List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute getValue
String getValue();
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License:BSD License
protected void resolveAttributeValue(Attribute att, String path) throws XmlConfigException { int start;/* w ww. ja v a 2 s. c om*/ int end = -1; String value = att.getValue(); String resValue = ""; while ((start = value.indexOf("${", end + 1)) != -1) { resValue += value.substring(end + 1, start); end = value.indexOf('}', start + 2); if (end == -1) { throw new XmlConfigException( "closing } missing for attribute \"" + att.getName() + "=" + value + "\"", path); } resValue += getResolvedAttributeValue(att, path, value.substring(start + 2, end)); } resValue += value.substring(end + 1, value.length()); att.setValue(resValue); }
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License:BSD License
protected String getResolvedAttributeValue(Attribute att, String path, String resolveKey) throws XmlConfigException { for (ResolveKey key : ResolveKey.values()) { if (key.matches(resolveKey)) { return key.resolve(att, path, resolveKey, this); }/* ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ } throw new XmlConfigException("cannot resolve '" + resolveKey + "' for attribute \"" + att.getName() + "=" + att.getValue() + "\"", path); }
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License:BSD License
/** * Print the given element using the given print writer and initial * indention//w w w .j a v a2 s . co m * @param elem the xml element * @param indention the initial indention * @param writer the print writer to use for the output */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void print(Element elem, String indention, PrintWriter writer) { writer.print(indention + "<" + elem.getName()); Iterator<Attribute> itAtt = elem.attributeIterator(); Iterator<Element> itElem = elem.elementIterator(); if (elem.hasMixedContent() || (elem.hasContent() && !itElem.hasNext())) { Iterator<Node> it = elem.nodeIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node node =; if (node instanceof CharacterData) { if (!(node instanceof Comment) && node.getText().trim().length() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "text content not supported: \"" + node.getText() + "\""); } } else if (!(node instanceof Element || node instanceof Attribute)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only attributes and elements are supported"); } } } while (itAtt.hasNext()) { Attribute att =; final String attName = att.getName(); final String attValue = att.getValue(); writer.print(" " + attName + "=\"" + escapeAttributeValue(attValue) + "\""); } if (!itElem.hasNext()) { writer.println("/>"); } else { writer.println(">"); while (itElem.hasNext()) { print(, indention + getIndention(), writer); } writer.println(indention + "</" + elem.getName() + ">"); } writer.flush(); }
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License:BSD License
/** * Returns the desired attribute value, or throws an exception no such * attribute exists./*from w w w .j ava2s . c o m*/ * * @param element the element to get the attribute value from * @param attribute specifies the desired attribute name * @return the attribute value * @throws XmlConfigException if no such attribute value is defined */ public static String getRequiredAttributeValue(Element element, XmlNode attribute) throws XmlConfigException { Attribute att = element.attribute(attribute.getXmlName()); if (att == null) { throw new XmlConfigException( "missing " + attribute.getXmlName() + " attribute for " + element.getName() + " element", element); } return att.getValue(); }
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License:BSD License
/** * Returns the desired attribute value, or the given default value if no * such attribute exists./*from w w w . j av a 2s .co m*/ * * @param element the element to get the attribute value from * @param attribute specifies the desired attribute name * @param defaultValue the default value to use if no such * attribute exists * @return the attribute value, or the default if no * such attribute exists */ public static String getOptionalAttributeValue(Element element, XmlNode attribute, String defaultValue) throws XmlConfigException { Attribute att = element.attribute(attribute.getXmlName()); if (att == null) { return defaultValue; } return att.getValue(); }
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License:Open Source License
public static List findLinks(Document document) throws DocumentException { List<String> urls = new ArrayList(); List list = document.selectNodes("//a/@href");//$NON-NLS-1$ for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); String url = attribute.getValue(); urls.add(url);/* w w w . j a v a2s. c om*/ } return urls; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Process the "option" element.//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m * * @param e * the "option" element. * @throws DocumentException * @throws ConfigurationException */ private void handleOptionElement(Element e) throws DocumentException, ConfigurationException { List<Attribute> attrs = Cast.toType(e.attributes()); String optionName = null; String propertyName = null; String namePropertyName = null; String seecodeArg = null; String negate = null; String alternatePropertyName = null; String trueValue = null; String falseValue = null; boolean setAsDefaultOnly = false; List<Element> enums = Cast.toType(e.elements()); for (Attribute a : attrs) { String aname = a.getName().toLowerCase(); String value = a.getValue(); if (aname.equals("name")) optionName = value; else if (aname.equals("property")) propertyName = value; else if (aname.equals("seecode")) seecodeArg = value; else if (aname.equals("negate")) negate = value; else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("nameProperty")) namePropertyName = value; else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("defaultOnly")) { setAsDefaultOnly = !(value.equals("0") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")); } else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("alternate")) { alternatePropertyName = value; } else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("trueValue")) { trueValue = value; } else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("falseValue")) { falseValue = value; } else throw new DocumentException("Unknown attribute name: " + aname); } if (optionName == null) { throw new DocumentException("\"name\" missing in \"option\" node"); } IOption option = lookupOption(optionName); if (option == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized option name: " + optionName); } if (seecodeArg == null && enums.size() == 0) { seecodeArg = option.getCommand(); // if (seecodeArg==null) // throw new DocumentException("Option \"" + optionName + // "\" needs 'seecode' attribute"); } if (enums.size() == 0 && namePropertyName != null) { throw new DocumentException("nameProperty only applies to enumID options"); } boolean first = true; for (Element enumElement : enums) { if (!enumElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("enum")) { throw new DocumentException("Unrecognized element \"" + enumElement.getName() + "\" under option \"" + optionName + "\""); } String name = null; String scArg = null; String propertyValue = null; String booleanProperty = null; List<Attribute> eattrs = Cast.toType(enumElement.attributes()); boolean isDefault = first; // assume first is default first = false; for (Attribute a : eattrs) { String aname = a.getName(); String value = a.getValue(); if (aname.equals("name")) { name = value; } else if (aname.equals("seecode")) scArg = value; else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("propertyvalue")) propertyValue = value; else if (aname.equalsIgnoreCase("property")) booleanProperty = value; else throw new DocumentException("Unknown enumID attribute: " + aname); } try { if (name == null || option.getEnumCommand(name) == null) { throw new DocumentException("Unrecognized enumID id: " + name); } if (scArg == null && propertyValue == null) { scArg = option.getEnumCommand(name); if (scArg == null) throw new DocumentException("Enum \"" + name + "\" needs 'seecode' attribute"); } } catch (BuildException e1) { throw new ConfigurationException(e1.getMessage(), e1); } OptionEnum oe = new OptionEnum(option, name, scArg, propertyValue, booleanProperty, namePropertyName, isDefault); mEnumIdToOptionEnumMap.put(name, oe); mFromSeeCodeEnumMap.put(scArg, oe); } SeeCodeOption sco = new SeeCodeOption(optionName, seecodeArg, "true".equalsIgnoreCase(negate) || "1".equals(negate), propertyName, alternatePropertyName, trueValue, falseValue); mOptions.add(sco); if (seecodeArg != null) { mFromSeeCodeArgMap.put(seecodeArg, sco); } if (propertyName != null) { mFromPropertyMap.put(propertyName, sco); if (setAsDefaultOnly) this.mSetAsDefaultOnly.add(propertyName); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Process the "property" element./*from w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ * @param e * the "property" element. * @throws DocumentException */ private void handlePropertyElement(Element e) throws DocumentException { List<Attribute> attrs = Cast.toType(e.attributes()); String propertyName = null; String propertyValue = null; for (Attribute a : attrs) { String aname = a.getName().toLowerCase(); String value = a.getValue(); if (aname.equals("name")) { propertyName = value; } else if (aname.equals("value")) { propertyValue = value; } else throw new DocumentException("Unknown attribute under 'property': " + aname); } if (propertyName == null || propertyValue == null) throw new DocumentException("'name' or 'value' attributes missing for element 'property'"); mSetPropertyMap.put(propertyName, propertyValue); }
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License:Open Source License
private void handleDefaultElement(Element e) throws DocumentException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Attribute> attrs = e.attributes(); String property = null;//from w w w .j av a2 s . c o m String defaultValue = null; String option = null; String optionValue = null; for (Attribute a : attrs) { String aname = a.getName().toLowerCase(); String value = a.getValue(); if (aname.equals("property")) { property = value; } else if (aname.equals("value")) { defaultValue = value; } else if (aname.equals("option")) { option = value; } else if (aname.equals("optionvalue")) { optionValue = value; } } if (property == null || defaultValue == null || option == null || optionValue == null) { throw new DocumentException("Attributes on Default element missing"); } mDefaultList.add(new DefaultSpec(property, defaultValue, option, optionValue)); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Check that attributes of element are valid and that all required attributes are there Apply attributes that are * valid to the builder via reflection by calling <code>"set<i>Property</i>"</code>. *///from w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m protected void doAttributes(Element e, IBinding binding) throws SAXException { List<Attribute> attrs = Cast.toType(e.attributes()); for (Attribute a : attrs) { IAttributeDef adef = binding.getAttribute(a.getName()); if (adef == null) unknownAttribute(e, binding, a); else try { setAttribute(e, a.getName(), adef, a.getValue()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { error(e, "Can't set attribute " + adef.getName()); } } /* * Look for missing required attributes */ for (IAttributeDef a : binding.getAttributes().values()) { if (a.isRequired() && e.attributeValue(a.getName()) == null && !accessedByAlias(e, binding, a)) error(e, "Required attribute \"" + a.getName() + "\" for tag \"" + binding.getTagName() + "\" is missing"); } }