List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat
public static String repeat(String str, int repeat)
Repeat a String repeat
times to form a new String.
From source
private DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat(final int precision) { String pattern = "#,##0"; if (precision > 0) { pattern += "." + StringUtils.repeat("0", precision); }/*w ww. jav a 2 s.c o m*/ return new DecimalFormat(pattern, getDecimalSymbols()); }
From source
private void appendXml(final StringBuilder xml, final AdCategory adCategory) { final String indent = StringUtils.repeat(" ", adCategory.getLevel()); xml.append(String.format("%s<%s %s=\"%s\"", indent, CATEGORY_ELEMENT, NAME_ATTRIBUTE, StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(adCategory.getName()))); final Collection<AdCategory> children = adCategory.getChildren(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(children)) { xml.append(" />\n"); } else {//ww w .jav a 2 s.c om xml.append(">\n"); for (final AdCategory child : children) { appendXml(xml, child); } xml.append(indent).append("</").append(CATEGORY_ELEMENT).append(">\n"); } }
From source
private void appendSetting(final StringBuilder xml, final Setting setting) { final String indent2Levels = StringUtils.repeat(" ", 2); final String indent3Levels = StringUtils.repeat(" ", 3); xml.append(indent2Levels).append(String.format("<setting name=\"%s\" >\n", setting.getName())); xml.append(indent3Levels).append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(setting.getValue())); xml.append(indent2Levels).append("</setting>\n"); }
From source
private void appendSettingType(final StringBuilder xml, final Setting.Type type) { final String indent = StringUtils.repeat(" ", 1); xml.append(String.format("%s<settings type=\"%s\" >\n", indent, type.getValue())); final SettingsHandler<?, ?> handler = handlersMap.get(type); final List<Setting> settings = handler.listSettings(); for (final Setting setting : settings) { // Setting in ignore list, don't export it if (type == Setting.Type.LOCAL && IGNORED_SETTINGS.contains(setting.getName())) { continue; }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ appendSetting(xml, setting); } xml.append(indent).append("</settings>\n"); }
From source
@Override public String toString() { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); final String header = String.format("Version %s", label); pw.println(header);/* ww w . j a va 2 s .co m*/ pw.println(StringUtils.repeat("-", header.length())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) { pw.println(description); } pw.println(); appendList(pw, enhancements, "New / modified functions", " * ", null); appendList(pw, bugFixes, "Bug fixes", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newLibraries, "New library dependencies", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedLibraries, "Removed library dependencies", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newHelps, "New help files", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedHelps, "Removed help files", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newStaticFiles, "New static files", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedStaticFiles, "Removed static files", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newCssClasses, "New CSS classes", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedCssClasses, "Removed CSS classes", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newTranslationKeys, "New application translation keys", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedTranslationKeys, "Removed application translation keys", " * ", null); appendList(pw, newSetupKeys, "New setup translation keys", " * ", null); appendList(pw, removedSetupKeys, "Removed setup translation keys", " * ", null); pw.close(); return sw.toString(); }
From source
/** * * @throws CommandException Occurs when a command load error occurred. */// w w w.java2s. c o m public void execute() throws CommandException { String commandName = getCommandLine().getOptionValue("c"); try { String renderedStuff = null; SimpleMessage message = null; if (commandName != null) { renderedStuff = CommandRenderer.renderCommand(commandName); int usage = FRONTEND_MESSAGES.getString("message.COMMAND_HELP").length() + commandName.length(); message = new SimpleMessage( "\n" + FRONTEND_MESSAGES.getString("message.COMMAND_HELP") + "\n" + StringUtils.repeat("-", usage) + "\n" + renderedStuff, new Object[] { commandName }); } else { renderedStuff = CommandRenderer.renderedCommands(CommandFactory.getInstance().getCommands()); renderedStuff += "\n" + FRONTEND_MESSAGES.getString("message.HELP_DETAILS") + "\n"; renderedStuff += CommandRenderer.renderCommand("help"); message = new SimpleMessage( "\n" + FRONTEND_MESSAGES.getString("message.VALID_COMMANDS") + "\n" + renderedStuff); } response.addEvent(new MessageEvent(message)); } catch (CommandLoadException e) { throw new CommandException(e.getErrorCode(), e.getMessageArguments()); } }
From source
public void execute() throws CommandException { super.execute(); Set headers = getHeaders();/* w w w . j a v a 2s .c om*/ if (headers.size() == 0) { response.addEvent( new MessageEvent(this, new SimpleMessage("No manifests found for this working context."))); response.addEvent(new MessageEvent(this, new SimpleMessage("TIP : Try updating the manifest store with the `update-admin`-command."))); } else { Iterator manifestsIterator = headers.iterator(); ManifestHeader header; Manifest currentManifest = getContext().getCurrentManifest(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\nManifests for working context `" + getWorkingContext().getName() + "`:\n\n"); String h1 = "Type"; int MAX_TYPE_LENGTH = 13; String h2 = "Name"; int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 30; buffer.append(h1 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 13 - h1.length()) + " | "); buffer.append(h2 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 32 - h1.length()) + "\n"); buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat("_", 71) + "\n"); List manifestList = new ArrayList(); while (manifestsIterator.hasNext()) { header = (ManifestHeader); String typeSpaces = StringUtils.repeat(" ", MAX_TYPE_LENGTH - header.getType().length()); String nameSpaces = StringUtils.repeat(" ", MAX_NAME_LENGTH - header.getName().length()); if ((currentManifest != null) && header.getName().equals(currentManifest.getName())) { manifestList.add(header.getType() + typeSpaces + " | " + header.getName() + nameSpaces + " ** current manifest **\n"); } else { manifestList.add(header.getType() + typeSpaces + " | " + header.getName() + nameSpaces + "\n"); } } Collections.sort(manifestList); manifestsIterator = manifestList.iterator(); while (manifestsIterator.hasNext()) { buffer.append((String); } response.addEvent(new MessageEvent(this, new SimpleMessage(buffer.toString()))); } }
From source
/** * Shows the contents using simple rendering. *//*from w ww. j av a2 s . c o m*/ public void execute() throws CommandException { SimpleMessage message = new SimpleMessage("Checking manifest status, please wait ..."); commandResponse.addEvent(new MessageEvent(this, message)); super.execute(); // Ignore the response from the superclass List renderedData = getData(); // -- formatting manifest data StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\n"); try { if (getContext().getCurrentManifest() instanceof ReleaseManifest) { buffer.append("RELEASE MANIFEST\n\n"); String h1 = "MODULE-NAME"; String h2 = "TYPE"; String h3 = "LOCAL"; String h4 = "REMOTE"; String h5 = "STATIC"; String h6 = "PATCHLINE"; String h7 = "STATE"; String h8 = "LOCATION"; buffer.append(h1 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 45 - h1.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h2 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - h2.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h3 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - h3.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h4 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 9 - h4.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h5 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - h5.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h6 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 15 - h6.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h7 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 10 - h7.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h8 + "\n"); buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat("_", 155)); buffer.append("\n"); for (Iterator i = renderedData.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String[] data = (String[]); buffer.append(data[0] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 45 - data[0].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[1] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - data[1].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[2] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - data[2].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[3] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 9 - data[3].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[4] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - data[4].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[5] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 15 - data[5].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[6] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 10 - data[6].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[7] + "\n"); } } else { buffer.append("DEVELOPMENT MANIFEST\n\n"); String h1 = "MODULE-NAME"; String h2 = "TYPE"; String h3 = "LOCAL"; String h4 = "REMOTE"; String h5 = "STATIC"; String h6 = "STATE"; String h7 = "LOCATION"; buffer.append(h1 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 45 - h1.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h2 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - h2.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h3 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - h3.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h4 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 9 - h4.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h5 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - h5.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h6 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 35 - h6.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h7 + "\n"); buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat("_", 155)); buffer.append("\n"); for (Iterator i = renderedData.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String[] data = (String[]); buffer.append(data[0] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 45 - data[0].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[1] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - data[1].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[2] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - data[2].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[3] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 9 - data[3].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[4] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 7 - data[4].length()) + "| "); // No fifth column buffer.append(data[6] + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 35 - data[6].length()) + "| "); buffer.append(data[7] + "\n"); } } } catch (NegativeArraySizeException n) { logger.error(n); buffer = new StringBuffer().append("Pfff, some data item is bigger than Karma can handle."); } // -- end of formatting message = new SimpleMessage(buffer.toString()); commandResponse.addEvent(new MessageEvent(message)); }
From source
public void execute() throws CommandException { if (!getContext().isManifestLoaded()) { throw new CommandException(ManifestException.NO_ACTIVE_MANIFEST); }/*from w ww .j av a 2 s .c o m*/ String moduleName = getCommandLine().getOptionValue("m"); Module module = null; try { module = getContext().getCurrentManifest().getModule(moduleName); } catch (ManifestException e) { throw new CommandException(e.getErrorCode(), e.getMessageArguments()); } if (!getContext().getCurrentManifest().isLocal(module)) { throw new CommandException(CommandException.MODULE_NOT_LOCAL, new Object[] { module.getName() }); } ModuleHistoryFactory factory = ModuleHistoryFactory .getInstance(getContext().getCurrentManifest().getBaseDirectory()); ModuleHistory history = null; try { history = factory.getModuleHistory(module); } catch (ModuleHistoryException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new CommandException(e.getErrorCode(), e.getMessageArguments()); } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\n"); String header = "Module history for module : " + module.getName(); buffer.append(header + "\n\n\n"); String h1 = "Type"; String h2 = "Author"; String h3 = "Version"; String h4 = "Timestamp"; String h5 = "Comment"; final int MAX_DATETIME = 20; final int MAX_COMMENT = 60; buffer.append(h1 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 18 - h1.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h2 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 15 - h2.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h3 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - h3.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h4 + StringUtils.repeat(" ", MAX_DATETIME - h4.length()) + "| "); buffer.append(h5); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat("_", 100)); buffer.append("\n\n"); List events = history.getEvents(); for (Iterator i = events.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ModuleHistoryEvent event = (ModuleHistoryEvent); buffer.append(event.getType() + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 18 - event.getType().length()) + "| "); buffer.append(event.getAuthor() + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 15 - event.getAuthor().length()) + "| "); buffer.append(event.getVersion().getVersionNumber() + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8 - event.getVersion().getVersionNumber().length()) + "| "); String date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm").format(event.getDatetime()); buffer.append(date + StringUtils.repeat(" ", MAX_DATETIME - date.length()) + "| "); String comment = null; if (event.getComment().length() > MAX_COMMENT) { comment = event.getComment().substring(0, MAX_COMMENT); } else { comment = event.getComment(); } buffer.append(comment + "\n"); } commandResponse.addEvent(new MessageEvent(new SimpleMessage(buffer.toString()))); }
From source
private static StringBuffer printCommand(CommandDescriptor descriptor, Option[] options, boolean showOptions, boolean showHelp) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String commandNameAlias = descriptor.getName() + " (" + descriptor.getAlias() + ")"; buffer.append(commandNameAlias).append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", COMMAND_FILL - commandNameAlias.length())); if (!showOptions) { buffer.append(descriptor.getDescription()); }/*from w w w .j a va 2 s . co m*/ buffer.append("\n"); if (showOptions) { for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++) { Option o = options[j]; String leftPadding = " "; buffer.append(leftPadding).append("-" + o.getOpt()).append(", --" + o.getLongOpt()); String args = ""; if (o.hasArg()) { args = " <".concat(o.getArgName()).concat(">"); } // todo when the commands are described with too much of text, then FILL will run out of count ... // buffer.append(args.concat(StringUtils.repeat(" ", OPTION_FILL - (o.getLongOpt() + args).length()))); buffer.append(leftPadding); if (!o.isRequired()) { buffer.append("(Optional) "); } buffer.append(o.getDescription()); buffer.append("\n"); } } if (showHelp) { buffer.append("\n"); String trimmed = NiftyStringUtils.deleteWhiteSpaceExceptOne(descriptor.getHelp()); String[] split = NiftyStringUtils.split(trimmed, " ", 120); String joined = StringUtils.join(split, "\n"); buffer.append(joined); buffer.append("\n"); } return buffer; }