List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute getValue
String getValue();
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/** * Construct the {@link de.thischwa.pmcms.view.context.object.tagtool.ImageTagTool}-call. * @throws RenderingException /*from ww w.ja v a2s . c om*/ */ private static String generateVelocityImageToolCall(final Site site, final Iterator<Attribute> attrIter) throws RenderingException { StringBuilder veloMacro = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<String, String>(); veloMacro.append("$imagetagtool"); veloMacro.append(".usedFromEditor()"); for (Iterator<Attribute> iter = attrIter; iter.hasNext();) { Attribute attribute =; attr.put(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } Dimension dim = Dimension.getDimensionFromAttr(attr); VirtualImage imageResource = new VirtualImage(site, false, false); imageResource.consructFromTagFromView(attr.get("src")); imageResource.setDimension(dim); veloMacro.append(".setSrc(\"").append(imageResource.getTagSrcForPreview()).append("\")"); for (String key : attr.keySet()) { if (!key.equals("src")) veloMacro.append(".putAttribute(\"").append(key).append("\", \"").append(attr.get(key)) .append("\")"); } return veloMacro.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Can be either a variable (if starts with $) or a plain value * //from w w w .ja v a 2 m * @param attr * @return proper value */ private String getAttributeValue(Attribute attr) { // TODO implement some arithmetics if (attr == null) return null; String value = attr.getValue(); value = parseValue(value); if (value == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Variable " + attr.getValue() + " has not been set"); return value; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Create an instance via the reflection of a class by using the given * (full) class name and the optional method name. If the method name is * null, the default constructor will be used. The method's signature should * have no arguments./*from w w w .j a v a 2s.c o m*/ * * @param className * @param staticMethod * @param consAttrs * @return create instance * @throws ConfigurationException */ private Object createInstance(String className, String staticMethod, Set<String> consAttrs, Element element2createfrom) throws ConfigurationException { try { Class<?> forName = Class.forName(className); Object component = null; if (staticMethod == null) { Constructor[] cs = forName.getConstructors(); for (Constructor<?> c : cs) { XMLConfigurableConstructor a = c.getAnnotation(XMLConfigurableConstructor.class); if (a != null) { String[] cArgs = a.value(); Class<?>[] types = c.getParameterTypes(); if (cArgs.length != types.length) throw new ConfigurationException( "The size of the argument list of the XML configurable constructor (" + cArgs + ") is unequal to the size of arguments of the constructor is was applied to."); // Constructor can be called with the given XML // attributes. Object[] consArgs = new Object[cArgs.length]; boolean incompatible = false; for (int i = 0; i < consArgs.length; i++) { Attribute attr = element2createfrom.attribute(cArgs[i]); if (attr == null) { // Element elem = // element2createfrom.element(cArgs[i]); Element elem = Dom4jToolkit.getSubElementFromStrCaseInsensitive(element2createfrom, cArgs[i]); if (elem == null) { incompatible = true; break; } consArgs[i] = configureComponent(elem); if (consArgs[i].getClass().isAssignableFrom(types[i])) throw new ConfigurationException( "The type of the component configured for the parameter '" + cArgs[i] + "', type is " + consArgs[i].getClass().getSimpleName() + " and is not equal to the type " + types[i].getSimpleName() + " required by the constructor as the argument " + i); } else { consArgs[i] = convertValue(attr.getValue(), types[i]); } } if (!incompatible) { component = c.newInstance(consArgs); for (String consAttr : cArgs) { consAttrs.add(consAttr.toLowerCase()); } break; } } } if (component == null) component = forName.newInstance(); } else component = forName.getDeclaredMethod(staticMethod, new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0]); return component; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to create configurable " + className, e); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void onStart(ElementPath epath) { Element el = epath.getCurrent(); String n = el.getName();//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m // Remove empty attributes and invalid characters. Iterator<?> attrIter = el.attributeIterator(); while (attrIter.hasNext()) { Attribute attr = (Attribute); if ("NULL".equals(attr.getStringValue())) { attrIter.remove(); } else { attr.setValue(StringUtils.replaceNonUtf8(attr.getValue())); } } if ("LexicalResource".equals(n)) { // If no lexical resource exists yet, create a new one. if (lexicalResource == null) { lexicalResource = new LexicalResource(); lexicalResource.setName(el.attributeValue("name")); lexicalResource.setDtdVersion(el.attributeValue("dtdVersion"));; } else { externalLexicalResource = true; } } else if ("Lexicon".equals(n)) { // Create a new, empty lexicon. lexicon = new Lexicon(); lexicon.setId(el.attributeValue("id")); lexicon.setName(el.attributeValue("name")); lexicon.setLanguageIdentifier(el.attributeValue("languageIdentifier")); lexicalResource.addLexicon(lexicon); saveCascade(lexicon, lexicalResource); } // Save some global information if we're using a new lexical resource. else if ("GlobalInformation".equals(n) && !externalLexicalResource) { GlobalInformation glInformation = new GlobalInformation(); glInformation.setLabel(el.attributeValue("label")); lexicalResource.setGlobalInformation(glInformation); saveCascade(glInformation, lexicalResource); commit(); lexicalResource.setGlobalInformation(null); } }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static void unmarshalElement(Element baseElement, Map<String, Object> map) { List<Element> childElements = baseElement.elements(); for (Element childElement : childElements) { String name = childElement.getName(); Attribute itemMetaAttribute = childElement.attribute("itemmeta"); Object value;//from www. j a va 2s. c om if (itemMetaAttribute != null && Boolean.valueOf(itemMetaAttribute.getValue()).booleanValue()) { Map<String, Object> metaMap = Maps.newHashMap(); unmarshalElement(childElement, metaMap); Material material = Material.valueOf((String) map.get("type")); ItemMeta metaDummy = Bukkit.getItemFactory().getItemMeta(material); Class<?> deserializationClass = metaDummy.getClass(); do { if (!deserializationClass.isAnnotationPresent(DelegateDeserialization.class)) { break; } DelegateDeserialization annotation = deserializationClass .getAnnotation(DelegateDeserialization.class); deserializationClass = annotation.value(); } while (true); ItemMeta meta; try { Method method = deserializationClass.getMethod("deserialize", Map.class); meta = (ItemMeta) method.invoke(null, metaMap); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot deserialize item meta", e); } value = meta; } else { value = deserializeObject(childElement); } map.put(name, value); } }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override//from w w w . jav a 2 s.c om public Game fetch(Element element) { Game game; rl.lock(); try { String name = element.attributeValue("name"); String worldName = element.attributeValue("world"); if (name == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Name of game cannot be null"); } // Not at all thread safe, but it is the only way to get a world instance. // Bukkit#getWorlds() returns an new arraylist instance, so iterating is safe // but the internal ArrayList::new(Collection) isn't World world = null; worldLock.lock(); try { List<World> worlds = Bukkit.getWorlds(); for (World w : worlds) { if (w.getName().equals(worldName)) { world = w; } } } finally { worldLock.unlock(); } if (world == null) { throw new RuntimeException("World \"" + worldName + "\" does not exist (game: " + name + ")"); } game = new Game(heavySpleef, name, world); Attribute disabledAttribute = element.attribute("disabled"); if (disabledAttribute != null) { game.setGameState(GameState.DISABLED); } Attribute enableRatingAttribute = element.attribute("enable-rating"); if (enableRatingAttribute != null) { boolean enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(enableRatingAttribute.getValue()); game.getStatisticRecorder().setEnableRating(enabled); } Element flagsElement = element.element("flags"); List<Element> flagElementsList = flagsElement.elements("flag"); for (Element flagElement : flagElementsList) { String flagName = flagElement.attributeValue("name"); AbstractFlag<?> flag = null; boolean loadUnloaded = false; if (flagRegistry.isFlagPresent(flagName)) { Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz = flagRegistry.getFlagClass(flagName); Flag data = flagRegistry.getFlagData(clazz); HookReference[] refs = data.depend(); if (refs.length != 0) { HookManager hookManager = heavySpleef.getHookManager(); for (HookReference ref : refs) { if (hookManager.getHook(ref).isProvided()) { continue; } loadUnloaded = true; break; } } String[] pluginDepends = data.pluginDepend(); if (pluginDepends.length != 0) { PluginManager manager = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); for (String depend : pluginDepends) { if (manager.isPluginEnabled(depend)) { continue; } loadUnloaded = true; break; } } if (!loadUnloaded) { flag = flagRegistry.newFlagInstance(flagName, AbstractFlag.class, game); flag.unmarshal(flagElement); } } if (loadUnloaded) { //This flag class has not been registered yet UnloadedFlag unloaded = new UnloadedFlag(); unloaded.setXmlElement(flagElement); flag = unloaded; } game.addFlag(flag, false); } for (AbstractFlag<?> flag : game.getFlagManager().getFlags()) { flag.onFlagAdd(game); } FlagManager flagManager = game.getFlagManager(); flagManager.revalidateParents(); ExtensionRegistry extRegistry = heavySpleef.getExtensionRegistry(); Element extensionsElement = element.element("extensions"); List<Element> extensionElementsList = extensionsElement.elements("extension"); for (Element extensionElement : extensionElementsList) { String extName = extensionElement.attributeValue("name"); Class<? extends GameExtension> clazz = extRegistry.getExtensionClass(extName); if (clazz == null) { heavySpleef.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not load extension with name \"" + extName + "\"): No corresponding class found for extension name"); continue; } GameExtension extension; try { Constructor<? extends GameExtension> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) { constructor.setAccessible(true); } extension = constructor.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { heavySpleef.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not load extension for class \"" + clazz.getName() + "\" (name = \"" + extName + "\"): ", e); continue; } extension.setHeavySpleef(heavySpleef); extension.setGame(game); extension.unmarshal(extensionElement); game.addExtension(extension); } /*Element propertiesElement = element.element("properties"); List<Element> propertiesElementList = propertiesElement.elements("property"); for (Element propertyElement : propertiesElementList) { String key = propertyElement.attributeValue("key"); String className = propertyElement.attributeValue("class"); GameProperty property = GameProperty.forName(key); Object value = getPropertyValue(className, propertyElement.getText()); game.requestProperty(property, value); }*/ Element deathzonesElement = element.element("deathzones"); List<Element> deathzoneElementList = deathzonesElement.elements("deathzone"); for (Element deathzoneElement : deathzoneElementList) { String deathzoneName = deathzoneElement.attributeValue("name"); String persistenceName = deathzoneElement.attributeValue("regiontype"); RegionType regionType = RegionType.byPersistenceName(persistenceName); XMLRegionMetadataCodec<Region> metadataCodec = (XMLRegionMetadataCodec<Region>) METADATA_CODECS .get(regionType.getRegionClass()); Region region = metadataCodec.asRegion(deathzoneElement); game.addDeathzone(deathzoneName, region); } } finally { rl.unlock(); } return game; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public List<CombinationPair> getAlignedPairs() throws ResourceInitializationException { List<CombinationPair> pairs = new ArrayList<CombinationPair>(); SAXReader reader = null;// w ww . j av a2 s .com InputStream is = null; URL url; try { reader = new SAXReader(false); // Disable DTD resolution (which fails due to relative path to DTD file) NullEntityResolver resolver = new NullEntityResolver(); reader.setEntityResolver(resolver); url = ResourceUtils.resolveLocation(inputFile, this, this.getUimaContext()); Document document = BufferedInputStream(url.openStream())); Element root = document.getRootElement(); final XPath pairXPath = new Dom4jXPath("//pair"); int i = 0; for (Object element : pairXPath.selectNodes(root)) { i++; String text1 = ""; String text2 = ""; String entailmentOutcome = ""; if (element instanceof Element) { Element node = (Element) element; String tXPath = "child::t"; for (Object tElement : new Dom4jXPath(tXPath).selectNodes(node)) { if (tElement instanceof Element) { text1 = ((Element) tElement).getText(); } } String hXPath = "child::h"; for (Object hElement : new Dom4jXPath(hXPath).selectNodes(node)) { if (hElement instanceof Element) { text2 = ((Element) hElement).getText(); } } // print out entailment value for use as gold standard for (Object o : node.attributes()) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) o; String name = attribute.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.equals("value") || name.equals("entailment")) { entailmentOutcome = attribute.getValue(); System.out.println(i + ":" + entailmentOutcome); } } } EntailmentPair pair = new EntailmentPair(url.toString()); pair.setID1("t1-" + i); pair.setID2("t2-" + i); pair.setText1(text1); pair.setText2(text2); pair.setEntailmentOutcome(entailmentOutcome); pairs.add(pair); } } catch (JaxenException e) { throw new ResourceInitializationException(e); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new ResourceInitializationException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ResourceInitializationException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } return pairs; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get a Matcher for given Element./*w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param element * the Element * @return a Matcher representing that element * @throws FilterException */ private static Matcher getMatcher(Element element) throws FilterException { // These will be either BugCode, Priority, Class, Method, Field, or Or // elements. String name = element.getName(); if (name.equals("BugCode")) { return new BugMatcher(element.valueOf("@name"), "", ""); } else if (name.equals("Local")) { return new LocalMatcher(element.valueOf("@name")); } else if (name.equals("BugPattern")) { return new BugMatcher("", element.valueOf("@name"), ""); } else if (name.equals("Bug")) { return new BugMatcher(element.valueOf("@code"), element.valueOf("@pattern"), element.valueOf("@category")); } else if (name.equals("Priority") || name.equals("Confidence")) { return new PriorityMatcher(element.valueOf("@value")); } else if (name.equals("Rank")) { return new RankMatcher(element.valueOf("@value")); } else if (name.equals("Class")) { Attribute nameAttr = element.attribute("name"); if (nameAttr == null) throw new FilterException("Missing name attribute in Class element"); return new ClassMatcher(nameAttr.getValue()); } else if (name.equals("Package")) { Attribute nameAttr = element.attribute("name"); if (nameAttr == null) throw new FilterException("Missing name attribute in Package element"); String pName = nameAttr.getValue(); pName = pName.startsWith("~") ? pName : "~" + pName.replace(".", "\\."); return new ClassMatcher(pName + "\\.[^.]+"); } else if (name.equals("Method")) { Attribute nameAttr = element.attribute("name"); String nameValue; Attribute paramsAttr = element.attribute("params"); Attribute returnsAttr = element.attribute("returns"); Attribute roleAttr = element.attribute("role"); if (nameAttr == null) if (paramsAttr == null || returnsAttr == null) throw new FilterException( "Method element must have eiter name or params and returnss attributes"); else nameValue = "~.*"; // any name else nameValue = nameAttr.getValue(); if ((paramsAttr != null || returnsAttr != null) && (paramsAttr == null || returnsAttr == null)) throw new FilterException( "Method element must have both params and returns attributes if either is used"); if (paramsAttr == null) if (roleAttr == null) return new MethodMatcher(nameValue); else return new MethodMatcher(nameValue, roleAttr.getValue()); else if (roleAttr == null) return new MethodMatcher(nameValue, paramsAttr.getValue(), returnsAttr.getValue()); else return new MethodMatcher(nameValue, paramsAttr.getValue(), returnsAttr.getValue(), roleAttr.getValue()); } else if (name.equals("Field")) { Attribute nameAttr = element.attribute("name"); String nameValue; Attribute typeAttr = element.attribute("type"); if (nameAttr == null) if (typeAttr == null) throw new FilterException("Field element must have either name or type attribute"); else nameValue = "~.*"; // any name else nameValue = nameAttr.getValue(); if (typeAttr == null) return new FieldMatcher(nameValue); else return new FieldMatcher(nameValue, typeAttr.getValue()); } else if (name.equals("Or")) { OrMatcher orMatcher = new OrMatcher(); Iterator<?> i = element.elementIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { orMatcher.addChild(getMatcher((Element); } return orMatcher; } else throw new FilterException("Unknown element: " + name); }
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License:Open Source License
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { if (argv.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: " + XPathFind.class.getName() + ": <filename> <xpath expression>"); System.exit(1);/*w w w . j av a2 s .c om*/ } String fileName = argv[0]; String xpath = argv[1]; SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document =; XPathFind finder = new XPathFind(document) { @Override protected void match(Node node) { // System.out.println(node.toString()); if (node instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) node; System.out.println("Element: " + element.getQualifiedName()); System.out.println("\tText: " + element.getText()); System.out.println("\tAttributes:"); for (Iterator<?> i = element.attributeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); System.out.println("\t\t" + attribute.getName() + "=" + attribute.getValue()); } } else if (node instanceof Attribute) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) node; System.out.println("Attribute: " + attribute.getName() + "=" + attribute.getValue()); } } }; finder.find(xpath); }
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License:BSD License
/** * @param categorialClass The Document element which represents a CategorialClass * @return InputCategorialClass Object for given CategorialClass Element. *//*w ww .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ private InputCategorialClass getInputCategorialClass(Element categorialClass) { List<InputCategorialAttribute> attributeList = new ArrayList<InputCategorialAttribute>(); List<InputCategorialClass> children = new ArrayList<InputCategorialClass>(); String pathFromParent = categorialClass.attribute("IdOfPathFromParentToThis").getValue(); InputCategorialClass inputCategorialClass = new InputCategorialClass(); inputCategorialClass.setPathFromParent(Long.parseLong(pathFromParent)); String entityName = categorialClass.attribute("name").getValue(); List<Element> elements = categorialClass.elements(); for (Element element : elements) { if (element.getName().equals("Attribute")) { String attrName = element.attribute("name").getValue(); Attribute attribute = element.attribute("displayName"); String displayName = (attribute == null ? attrName : attribute.getValue()); AttributeInterface attr = DynamicExtensionUtility.getAttribute(entityName, attrName); if (!attrName.equals(attr.getName())) { throw new RuntimeException( "Expected attribute : " + attrName + " Returned Attribute : " + attr.getName()); } InputCategorialAttribute inputCategorialAttribute = new InputCategorialAttribute(); inputCategorialAttribute.setDynamicExtAttribute(attr); inputCategorialAttribute.setDisplayName(displayName); attributeList.add(inputCategorialAttribute); } else if (element.getName().equals("CategorialClass")) { children.add(getInputCategorialClass(element)); } } inputCategorialClass.setAttributeList(attributeList); inputCategorialClass.setChildren(children); return inputCategorialClass; }