List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring
public static String substring(String str, int start, int end)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.
From source
protected void doFinishBinImageLoad(boolean isImageLoadedSuccessfully) { // Set result in parameters block if (isImageLoadedSuccessfully) { synchronized (computer) { int tapeParamsBlockAddrNameIdx; if (!computer.getConfiguration().isMemoryManagerPresent()) { // BK0010 tapeParamsBlockAddrNameIdx = 26; // Set "OK" result code computer.writeMemory(true, tapeParamsBlockAddr + 1, 0); // Write loaded image start address computer.writeMemory(false, tapeParamsBlockAddr + 22, lastBinImageAddress); // Write loaded image length computer.writeMemory(false, tapeParamsBlockAddr + 24, lastBinImageLength); // Return from EMT 36 computer.getCpu().returnFromTrap(false); } else { // BK0011 tapeParamsBlockAddrNameIdx = 28; // Set "OK" result code computer.getCpu().clearPswFlagC(); // Write loaded image start address computer.writeMemory(false, tapeParamsBlockAddr + 24, lastBinImageAddress); // Write loaded image length computer.writeMemory(false, tapeParamsBlockAddr + 26, lastBinImageLength); // Return from tape load routine computer.getCpu().writeRegister(false, Cpu.PC, computer.getCpu().pop()); }//from ww w .java 2 s .co m // Write loaded image name String tapeFileName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(lastBinImageFileUri, "/"); tapeFileName = StringUtils.substring(tapeFileName, 0, MAX_TAPE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH); byte[] tapeFileNameBuffer; try { tapeFileNameBuffer = tapeFileName.getBytes("koi8-r"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { tapeFileNameBuffer = tapeFileName.getBytes(); } byte[] tapeFileNameData = new byte[MAX_TAPE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; Arrays.fill(tapeFileNameData, (byte) ' '); System.arraycopy(tapeFileNameBuffer, 0, tapeFileNameData, 0, Math.min(tapeFileNameBuffer.length, MAX_TAPE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)); for (int idx = 0; idx < tapeFileNameData.length; idx++) { computer.getCpu().writeMemory(true, tapeParamsBlockAddr + tapeParamsBlockAddrNameIdx + idx, tapeFileNameData[idx]); } } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); double alloc = rt.totalMemory() / 1000.0; double free = rt.freeMemory() / 1000.0; System.out.printf("Allocated (before substring operation) : %.2f kb\nFree: %.2f kb\n\n", alloc, free); Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("my_file.txt")); List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); while (in.hasNextLine()) { String s = in.nextLine(); /* Problem Code */ //al.add(s.substring(0, 200)); // extracts first 200 characters /* Solution Code */ //al.add(new String(s.substring(0,200))); /* Using static menthod */ // al.add(substring(s, 0, 200)); /* Using apache */ al.add(StringUtils.substring(s, 0, 200)); }//from w ww. j av a 2 s. co m alloc = rt.totalMemory() / 1000.0; free = rt.freeMemory() / 1000.0; System.out.printf("\nAllocated (after substring operation): %.2f kb\nFree: %.2f kb\n\n", alloc, free); in.close(); System.gc(); alloc = rt.totalMemory() / 1000.0; free = rt.freeMemory() / 1000.0; System.out.printf("\nAllocated (after System.gc() operation):: %.2f kb\nFree: %.2f kb\n\n", alloc, free); }
From source
private String getValidationArrayNumber(String param) { String result = ""; int start = 0; int openingCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < param.length(); index++) { if (openingCount > 0) { if (param.charAt(index) == ']') { openingCount = openingCount - 1; if (openingCount == 0) { result = StringUtils.substring(param, start + 1, index); }//from ww w .jav a 2s . c om } if (param.charAt(index) == '[') { openingCount = openingCount + 1; } } else { if (param.charAt(index) == '[') { start = index; openingCount = 1; } } } return result; }
From source
/** * Loads the probe to probe coexpression link information for a given expression experiment and writes it to disk. * // ww w .j a va 2 s. c o m * @param file * @param ee * @throws IOException */ private void writeCoexpressionData(File file, ExpressionExperiment ee) throws IOException { Taxon tax = expressionExperimentService.getTaxon(ee); assert tax != null; Collection<ProbeLink> probeLinks = probe2ProbeCoexpressionService.getProbeCoExpression(ee, tax.getCommonName()); Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesigns = expressionExperimentService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee); Map<Long, String[]> geneAnnotations = this.getGeneAnnotationsAsStrings(arrayDesigns); Date timestamp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // Write header information buf.append("# Coexpression Data for: " + ee.getShortName() + " : " + ee.getName() + " \n"); buf.append("# Generated On: " + timestamp + " \n"); buf.append(DISCLAIMER); if (geneAnnotations.isEmpty()) {"Platform anotation File Missing for Experiment, unable to include annotation information"); buf.append( "# The platform annotation file is missing for this Experiment, unable to include gene annotation information \n"); buf.append("probeId_1 \t probeId_2 \t score \n"); } else buf.append( "probe_1 \t gene_symbol_1 \t gene_name_1 \t probe_2 \t gene_symbol_2 \t gene_name_2 \t score \n"); // Data for (ProbeLink link : probeLinks) { if (geneAnnotations.isEmpty()) { buf.append(link.getFirstDesignElementId() + "\t" + link.getSecondDesignElementId() + "\t"); } else { String[] firstAnnotation = geneAnnotations.get(link.getFirstDesignElementId()); String[] secondAnnotation = geneAnnotations.get(link.getSecondDesignElementId()); buf.append(firstAnnotation[0] + "\t" + firstAnnotation[1] + "\t" + firstAnnotation[2] + "\t"); buf.append(secondAnnotation[0] + "\t" + secondAnnotation[1] + "\t" + secondAnnotation[2] + "\t"); } buf.append(StringUtils.substring(link.getScore().toString(), 0, 5) + "\n"); } // Write coexpression data to file (zipped of course) Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))); writer.write(buf.toString()); writer.flush(); writer.close(); }
From source
@Override public String toString() { String studies = ""; for (Study study : getStudies()) { studies += String.format("Study{ id = '%s', accession = '%s', title = '%s' }\n", study.getId(), study.getAcc(), study.getTitle()); }// w w w . ja v a 2s .c o m return String.format( "Investigation{ id = %s, accession = '%s', title = '%s', description = '%s', submitted = %s, released = %s, " + "contacts = '%s', publications = %s, Xrefs = %s\n\n Studies: {\n %s \n }\n}\n\n", getId(), getAcc(), getTitle(), StringUtils.substring(getDescription(), 0, 20), getSubmissionDate(), getReleaseDate(), getContacts(), getPublications(), getXrefs(), studies); }
From source
public String toString() { return "Protocol{" + "id=" + getId() + ", acc='" + getAcc() + '\'' + ", name='" + name + "'" + ", type=" + type + ", uri='" + uri + "'" + ", version='" + version + "'" + ", description='" + StringUtils.substring(description, 0, 20) + '\'' + ", parameters=" + parameters + ", components=" + components + '}'; }
From source
@Override public String toString() { String investigationsStr = ""; for (Investigation investigation : investigations) { investigationsStr += String.format("Investigation{ id = '%s', accession = '%s', title = '%s' }", investigation.getId(), investigation.getAcc(), investigation.getTitle()); }// ww w.j a v a 2 s . c om String assaysStr = ""; { String separator = ""; int count = 0; for (Assay assay : getAssays()) { assaysStr += String.format("%s{#%d, acc: '%s', ep: %s, tech %s, material = %s}", separator, assay.getId(), assay.getAcc(), assay.getMeasurement(), assay.getTechnology(), assay.getMaterial()); separator = ", "; if (count++ > 10) break; } } String assayResultsStr = ""; { String separator = ""; int count = 0; for (AssayResult assay : getAssayResults()) { assaysStr += String.format("%s{#%d, FV: %s, data: %s}", separator, assay.getId(), assay.getFactorValues(), assay.getData()); separator = ", "; if (count++ > 10) break; } } return "Study{" + "id ='" + getId() + '\'' + ", acc ='" + getAcc() + '\'' + ", title='" + title + '\'' + "\n description='" + StringUtils.substring(description, 0, 20) + '\'' + "\n objective='" + objective + '\'' + "\n designs=" + getDesigns() + ", submissionDate=" + submissionDate + ", releaseDate=" + releaseDate + "\n contacts=" + contacts + "\n first assays=[" + assaysStr + "]" + "\n assay-results=" + assayResultsStr + "\n publications=" + publications + "\n protocols=" + protocols + "\n\n investigations={\n" + investigationsStr + "\n }\n}\n" + "\n\n users={\n" + users + "\n }\n}\n" + "\n}"; }
From source
/** * Checks that the study accession is unique, throws an exception in case it isn't. * /* www.j a v a 2s .c o m*/ */ @Override public Study persist(Study object) { if (object == null) { log.warn("WARNING: attempt to persist a null study, we will ignore this!"); return null; } Study study = ((StudyDAO) dao).getByAcc(object.getAcc()); if (study != null) throw new RuntimeException("The accession \"" + object.getAcc() + "\" (assigned to \"" + StringUtils.substring(object.getTitle(), 0, 15) + "\") is already being used for another study in the" + " database (assigned to \"" + StringUtils.substring(object.getTitle(), 0, 15) + "\"), please define another accession"); return super.persist(object); }