List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils repeat
public static String repeat(String str, int repeat)
Repeat a String repeat
times to form a new String.
From source
private void doTestLargeMessage(Map<String, Object> stormConf) throws Exception {"3 Should send and receive a large message"); String reqMessage = StringUtils.repeat("c", 2_048_000); IContext context = TransportFactory.makeContext(stormConf); try {//from ww w .j a va 2 s. co m AtomicReference<TaskMessage> response = new AtomicReference<>(); try (IConnection server = context.bind(null, 0); IConnection client = context.connect(null, "localhost", server.getPort(), remoteBpStatus)) { server.registerRecv(mkConnectionCallback(response::set)); waitUntilReady(client, server); byte[] messageBytes = reqMessage.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); send(client, taskId, messageBytes); waitForNotNull(response); TaskMessage responseMessage = response.get(); assertThat(responseMessage.task(), is(taskId)); assertThat(responseMessage.message(), is(messageBytes)); } } finally { context.term(); } }
From source
/** * Submits a topology to run on the cluster with a progress bar. A topology runs forever or until * explicitly killed.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c om * * * @param name the name of the storm. * @param topoConf the topology-specific configuration. See {@link Config}. * @param topology the processing to execute. * @param opts to manipulate the starting of the topology * @throws AlreadyAliveException if a topology with this name is already running * @throws InvalidTopologyException if an invalid topology was submitted * @throws AuthorizationException if authorization is failed * @thorws SubmitterHookException if any Exception occurs during initialization or invocation of registered {@link ISubmitterHook} */ public static void submitTopologyWithProgressBar(String name, Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology topology, SubmitOptions opts) throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException { // show a progress bar so we know we're not stuck (especially on slow connections) submitTopology(name, topoConf, topology, opts, new StormSubmitter.ProgressListener() { @Override public void onStart(String srcFile, String targetFile, long totalBytes) { System.out.printf("Start uploading file '%s' to '%s' (%d bytes)\n", srcFile, targetFile, totalBytes); } @Override public void onProgress(String srcFile, String targetFile, long bytesUploaded, long totalBytes) { int length = 50; int p = (int) ((length * bytesUploaded) / totalBytes); String progress = StringUtils.repeat("=", p); String todo = StringUtils.repeat(" ", length - p); System.out.printf("\r[%s%s] %d / %d", progress, todo, bytesUploaded, totalBytes); } @Override public void onCompleted(String srcFile, String targetFile, long totalBytes) { System.out.printf("\nFile '%s' uploaded to '%s' (%d bytes)\n", srcFile, targetFile, totalBytes); } }); }
From source
/** * Word-wrap a string./*from www . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param str * String to word-wrap * @param width * int to wrap at * @param delim * String to use to separate lines * @param split * String to use to split a word greater than width long * @param delimInside * wheter or not delim should be included in chunk before length reaches width. * * @return String that has been word wrapped */ static public String wordWrap(String str, int width, String delim, String split, boolean delimInside) { int sz = str.length(); // System.err.println( ">>>> inside: " + delimInside + " sz : " + sz ); // / shift width up one. mainly as it makes the logic easier width++; // our best guess as to an initial size StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(sz / width * delim.length() + sz); // every line might include a delim on the end // System.err.println( "width before: "+ width ); if (delimInside) { width = width - delim.length(); } else { width--; } // System.err.println( "width after: "+ width ); int idx = -1; String substr = null; // beware: i is rolled-back inside the loop for (int i = 0; i < sz; i += width) { // on the last line if (i > sz - width) { buffer.append(str.substring(i)); // System.err.print("LAST-LINE: "+str.substring(i)); break; } // System.err.println("loop[i] is: "+i); // the current line substr = str.substring(i, i + width); // System.err.println( "substr: " + substr ); // is the delim already on the line idx = substr.indexOf(delim); // System.err.println( "i: " + i + " idx : " + idx ); if (idx != -1) { buffer.append(substr.substring(0, idx)); // System.err.println("Substr: '"substr.substring(0,idx)+"'"); buffer.append(delim); i -= width - idx - delim.length(); // System.err.println("loop[i] is now: "+i); // System.err.println("ounfd-whitespace: '"+substr.charAt(idx+1)+"'."); // Erase a space after a delim. Is this too obscure? if (substr.length() > idx + 1) { if (substr.charAt(idx + 1) != '\n') { if (Character.isWhitespace(substr.charAt(idx + 1))) { i++; } } } // System.err.println("i -= "+width+"-"+idx); continue; } idx = -1; // figure out where the last space is char[] chrs = substr.toCharArray(); for (int j = width; j > 0; j--) { if (Character.isWhitespace(chrs[j - 1])) { idx = j; // System.err.println("Found whitespace: "+idx); break; } } // idx is the last whitespace on the line. // System.err.println("idx is "+idx); if (idx == -1) { for (int j = width; j > 0; j--) { if (chrs[j - 1] == '-') { idx = j; // System.err.println("Found Dash: "+idx); break; } } if (idx == -1) { buffer.append(substr); buffer.append(delim); // System.err.print(substr); // System.err.print(delim); } else { if (idx != width) { idx++; } buffer.append(substr.substring(0, idx)); buffer.append(delim); // System.err.print(substr.substring(0,idx)); // System.err.print(delim); i -= width - idx; } } else { /* * if(force) { if(idx == width-1) { buffer.append(substr); buffer.append(delim); } else { // * stick a split in. int splitsz = split.length(); * buffer.append(substr.substring(0,width-splitsz)); buffer.append(split); * buffer.append(delim); i -= splitsz; } } else { */ // insert spaces buffer.append(substr.substring(0, idx)); buffer.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", width - idx)); // System.err.print(substr.substring(0,idx)); // System.err.print(StringUtils.repeat(" ",width-idx)); buffer.append(delim); // System.err.print(delim); // System.err.println("i -= "+width+"-"+idx); i -= width - idx; // } } } // System.err.println("\n*************"); return buffer.toString(); }
From source
private void processList(Writer writer) throws ParseException, IOException, ServiceException, SQLException { List<BriefQueryInfo> queryList = tajoClient.getRunningQueryList(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); /* print title */ builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("QueryId", 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("State", 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("StartTime", 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("Query", 30)).append("\n"); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 20), 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 19), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 19), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 29), 30)).append("\n"); writer.write(builder.toString());/*from ww w .j a va 2s . co m*/ builder = new StringBuilder(); for (BriefQueryInfo queryInfo : queryList) { builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(new QueryId(queryInfo.getQueryId()).toString(), 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(queryInfo.getState().name(), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(df.format(queryInfo.getStartTime()), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.abbreviate(queryInfo.getQuery(), 30)).append("\n"); } writer.write(builder.toString()); }
From source
private void processList(Writer writer) throws ParseException, IOException, ServiceException, SQLException { tajoClient = TajoHAClientUtil.getTajoClient(tajoConf, tajoClient); List<BriefQueryInfo> queryList = tajoClient.getRunningQueryList(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); /* print title */ builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("QueryId", 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("State", 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("StartTime", 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad("Query", 30)).append("\n"); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 20), 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 19), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 19), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.repeat("-", 29), 30)).append("\n"); writer.write(builder.toString());// w ww.ja v a2 s . c om builder = new StringBuilder(); for (BriefQueryInfo queryInfo : queryList) { builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(new QueryId(queryInfo.getQueryId()).toString(), 21)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(queryInfo.getState().name(), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.rightPad(df.format(queryInfo.getStartTime()), 20)); builder.append(StringUtils.abbreviate(queryInfo.getQuery(), 30)).append("\n"); } writer.write(builder.toString()); }
From source
private String getDetailedMessageWithLocation() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int displayLimit = 80; String queryPrefix = "LINE " + line + ":" + charPositionInLine + " "; String prefixPadding = StringUtils.repeat(" ", queryPrefix.length()); String locationString;// w w w . java 2s . c o m int tokenLength = offendingToken.getStopIndex() - offendingToken.getStartIndex() + 1; if (tokenLength > 0) { locationString = StringUtils.repeat(" ", charPositionInLine) + StringUtils.repeat("^", tokenLength); } else { locationString = StringUtils.repeat(" ", charPositionInLine) + "^"; } sb.append("ERROR: ").append(header).append("\n"); sb.append(queryPrefix); if (errorLine.length() > displayLimit) { int padding = (displayLimit / 2); String ellipsis = " ... "; int startPos = locationString.length() - padding - 1; if (startPos <= 0) { startPos = 0; sb.append(errorLine.substring(startPos, displayLimit)).append(ellipsis).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString); } else if (errorLine.length() - (locationString.length() + padding) <= 0) { startPos = errorLine.length() - displayLimit - 1; sb.append(ellipsis).append(errorLine.substring(startPos)).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString.substring(startPos - ellipsis.length())); } else { sb.append(ellipsis).append(errorLine.substring(startPos, startPos + displayLimit)).append(ellipsis) .append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString.substring(startPos - ellipsis.length())); } } else { sb.append(errorLine).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
private String getDetailedMessageWithLocation() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int displayLimit = 80; String queryPrefix = "LINE " + line + ":" + " "; String prefixPadding = StringUtils.repeat(" ", queryPrefix.length()); String locationString;/* w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ int tokenLength = offendingToken.getStopIndex() - offendingToken.getStartIndex() + 1; if (tokenLength > 0) { locationString = StringUtils.repeat(" ", charPositionInLine) + StringUtils.repeat("^", tokenLength); } else { locationString = StringUtils.repeat(" ", charPositionInLine) + "^"; } sb.append("ERROR: ").append(header).append("\n"); sb.append(queryPrefix); if (errorLine.length() > displayLimit) { int padding = (displayLimit / 2); String ellipsis = " ... "; int startPos = locationString.length() - padding - 1; if (startPos <= 0) { startPos = 0; sb.append(errorLine.substring(startPos, displayLimit)).append(ellipsis).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString); } else if (errorLine.length() - (locationString.length() + padding) <= 0) { startPos = errorLine.length() - displayLimit - 1; sb.append(ellipsis).append(errorLine.substring(startPos)).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", ellipsis.length())) .append(locationString.substring(startPos)); } else { sb.append(ellipsis).append(errorLine.substring(startPos, startPos + displayLimit)).append(ellipsis) .append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", ellipsis.length())) .append(locationString.substring(startPos)); } } else { sb.append(errorLine).append("\n"); sb.append(prefixPadding).append(locationString); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
@Test @Ignore//w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m /** * Disabling this, as this would need 2047 MB io.sort.mb for testing. * Provide > 2GB to JVM when running this test to avoid OOM in string generation. * * Set DefaultSorter.MAX_IO_SORT_MB = 2047 for running this. */ public void testSortLimitsWithLargeRecords() throws IOException { OutputContext context = createTezOutputContext(); doReturn(2800 * 1024 * 1024l).when(context).getTotalMemoryAvailableToTask(); //Setting IO_SORT_MB to 2047 MB conf.setInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_IO_SORT_MB, 2047); context.requestInitialMemory( ExternalSorter.getInitialMemoryRequirement(conf, context.getTotalMemoryAvailableToTask()), new MemoryUpdateCallbackHandler()); DefaultSorter sorter = new DefaultSorter(context, conf, 2, 2047 << 20); int i = 0; /** * If io.sort.mb is not capped to 1800, this would end up throwing * "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" after many spills. * Intentionally made it as infinite loop. */ while (true) { Text key = new Text(i + ""); //Generate random size between 1 MB to 100 MB. int valSize = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1 * 1024 * 1024, 100 * 1024 * 1024); String val = StringInterner.weakIntern(StringUtils.repeat("v", valSize)); sorter.write(key, new Text(val)); i = (i + 1) % 10; } }
From source
/** Note that a document was ended. */ protected void afterEndDocument() { depth = 0;/*from w ww.j av a 2 s . c om*/ final Set<StackState> state = scopeState.getFirst(); if (state.contains(StackState.WROTE_MARKUP) && !state.contains(StackState.WROTE_DATA)) { // but not data try { final String indent = getLineSeparator() + StringUtils.repeat(" ", 0); final Characters indentEvent = xmlEventFactory.createCharacters(indent); wrappedWriter.add(indentEvent); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } scopeState.clear(); scopeState.push(EnumSet.noneOf(StackState.class)); // start fresh }
From source
/** * Generate an indentation string for the specified depth and indent size *//*from w ww . jav a2s . c o m*/ protected String getIndent(int depth, int size) { final int length = depth * size; String indent = indentCache.get(length); if (indent == null) { indent = getLineSeparator() + StringUtils.repeat(" ", length); indentCache.put(length, indent); } return indent; }