List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring
public static String substring(String str, int start, int end)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.
From source
/** * Tests the case in which the a new conversion field is added so that a field that is not referenced in either the * data dictionary or the Uif (the traveler type code) appears in the email address field, which is not secured. * * @throws Exception// w w w.j av a 2 s . c o m */ protected void testTransactionalLookupSecurityAddHiddenConversionField() throws Exception { waitAndClick("travelerQuickfinder_quickfinder_act")); waitForPageToLoad(); int splitPosition = StringUtils.indexOf(driver.getCurrentUrl(), CONVERSION_FIELDS) + CONVERSION_FIELDS.length(); String before = StringUtils.substring(driver.getCurrentUrl(), 0, splitPosition); String after = StringUtils.substring(driver.getCurrentUrl(), splitPosition); String newUrl = before + ERRANT_CONVERSION_FIELD + after; open(newUrl); waitForPageToLoad(); waitAndClickSearch3(); waitAndClickReturnValue(); assertElementPresentByName(EMAIL_ADDRESS_NAME); WebElement element = findElement(; String emailAddress = element.getAttribute("value"); assertTrue("Non-secure field emailAddress was not empty", StringUtils.isBlank(emailAddress)); }
From source
@Override public getDataObjectRelationship(Object dataObject, Class<?> dataObjectClass, String attributeName, String attributePrefix, boolean keysOnly, boolean supportsLookup, boolean supportsInquiry) { RelationshipDefinition ddReference = getDictionaryRelationship(dataObjectClass, attributeName); relationship = null; DataObjectAttributeRelationship rel = null; if (PropertyAccessorUtils.isNestedOrIndexedProperty(attributeName)) { if (ddReference != null) { if (classHasSupportedFeatures(ddReference.getTargetClass(), supportsLookup, supportsInquiry)) { relationship = populateRelationshipFromDictionaryReference(dataObjectClass, ddReference, attributePrefix, keysOnly); return relationship; }//from ww w . ja v a 2 s .c om } if (dataObject == null) { try { dataObject = KRADUtils.createNewObjectFromClass(dataObjectClass); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // found interface or abstract class, just swallow exception and return a null relationship return null; } } // recurse down to the next object to find the relationship int nextObjectIndex = PropertyAccessorUtils.getFirstNestedPropertySeparatorIndex(attributeName); if (nextObjectIndex == StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { nextObjectIndex = attributeName.length(); } String localPrefix = StringUtils.substring(attributeName, 0, nextObjectIndex); String localAttributeName = StringUtils.substring(attributeName, nextObjectIndex + 1); Object nestedObject = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyValue(dataObject, localPrefix); Class<?> nestedClass = null; if (nestedObject == null) { nestedClass = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyType(dataObject, localPrefix); } else { nestedClass = nestedObject.getClass(); } String fullPrefix = localPrefix; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attributePrefix)) { fullPrefix = attributePrefix + "." + localPrefix; } relationship = getDataObjectRelationship(nestedObject, nestedClass, localAttributeName, fullPrefix, keysOnly, supportsLookup, supportsInquiry); return relationship; } // non-nested reference, get persistence relationships first int maxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (isPersistable(dataObjectClass)) { DataObjectMetadata metadata = dataObjectService.getMetadataRepository().getMetadata(dataObjectClass); DataObjectRelationship dataObjectRelationship = metadata.getRelationship(attributeName); if (dataObjectRelationship != null) { List<DataObjectAttributeRelationship> attributeRelationships = dataObjectRelationship .getAttributeRelationships(); for (DataObjectAttributeRelationship dataObjectAttributeRelationship : attributeRelationships) { if (classHasSupportedFeatures(dataObjectRelationship.getRelatedType(), supportsLookup, supportsInquiry)) { maxSize = attributeRelationships.size(); relationship = transformToDeprecatedDataObjectRelationship(dataObjectClass, attributeName, attributePrefix, dataObjectRelationship.getRelatedType(), dataObjectAttributeRelationship); break; } } } } else { ModuleService moduleService = kualiModuleService.getResponsibleModuleService(dataObjectClass); if (moduleService != null && moduleService.isExternalizable(dataObjectClass)) { relationship = getRelationshipMetadata(dataObjectClass, attributeName, attributePrefix); if ((relationship != null) && classHasSupportedFeatures(relationship.getRelatedClass(), supportsLookup, supportsInquiry)) { return relationship; } else { return null; } } } if (ddReference != null && ddReference.getPrimitiveAttributes().size() < maxSize) { if (classHasSupportedFeatures(ddReference.getTargetClass(), supportsLookup, supportsInquiry)) { relationship = populateRelationshipFromDictionaryReference(dataObjectClass, ddReference, null, keysOnly); } } return relationship; }
From source
/** * Builds column options for sorting// ww w . java 2 s .c om * * @param collectionGroup */ protected void buildTableOptions(CollectionGroup collectionGroup) { checkMutable(false); LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); final boolean useServerPaging = collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging(); if (templateOptions.isEmpty()) { setTemplateOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } // if sub collection exists, don't allow the table sortable if (!collectionGroup.getSubCollections().isEmpty()) { setDisableTableSort(true); } if (!isDisableTableSort()) { // if rendering add line, skip that row from col sorting if (collectionGroup.isRenderAddLine() && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()) && !((layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isSeparateAddLine())) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_SKIP_ROWS, "[" + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.ADD_ROW_DEFAULT_INDEX + "]"); } StringBuilder tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder("["); int colIndex = 0; int actionIndex = UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_RIGHT_INDEX; boolean actionFieldVisible = collectionGroup.isRenderLineActions() && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()); if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { actionIndex = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getActionColumnIndex(); } if (actionIndex == UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_LEFT_INDEX && actionFieldVisible) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // handle sequence field if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isRenderSequenceField()) { Class<?> dataTypeClass = Number.class; if (((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getSequenceFieldPrototype() instanceof DataField) { DataField dataField = (DataField) ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager) .getSequenceFieldPrototype(); dataTypeClass = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyType(collectionGroup.getCollectionObjectClass(), dataField.getPropertyName()); // check to see if field has custom sort type if (dataField.getSortAs() != null && dataField.getSortAs().length() > 0) { if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE)) { dataTypeClass = java.sql.Date.class; } else if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC)) { dataTypeClass = Number.class; } else if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING)) { dataTypeClass = String.class; } } } // don't allow sorting of sequence field - why? // auto sequence column is never sortable tableColumnOptions.append("{" + sortable(false) + "," + sortType(getSortType(dataTypeClass)) + "," + sortDataType(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT) + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + "," + targets(colIndex) + "},"); colIndex++; if (actionIndex == 2 && actionFieldVisible) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } } // skip select field if enabled if (collectionGroup.isIncludeLineSelectionField()) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // if data dictionary defines aoColumns, copy here and skip default sorting/visibility behaviour if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS))) { // get the contents of the JS array string String jsArray = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ","); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS)) && forceAoColumnDefsOverride) { String jsArray = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ","); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { List<Field> rowFields = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getFirstRowFields(); // build column defs from the the first row of the table for (Component component : rowFields) { if (actionFieldVisible && colIndex + 1 == actionIndex) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // for FieldGroup, get the first field from that group if (component instanceof FieldGroup) { component = ((FieldGroup) component).getItems().get(0); } if (component instanceof DataField) { DataField field = (DataField) component; // if a field is marked as invisible in hiddenColumns, append options and skip sorting if (getHiddenColumns() != null && getHiddenColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableColumnOptions.append("{" + visible(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } else if (getSortableColumns() != null && !getSortableColumns().isEmpty()) { // if specified as a column as sortable then add it if (getSortableColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableColumnOptions .append(getDataFieldColumnOptions(colIndex, collectionGroup, field) + ","); } else { // else designate it as not sortable tableColumnOptions.append("{" + sortable(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } } else { // sortable columns not defined String options = getDataFieldColumnOptions(colIndex, collectionGroup, field); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); } colIndex++; } else if (component instanceof MessageField) { if (component.getDataAttributes() != null && UifConstants.RoleTypes.ROW_GROUPING .equals(component.getDataAttributes().get(UifConstants.DataAttributes.ROLE))) { // Grouping column is never shown, so skip tableColumnOptions.append("{" + visible(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } else { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, true, useServerPaging, String.class, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); } colIndex++; } else if (component instanceof LinkField) { LinkField linkField = (LinkField) component; Class<?> dataTypeClass = String.class; // check to see if field has custom sort type if (linkField.getSortAs() != null && linkField.getSortAs().length() > 0) { if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE)) { dataTypeClass = java.sql.Date.class; } else if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC)) { dataTypeClass = Number.class; } else if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING)) { dataTypeClass = String.class; } } String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, true, useServerPaging, dataTypeClass, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } else { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } } if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } // merge the aoColumnDefs passed in if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS))) { String origAoOptions = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS).trim(); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeStart(origAoOptions, "["); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeEnd(origAoOptions, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append("," + origAoOptions); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } } }
From source
/** * Returns the prefix of a nested attribute name, or the empty string if the attribute name is not nested. * * @param attributeName/* w w w . j av a 2s . com*/ * @return everything BEFORE the last "." character in attributeName */ public static String getNestedAttributePrefix(String attributeName) { int lastIndex = PropertyAccessorUtils.getLastNestedPropertySeparatorIndex(attributeName); return lastIndex != -1 ? StringUtils.substring(attributeName, 0, lastIndex) : StringUtils.EMPTY; }
From source
/** * Builds column options for sorting//ww w . ja v a 2s .c o m * * @param collectionGroup */ @Override protected void buildTableOptions(CollectionGroup collectionGroup) { LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); final boolean isUseServerPaging = collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging(); // if sub collection exists, don't allow the table sortable if (!collectionGroup.getSubCollections().isEmpty()) { setDisableTableSort(true); } if (!isDisableTableSort()) { // if rendering add line, skip that row from col sorting if (collectionGroup.isRenderAddLine() && !collectionGroup.isReadOnly() && !((layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isSeparateAddLine())) { Map<String, String> oTemplateOptions = this.getTemplateOptions(); if (oTemplateOptions == null) { setTemplateOptions(oTemplateOptions = new HashMap<String, String>()); } oTemplateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_SKIP_ROWS, "[" + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.ADD_ROW_DEFAULT_INDEX + "]"); } StringBuilder tableToolsColumnOptions = new StringBuilder("["); int columnIndex = 0; int actionIndex = UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_RIGHT_INDEX; boolean actionFieldVisible = collectionGroup.isRenderLineActions() && !collectionGroup.isReadOnly(); if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { actionIndex = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getActionColumnIndex(); } if (actionIndex == UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_LEFT_INDEX && actionFieldVisible) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isRenderSequenceField()) { //add mData handling if using a json data source String mDataOption = ""; if (collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging() || isForceLocalJsonData()) { mDataOption = "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.MDATA + "\" : function(row,type,newVal){ return _handleColData(row,type,'c" + columnIndex + "',newVal);}, "; } tableToolsColumnOptions.append("{\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORTABLE + "\" : " + false // auto sequence column is never sortable + ", \"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_TYPE + "\" : \"" + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC + "\", " + mDataOption + "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TARGETS + "\": [" + columnIndex + "]}, "); columnIndex++; if (actionIndex == 2 && actionFieldVisible) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } } // skip select field if enabled if (collectionGroup.isIncludeLineSelectionField()) { String colOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(colOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } // if data dictionary defines aoColumns, copy here and skip default sorting/visibility behaviour if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS))) { // get the contents of the JS array string String jsArray = getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ", "); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= columnIndex)) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions); } else { tableToolsColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableToolsColumnOptions.toString(), ", ")); } tableToolsColumnOptions.append("]"); getTemplateOptions().put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS, tableToolsColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS)) && isForceAoColumnDefsOverride()) { String jsArray = getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ", "); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= columnIndex)) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions); } else { tableToolsColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableToolsColumnOptions.toString(), ", ")); } tableToolsColumnOptions.append("]"); getTemplateOptions().put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableToolsColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { List<Field> rowFields = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getFirstRowFields(); // build column defs from the the first row of the table for (Component component : rowFields) { if (actionFieldVisible && columnIndex + 1 == actionIndex) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } //add mData handling if using a json data source String mDataOption = ""; if (collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging() || isForceLocalJsonData()) { mDataOption = "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.MDATA + "\" : function(row,type,newVal){ return _handleColData(row,type,'c" + columnIndex + "',newVal);}, "; } // for FieldGroup, get the first field from that group if (component instanceof FieldGroup) { component = ((FieldGroup) component).getItems().get(0); } Map<String, String> componentDataAttributes; if (component instanceof DataField) { DataField field = (DataField) component; // if a field is marked as invisible in hiddenColumns, append options and skip sorting if (getHiddenColumns() != null && getHiddenColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableToolsColumnOptions.append("{" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.VISIBLE + ": " + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.FALSE + ", " + mDataOption + "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TARGETS + "\": [" + columnIndex + "]" + "}, "); // if sortableColumns is present and a field is marked as sortable or unspecified } else if (getSortableColumns() != null && !getSortableColumns().isEmpty()) { if (getSortableColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableToolsColumnOptions.append( getDataFieldColumnOptions(columnIndex, collectionGroup, field) + ", "); } else { tableToolsColumnOptions.append("{'" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORTABLE + "': " + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.FALSE + ", " + mDataOption + "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TARGETS + "\": [" + columnIndex + "]" + "}, "); } } else {// sortable columns not defined String colOptions = getDataFieldColumnOptions(columnIndex, collectionGroup, field); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(colOptions + " , "); } columnIndex++; } else if ((component instanceof MessageField) && (componentDataAttributes = component.getDataAttributes()) != null && UifConstants.RoleTypes.ROW_GROUPING .equals(componentDataAttributes.get(UifConstants.DataAttributes.ROLE))) { //Grouping column is never shown, so skip tableToolsColumnOptions.append("{" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.VISIBLE + ": " + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.FALSE + ", " + mDataOption + "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TARGETS + "\": [" + columnIndex + "]" + "}, "); columnIndex++; // start KS customization (to allow message field sorting) - KSENROLL-4999 } else if (component instanceof MessageField) { componentDataAttributes = component.getDataAttributes(); //For message field, sort as a regular String String sortType = ""; if (componentDataAttributes != null) { sortType = componentDataAttributes.get("sortType"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortType)) { sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT; } String colOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, true, isUseServerPaging, String.class, sortType); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(colOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; // end KS customization (to allow message field sorting) - KSENROLL-4999 } else if (component instanceof LinkField) { String colOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, true, isUseServerPaging, String.class, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(colOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } else { String colOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(colOptions + " , "); columnIndex++; } } if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= columnIndex)) { String actionColOptions = constructTableColumnOptions(columnIndex, false, isUseServerPaging, null, null); tableToolsColumnOptions.append(actionColOptions); } else { tableToolsColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableToolsColumnOptions.toString(), ", ")); } //merge the aoColumnDefs passed in if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS))) { String origAoOptions = getTemplateOptions().get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS) .trim(); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeStart(origAoOptions, "["); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeEnd(origAoOptions, "]"); tableToolsColumnOptions.append("," + origAoOptions); } tableToolsColumnOptions.append("]"); getTemplateOptions().put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableToolsColumnOptions.toString()); } } }
From source
/** * Returns the content but reduced to a maximum of size-4 characters. * * If the content text size is over size-4 characters then is cut down to * that length and an ellipsis is appended to it. * * @param size//from w ww . j ava 2 s . co m * @return */ public String getExcerpt(int size) { String content = this.getContent(); if (content.length() > (size - 4)) { content = StringUtils.substring(content, 0, size - 4) + " ..."; } return content; }
From source
public static String removeQuotes(String quotedString) { return StringUtils.substring(quotedString, 1, quotedString.length() - 1); }
From source
/** * @param serviceName the service name/* w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param operationPackageName the operation classes package name * @return an operation corresponding to a Web Service operation. */ private static CixsOperation getMultiStructOperation(final String serviceName, final String operationPackageName) { CixsOperation cixsOperation = new CixsOperation(); cixsOperation.setName(serviceName); cixsOperation.setCicsProgramName(StringUtils.upperCase(StringUtils.substring(serviceName, 0, 8))); cixsOperation.setPackageName(operationPackageName); CixsStructure recor1Struc = new CixsStructure(); recor1Struc.setJaxbType("Record1"); recor1Struc.setJaxbPackageName("org.mule.transport.legstar.test.jaxb"); recor1Struc.setCoxbPackageName("org.mule.transport.legstar.test.coxb"); CixsStructure record2Struc = new CixsStructure(); record2Struc.setJaxbType("Record2"); record2Struc.setJaxbPackageName("org.mule.transport.legstar.test.jaxb"); record2Struc.setCoxbPackageName("org.mule.transport.legstar.test.coxb"); cixsOperation.addInput(recor1Struc); cixsOperation.addInput(record2Struc); cixsOperation.addOutput(recor1Struc); cixsOperation.addOutput(record2Struc); return cixsOperation; }
From source
private String getTimestamp(final String token) { return StringUtils.substring(token, 0, expirationTimeTokenLength); }
From source
private String getTokenWithoutTimestamp(final String token) { return StringUtils.substring(token, expirationTimeTokenLength, token.length()); }