Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Unicon, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this distribution. It is also available here: * * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version * 2 of the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection * with Free/Libre and Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications * as described in the GPL FLOSS exception. You should have received * a copy of the text describing the FLOSS exception along with this * distribution. */ package net.unicon.alchemist.access; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * Controls access over a collection of arbitrary entiries. Implementations of * <code>AccessBroker</code> must provide a static <code>parse</code> method * that returns an <code>AccessBroker</code> instance based on XML configuration * data contained in a dom4j <code>Element</code>. */ public abstract class AccessBroker { // Static Members. private static Map instances = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); // Instance Members. private String handle; /* * Public API. */ /** * Provides the broker defined by the specified <code>Element</code>. * First, this method checks the in-memory cache of brokers for one with the * handle indicated within the XML. If an instance is not found, this * method attempts to create a new broker instance based on the * specifications within the XML. If successful, this method stores the new * instance within the in-memory cache. * * @param e XML that defines the desired broker. * @return A broker with the characteristics specified in the XML. */ public static AccessBroker parse(Element e) { // Assertions. if (e == null) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (!e.getName().equals("access-broker")) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be an <access-broker> " + "element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } AccessBroker rslt = null; // Call parse() in the specified implementation. Attribute impl = e.attribute("impl"); if (impl == null) { String msg = "Element <access-broker> is missing required " + "attribute 'impl'."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } try { Class c = Class.forName(impl.getValue()); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("parse", new Class[] { Element.class }); rslt = (AccessBroker) m.invoke(null, new Object[] { e }); } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Unable to create the specified broker: " + impl.getValue(); throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } return rslt; } /** * Provides the broker instance with the specified handle. Throws * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if there is no broker with the * specified handle. * * @param handle The unique handle of the desired broker. * @return The broker with the specified handle. */ public static AccessBroker getInstance(String handle) { // Assertions. if (handle == null) { String msg = "Argument 'handle' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (!instances.containsKey(handle)) { String msg = "Broker instance not found: " + handle; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return (AccessBroker) instances.get(handle); } /** * Provides the handle for this broker instance. Broker handles are unique * within the JVM. * * @return A handle uniquely identifying this broker instance. */ public final String getHandle() { return handle; } /** * Sets the specified identity's access to the specified access rules for the * specified target. This method will update an existing entry if possible * or create a new one if necessary. * * @param y The identity receiving access. * @param rules The level(s) of access being granted/denied. * @param r The object over which access is being granted/denied. * @return The new or updated access entry. */ public abstract IAccessEntry setAccess(Identity y, AccessRule[] rules, Object target); /** * Deletes the specified entry from the broker. * * @param e The entry to remove. */ public final void removeAccess(IAccessEntry e) { // Assertions. if (e == null) { String msg = "Argument 'e [IAccessEntry]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } removeAccess(new IAccessEntry[] { e }); } /** * Deletes the specified entries from the broker. * * @param entries The entries to remove. */ public abstract void removeAccess(IAccessEntry[] entries); /** * Provides the entry governing the specified identity's rights over the * specified target, or <code>null</code> if no such entry exists. * * @param y An access principal. * @param target An object that is governed by access rights. * @return An entry defining the identity's access rights, or null if there * is no entry. */ public abstract IAccessEntry getEntry(Identity y, Object target); /** * Provides the entries governing the specified identity's rights as * defined by this broker instance. * * @param y An access identity. * @return The entries defining the principal's access rights. */ public final IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Identity y) { // Assertions. if (y == null) { String msg = "Argument 'y [Identity]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Principal p = new Principal(new Identity[] { y }); return getEntries(p, new AccessRule[0]); } /** * Provides the entries governing the specified identity's rights as * defined by this broker instance. * * @param y An access identity. * @return The entries defining the principal's access rights. */ public final IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Principal p) { // Assertions. if (p == null) { String msg = "Argument 'y [Identity]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return getEntries(p, new AccessRule[0]); } /** * Provides the entries governing the specified identity's rights as * defined by this broker instance where those rights include the specified * access rule(s). In other words, this method will return the complete * entry if it includes one or more of the specified rule(s). If a * zero-length rules array is specified, this method will return all entries * (i.e. any rule). * * @param y An access identity. * @param rules The rule(s) of access to include, or include all rules if * the array is zero-length. * @return The entries defining the principal's access rights. */ public final IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Identity y, AccessRule[] rules) { // Assertions. if (y == null) { String msg = "Argument 'y [Identity]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (rules == null) { String msg = "Argument 'rules' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Principal p = new Principal(new Identity[] { y }); return getEntries(p, rules); } /** * Provides the entries governing the specified principal's rights as * defined by this broker instance where those rights include the specified * access rule(s). In other words, this method will return the complete * entry if it includes one or more of the specified rule(s). If a * zero-length rules array is specified, this method will return all entries * (i.e. any rule). * * @param p An access principal. * @param rules The rule(s) of access to include, or include all rules if * the array is zero-length. * @return The entries defining the principal's access rights. */ public abstract IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Principal p, AccessRule[] rules); /** * Provides the entries governing access rights over the specified target. * * @param target An object over which access is governed by this broker * instance. * @return The entries defining access rights over the target. */ public final IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Object target) { // Assertions. if (target == null) { String msg = "Argument 'target' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return getEntries(target, new AccessRule[0]); } /** * Provides the entries governing access rights over the specified target * where one or more of the specified access rule(s) is included. In other * words, this method will return the complete entry if it includes one or * more of the specified rule(s). If a zero-length rules array is * specified, this method will return all entries (i.e. any rule). * * @param target An object over which access is governed by this broker * instance. * @param rules The rule(s) of access to include, or include all rules if * the array is zero-length. * @return The entries defining access rights over the target. */ public abstract IAccessEntry[] getEntries(Object target, AccessRule[] rules); /** * Provides all the entries in the broker. * * @return All the entries defined in the broker. */ public abstract IAccessEntry[] getEntries(); /* * Protected API. */ /** * Constructs a new <code>AccessBroker</code> using information from the * specified XML. * * @param e XML that defines the desired broker. * @return A broker with the characteristics specified in the XML. */ protected AccessBroker(Element e) { // Assertions. if (e == null) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (!e.getName().equals("access-broker")) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be an <access-broker> " + "element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // Handle. Attribute h = e.attribute("handle"); if (h == null) { String msg = "Element <access-broker> is missing required " + "attribute 'handle'."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } String val = h.getValue().trim(); if (val.length() == 0) { String msg = "Attribute 'handle' cannot be zero-length or contain " + "only whitespace."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } this.handle = val; // Add to collection. instances.put(val, this); } /* * Implementation. */ private static Object evaluateUrl(String url) { // Assertions. if (url == null) { String msg = "Argument 'url' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Object rslt = null; try { String[] tokens = url.split("/"); String className = tokens[2]; Class c = Class.forName(className); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("fromUrl", new Class[] { String.class }); rslt = m.invoke(null, new Object[] { url }); } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Unable to evaluate the specified entity: " + url; throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } return rslt; } /* * Nested Types. */ protected static final class AccessEntryImpl implements IAccessEntry { // Instance Members. private final Identity id; private final AccessRule[] rules; private final Object target; /* * Public API. */ public static IAccessEntry parse(Element e) { // Assertions. if (e == null) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (!e.getName().equals("entry")) { String msg = "Argument 'e [Element]' must be an <entry> " + "element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // Identity. Identity id = null; Element y = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("identity"); if (y != null) { IdentityType type = null; Attribute p = y.attribute("type"); if (p == null) { String msg = "Element <identity> is missing required " + "attribute 'type'."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (p.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("GROUP")) { type = IdentityType.GROUP; } else { type = IdentityType.USER; } id = new Identity(y.getText(), type); } else { String msg = "Element <entry> is missing required child " + "element <identity>."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // AccessRules. y = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("access"); if (y == null) { String msg = "Element <access> is missing. "; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } AccessRule[] rules = AccessRule.parse(y); // Target. Object target = null; Attribute r = e.attribute("target"); if (r != null) { target = evaluateUrl(r.getValue()); } else if (e.selectSingleNode("target/*") != null) { Element n = (Element) e.selectSingleNode("target/*"); Attribute impl = n.attribute("impl"); if (impl == null) { String msg = "Missing required attribute 'impl'."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } try { Class c = Class.forName(impl.getValue()); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("parse", new Class[] { Element.class }); target = m.invoke(null, new Object[] { n }); } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Unable to parse the specified target."; throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } } else { String msg = "Element <entry> must either have a 'target' " + "attribute or contain a <target> element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return new AccessEntryImpl(id, rules, target); } public AccessEntryImpl(Identity id, AccessRule[] rules, Object target) { // Assertions. if (id == null) { String msg = "Argument 'id' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (rules == null) { String msg = "Argument 'rules' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (rules.length == 0) { String msg = "Argument 'rules' must contain at least one " + "element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (target == null) { String msg = "Argument 'target' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // Instance Members. = id; this.rules = new AccessRule[rules.length]; System.arraycopy(rules, 0, this.rules, 0, rules.length); = target; } public Identity getIdentity() { return id; } public AccessRule[] getAccessRules() { AccessRule[] rslt = new AccessRule[rules.length]; System.arraycopy(rules, 0, rslt, 0, rules.length); return rslt; } public Object getTarget() { return target; } public IAccessElement getAccessId() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method will be removed."); } public int[] getTypes() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method will be removed."); } public String getOwner() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method will be removed."); } } }