Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring.


public static String substring(String str, int start, int end) 

Source Link


Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.


From source file:de.iai.ilcd.model.flow.Flow.java

 * Apply cache fields for flow, those are:
 * <ul>//from  w  w w .  ja  v  a 2  s.c om
 * <li>{@link #getReferenceProperty()}</li>
 * <li>{@link FlowPropertyDescription#getDefaultUnit() default unit} of {@link #getReferenceProperty()}</li>
 * </ul>
protected void applyDataSetCache() {
    if (this.referenceProperty != null) {
        if (this.referenceProperty.getFlowPropertyName() != null) {
            this.referencePropertyCache = StringUtils
                    .substring(this.referenceProperty.getFlowPropertyName().getDefaultValue(), 0, 20);
        } else {
            this.referencePropertyCache = null;
        this.referencePropertyUnitCache = StringUtils.substring(this.referenceProperty.getDefaultUnit(), 0, 10);
    } else {
        this.referencePropertyCache = null;
        this.referencePropertyUnitCache = null;

From source file:de.iai.ilcd.model.common.DataSet.java

 * Write the {@link #getName() name} default value
 * to the cache field.//from ww  w.  j ava  2 s. co m
protected void applyDataSetCache() {
    this.nameCache = StringUtils.substring(this.getNameAsStringForCache(), 0, 255);
    if (this.classification != null) {
        this.classificationCache = StringUtils.substring(this.getClassificationHierarchyAsStringForCache(), 0,
    } else {
        this.classificationCache = null;


From source file:com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.gui.components.DesktopExportDisplay.java

protected String getFileExt(String fileName) {
    int i = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (i > -1)
        return StringUtils.substring(fileName, i + 1, i + 20);
    else/*from  www . ja va2s  .com*/
        return "";

From source file:com.haulmont.chile.core.model.utils.InstanceUtils.java

 * Parse a name pattern defined by {@link NamePattern} annotation.
 * @param metaClass entity meta-class//w w  w .j  a v a 2  s  .  c  o  m
 * @return record containing the name pattern properties, or null if the @NamePattern is not defined for the meta-class
public static NamePatternRec parseNamePattern(MetaClass metaClass) {
    Map attributes = (Map) metaClass.getAnnotations().get(NamePattern.class.getName());
    if (attributes == null)
        return null;
    String pattern = (String) attributes.get("value");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(pattern))
        return null;

    int pos = pattern.indexOf("|");
    if (pos < 0)
        throw new DevelopmentException("Invalid name pattern: " + pattern);

    String format = StringUtils.substring(pattern, 0, pos);
    String trimmedFormat = format.trim();
    String methodName = trimmedFormat.startsWith("#") ? trimmedFormat.substring(1) : null;
    String fieldsStr = StringUtils.substring(pattern, pos + 1);
    String[] fields = INSTANCE_NAME_SPLIT_PATTERN.split(fieldsStr);
    return new NamePatternRec(format, methodName, fields);

From source file:info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag.java

 * Extract a collection of snippets from any paragraph in the given page.
 * @return a collection of Strings.//from  w ww  . j  a  v  a2  s  . c om
 * @todo avoid overlapping snippets (use regexp insted of simple indexOfs)
 * @todo only extract snippets from user-configured properties
 * @todo abbreviate on whitespace and puntuation, detect start of sentences
 * @todo replace ampersand in regexp
 * @todo break methods and write junits
public Collection getSnippets() {

    log.debug("collecting snippets");

    Collection snippets = new ArrayList();
    String[] searchTerms = StringUtils.split(this.query);

    try {
        Iterator<Node> iterator = NodeUtil.getNodes(this.page, NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME).iterator();

        outer: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Node paragraphCollection = iterator.next();

            Iterator<Node> parIterator = NodeUtil.getNodes(paragraphCollection, NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME)
            while (parIterator.hasNext()) {
                Node paragraph = parIterator.next();

                log.debug("Iterating on paragraph {}", paragraph);

                Iterator dataIterator = paragraph.getProperties();

                while (dataIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Property property = (Property) dataIterator.next();
                    if (property.getType() != PropertyType.BINARY) {

                        String resultString = property.getString();

                        log.debug("Iterating on property {}", property.getName());
                        log.debug("Property value is {}", resultString);

                        // a quick and buggy way to avoid configuration properties, we should allow the user to
                        // configure a list of nodeData to search for...
                        if (resultString.length() < 20) {

                        for (int j = 0; j < searchTerms.length; j++) {
                            String searchTerm = StringUtils.lowerCase(searchTerms[j]);

                            // exclude keywords and words with less than 2 chars
                            if (!ArrayUtils.contains(new String[] { "and", "or" }, searchTerm)
                                    && searchTerm.length() > 2) {

                                log.debug("Looking for search term [{}] in [{}]", searchTerm, resultString);

                                // first check, avoid using heavy string replaceAll operations if the search term is not
                                // there
                                if (!StringUtils.contains(resultString.toLowerCase(), searchTerm)) {

                                // strips out html tags using a regexp
                                resultString = stripHtmlTags(resultString);

                                // only get first matching keyword
                                int pos = resultString.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm);
                                if (pos > -1) {

                                    int posEnd = pos + searchTerm.length();
                                    int from = (pos - chars / 2);
                                    if (from < 0) {
                                        from = 0;

                                    int to = from + chars;
                                    if (to > resultString.length()) {
                                        to = resultString.length();

                                    StringBuffer snippet = new StringBuffer();

                                    snippet.append(StringUtils.substring(resultString, from, pos));
                                    snippet.append(StringUtils.substring(resultString, pos, posEnd));
                                    snippet.append(StringUtils.substring(resultString, posEnd, to));

                                    if (from > 0) {
                                        snippet.insert(0, "... ");
                                    if (to < resultString.length()) {
                                        snippet.append("... ");

                                    log.debug("Search term found, adding snippet {}", snippet);

                                    if (snippets.size() >= this.maxSnippets) {

                                        log.debug("Maximum number of snippets ({}) reached, exiting",

                                        break outer;

        return snippets;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

From source file:com.google.gdt.eclipse.designer.util.GwtInvocationEvaluatorInterceptor.java

 * Support for evaluating <code>com.google.gwt.view.client.Column</code> instances.
 * /*  w  ww .j  a v a  2s  . c  om*/
 * @return the instance of <code>TextColumn</code>.
private Object getColumnFake(EvaluationContext context, ITypeBinding typeBinding) throws Exception {
    String columnText;
        String columnValueTypeName = getColumnValueTypeName(typeBinding);
        String shortTypeName = CodeUtils.getShortClass(columnValueTypeName);
        columnText = "<" + StringUtils.substring(shortTypeName, 0, 20) + ">";
    // create TextColumn
    ClassLoader classLoader = context.getClassLoader();
    return createTextColumn(classLoader, columnText);

From source file:com.hangum.tadpole.rdb.erd.core.dnd.TableTransferDropTargetListener.java

 * painting model /*from  ww  w  .  j  a va2  s. c o  m*/
 * @param nextTableX
 * @param nextTableY
 * @param arryTables
 * @param mapTable
private void paintingModel(int nextTableX, int nextTableY, String[] arryTables,
        Map<String, List<TableColumnDAO>> mapTable) {
    Rectangle prevRectangle = null;

    int originalX = nextTableX;
    int intCount = 1;
    for (String strTable : arryTables) {
        String[] arryTable = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(strTable, PublicTadpoleDefine.DELIMITER);
        if (arryTable.length == 0)

        String tableName = arryTable[1];
        String refTableNames = "'" + tableName + "',"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

        // ? editor ?? ?  .
        Map<String, Table> mapDBTables = new HashMap<String, Table>();
        for (Table table : db.getTables()) {
            mapDBTables.put(table.getName(), table);
            refTableNames += "'" + table.getName() + "',"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        refTableNames = StringUtils.chompLast(refTableNames, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // ? ??  ? ?
        if (mapDBTables.get(tableName) == null) {
            // ? ? ?
            Table tableModel = tadpoleFactory.createTable();

            String tableComment = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(arryTable[2]);
            tableComment = StringUtils.substring(tableComment, 0, 10);

            // ??  ?. 
            prevRectangle = new Rectangle(nextTableX, nextTableY, TadpoleModelUtils.END_TABLE_WIDTH,

            // ?  .
            nextTableX = originalX + (TadpoleModelUtils.GAP_WIDTH * intCount);

            try {
                //  ? ?
                for (TableColumnDAO columnDAO : mapTable.get(tableName)) {
                    Column column = tadpoleFactory.createColumn();


                    String strComment = columnDAO.getComment();
                    if (strComment == null)
                        strComment = "";
                    strComment = StringUtils.substring(strComment, 0, 10);

                mapDBTables.put(tableName, tableModel);
                RelationUtil.calRelation(userDB, mapDBTables, db, refTableNames);//RelationUtil.getReferenceTable(userDB, refTableNames));

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("GEF Table Drag and Drop Exception", e); //$NON-NLS-1$

                Status errStatus = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), Messages.get().Error,
                        Messages.get().TadpoleModelUtils_2, errStatus); //$NON-NLS-1$

        } else {
    } //  end tables

    //      super.handleDrop();

From source file:com.inktomi.wxmetar.MetarParser.java

static boolean parseAltimeter(String token, final Metar metar) {
    boolean rval = Boolean.FALSE;

    if (StringUtils.startsWith(token, "A") && token.length() == 5) {
        rval = Boolean.TRUE;// w  ww  .  j a  va2 s. c o  m

        Integer alt = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.substring(token, 1, token.length()));

        metar.altimeter = (float) alt / 100;

    return rval;

From source file:mitm.common.util.MiscStringUtils.java

 * Replaces the last chars with replaceCharWith
 * //from   w  w w.  ja v a2s.  c  o  m
 * Example:
 * replaceLastChars("abc123", 3, "mn") returns "abcmnmnmn"
public static String replaceLastChars(String input, int lastChars, String replaceCharWith) {
    input = StringUtils.defaultString(input);

    int maxLength = input.length() - lastChars;

    if (maxLength < 0) {
        maxLength = 0;

    String dots = StringUtils.repeat(StringUtils.defaultString(replaceCharWith), input.length() - maxLength);

    return StringUtils.substring(input, 0, maxLength) + dots;

From source file:com.allinfinance.dwr.system.SelectOptionsDWR.java

 *@ ? //from  w w  w .j ava 2s. c o  m
public String loadCupBrhIdOptData(String brhId) {
    String jsonData = "{data:[{'valueField':'','displayField':'?'}]}";
    try {
        log.info("brhId=" + brhId);
        Object[] params = new Object[1];
        params[0] = StringUtils.substring(brhId, brhId.length() - 4, brhId.length());
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> dataMap = SelectMethod.getCupBrh(params);
        Iterator<String> iter = dataMap.keySet().iterator();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map<String, Object> jsonDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            LinkedList<Object> jsonDataList = new LinkedList<Object>();
            Map<String, String> tmpMap = null;
            String key = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                tmpMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
                key = iter.next();
                tmpMap.put("valueField", key);
                tmpMap.put("displayField", dataMap.get(key));
            jsonDataMap.put("data", jsonDataList);
            jsonData = JSONBean.genMapToJSON(jsonDataMap);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return jsonData;