source file:net.unicon.alchemist.rdbms.Sequencer.java

License:Open Source License

public static Sequencer parse(Element e) {

    // Assertions.
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    }/*from www.ja v a  2 s.com*/
    if (!e.getName().equals("sequencer")) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e' must be a <sequencer> element.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    if (defaultDataSource == null) {
        String msg = "The sequencer component must be bootsraped before " + "the parse method may be called.";
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

    // Name.
    Attribute n = e.attribute("name");
    if (n == null) {
        String msg = "Element <sequencer> is missing required attribute " + "'name'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    String name = n.getValue();

    // CacheSize.
    Attribute z = e.attribute("cache-size");
    if (z == null) {
        String msg = "Element <sequencer> is missing required attribute " + "'cache-size'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    int cacheSize = 0;
    try {
        cacheSize = Integer.parseInt(z.getValue());
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        String msg = "Attribute " + "'cache-size'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    return new Sequencer(defaultDataSource, name, cacheSize);


From source file:net.unicon.civis.fac.AbstractCivisFactory.java

License:Open Source License

public static ICivisFactory parse(Element e) {

    // Assertions.
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    }//from ww w. j  ava  2s  .co m
    if (!e.getName().equals("civis-factory")) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be a <civis-factory> " + "element.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    // Impl.
    Attribute p = e.attribute("impl");
    if (p == null) {
        String msg = "Element <civis-factory> is missing required " + "attribute 'impl'.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    String impl = p.getValue();

    ICivisFactory rslt = null;
    try {

        Class c = Class.forName(impl);
        Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("parse", new Class[] { Element.class });
        rslt = (ICivisFactory) m.invoke(null, new Object[] { e });

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        String msg = "Unable to evaluate the specified factory:  " + impl;
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);

    return rslt;


From source file:net.unicon.mercury.DraftMessage.java

License:Open Source License

 * Parse an XML fragment containing a message.
 * @param e Element object representing the <code>&lt;message&gt;</code>
 *          element./*from   ww w.ja va2  s.  c  om*/
 * @return IMessage representing the given XML element
public static DraftMessage parse(Element e) throws MercuryException {
    // Assertions.
    assert e != null : "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
    if (!e.getName().equals("message"))
        throw new XmlFormatException("Argument 'e [Element]' must be a <message> element.");

    DraftMessage msg = new DraftMessage();
    String buf = null;
    Attribute t = null;
    Attribute et = null;
    List list = null;

    // Priority.
    list = e.elements("priority");
    if (!list.isEmpty())
        msg.priority = Priority.getInstance(Integer.parseInt(((Element) list.get(0)).getText()));

    // Recipient.
    list = e.elements("recipient");
    for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Element el = (Element) it.next();
        t = el.attribute("type");
        et = el.attribute("entity-type");
        msg.addRecipient(t.getValue(), AddressImpl.parse((Element) el.selectSingleNode("address")),

    // Subject.
    list = e.elements("subject");
    if (!list.isEmpty())
        msg.subject = ((Element) list.get(0)).getText();

    // Body.
    list = e.elements("body");
    if (!list.isEmpty())
        msg.body = ((Element) list.get(0)).getText();
            list = e.elements("body");
            if (!list.isEmpty()) {
    Element b = (Element)list.get(0);
    b = b.createCopy();
    msg.body = b.asXML();

    //list = e.elements("expires");

    return msg;

From source file:net.unicon.mercury.fac.AddressImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public static IAddress parse(Element e) throws MercuryException {
    String label = null;//  w ww . j  av a2  s. c  om
    String nativeFormat = null;

    // Assertions.
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    if (!e.getName().equals("address")) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be a <address> " + "element.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    // Native-format attribute.
    Attribute t = e.attribute("native-format");
    if (t == null) {
        String msg = "Element <address> is missing required " + "attribute 'native-format'";
        throw new XmlFormatException(msg);
    nativeFormat = t.getValue();

    // Label.
    List list = e.elements("label");
    if (list.size() == 1)
        label = ((Element) list.get(0)).getText();
        label = nativeFormat;

    return new AddressImpl(label, nativeFormat);

From source file:net.unicon.mercury.fac.email.EmailAccount.java

License:Open Source License

 * Establish an EmailAccount based on an XML fragment.
 * @param e Root element of the XML fragment.
 * @return EmailAccount object representing the given XML fragment.
 * @throws MercuryException if any part of the parsing process fails.
 *//*w ww  .  j a va2  s . c o  m*/
public static EmailAccount parse(Element e) throws MercuryException {
    assert e != null;
    String tmp = null;
    EmailStoreAccount storeacct = null;
    EmailTransportAccount transportacct = null;

    Element el;
    Attribute t;

    try {
        // Store
        el = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("account[@type='store']");
        if (el != null) {
            t = el.attribute("impl");
            if (t == null)
                throw new XmlFormatException("Element <account> must have an attribute 'impl'");
            storeacct = (EmailStoreAccount) Class.forName(t.getValue()).getConstructor(new Class[0])
                    .newInstance(new Object[0]);


        // Transport
        el = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("account[@type='transport']");
        if (el != null) {
            t = el.attribute("impl");
            if (t == null)
                throw new XmlFormatException("Element <account> must have an attribute 'impl'");
            transportacct = (EmailTransportAccount) Class.forName(t.getValue()).getConstructor(new Class[0])
                    .newInstance(new Object[0]);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new MercuryException("Error instansiating EmailMessageFactory.", ex);

    return new EmailAccount(storeacct, transportacct);