Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.CoreApiServiceLocator; import; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiInteger; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiPercent; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.parse.BeanTag; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.parse.BeanTagAttribute; import org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.parse.BeanTags; import org.kuali.rice.krad.lookup.LookupView; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.UifConstants; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.UifParameters; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.CollectionGroup; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.CheckboxControl; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.CheckboxGroupControl; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.Control; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.RadioGroupControl; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.SelectControl; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.DataField; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.Field; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.FieldGroup; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.InputField; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.LinkField; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.MessageField; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout.LayoutManager; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout.TableLayoutManager; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.lifecycle.ViewLifecycle; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.LifecycleElement; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ObjectPropertyUtils; import org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADConstants; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.KRADUtils; import org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Decorates a HTML Table client side with various tools * * <p> * Decorations implemented depend on widget implementation. Examples are sorting, paging and * skinning. * </p> * * @author Kuali Rice Team ( */ @BeanTags({ @BeanTag(name = "richTable", parent = "Uif-RichTable"), @BeanTag(name = "pagedRichTable", parent = "Uif-PagedRichTable"), @BeanTag(name = "scrollableRichTable", parent = "Uif-ScrollableRichTable") }) public class RichTable extends WidgetBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4671589690877390070L; private String emptyTableMessage; private boolean disableTableSort; private boolean forceAoColumnDefsOverride; private boolean forceLocalJsonData; private int nestedLevel; private String aaData; private Set<String> hiddenColumns; private Set<String> sortableColumns; private List<String> cellCssClasses; private String ajaxSource; private boolean showExportOption; private String groupingOptionsJSString; public RichTable() { super(); groupingOptionsJSString = "null"; cellCssClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); } /** * The following initialization is performed: * * <ul> * <li>Initializes component options for empty table message</li> * </ul> */ @Override public void performFinalize(Object model, LifecycleElement parent) { super.performFinalize(model, parent); UifFormBase formBase = (UifFormBase) model; if (!isRender()) { return; } if (templateOptions.isEmpty()) { setTemplateOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getEmptyTableMessage()) && !templateOptions.containsKey(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.LANGUAGE)) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.LANGUAGE, "{\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.EMPTY_TABLE + "\" : \"" + getEmptyTableMessage() + "\"}"); } Object domOption = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SDOM); if (domOption instanceof String) { String sDomOption = (String) domOption; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sDomOption)) { if (!isShowExportOption()) { sDomOption = StringUtils.remove(sDomOption, "T"); //Removes Export option } templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SDOM, sDomOption); } } // for add events, disable initial sorting if (UifConstants.ActionEvents.ADD_LINE.equals(formBase.getActionEvent()) || UifConstants.ActionEvents.ADD_BLANK_LINE.equals(formBase.getActionEvent())) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AASORTING, "[]"); } if ((parent instanceof CollectionGroup)) { CollectionGroup collectionGroup = (CollectionGroup) parent; LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); //if useServerPaging is true, add the css cell styling to the template options so it can still be used //since this will not go through the grid ftl if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager && collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging()) { addCellStyling((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager); } buildTableOptions(collectionGroup); setTotalOptions(collectionGroup); View view = ViewLifecycle.getActiveLifecycle().getView(); if (view instanceof LookupView) { buildSortOptions((LookupView) view, collectionGroup); } } if (isDisableTableSort()) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TABLE_SORT, "false"); } String kradUrl = getConfigurationService().getPropertyValueAsString(UifConstants.ConfigProperties.KRAD_URL); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ajaxSource)) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SAJAX_SOURCE, ajaxSource); } else if (parent instanceof CollectionGroup && ((CollectionGroup) parent).isUseServerPaging()) { // enable required dataTables options for server side paging templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.BPROCESSING, "true"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.BSERVER_SIDE, "true"); // build sAjaxSource url to call templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SAJAX_SOURCE, kradUrl + ((UifFormBase) model).getControllerMapping() + "?" + UifConstants.CONTROLLER_METHOD_DISPATCH_PARAMETER_NAME + "=" + UifConstants.MethodToCallNames.TABLE_JSON + "&" + UifParameters.UPDATE_COMPONENT_ID + "=" + parent.getId() + "&" + UifParameters.FORM_KEY + "=" + ((UifFormBase) model).getFormKey() + "&" + UifParameters.AJAX_RETURN_TYPE + "=" + UifConstants.AjaxReturnTypes.UPDATECOMPONENT.getKey() + "&" + UifParameters.AJAX_REQUEST + "=" + "true"); //TODO: Figure out where to move this script file constant? String pushLookupSelect = "function (aoData) { " + "if(jQuery('table.dataTable').length > 0) { " + " var table = jQuery('table.dataTable'); " + " jQuery( table.find(':input:checked')).each( function (index) { " + " aoData.push({'name': (jQuery(this)).attr('name'),'value': (jQuery(this)).attr('value')}); " + " console.log(jQuery(this).attr('name') + ':' + jQuery(this).attr('value')); " + " }); " + "} " + "}"; templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SERVER_PARAMS, pushLookupSelect); // store col defs so columns can be built on paging request ViewLifecycle.getViewPostMetadata().addComponentPostData(parent.getId(), UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS)); } // build export url to call templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SDOWNLOAD_SOURCE, kradUrl + "/" + UifConstants.ControllerMappings.EXPORT + "?" + UifParameters.UPDATE_COMPONENT_ID + "=" + parent.getId() + "&" + UifParameters.FORM_KEY + "=" + ((UifFormBase) model).getFormKey() + "&" + UifParameters.AJAX_RETURN_TYPE + "=" + UifConstants.AjaxReturnTypes.UPDATECOMPONENT.getKey() + "&" + UifParameters.AJAX_REQUEST + "=" + "true"); } /** * Add the css style to the cellCssClasses by column index, later used by the aoColumnDefs * * @param manager the tableLayoutManager that contains the original fields */ private void addCellStyling(TableLayoutManager manager) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(manager.getAllRowFields())) { for (int index = 0; index < manager.getNumberOfColumns(); index++) { String cellStyleClasses = ((ComponentBase) manager.getAllRowFields().get(index)) .getWrapperCssClassesAsString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cellStyleClasses)) { cellCssClasses.add(cellStyleClasses); } } } } /** * Builds the footer callback template option for column totals * * @param collectionGroup the collection group */ private void setTotalOptions(CollectionGroup collectionGroup) { LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { List<String> totalColumns = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getColumnsToCalculate(); if (totalColumns.size() > 0) { String array = "["; for (String i : totalColumns) { array = array + i + ","; } array = StringUtils.removeEnd(array, ","); array = array + "]"; templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.FOOTER_CALLBACK, "function (nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay) {initializeTotalsFooter (nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay, " + array + " )}"); } } } /** * Builds column options for sorting * * @param collectionGroup */ protected void buildTableOptions(CollectionGroup collectionGroup) { checkMutable(false); LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); final boolean useServerPaging = collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging(); if (templateOptions.isEmpty()) { setTemplateOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } // if sub collection exists, don't allow the table sortable if (!collectionGroup.getSubCollections().isEmpty()) { setDisableTableSort(true); } if (!isDisableTableSort()) { // if rendering add line, skip that row from col sorting if (collectionGroup.isRenderAddLine() && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()) && !((layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isSeparateAddLine())) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_SKIP_ROWS, "[" + UifConstants.TableToolsValues.ADD_ROW_DEFAULT_INDEX + "]"); } StringBuilder tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder("["); int colIndex = 0; int actionIndex = UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_RIGHT_INDEX; boolean actionFieldVisible = collectionGroup.isRenderLineActions() && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()); if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { actionIndex = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getActionColumnIndex(); } if (actionIndex == UifConstants.TableLayoutValues.ACTIONS_COLUMN_LEFT_INDEX && actionFieldVisible) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // handle sequence field if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager && ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).isRenderSequenceField()) { Class<?> dataTypeClass = Number.class; if (((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getSequenceFieldPrototype() instanceof DataField) { DataField dataField = (DataField) ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager) .getSequenceFieldPrototype(); dataTypeClass = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyType(collectionGroup.getCollectionObjectClass(), dataField.getPropertyName()); // check to see if field has custom sort type if (dataField.getSortAs() != null && dataField.getSortAs().length() > 0) { if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE)) { dataTypeClass = java.sql.Date.class; } else if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC)) { dataTypeClass = Number.class; } else if (dataField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING)) { dataTypeClass = String.class; } } } // don't allow sorting of sequence field - why? // auto sequence column is never sortable tableColumnOptions.append("{" + sortable(false) + "," + sortType(getSortType(dataTypeClass)) + "," + sortDataType(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT) + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + "," + targets(colIndex) + "},"); colIndex++; if (actionIndex == 2 && actionFieldVisible) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } } // skip select field if enabled if (collectionGroup.isIncludeLineSelectionField()) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // if data dictionary defines aoColumns, copy here and skip default sorting/visibility behaviour if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS))) { // get the contents of the JS array string String jsArray = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ","); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMNS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS)) && forceAoColumnDefsOverride) { String jsArray = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS); int startBrace = StringUtils.indexOf(jsArray, "["); int endBrace = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(jsArray, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append(StringUtils.substring(jsArray, startBrace + 1, endBrace) + ","); if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } else if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { List<Field> rowFields = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getFirstRowFields(); // build column defs from the the first row of the table for (Component component : rowFields) { if (actionFieldVisible && colIndex + 1 == actionIndex) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } // for FieldGroup, get the first field from that group if (component instanceof FieldGroup) { component = ((FieldGroup) component).getItems().get(0); } if (component instanceof DataField) { DataField field = (DataField) component; // if a field is marked as invisible in hiddenColumns, append options and skip sorting if (getHiddenColumns() != null && getHiddenColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableColumnOptions.append("{" + visible(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } else if (getSortableColumns() != null && !getSortableColumns().isEmpty()) { // if specified as a column as sortable then add it if (getSortableColumns().contains(field.getPropertyName())) { tableColumnOptions .append(getDataFieldColumnOptions(colIndex, collectionGroup, field) + ","); } else { // else designate it as not sortable tableColumnOptions.append("{" + sortable(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } } else { // sortable columns not defined String options = getDataFieldColumnOptions(colIndex, collectionGroup, field); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); } colIndex++; } else if (component instanceof MessageField) { if (component.getDataAttributes() != null && UifConstants.RoleTypes.ROW_GROUPING .equals(component.getDataAttributes().get(UifConstants.DataAttributes.ROLE))) { // Grouping column is never shown, so skip tableColumnOptions.append("{" + visible(false) + "," + mData(useServerPaging, colIndex) + targets(colIndex) + "},"); } else { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, true, useServerPaging, String.class, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); } colIndex++; } else if (component instanceof LinkField) { LinkField linkField = (LinkField) component; Class<?> dataTypeClass = String.class; // check to see if field has custom sort type if (linkField.getSortAs() != null && linkField.getSortAs().length() > 0) { if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE)) { dataTypeClass = java.sql.Date.class; } else if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC)) { dataTypeClass = Number.class; } else if (linkField.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING)) { dataTypeClass = String.class; } } String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, true, useServerPaging, dataTypeClass, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } else { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options + ","); colIndex++; } } if (actionFieldVisible && (actionIndex == -1 || actionIndex >= colIndex)) { String options = constructTableColumnOptions(colIndex, false, useServerPaging, null, null); tableColumnOptions.append(options); } else { tableColumnOptions = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.removeEnd(tableColumnOptions.toString(), ",")); } // merge the aoColumnDefs passed in if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS))) { String origAoOptions = templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS).trim(); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeStart(origAoOptions, "["); origAoOptions = StringUtils.removeEnd(origAoOptions, "]"); tableColumnOptions.append("," + origAoOptions); } tableColumnOptions.append("]"); templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AO_COLUMN_DEFS, tableColumnOptions.toString()); } } } /** * Builds default sorting options. * * @param lookupView the view for the lookup * @param collectionGroup the collection group for the table */ protected void buildSortOptions(LookupView lookupView, CollectionGroup collectionGroup) { if (!isDisableTableSort() && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lookupView.getDefaultSortAttributeNames())) { LayoutManager layoutManager = collectionGroup.getLayoutManager(); if (layoutManager instanceof TableLayoutManager) { TableLayoutManager tableLayoutManager = (TableLayoutManager) layoutManager; List<String> firstRowPropertyNames = getFirstRowPropertyNames( tableLayoutManager.getFirstRowFields()); List<String> defaultSortAttributeNames = lookupView.getDefaultSortAttributeNames(); String sortDirection = lookupView.isDefaultSortAscending() ? "'asc'" : "'desc'"; boolean actionFieldVisible = collectionGroup.isRenderLineActions() && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()); int actionIndex = ((TableLayoutManager) layoutManager).getActionColumnIndex(); int columnIndexPrefix = 0; if (tableLayoutManager.isRenderSequenceField()) { columnIndexPrefix++; } if (tableLayoutManager.getRowDetailsGroup() != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableLayoutManager.getRowDetailsGroup().getItems())) { columnIndexPrefix++; } StringBuffer tableToolsSortOptions = new StringBuffer("["); for (String defaultSortAttributeName : defaultSortAttributeNames) { int index = firstRowPropertyNames.indexOf(defaultSortAttributeName); if (index >= 0) { if (tableToolsSortOptions.length() > 1) { tableToolsSortOptions.append(","); } int columnIndex = columnIndexPrefix + index; if (actionFieldVisible && actionIndex != -1 && actionIndex <= columnIndex + 1) { columnIndex++; } tableToolsSortOptions.append("[" + columnIndex + "," + sortDirection + "]"); } } tableToolsSortOptions.append("]"); if (templateOptions.isEmpty()) { setTemplateOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AASORTING, tableToolsSortOptions.toString()); } } } private List<String> getFirstRowPropertyNames(List<Field> firstRowFields) { return Lists.transform(firstRowFields, new Function<Field, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable Field field) { if (field != null && field instanceof DataField) { return ((DataField) field).getPropertyName(); } else { return null; } } }); } /** * Construct the column options for a data field * * @param target column index * @param collectionGroup the collectionGroup in which the data field is defined * @param field the field to construction options for * @return options as valid for datatable */ protected String getDataFieldColumnOptions(int target, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, DataField field) { String sortDataType = null; if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(collectionGroup.getReadOnly()) && (field instanceof InputField) && ((InputField) field).getControl() != null) { Control control = ((InputField) field).getControl(); if (control instanceof SelectControl) { sortDataType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_SELECT; } else if (control instanceof CheckboxControl || control instanceof CheckboxGroupControl) { sortDataType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_CHECK; } else if (control instanceof RadioGroupControl) { sortDataType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_RADIO; } else { sortDataType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT; } } else { sortDataType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DOM_TEXT; } Class<?> dataTypeClass = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyType(collectionGroup.getCollectionObjectClass(), field.getPropertyName()); // check to see if field has custom sort type if (field.getSortAs() != null && field.getSortAs().length() > 0) { if (field.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.CURRENCY)) { dataTypeClass = KualiDecimal.class; } else if (field.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE)) { dataTypeClass = java.sql.Date.class; } else if (field.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC)) { dataTypeClass = Number.class; } else if (field.getSortAs().equals(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING)) { dataTypeClass = String.class; } } boolean isSortable = true; if (field.isApplyMask()) { isSortable = false; } return constructTableColumnOptions(target, isSortable, collectionGroup.isUseServerPaging(), dataTypeClass, sortDataType); } /** * Constructs the sort data type for each data table columns in a format that will be used to * initialize the data table widget via javascript * * @param target the column index * @param isSortable whether a column should be marked as sortable * @param isUseServerPaging is server side paging enabled? * @param dataTypeClass the class type of the column value - used determine the sType option - * which identifies the search plugin to use * @param sortDataType Defines a data source type for the sorting which can be used to read * realtime information from the table * @return a formatted string with data table options for one column */ public String constructTableColumnOptions(int target, boolean isSortable, boolean isUseServerPaging, Class<?> dataTypeClass, String sortDataType) { String options = "null"; if (!isSortable || dataTypeClass == null) { options = sortable(false) + "," + sortType(UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING); } else { options = sortType(getSortType(dataTypeClass)); if (!isUseServerPaging && !this.forceLocalJsonData) { options += "," + sortDataType(sortDataType); } } if (target < cellCssClasses.size() && target >= 0) { options += ", \"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.CELL_CLASS + "\" : \"" + cellCssClasses.get(target) + "\""; } // only use the mDataProp when using json data (only relevant for this table type) options += mData(isUseServerPaging, target); if (!options.equals("null")) { options = "{" + options + "," + targets(target) + "}"; } else { options = "{" + options + "}"; } return options; } private String sortable(boolean sortable) { return "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORTABLE + "\": " + (sortable ? UifConstants.TableToolsValues.TRUE : UifConstants.TableToolsValues.FALSE); } private String sortDataType(String sortDataType) { return "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_DATA_TYPE + "\": \"" + sortDataType + "\""; } private String getSortType(Class<?> dataTypeClass) { String sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.STRING; if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, KualiPercent.class)) { sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.PERCENT; } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, KualiInteger.class) || ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, KualiDecimal.class)) { sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.CURRENCY; } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, Timestamp.class)) { sortType = "date"; } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, java.sql.Date.class) || ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, java.util.Date.class)) { sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.DATE; } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(dataTypeClass, Number.class)) { sortType = UifConstants.TableToolsValues.NUMERIC; } return sortType; } private String sortType(String sortType) { return "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.SORT_TYPE + "\": \"" + sortType + "\""; } private String targets(int target) { return "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.TARGETS + "\": [" + target + "]"; } private String visible(boolean visible) { return "\"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.VISIBLE + "\": " + (visible ? UifConstants.TableToolsValues.TRUE : UifConstants.TableToolsValues.FALSE); } private String mData(boolean isUseServerPaging, int target) { if (isUseServerPaging || this.forceLocalJsonData) { return ", \"" + UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.MDATA + "\" : function(row,type,newVal){ return _handleColData(row,type,'c" + target + "',newVal);}"; } return ""; } /** * Returns the text which is used to display text when the table is empty * * @return empty table message */ @BeanTagAttribute public String getEmptyTableMessage() { return emptyTableMessage; } /** * Setter for a text to be displayed when the table is empty * * @param emptyTableMessage */ public void setEmptyTableMessage(String emptyTableMessage) { this.emptyTableMessage = emptyTableMessage; } /** * Returns true if sorting is disabled * * @return the disableTableSort */ @BeanTagAttribute public boolean isDisableTableSort() { return this.disableTableSort; } /** * Enables/disables the table sorting * * @param disableTableSort the disableTableSort to set */ public void setDisableTableSort(boolean disableTableSort) { this.disableTableSort = disableTableSort; } /** * Returns true if export option is enabled * * @return the showExportOption */ @BeanTagAttribute public boolean isShowExportOption() { return this.showExportOption; } /** * Show/Hide the search and export option in tabletools * * @param showExportOption the showExportOptions to set */ public void setShowExportOption(boolean showExportOption) { this.showExportOption = showExportOption; } /** * Holds propertyNames for the ones meant to be hidden since columns are visible by default * * <p> * Duplicate entries are ignored and the order of entries is not significant * </p> * * @return a set with propertyNames of columns to be hidden */ @BeanTagAttribute(type = BeanTagAttribute.AttributeType.SETVALUE) public Set<String> getHiddenColumns() { return hiddenColumns; } /** * Setter for the hidden columns set * * @param hiddenColumns a set containing propertyNames */ public void setHiddenColumns(Set<String> hiddenColumns) { this.hiddenColumns = hiddenColumns; } /** * Holds the propertyNames for columns that are to be sorted * * <p> * Duplicate entries are ignored and the order of entries is not significant * </p> * * @return a set of propertyNames with for columns that will be sorted */ @BeanTagAttribute(type = BeanTagAttribute.AttributeType.SETVALUE) public Set<String> getSortableColumns() { return sortableColumns; } /** * Setter for sortable columns * * @param sortableColumns a set containing propertyNames of columns to be sorted */ public void setSortableColumns(Set<String> sortableColumns) { this.sortableColumns = sortableColumns; } /** * Specifies a URL for acquiring the table data with ajax * * <p> * When the ajax source URL is specified the rich table plugin will retrieve the data by * invoking the URL and building the table rows from the result. This is different from the * standard use of the rich table plugin with uses progressive enhancement to decorate a table * that has already been rendereed * </p> * * @return URL for ajax source */ @BeanTagAttribute public String getAjaxSource() { return ajaxSource; } /** * Setter for the Ajax source URL * * @param ajaxSource */ public void setAjaxSource(String ajaxSource) { this.ajaxSource = ajaxSource; } /** * Get groupingOption * * @return grouping options as a JS string */ public String getGroupingOptionsJSString() { return groupingOptionsJSString; } /** * Set the groupingOptions js data. <b>This should not be set through XML configuration.</b> * * @param groupingOptionsJSString */ public void setGroupingOptionsJSString(String groupingOptionsJSString) { this.groupingOptionsJSString = groupingOptionsJSString; } /** * If set to true and the aoColumnDefs template option is explicitly defined in templateOptions, * those aoColumnDefs will be used for this table. Otherwise, if false, the aoColumnDefs will * attempt to be merged with those that are automatically generated by RichTable * * @return true if the aoColumnDefs set will completely override those that are generated * automatically by RichTable */ @BeanTagAttribute public boolean isForceAoColumnDefsOverride() { return forceAoColumnDefsOverride; } /** * Set forceAoColumnDefsOverride * * @param forceAoColumnDefsOverride */ public void setForceAoColumnDefsOverride(boolean forceAoColumnDefsOverride) { this.forceAoColumnDefsOverride = forceAoColumnDefsOverride; } /** * If true, the table will automatically use row JSON data generated by this widget * * <p> * This forces the table backed by this RichTable to get its content from a template option * called aaData. This will automatically skip row generation in the template, and cause the * table receive its data from the aaData template option automatically generated and set by * this RichTable. This allows the table to take advantage of the bDeferRender option (also * automatically set to true) when this table is a paged table (performance increase for tables * that are more than one page). Note: the CollectionGroup's isUseServerPaging flag will always * override this functionality if it is also true. * </p> * * @return true if backed by the aaData option in JSON, that is generated during the ftl * rendering process by this widget for this table */ @BeanTagAttribute public boolean isForceLocalJsonData() { return forceLocalJsonData; } /** * Set the forceLocalJsonData flag to force this table to use generated row json data * * @param forceLocalJsonData */ public void setForceLocalJsonData(boolean forceLocalJsonData) { this.forceLocalJsonData = forceLocalJsonData; } /** * The nestedLevel property represents how many collection tables deep this particular table is * * <p> * This property must be manually set if the flag forceLocalJsonData is being used and the * collection table this RichTable represents is a subcollection of a TABLE collection (not * stacked collection). If this is true, add 1 for each level deep (ex. subCollection would be * 1, sub-subCollection would be 2). If this property is not set javascript errors will occur on * the page, as this determines how deep to escape certain characters. * </p> * * @return the nestedLevel representing the */ @BeanTagAttribute public int getNestedLevel() { return nestedLevel; } /** * Set the nestedLevel for this table - must be set if using forceLocalJsonData and this is a * subCollection of a TableCollection (also using forceLocalJsonData) * * @param nestedLevel */ public void setNestedLevel(int nestedLevel) { this.nestedLevel = nestedLevel; } /** * Get the translated aaData array generated by calls to addRowToTableData by the ftl * * <p> * This data is in JSON format and expected to be consumed by datatables when utilizing the * forceLocalJsonData option. This will be populated automatically if that flag is set to true. * </p> * * @return the generated aaData */ public String getAaData() { return aaData; } /** * Set the translated aaData array * * <p> * This data is in JSON format and expected to be consumed by datatables when utilizing the * forceLocalJsonData. This setter is required for copyProperties() * </p> * * @param aaData the generated aaData */ protected void setAaData(String aaData) { this.aaData = aaData; } /** * Get the simple value as a string that represents the field's sortable value, to be used as * val in the custom uif json data object (accessed by mDataProp option on datatables - * automated by framework) when using the forceLocalJsonData option or the CollectionGroup's * isUseServerPaging option * * @param model model the current model * @param field the field to retrieve a sortable value from for use in custom json data * @return the value as a String */ public String getCellValue(Object model, Field field) { String value = KRADUtils.getSimpleFieldValue(model, field); if (value == null) { value = "null"; } else { value = KRADConstants.QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER + value + KRADConstants.QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER; } return value; } /** * Add row content passed from table ftl to the aaData array by converting and escaping the * content to an object (in an array of objects) in JSON format * * <p> * The data in aaData is expected to be consumed by a call by the datatables plugin using * sAjaxSource or aaData. The addRowToTableData generation call is additive must be made per a * row in the ftl. * </p> * * @param row the row of content with each cell content surrounded by the @quot@ token and * followed by a comma */ public void addRowToTableData(String row) { String escape = ""; if (templateOptions.isEmpty()) { setTemplateOptions(new HashMap<String, String>()); } // if nestedLevel is set add the appropriate amount of escape characters per a level of nesting for (int i = 0; i < nestedLevel && forceLocalJsonData; i++) { escape = escape + "\\"; } // remove newlines and replace quotes and single quotes with unicode characters row = row.trim().replace("\"", escape + "\\u0022").replace("'", escape + "\\u0027").replace("\n", "") .replace("\r", ""); // remove hanging comma row = StringUtils.removeEnd(row, ","); // replace all quote placeholders with actual quote characters row = row.replace(KRADConstants.QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER, "\""); row = "{" + row + "}"; // if first call create aaData and force defer render option, otherwise append if (StringUtils.isBlank(aaData)) { aaData = "[" + row + "]"; if (templateOptions.get(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.DEFER_RENDER) == null) { //make sure deferred rendering is forced if not explicitly set templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.DEFER_RENDER, UifConstants.TableToolsValues.TRUE); } } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(row)) { aaData = aaData.substring(0, aaData.length() - 1) + "," + row + "]"; } //force json data use if forceLocalJsonData flag is set if (forceLocalJsonData) { templateOptions.put(UifConstants.TableToolsKeys.AA_DATA, aaData); } } protected ConfigurationService getConfigurationService() { return CoreApiServiceLocator.getKualiConfigurationService(); } }