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package nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.sms;

import java.util.Calendar;

import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.Entity;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.Relationship;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.Member;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.messages.Message;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.FormatObject;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.StringValuedEnum;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * A log of a sent SMS message
 * @author Jefferson Magno
public class SmsLog extends Entity {
     * Possible error on sending an sms
     * @author luis
    public static enum ErrorType implements StringValuedEnum {

        /** The member who should pay for the sms doesn't have enough credits */

        /** The member who should pay for the sms doesn't have sms or doesn't allow charge for it */

        /** The additional messages is zero and the member has no free messages left */

        /** The destination member had no mobile phone set (according to localSettings.smsCustomField */

        /** An unknown error has ocurred while sending the sms */

        private final String value;

        private ErrorType(final String value) {
            this.value = value;

        public String getValue() {
            return value;

    public static enum Relationships implements Relationship {
        TARGET_MEMBER("targetMember"), CHARGED_MEMBER("chargedMember"), SMS_MAILING("smsMailing"), SMS_TYPE(
        private final String name;

        private Relationships(final String name) {
   = name;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

     * This is the maximum allowed length for an argument (arg0..arg4). If an argX is longer than this value then it will be truncated.
    private static final short MAX_ARG_LEN = 150;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4331781757069220677L;

    private static String ensureArgLength(final String arg) {
        return StringUtils.substring(arg, 0, MAX_ARG_LEN);

    private Member targetMember;
    private Member chargedMember;
    private Calendar date;
    private Message.Type messageType;
    private SmsMailing smsMailing;
    private boolean freeBaseUsed;
    private SmsType smsType;

    private ErrorType errorType;
    /* Arguments for I18N purposes */
    protected String arg0;
    protected String arg1;
    protected String arg2;
    protected String arg3;

    protected String arg4;

    public String getArg0() {
        return arg0;

    public String getArg1() {
        return arg1;

    public String getArg2() {
        return arg2;

    public String getArg3() {
        return arg3;

    public String getArg4() {
        return arg4;

    public Member getChargedMember() {
        return chargedMember;

    public Calendar getDate() {
        return date;

    public ErrorType getErrorType() {
        return errorType;

    public Message.Type getMessageType() {
        return messageType;

    public SmsMailing getSmsMailing() {
        return smsMailing;

    public SmsType getSmsType() {
        return smsType;

    public SmsLogStatus getStatus() {
        if (errorType != null) {
            return SmsLogStatus.ERROR;
        return SmsLogStatus.DELIVERED;

    public Member getTargetMember() {
        return targetMember;

    public SmsLogType getType() {
        if (smsMailing != null) {
            return SmsLogType.MAILING;
        } else if (messageType != null) {
            return SmsLogType.NOTIFICATION;
        } else if (smsType != null) {
            return SmsLogType.SMS_OPERATION;
        return null;

    public boolean isFree() {
        if (smsMailing != null && smsMailing.isFree()) {
            return true;
        return freeBaseUsed;

    public boolean isFreeBaseUsed() {
        return freeBaseUsed;

    public boolean isSuccessful() {
        return errorType == null;

    public void setArg0(final String arg0) {
        this.arg0 = ensureArgLength(arg0);

    public void setArg1(final String arg1) {
        this.arg1 = ensureArgLength(arg1);

    public void setArg2(final String arg2) {
        this.arg2 = ensureArgLength(arg2);

    public void setArg3(final String arg3) {
        this.arg3 = ensureArgLength(arg3);

    public void setArg4(final String arg4) {
        this.arg4 = ensureArgLength(arg4);

    public void setChargedMember(final Member chargedMember) {
        this.chargedMember = chargedMember;

    public void setDate(final Calendar date) { = date;

    public void setErrorType(final ErrorType errorType) {
        this.errorType = errorType;

    public void setFreeBaseUsed(final boolean freeBaseUsed) {
        this.freeBaseUsed = freeBaseUsed;

    public void setMessageType(final Message.Type messageType) {
        this.messageType = messageType;

    public void setSmsMailing(final SmsMailing smsMailing) {
        this.smsMailing = smsMailing;

    public void setSmsType(final SmsType smsType) {
        this.smsType = smsType;

    public void setSmsTypeArgs(final String[] smsTypeArgs) {
        if (smsTypeArgs != null) {
            setArg0(smsTypeArgs.length > 0 ? smsTypeArgs[0] : null);
            setArg1(smsTypeArgs.length > 1 ? smsTypeArgs[1] : null);
            setArg2(smsTypeArgs.length > 2 ? smsTypeArgs[2] : null);
            setArg3(smsTypeArgs.length > 3 ? smsTypeArgs[3] : null);
            setArg4(smsTypeArgs.length > 4 ? smsTypeArgs[4] : null);

    public void setTargetMember(final Member targetMember) {
        this.targetMember = targetMember;

    public String toString() {
        return "SmsLog [id=" + getId() + ", chargedMember=" + chargedMember + ", date="
                + FormatObject.formatObject(date) + ", errorType=" + errorType + ", freeBaseUsed=" + freeBaseUsed
                + ", messageType=" + messageType + ", smsMailing=" + smsMailing + ", smsType=" + smsType
                + ", targetMember=" + targetMember + "]";