List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substring
public static String substring(String str, int start, int end)
Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions.
From source
private void printTabularKey(TabularKey key, PrintFile printFile) { ItemFormatter itemFormatter = new ItemFormatter(false, CommentStrippingMode.STRIP_ALL, AngleBracketHandlingMode.REMOVE, true, false, false); // Do a first pass of the data structure to get the counts for the // number of times a taxon appears in the key, and to work out how wide // the cells need to be Map<Item, Integer> itemOccurrences = new HashMap<Item, Integer>(); int cellWidth = 0; for (TabularKeyRow row : key.getRows()) { Item it = row.getItem();/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s.c om*/ if (itemOccurrences.containsKey(it)) { int currentItemCount = itemOccurrences.get(it); itemOccurrences.put(it, currentItemCount + 1); } else { itemOccurrences.put(it, 1); } // If TRUNCATE TABULAR KEY AT directive has been used, only // traverse up to the relevant column. int columnLimit = row.getNumberOfColumns(); if (_context.getTruncateTabularKeyAtColumnNumber() != -1) { columnLimit = _context.getTruncateTabularKeyAtColumnNumber(); } for (int i = 0; i < columnLimit; i++) { int columnNumber = i + 1; for (MultiStateAttribute attr : row.getAllAttributesForColumn(columnNumber)) { int characterNumber = attr.getCharacter().getCharacterId(); int numberOfDigits = Integer.toString(characterNumber).length(); // Cell width needs to be at least as wide as the number of // digits, plus one extra character for the state value // associated with the attribute if (cellWidth < numberOfDigits + 1) { cellWidth = numberOfDigits + 1; } } } } // Highest number of item occurrences in the key int maxItemOccurrences = Collections.max(itemOccurrences.values()); // Determine the maximum allowable length for a formatted taxon name in // the tabulated key. This will be the length // of the name cell, less the length of the largest number of item // occurrences (these are printed right-justified) in the cell, with a // space between the name and the item occurrence count. int maxFormattedItemNameLength = TABULATED_KEY_NAME_CELL_WIDTH - Integer.toString(maxItemOccurrences).length() - 1; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // Second pass - output the key for (int i = 0; i < key.getNumberOfRows(); i++) { TabularKeyRow row = key.getRowAt(i); Item it = row.getItem(); List<MultiStateAttribute> rowAttributes; List<MultiStateAttribute> previousRowAttributes = null; // If TRUNCATE TABULAR KEY AT directive has been used, only // traverse up to the relevant column. int columnLimit = row.getNumberOfColumns(); if (_context.getTruncateTabularKeyAtColumnNumber() == -1) { rowAttributes = row.getAllAttributes(); if (i > 0) { previousRowAttributes = key.getRowAt(i - 1).getAllAttributes(); } } else { columnLimit = _context.getTruncateTabularKeyAtColumnNumber(); rowAttributes = row.getAllCharacterValuesUpToColumn(columnLimit); if (i > 0) { previousRowAttributes = key.getRowAt(i - 1).getAllCharacterValuesUpToColumn(columnLimit); } } // Output the dividing line between the previous row and the current // row builder.append("+---------------------------+"); for (int j = 0; j < rowAttributes.size(); j++) { Attribute currentRowAttribute = rowAttributes.get(j); if (previousRowAttributes != null && previousRowAttributes.size() >= j + 1) { Attribute previousRowAttribute = previousRowAttributes.get(j); if (currentRowAttribute.equals(previousRowAttribute)) { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", cellWidth)); builder.append("|"); } else { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat("-", cellWidth)); builder.append("+"); } } else { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat("-", cellWidth)); builder.append("+"); } } if (previousRowAttributes != null) { int diffPrevRowAttributes = previousRowAttributes.size() - rowAttributes.size(); for (int k = 0; k < diffPrevRowAttributes; k++) { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat("-", cellWidth)); builder.append("+"); } } builder.append("\n"); // Output the item name and the number of occurences of the item in // the key, if it appears more than once builder.append("|"); String formattedItemName = itemFormatter.formatItemDescription(it); formattedItemName = StringUtils.substring(formattedItemName, 0, maxFormattedItemNameLength); builder.append(formattedItemName); int numItemOccurrences = itemOccurrences.get(it); if (numItemOccurrences > 1) { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", TABULATED_KEY_NAME_CELL_WIDTH - formattedItemName.length() - Integer.toString(numItemOccurrences).length())); builder.append(numItemOccurrences); } else { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", TABULATED_KEY_NAME_CELL_WIDTH - formattedItemName.length())); } builder.append("|"); // Output the values character values used in the. Include values // for confirmatory characters if they are present for (int j = 0; j < columnLimit; j++) { int columnNumber = j + 1; List<MultiStateAttribute> cellCharacterValues = row.getAllAttributesForColumn(columnNumber); for (int k = 0; k < cellCharacterValues.size(); k++) { MultiStateAttribute cellCharacterValue = cellCharacterValues.get(k); int characterId = cellCharacterValue.getCharacter().getCharacterId(); // Insert spaces to pad out the cell if the character id + // state // value are not as wide as the cell width builder.append( StringUtils.repeat(" ", cellWidth - (Integer.toString(characterId).length() + 1))); builder.append(characterId); // Only 1 state will be ever set - the key generation // algorithm // only sets // Individual states for characters int stateNumber = cellCharacterValue.getPresentStates().iterator().next(); // Convert state numbers to "A", "B", "C" etc builder.append((char) (64 + stateNumber)); if (cellCharacterValues.size() > 1 && k < cellCharacterValues.size() - 1) { builder.append(" "); } } builder.append("|"); } builder.append("\n"); // If this is the last row, need to print the bottom edge of the // table if (i == key.getNumberOfRows() - 1) { builder.append("+---------------------------+"); for (int l = 0; l < rowAttributes.size(); l++) { builder.append(StringUtils.repeat("-", cellWidth)); builder.append("+"); } } } printPagedTabularKey(builder.toString(), cellWidth, printFile); }
From source
private String adjustSize(String source, Integer size) { if (size == null) { return source; // we couldn't obtain the column size, so do nothing. }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om if (StringUtils.length(source) > size) { return StringUtils.substring(source, 0, size); } return source; }
From source
/** * Gets the formatted value.//from w w w .j a va2 s. com * * @param includeUnits the include units flag * @return the value */ private String getValue(final boolean includeUnits) { if (this.getDefinition() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("A valid definition is required"); } if (this.getContext() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("A valid application context is required"); } // The default value is authorisation required String value = context.getMessage("label_net_triptech_metahive_model_keyvalue_access_restricted", null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); if (UserRole.allowAccess(this.getUserRole(), definition.getKeyValueAccess())) { value = context.getMessage("label_net_triptech_metahive_model_keyvalue_no_data", null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_STRING) { if (this.getStringValue() != null) { value = this.getStringValue(); if (includeUnits) { value += appendUnitOfMeasure(); } } } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_BOOLEAN) { if (this.getBooleanValue() != null && this.getContext() != null) { value = context.getMessage(this.getBooleanValue().getMessageKey(), null, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); } } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_NUMBER || this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { if (this.getDoubleValue() != null) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.######"); value = df.format(this.getDoubleValue()); if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(value, ".000000")) { value = StringUtils.substring(value, 0, value.length() - 6); } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { value += "%"; } if (includeUnits) { value += appendUnitOfMeasure(); } } } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_CURRENCY) { if (this.getDoubleValue() != null) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,###,##0.00"); value = df.format(this.getDoubleValue()) + appendUnitOfMeasure(); } } } return value; }
From source
/** * Build the option map if any search options exist. *//*from w w w .ja va 2 s . co m*/ @PostLoad public final void postLoad() { this.searchOptionsMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.searchOptions)) { // Parse the search options StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(this.searchOptions, "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String t = st.nextToken(); String key = StringUtils.substring(t, 0, StringUtils.indexOf(t, "=")); String vl = StringUtils.substring(t, StringUtils.indexOf(t, "=") + 1); // Parse the value to a boolean try { boolean bl = Boolean.parseBoolean(vl); this.searchOptionsMap.put(key, bl); } catch (Exception e) { // Error casting string to boolean } } } }
From source
/** * Gets the formatted value.// w w w.j a v a 2s. c o m * * @return the formatted value */ public final String getFormattedValue() { String unformattedValue = ""; String formattedValue = ""; if (this.getDefinition() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("A valid definition is required"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.getValue())) { unformattedValue = this.getValue(); } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_STRING) { formattedValue = unformattedValue + appendUnitOfMeasure(); } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_BOOLEAN) { formattedValue = unformattedValue; } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_NUMBER || this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { double dblValue = 0; try { dblValue = Double.parseDouble(unformattedValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Error parsing double } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.######"); formattedValue = df.format(dblValue); if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(formattedValue, ".000000")) { formattedValue = StringUtils.substring(formattedValue, 0, formattedValue.length() - 6); } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { formattedValue += "%"; } formattedValue += appendUnitOfMeasure(); } if (this.getDefinition().getDataType() == DataType.TYPE_CURRENCY) { double dblValue = 0; try { dblValue = Double.parseDouble(unformattedValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Error parsing double } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,###,##0.00"); formattedValue = df.format(dblValue) + appendUnitOfMeasure(); } return formattedValue; }
From source
public DefaultModuleCfg(YMP owner) throws Exception { Map<String, String> _moduleCfgs = owner.getConfig().getModuleConfigs(IWebMvc.MODULE_NAME); //// w w w .j av a 2s . c om String _reqProcessorClass = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("request_processor_class"), "default"); Class<? extends IRequestProcessor> _requestProcessorClass = Type.REQUEST_PROCESSORS.get(_reqProcessorClass); if (_requestProcessorClass == null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(_reqProcessorClass)) { __requestProcessor = ClassUtils.impl(_reqProcessorClass, IRequestProcessor.class, this.getClass()); } else if (_requestProcessorClass != null) { __requestProcessor = _requestProcessorClass.newInstance(); } if (__requestProcessor == null) { __requestProcessor = new DefaultRequestProcessor(); } // String _errorProcessorClass = _moduleCfgs.get("error_processor_class"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_errorProcessorClass)) { __errorProcessor = ClassUtils.impl(_errorProcessorClass, IWebErrorProcessor.class, this.getClass()); } // String _cacheProcessorClass = _moduleCfgs.get("cache_processor_class"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_errorProcessorClass)) { __cacheProcessor = ClassUtils.impl(_cacheProcessorClass, IWebCacheProcessor.class, this.getClass()); } // __charsetEncoding = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("default_charset_encoding"), "UTF-8"); __requestIgnoreRegex = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("request_ignore_regex"), __IGNORE); __requestMethodParam = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("request_method_param"), "_method"); __requestPrefix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(_moduleCfgs.get("request_prefix")); // __parameterEscapeMode = BlurObject.bind(_moduleCfgs.get("parameter_escape_mode")).toBooleanValue(); __parameterEscapeOrder = Type.EscapeOrder.valueOf( StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("parameter_escape_order"), "after").toUpperCase()); // __baseViewPath = RuntimeUtils.replaceEnvVariable( StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("base_view_path"), "/WEB-INF/templates/")); __abstractBaseViewPath = __baseViewPath; if (__abstractBaseViewPath.startsWith("/WEB-INF")) { __abstractBaseViewPath = new File(RuntimeUtils.getRootPath(false), __abstractBaseViewPath).getPath(); } // __cookiePrefix = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(_moduleCfgs.get("cookie_prefix")); __cookieDomain = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(_moduleCfgs.get("cookie_domain")); __cookiePath = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("cookie_path"), "/"); __cookieAuthKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(_moduleCfgs.get("cookie_auth_key")); __defaultEnabledCookieAuth = BlurObject.bind(_moduleCfgs.get("default_enabled_cookie_auth")) .toBooleanValue(); // __uploadTempDir = RuntimeUtils .replaceEnvVariable(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(_moduleCfgs.get("upload_temp_dir"))); __uploadFileSizeMax = Integer .parseInt(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("upload_file_size_max"), "10485760")); __uploadTotalSizeMax = Integer .parseInt(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("upload_total_size_max"), "10485760")); __uploadSizeThreshold = Integer .parseInt(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("upload_size_threshold"), "10240")); __uploadFileListener = ClassUtils.impl(_moduleCfgs.get("upload_file_listener_class"), ProgressListener.class, this.getClass()); // __conventionMode = BlurObject.bind(_moduleCfgs.get("convention_mode")).toBooleanValue(); __conventionUrlrewriteMode = BlurObject.bind(_moduleCfgs.get("convention_urlrewrite_mode")) .toBooleanValue(); __conventionInterceptorMode = BlurObject.bind(_moduleCfgs.get("convention_interceptor_mode")) .toBooleanValue(); // __conventionViewAllowPaths = new HashSet<String>(); __conventionViewNotAllowPaths = new HashSet<String>(); // String[] _cViewPaths = StringUtils .split(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(_moduleCfgs.get("convention_view_paths"), ""), "|"); if (_cViewPaths != null) { for (String _cvPath : _cViewPaths) { _cvPath = StringUtils.trimToNull(_cvPath); if (_cvPath != null) { boolean _flag = true; if (_cvPath.length() > 1) { char _c = _cvPath.charAt(_cvPath.length() - 1); if (_c == '+') { _cvPath = StringUtils.substring(_cvPath, 0, _cvPath.length() - 1); } else if (_c == '-') { _cvPath = StringUtils.substring(_cvPath, 0, _cvPath.length() - 1); _flag = false; } } if (_cvPath.charAt(0) != '/') { _cvPath = "/" + _cvPath; } if (_flag) { __conventionViewAllowPaths.add(_cvPath); } else { __conventionViewNotAllowPaths.add(_cvPath); } } } } }
From source
private static String ensureArgLength(final String arg) { return StringUtils.substring(arg, 0, MAX_ARG_LEN); }
From source
/** * This method checks that if the <resource> is local to the content * package, then a <file> element is required that represents the * <resource> itself. The href attribute of the <file> element * shall be identical to the href attribute of the <resource> * /* w ww. j ava 2 s. co m*/ * @param iResourceNode * - The <resource> element * @return boolean - Result of the overall check. True if the checks passed, * false otherwise. */ private boolean checkResourceFileHref(Node iResourceNode) { boolean result = true; String msgText = ""; // retrive the href and apply xml:base String resourceHref = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "href"); // only continue check if the resourceHref exists if (!resourceHref.equals("")) { // remove all parameters from the end of the href, if they exist // first deal with ? int questionMarkIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(resourceHref, '?'); if (questionMarkIndex > 0) { resourceHref = StringUtils.substring(resourceHref, 0, questionMarkIndex); } // also deal with # int poundIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(resourceHref, '#'); if (poundIndex > 0) { resourceHref = StringUtils.substring(resourceHref, 0, poundIndex); } // we must manually retrieve the resource xml:base attribute value // the applyXMLBase is not aware of it at this time of processing String resourceXMLBase = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "base"); // resourceID used for logging error messages String resourceID = DOMTreeUtility.getAttributeValue(iResourceNode, "identifier"); mLogger.debug("Checking for this resource now " + resourceID); // apply XML Base to the href if it exists resourceHref = mXMLBase[0][1] + mXMLBase[1][1] + resourceXMLBase + resourceHref; // only need to perform this check on local resource if (!StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "http:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "https:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "ftp:") && !StringUtils.startsWith(resourceHref, "ftps:")) { // we have a resource that is local to the package, must have a // file // href that is identifical to it List<String> files = mResourceTable.get(resourceID); if (files != null) { if (!files.contains(resourceHref)) { // the resourceHref does not contain a matching file // href when // it should result = false; msgText = Messages.getString("CPValidator.628", resourceID); mLogger.debug("FAILED: " + msgText); DetailedLogMessageCollection.getInstance() .addMessage(new LogMessage(MessageType.FAILED, msgText)); } } else { // there are no files that exist for the local resource result = false; msgText = Messages.getString("CPValidator.628", resourceID); mLogger.debug("FAILED: " + msgText); DetailedLogMessageCollection.getInstance() .addMessage(new LogMessage(MessageType.FAILED, msgText)); } } } return result; }
From source
/** * Processes a Message received through the P2P facilities. Defines that only the built in store should be asked. * * @param query the incoming query//ww w .ja v a 2 s. c o m * * @return the SPARQL Result, serialized as a String */ public String processIncomingSparqlQuery(SPARQLQueryOverXmpp incomingQuery) { SparqlQuery query = incomingQuery.getSparqlQuery();"received " + query.getQueryString()); query.setAgentsToAsk(new ArrayList<SparqlEndpointIdentifier>()); query.setStoresToAsk(new ArrayList<SparqlEndpointIdentifier>()); query.setAskLocal(true); endpointFacade.process(query); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SparqlResult sresult : query.getResults().values()) { results.add(sresult.getAnswer()); } String result = uglySparqlResultCombiner(results);"answered: " + StringUtils.substring(result, 0, 200)); return result; }
From source
/** * Index the WP pages by parsing with Jsoup and indexing into SOLR * * @return/* w ww . j av a2 s . co m*/ * @throws IOException */ protected int indexPages() throws Exception { int documentCount = 0; // Initialise SOLR SolrServer solrServer = solrUtils.getSolrServer();"Deleting all WordPress documents in SOLR index..."); solrServer.deleteByQuery("idxtype:" + IndexedTypes.WORDPRESS); // delete WP pages solrServer.commit(); for (String pageUrl : this.pageUrls) { try { // Crawl and extract text from WP pages Document document = Jsoup.connect(pageUrl + CONTENT_ONLY_PARAM).get(); String title ="head > title").text(); String id ="head > meta[name=id]").attr("content"); String bodyText = document.body().text(); Elements postCategories ="ul[class=post-categories]"); List<String> categoriesOut = new ArrayList<String>(); Boolean excludePost = false; if (!postCategories.isEmpty()) { // Is a WP post (not page) Elements categoriesIn ="li > a"); // get list of li elements for (Element cat : categoriesIn) { String thisCat = cat.text(); if (thisCat != null && excludedCategories.contains(thisCat)) { // "button".equals(thisCat) // exclude category "button" posts excludePost = true; } if (thisCat != null) { // add category to list categoriesOut.add(thisCat.replaceAll(" ", "_")); } } } if (excludePost) { logger.debug("Excluding post (id: " + id + ") with category: " + StringUtils.join(categoriesOut, "|")); continue; } documentCount++; // Index with SOLR logger.debug(documentCount + ". Indexing WP page - id: " + id + " | title: " + title + " | text: " + StringUtils.substring(bodyText, 0, 100) + "... "); SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.addField("idxtype", IndexedTypes.WORDPRESS); doc.addField("guid", WP_BASE_URI + id); // use page_id based URI instead of permalink in case permalink is too long for id field doc.addField("id", "wp" + id); // probably not needed but safer to leave in doc.addField("name", title, 1.2f); doc.addField("content", bodyText); doc.addField("australian_s", "recorded"); // so they appear in default QF search doc.addField("categories", categoriesOut); // add to index solrServer.add(doc); if (documentCount % 100 == 0) {"Committing to SOLR (count = " + documentCount + ")..."); solrServer.commit(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // catch it so we don't stop indexing other pages logger.warn("Problem accessing/reading WP page: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }"Final Committing to SOLR..."); solrServer.commit(); //"Optimising SOLR index..."); //solrServer.optimize(); // throws errors on my machine??"Committed to SOLR. Final document count: " + documentCount); return documentCount; }