Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat.


public static String repeat(String str, int repeat) 

Source Link


Repeat a String repeat times to form a new String.


From source file:com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.InstanceTunnelTest.java

public void testPositive4() throws OdpsException, IOException {
    //big data table
    TableSchema schema = new TableSchema();
    schema.addColumn(new Column("id", OdpsType.STRING));
    odps.tables().delete("instance_tunnel_big", true);

    odps.tables().create("instance_tunnel_big", schema);
    TableTunnel tunnel = OdpsTestUtils.newTableTunnel(odps);
    TableTunnel.UploadSession uploadSession = tunnel.createUploadSession(odps.getDefaultProject(),
    RecordWriter writer = uploadSession.openRecordWriter(0);
    Record r = new ArrayRecord(schema);
    //2.6MB in string
    String magicString = StringUtils.repeat("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 100000);
    r.setString(0, magicString);//from  w  ww.j  a  v a 2s.c  o m
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {

    uploadSession.commit(new Long[] { 0L });

    Instance id = SQLTask.run(odps, "select lower(id) as str from instance_tunnel_big;");

    for (String st : id.getTaskResults().values()) {
        assertTrue(st.contains("Fetched data is larger than the rendering limitation"));

    InstanceTunnel instanceTunnel = OdpsTestUtils.newInstanceTunnel(odps);
    InstanceTunnel.DownloadSession session = instanceTunnel.createDownloadSession(odps.getDefaultProject(),
    assertEquals(session.getRecordCount(), 20);
    assertEquals(session.getSchema().getColumns().size(), 1L);
    assertEquals(session.getSchema().getColumns().get(0).getName(), "str");
    assertEquals(session.getSchema().getColumns().get(0).getType(), OdpsType.STRING);
    TunnelRecordReader reader = session.openRecordReader(0, session.getRecordCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < session.getRecordCount(); ++i) {
        Record record = reader.read();
        assertEquals(record.getString(0), magicString.toLowerCase());


From source file:com.lmco.ddf.commands.catalog.IngestCommand.java

private String getProgressBar(int ingestCount, int totalPossible, long start, long end) {

    int notches = calculateNotches(ingestCount, totalPossible);

    int progressPercentage = calculateProgressPercentage(ingestCount, totalPossible);

    int rate = calculateRecordsPerSecond(ingestCount, start, end);

    String progressArrow = ">";

    // /r is required, it allows for the update in place
    String progressBarFormat = "%1$4s%% [=%2$-50s] %3$5s records/sec\t\r";

    return String.format(progressBarFormat, progressPercentage,
            StringUtils.repeat("=", notches) + progressArrow, rate);

From source file:fitnesse.slim.SlimServiceTestBase.java

public void callFunctionWithHugeParameter() throws Exception {
    addImportAndMake();/*from w w  w .  j  av  a 2 s.  c o m*/
    String hugeString = StringUtils.repeat("x", 999999 + 10);
    statements.add(new CallInstruction("id", "testSlim", "echoString", new Object[] { hugeString }));
    Map<String, Object> result = slimClient.invokeAndGetResponse(statements);
    assertEquals(hugeString, result.get("id"));

From source file:msi.gama.util.GAML.java

public static String getDocumentationOn(final String query) {
    final String keyword = StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.removeStart(query.trim(), "#"), ":");
    final Multimap<GamlIdiomsProvider<?>, IGamlDescription> results = GamlIdiomsProvider.forName(keyword);
    if (results.isEmpty()) {
        return "No result found";
    }/* w  w w.j  av  a 2  s.c om*/
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    final int max = results.keySet().stream().mapToInt(each -> each.name.length()).max().getAsInt();
    final String separator = StringUtils.repeat("", max + 6).concat(Strings.LN);
    results.asMap().forEach((provider, list) -> {
        sb.append("").append(separator).append("|| ");
        sb.append(StringUtils.rightPad(provider.name, max));
        sb.append(" ||").append(Strings.LN).append(separator);
        for (final IGamlDescription d : list) {
            sb.append("== ").append(toText(d.getTitle())).append(Strings.LN)

    return sb.toString();


From source file:de.codesourcery.jasm16.ast.ASTUtils.java

public static final void printAST(ASTNode n, int depth, String source) {
    final String indent = StringUtils.repeat(" ", depth * 2);
    System.out.println(indent + n.toString() + " >" + n.getTextRegion().apply(source) + "<");

    for (ASTNode child : n.getChildren()) {
        printAST(child, depth + 1, source);
    }/*from   w ww.j av  a2 s  . com*/

From source file:com.github.cereda.arara.rulechecker.RuleUtils.java

 * Prints the report for every rule report.
 * @param rules The list of rule report.
 */// w  w  w.j a va 2 s  .com
public static void printReport(List<RuleReport> rules) {

    // print header
    System.out.println(StringUtils.center(" Task coverage report ", 60, "-").concat("\n"));

    // let's sort our list of reports according to
    // each rule coverage
    Collections.sort(rules, new Comparator<RuleReport>() {

        public int compare(RuleReport t1, RuleReport t2) {

            // get values of each rule
            float a1 = t1.getCoverage();
            float a2 = t2.getCoverage();

            // they are equal, do nothing
            if (a1 == a2) {
                return 0;
            } else {

                // we want to sort in reverse order,
                // so return a negative value here
                if (a1 > a2) {
                    return -1;
                } else {

                    // return a positive value, since
                    // the first statement was false
                    return 1;

    // for each report, print
    // the corresponding entry
    for (RuleReport rule : rules) {

        // build the beginning of the line
        String line = String.format("- %s ", rule.getReference().getName());

        // build the coverage information
        String coverage = String.format(" %2.2f%%", rule.getCoverage());

        // generate the line by concatenating
        // the beginning and coverage
        line = line.concat(StringUtils.repeat(".", 60 - line.length() - coverage.length())).concat(coverage);

        // print the line

From source file:com.qcadoo.model.integration.FieldModuleIntegrationTest.java


public void shouldCallAndFailDefaultMaxStringLenFieldValidators() throws Exception {
    // given/*from   ww  w.  j a v  a  2s .co  m*/
    final String stringWith300Characters = StringUtils.repeat("a", 300);

    // when & then
    Entity savedPart = performFieldValidationTestOnPart("name", stringWith300Characters, false);

From source file:musite.ui.cmd.CmdLineTools.java

private static String printResult(PredictionResult result) {
    if (result == null || result.getModels().isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    }/*www .ja  va  2  s. c  o  m*/

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    sb.append("Position\tAmino Acid\tSurr. Sequence\tScore\tSpecificity\tModel\n");

    Iterator<Protein> it = result.proteinIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Protein protein = it.next();
        String acc = protein.getAccession();


        for (PredictionModel model : result.getModels()) {
            Map<Integer, Double> preds = result.getPredictions(model, acc);
            if (preds == null || preds.isEmpty())

            String proteinSeq = protein.getSequence();
            int len = proteinSeq.length();

            for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : preds.entrySet()) {
                int site = entry.getKey();

                sb.append(site + 1);

                if (site < offset) {
                    sb.append(StringUtils.repeat("*", offset - site));
                    sb.append(proteinSeq.substring(0, site));
                } else {
                    sb.append(proteinSeq.substring(site - offset, site));

                int end = site + offset + 1;
                if (end > len) {
                    sb.append(proteinSeq.substring(site, len));
                    sb.append(StringUtils.repeat("*", end - len));
                } else {
                    sb.append(proteinSeq.substring(site, end));




                SpecificityEstimator est = model.getSpecEstimator();



    return sb.toString();

From source file:me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit.util.FormattingUtils.java

   * Centralizes the given string relative to the given width by padding it with the given character.
   *//from  w  w w  .j av  a  2  s.co m
   * @param str         the string to centralize
   * @param pad         the padding char
   * @param paddedWidth the width of the padded string
   * @return the centered string
  public static String center(String str, char pad, int paddedWidth) {
      paddedWidth -= getWidth(str);
      String padding = StringUtils.repeat(Character.toString(pad), paddedWidth / getWidth(pad) / 2);
      return padding + str + padding;

From source file:eu.annocultor.converters.time.OntologyToHtmlGenerator.java

void addToIndexFile(StringInStack url, String prefLabel) {
    //        if (previous == null) {
    //        } else {
    //            if (url.getLevel() > previous.getLevel()) {
    //                urls.add("</div>");               
    //                urls.add("<div class=\"div_" + url.getLevel() + "\">");               
    //            } else {
    //                urls.add("<div class=\"div_" + url.getLevel() + "\">");               
    //                urls.add("<div class=\"div_" + url.getLevel() + "\">");                               
    //            }
    //        }/*from w  ww  .  j a va2s . c om*/

    String prefix = StringUtils.repeat(" ", url.getLevel());
    String prefLabelToDisplay = StringUtils.substringBefore(prefLabel, "<sub>");
    String text = "<a href=\"" + url.getString() + "\">" + prefLabelToDisplay + "</a>";
    if (url.getLevel() > lastLevel) {
        last = new Node(text, url.getString(), url.getLevel(), last);
        //            urls.add(prefix + "<li><ul>");
    if (url.getLevel() < lastLevel) {
        for (int i = 0; i <= lastLevel - url.getLevel(); i++) {
            last = last.getParent();
        last = new Node(text, url.getString(), url.getLevel(), last);
        //            urls.add(prefix + "</ul></li>");            
    if (url.getLevel() == lastLevel) {
        last = new Node(text, url.getString(), url.getLevel(), last.getParent());
        //            urls.add("</li><li>");

    //        urls.add("<li><p class=\"level_" + url.getLevel() + "\"><a href=\"" + url.getString() + "\">" 
    //                + StringUtils.substringBefore(prefLabel, "<sub>") + "</a></p>");
    lastLevel = url.getLevel();