Example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getValue

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute getValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getValue.


String getValue();

Source Link


Returns the value of the attribute.


From source file:net.yrom.builder.util.ManifestParser.java

License:Apache License

 * ?meta-data//w  ww .  j a v  a 2 s  .com
 * @param name
 * @param value
 * @param add ???meta-data?
public void replaceMetaData(String name, String value, boolean add) {
    Iterator<Element> iterator = application.elementIterator("meta-data");
    boolean hasData = false;
    for (; iterator.hasNext();) {

        Element data = iterator.next();
        String nameValue = data.attributeValue(androidName);
        if (nameValue != null && nameValue.equals(name)) {
            Attribute attribute = data.attribute(androidValue);
            hasData = attribute.getValue().equals(value);
            if (attribute != null && !hasData) {
    if (add && !hasData)
        application.addElement("meta-data").addAttribute(androidName, name).addAttribute(androidValue, value);

From source file:nl.architolk.ldt.processors.HttpClientProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

private void populateJSONArray(JSONArray root, Element element) {
    //At this moment, only simple arrays are possible, not arrays that contain arrays or objects
    Attribute typeAttr = element.attribute("type");
    String nodeType = (typeAttr != null) ? typeAttr.getValue() : "";
    if (nodeType.equals("number")) {
        //Numeric field
        try {/*  w  w w  .  ja  va 2  s .c  o  m*/
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            logger.warn("Not a number: " + element.getText());
    } else {
        //Default = string

From source file:nl.architolk.ldt.processors.HttpClientProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

private void populateJSONObject(JSONObject root, Element element) {
    Attribute typeAttr = element.attribute("type");
    String nodeType = (typeAttr != null) ? typeAttr.getValue() : "";
    if (element.isTextOnly()) {
        if (nodeType.equals("node")) {
            //Text only means: no children. If type is explicitly set to "node", the result should be an empty object
            root.put(element.getQName().getName(), new JSONObject());
        } else if (nodeType.equals("number")) {
            //Numeric field
            try {
                root.put(element.getQName().getName(), Float.valueOf(element.getText()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                logger.warn("Not a number: " + element.getText());
            }/*w  w w.  j a  va  2  s.com*/
        } else {
            //Default = string
            root.put(element.getQName().getName(), element.getText());
    } else if (nodeType.equals("nodelist")) {
        JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
        Iterator<?> elit = element.elementIterator();
        while (elit.hasNext()) {
            Element child = (Element) elit.next();
            populateJSONArray(json, child);
        root.put(element.getQName().getName(), json);
    } else {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        Iterator<?> elit = element.elementIterator();
        while (elit.hasNext()) {
            Element child = (Element) elit.next();
            populateJSONObject(json, child);
        root.put(element.getQName().getName(), json);

From source file:nl.nn.ibistesttool.PipeDescriptionProvider.java

License:Apache License

private void addResourceNamesToPipeDescription(Element element, PipeDescription pipeDescription) {
    for (int i = 0, size = element.attributeCount(); i < size; i++) {
        Attribute attribute = element.attribute(i);
        if ("styleSheetName".equals(attribute.getName())
                || "serviceSelectionStylesheetFilename".equals(attribute.getName())
                || "schema".equals(attribute.getName()) || "wsdl".equals(attribute.getName())
                || "fileName".equals(attribute.getName()) || "schemaLocation".equals(attribute.getName())) {
            if ("schemaLocation".equals(attribute.getName())) {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attribute.getValue(), ", \t\r\n\f");
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    st.nextToken();// ww  w  .j a v a 2 s .com
                    String resourceName = st.nextToken();
                    if (!pipeDescription.containsResourceName(resourceName)) {
            } else {
                String resourceName = attribute.getValue();
                if (!pipeDescription.containsResourceName(resourceName)) {
    for (int i = 0, size = element.nodeCount(); i < size; i++) {
        Node node = element.node(i);
        if (node instanceof Element && "sender".equals(node.getName())) {
            addResourceNamesToPipeDescription((Element) node, pipeDescription);

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.ForModule.java

License:Open Source License

private void replace(Element element, Pattern p, String replace) {
    for (Attribute a : (List<Attribute>) element.attributes()) {
        a.setValue(replace(a.getValue(), p, replace));
    }//from w ww .  j ava2s.  c  om
    for (Element e : (List<Element>) element.elements())
        replace(e, p, replace);

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.ViewModule.java

License:Open Source License

public Element traverse(Element element, Resource resource) throws ProcessorException {
    GaleContext gale = GaleContext.of(resource);
    LayoutView view = (LayoutView) gale.cfgm().getObject(
            "gale://gale.tue.nl/config/presentation#view-" + element.attributeValue("name"), resource);
    List<String> params = new LinkedList<String>();
    for (Attribute a : (List<Attribute>) element.attributes())
        if (!a.getName().equals("name"))
            params.add(a.getName() + "=" + a.getValue());
    resource.put("current-view", element.attributeValue("name"));
    Element result = view.getXml(resource, params.toArray());
    processor.traverseChildren(result, resource);
    GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, result);
    return null;//from   w ww .  ja  v  a2s  . c  o  m

From source file:nz.co.fortytwo.freeboard.installer.ChartProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Reads the .kap file, and the generated tilesresource.xml to get
 * chart desc, bounding box, and zoom levels
 * @param chartFile/*ww w  .j  a v a2s .  co m*/
 * @param false 
 * @throws Exception
public void processKapChart(File chartFile, boolean reTile, String charset) throws Exception {
    //String chartPath = chartFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
    String chartName = chartFile.getName();
    chartName = chartName.substring(0, chartName.lastIndexOf("."));
    File dir = new File(chartFile.getParentFile(), chartName);
    //      if(manager){
    //         logger.info("Chart tag:"+chartName+"\n");
    //         logger.info("Chart dir:"+dir.getPath()+"\n");
    //      }
    //      logger.info("Processing Chart tag:"+chartName);
    logger.info("Chart dir:" + dir.getPath());

    if (reTile) {
        KapProcessor processor = new KapProcessor();
        processor.setObserver(new KapObserver() {
            public void appendMsg(final String message) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
        processor.createTilePyramid(chartFile, mapCacheDir, false);
    //process the layer data
    File xmlFile = new File(dir, "tilemapresource.xml");

    //read data from dirName/tilelayers.xml
    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();

    Document document = reader.read(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(xmlFile), charset));

    logger.info("KAP file using " + charset);
    //now get the Chart Name from the kap file
    InputStreamReader fileReader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(chartFile), charset);
    char[] chars = new char[4096];
    String header = new String(new String(chars).getBytes(), "UTF-8");
    int pos = header.indexOf("BSB/NA=") + 7;
    String desc = header.substring(pos, header.indexOf("\n", pos)).trim();
    logger.debug("Name:" + desc);
    //we cant have + or , or = in name, as its used in storing ChartplotterViewModel
    //US50_2 BERING SEA CONTINUATION,NU=2401,RA=2746,3798,DU=254
    desc = desc.replaceAll("\\+", " ");
    desc = desc.replaceAll(",", " ");
    desc = desc.replaceAll("=", "/");
    //limit length too
    if (desc.length() > 40) {
        desc = desc.substring(0, 40);

    //we need BoundingBox
    Element box = (Element) document.selectSingleNode("//BoundingBox");
    String minx = box.attribute("minx").getValue();
    String miny = box.attribute("miny").getValue();
    String maxx = box.attribute("maxx").getValue();
    String maxy = box.attribute("maxy").getValue();
    //        if(manager){
    //         logger.info("Box:"+minx+","+miny+","+maxx+","+maxy+"\n");
    //      }
    logger.debug("Box:" + minx + ", " + miny + ", " + maxx + ", " + maxy);

    //we need TileSets, each tileset has an href, we need first and last for zooms
    List<Attribute> list = document.selectNodes("//TileSets/TileSet/@href");
    int minZoom = 18;
    int maxZoom = 0;
    for (Attribute attribute : list) {
        int zoom = Integer.valueOf(attribute.getValue());
        if (zoom < minZoom)
            minZoom = zoom;
        if (zoom > maxZoom)
            maxZoom = zoom;
    //        if(manager){
    //         System.out.print("Zoom:"+minZoom+"-"+maxZoom+"\n");
    //      }
    logger.debug("Zoom:" + minZoom + "-" + maxZoom);

    //cant have - in js var name
    String chartNameJs = chartName.replaceAll("^[^a-zA-Z_$]|[^\\w$]", "_");
    String snippet = "\n\tvar " + chartNameJs + " = L.tileLayer(\"http://{s}.{server}:8080/mapcache/"
            + chartName + "/{z}/{x}/{y}.png\", {\n" + "\t\tserver: host,\n" + "\t\tsubdomains: 'abcd',\n"
            + "\t\tattribution: '" + chartName + " " + desc + "',\n" + "\t\tminZoom: " + minZoom + ",\n"
            + "\t\tmaxNativeZoom: " + maxZoom + ",\n" + "\t\tmaxZoom: " + (maxZoom + 3) + ",\n"
            + "\t\ttms: true\n" + "\t\t}).addTo(map);\n";

    //        if(manager){
    //         System.out.print(snippet+"\n");
    //      }
    //add it to local freeboard.txt
    File layers = new File(dir, "freeboard.txt");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(layers, snippet, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name());
    //now zip the result
    logger.info("Zipping directory...");
    ZipUtils.zip(dir, new File(dir.getParentFile(), chartName + ".zip"));
    logger.info("Zipping directory complete, in "
            + new File(dir.getParentFile(), chartName + ".zip").getAbsolutePath());

From source file:nz.co.fortytwo.freeboard.server.util.ChartProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Reads the .kap file, and the generated tilesresource.xml to get
 * chart desc, bounding box, and zoom levels 
 * @param chartFile//from   ww  w . j  ava 2  s  . c o  m
 * @throws Exception
public void processKapChart(File chartFile, boolean reTile) throws Exception {
    String chartName = chartFile.getName();
    chartName = chartName.substring(0, chartName.lastIndexOf("."));
    File dir = new File(chartFile.getParentFile(), chartName);
    if (manager) {
        System.out.print("Chart tag:" + chartName + "\n");
        System.out.print("Chart dir:" + dir.getPath() + "\n");
    logger.debug("Chart tag:" + chartName);
    logger.debug("Chart dir:" + dir.getPath());
    //start by running the gdal scripts
    if (reTile) {
        executeGdal(chartFile, chartName,
                //this was for NZ KAP charts
                //Arrays.asList("gdal_translate", "-if","GTiff", "-of", "vrt", "-expand", "rgba",chartFile.getName(),"temp.vrt"),
                //this for US NOAA charts
                Arrays.asList("gdal_translate", "-of", "vrt", "-expand", "rgba", chartFile.getName(),
                Arrays.asList("gdal2tiles.py", "temp.vrt", chartName));
    //now get the Chart Name from the kap file
    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(chartFile);
    char[] chars = new char[4096];
    String header = new String(chars);
    int pos = header.indexOf("BSB/NA=") + 7;
    String desc = header.substring(pos, header.indexOf("\n", pos)).trim();
    logger.debug("Name:" + desc);
    //we cant have + or , or = in name, as its used in storing ChartplotterViewModel
    //US50_2 BERING SEA CONTINUATION,NU=2401,RA=2746,3798,DU=254
    desc = desc.replaceAll("\\+", " ");
    desc = desc.replaceAll(",", " ");
    desc = desc.replaceAll("=", "/");
    //limit length too
    if (desc.length() > 40) {
        desc = desc.substring(0, 40);
    //process the layer data

    //read data from dirName/tilelayers.xml
    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
    Document document = reader.read(new File(dir, "tilemapresource.xml"));
    //we need BoundingBox
    Element box = (Element) document.selectSingleNode("//BoundingBox");
    String minx = box.attribute("minx").getValue();
    String miny = box.attribute("miny").getValue();
    String maxx = box.attribute("maxx").getValue();
    String maxy = box.attribute("maxy").getValue();
    if (manager) {
        System.out.print("Box:" + minx + "," + miny + "," + maxx + "," + maxy + "\n");
    logger.debug("Box:" + minx + "," + miny + "," + maxx + "," + maxy);

    //we need TileSets, each tileset has an href, we need first and last for zooms
    List<Attribute> list = document.selectNodes("//TileSets/TileSet/@href");
    int minZoom = 18;
    int maxZoom = 0;
    for (Attribute attribute : list) {
        int zoom = Integer.valueOf(attribute.getValue());
        if (zoom < minZoom)
            minZoom = zoom;
        if (zoom > maxZoom)
            maxZoom = zoom;
    if (manager) {
        System.out.print("Zoom:" + minZoom + "-" + maxZoom + "\n");
    logger.debug("Zoom:" + minZoom + "-" + maxZoom);

    String snippet = "\n\tvar " + chartName + " = L.tileLayer(\"http://{s}.{server}:8080/mapcache/" + chartName
            + "/{z}/{x}/{y}.png\", {\n" + "\t\tserver: host,\n" + "\t\tsubdomains: 'abcd',\n"
            + "\t\tattribution: '" + chartName + " " + desc + "',\n" + "\t\tminZoom: " + minZoom + ",\n"
            + "\t\tmaxZoom: " + maxZoom + ",\n" + "\t\ttms: true\n" + "\t\t}).addTo(map);\n";

    if (manager) {
        System.out.print(snippet + "\n");
    //add it to local freeboard.txt
    File layers = new File(dir, "freeboard.txt");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(layers, snippet);
    //now zip the result
    System.out.print("Zipping directory...\n");
    ZipUtils.zip(dir, new File(dir.getParentFile(), chartName + ".zip"));
    System.out.print("Zipping directory complete, in "
            + new File(dir.getParentFile(), chartName + ".zip").getAbsolutePath() + "\n");
    System.out.print("Conversion of " + chartName + " was completed successfully!\n");

From source file:org.alfresco.module.vti.web.ws.GetListEndpoint.java

License:Open Source License

private void copyElement(Element source, Element target) {
    Element copy = target.addElement(source.getQName());
    for (Attribute attr : (List<Attribute>) source.attributes()) {
        copy.addAttribute(attr.getQName(), attr.getValue());
    }//from www. j a v  a  2s  .  co m
    for (Element child : (List<Element>) source.elements()) {
        copyElement(child, copy);
    if (source.getText() != null) {

From source file:org.alfresco.web.config.forms.DependenciesElementReader.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method takes the specified xml node, finds children matching the specified
 * xpath expression and returns a List<String> containing the values of the "src"
 * attribute on each of those child nodes.
 * /*from  www.  j  a  va 2  s.  com*/
 * @param typeNode Element
 * @param xpathExpression String
 * @return List<String>
private List<String> getSrcDependencies(Element typeNode, final String xpathExpression) {
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (Object cssObj : typeNode.selectNodes(xpathExpression)) {
        Element cssElem = (Element) cssObj;
        List<Attribute> cssAttributes = cssElem.selectNodes("./@*");
        for (Attribute nextAttr : cssAttributes) {
            String nextAttrName = nextAttr.getName();
            if (nextAttrName.equals("src")) {
                String nextAttrValue = nextAttr.getValue();
            // Ignore attributes not called "src".

    return result;