List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat
public static String repeat(String str, int repeat)
Repeat a String repeat
times to form a new String.
From source
/** * Parse CSV file using OpenCSV library and load in * given database table. // w w w . ja va 2 s. co m * @param csvFile Input CSV file * @param tableName Database table name to import data * @param truncateBeforeLoad Truncate the table before inserting * new records. * @throws Exception */ public void loadCSV(String csvFile, String tableName, boolean truncateBeforeLoad) throws Exception { CSVReader csvReader = null; if (null == this.connection) { throw new Exception("Not a valid connection."); } try { csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvFile), this.seprator); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error occured while executing file. " + e.getMessage()); } String[] headerRow = csvReader.readNext(); if (null == headerRow) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "No columns defined in given CSV file." + "Please check the CSV file format."); } String questionmarks = StringUtils.repeat("?,", headerRow.length); questionmarks = (String) questionmarks.subSequence(0, questionmarks.length() - 1); String query = SQL_INSERT.replaceFirst(TABLE_REGEX, tableName); query = query.replaceFirst(KEYS_REGEX, StringUtils.join(headerRow, ",")); query = query.replaceFirst(VALUES_REGEX, questionmarks); System.out.println("Query: " + query); String[] nextLine; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { con = this.connection; con.setAutoCommit(false); ps = con.prepareStatement(query); if (truncateBeforeLoad) { //delete data from table before loading csv con.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM " + tableName); } final int batchSize = 1000; int count = 0; Date date = null; while ((nextLine = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { if (null != nextLine) { int index = 1; for (String string : nextLine) { date = DateUtil.convertToDate(string); if (null != date) { ps.setDate(index++, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); } else { ps.setString(index++, string); } } ps.addBatch(); } if (++count % batchSize == 0) { ps.executeBatch(); } } ps.executeBatch(); // insert remaining records con.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { con.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error occured while loading data from file to database." + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (null != ps) ps.close(); if (null != con) con.close(); csvReader.close(); } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ */ @Override protected int run() throws Exception { Map<String, CredentialsSelectHelper.ContextResolver> resolversByName = CredentialsSelectHelper .getResolversByName(); int maxNameLen = 0, maxDisplayLen = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, CredentialsSelectHelper.ContextResolver> entry : resolversByName.entrySet()) { maxNameLen = Math.max(maxNameLen, entry.getKey().length()); maxDisplayLen = Math.max(maxDisplayLen, CredentialsSelectHelper.ContextResolver.displayName(entry.getValue()).length()); } stdout.println(StringUtils.rightPad("Name", maxNameLen) + " Resolves"); stdout.println(StringUtils.repeat("=", maxNameLen) + " " + StringUtils.repeat("=", maxDisplayLen)); for (Map.Entry<String, CredentialsSelectHelper.ContextResolver> entry : resolversByName.entrySet()) { stdout.println(StringUtils.rightPad(entry.getKey(), maxNameLen) + " " + CredentialsSelectHelper.ContextResolver.displayName(entry.getValue())); } return 0; }
From source
@Test public void testTitle_Message() throws Exception { String expected = LS + StringUtils.repeat("-", 80) + LS + "The Title".concat(LS) + StringUtils.repeat("=", 80); iw.title("The Title"); assertEquals(expected.concat(LS), iw.toString()); }
From source
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { glass = new TetrisGlass(WIDTH, HEIGHT, glassEventListener); point = new TetrisFigure(); glassWidthFigure = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, StringUtils.repeat("#", WIDTH)); line9Width = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, StringUtils.repeat("#", WIDTH - 1)); }
From source
@Test public void testBatch() throws Exception { try (Server server = new Server(new ServerConfiguration(folder.newFolder().toPath()))) { server.getManager().setMaxDataUsedMemory(750 * 1024 * 1024); server.start();// 2 s . c om server.waitForStandaloneBoot(); try (HDBClient client = new HDBClient(new ClientConfiguration(folder.newFolder().toPath()));) { client.setClientSideMetadataProvider(new StaticClientSideMetadataProvider(server)); try (BasicHerdDBDataSource dataSource = new BasicHerdDBDataSource(client); Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); Statement s = con.createStatement(); PreparedStatement ps = con .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO mytable (n1, name) values(?,?)");) { s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (n1 int primary key, name string)"); String bigPrefix = StringUtils.repeat("Test", 300); // int size = 1_000_000; int size = 100_000; { long _start = System.currentTimeMillis(); con.setAutoCommit(false); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ps.setInt(1, i); ps.setString(2, bigPrefix + i); ps.addBatch(); if (i % 60000 == 0) { ps.executeBatch(); con.commit(); long _stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("written " + i + " records_ " + (_stop - _start) + " ms"); } } ps.executeBatch(); con.commit(); long _stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("insert: " + (_stop - _start) + " ms"); } server.getManager().checkpoint(); con.setAutoCommit(true); { long _start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try (ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) from mytable")) { assertTrue(; long res = rs.getLong(1); assertEquals(size, res); } long _stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("count: " + (_stop - _start) + " ms"); } { long _start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try (ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * from mytable")) { int i = 0; while ( { if (i % 100000 == 0) { System.out.println("read " + i + " records"); } i++; } assertEquals(size, i); } long _stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("read: " + (_stop - _start) + " ms"); } } } } }
From source
@Test public void testAddAlternateNamesShouldNotAddTooLongAlternateNames() { GisFeature gisFeature = GisgraphyTestHelper.createGisFeatureWithAlternateNames("toto", 3); List<AlternateName> alternateNames = new ArrayList<AlternateName>(); AlternateName a1 = new AlternateName(); a1.setName(StringUtils.repeat("a", GisFeature.MAX_ALTERNATENAME_SIZE + 1)); AlternateName a2 = new AlternateName(); a2.setName("bar"); alternateNames.add(a1);/*ww w .j ava 2 s . c om*/ alternateNames.add(a2); gisFeature.addAlternateNames(alternateNames); assertEquals("The long alternateName should not be added", 4, gisFeature.getAlternateNames().size()); }
From source
public void write(OutputStream os, Map<String, MultiMap<Integer, Map<String, Object>>> residueAnnotations) throws IOException { if (os == null || residueAnnotations == null) return;/*from w ww .jav a 2 s.c om*/ String prefix = StringUtils.repeat("\t", getIndent()); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os); BufferedWriter bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(osw); for (Map.Entry<String, MultiMap<Integer, Map<String, Object>>> entry : residueAnnotations.entrySet()) { String type = entry.getKey(); bufWriter.write(prefix + "<" + type + ">\n"); writeMultiMap(os, bufWriter, entry.getValue(), prefix + "\t"); bufWriter.write(prefix + "</" + type + ">\n"); } bufWriter.flush(); osw.flush(); }
From source
@Override public String toString() { return "Server [context=" + context + ", domain=" + domain + ", securitySalt=" + StringUtils.repeat("*", securitySalt.length()) + "]"; }
From source
private String getBaseUrl(final HttpServletRequest request) { final String path = request.getRequestURI().replaceFirst(request.getContextPath(), ""); final int depth = StringUtils.countMatches(path, "/") - 1; final String baseUrl; if (depth == 0) { baseUrl = "."; } else {//w ww . j a v a2 s . co m baseUrl = StringUtils.repeat("../", depth); } return baseUrl; }
From source
protected void checkAccessibility(HttpServletRequest req) { String userIP = IPUtils.getUserIP(req); String whiteList = systemSettingService.getSetting(ServiceConstants.SETTING_GETCONFIG_WHITELIST); if (StringUtils.isBlank(whiteList)) { return;//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . com } if (whiteList.contains(userIP) || whiteList.contains("*.*.*.*")) { return; } String[] ipSegments = StringUtils.split(userIP, '.'); if (ipSegments.length == 4) { for (int i = 3; i >= 1; i--) { String left = StringUtils.join(ipSegments, '.', 0, i); String pattern = left + StringUtils.repeat(".*", 4 - i); if (whiteList.contains(pattern)) { return; } } } throw new RuntimeBusinessException("You have no privilege."); }