Java tutorial
package com.codenjoy.dojo.tetris.model; /*- * #%L * Codenjoy - it's a dojo-like platform from developers to developers. * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 Codenjoy * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.codenjoy.dojo.tetris.model.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.Captor; import org.mockito.Matchers; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static junit.framework.Assert.*; import static com.codenjoy.dojo.tetris.model.TestUtils.*; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class TetrisGlassTest { public static final int CENTER_X = WIDTH / 2 - 1; public static final int TOP_Y = HEIGHT - 1; private TetrisGlass glass; private TetrisFigure point; private TetrisFigure glassWidthFigure; private TetrisFigure line9Width; @Mock private GlassEventListener glassEventListener; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Integer> removedLines; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Figure> droppedFigure; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { glass = new TetrisGlass(WIDTH, HEIGHT, glassEventListener); point = new TetrisFigure(); glassWidthFigure = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, StringUtils.repeat("#", WIDTH)); line9Width = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, StringUtils.repeat("#", WIDTH - 1)); } @Test public void shouldAcceptWhenEmpty() { assertTrue(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(), 1, 1)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenAcceptingOnDroppedPlace() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(), 0, 0); assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(), 0, 0)); } @Test public void shouldPerformDropWhenDropRequested() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(), 0, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(), 0, 0)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigurePartlyOutsideFromLeft() { assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##"), 0, HEIGHT)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigurePartlyOutsideFromRight() { assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "##"), WIDTH, HEIGHT)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigurePartlyOutsideBottom() { assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"), WIDTH, 0)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigurePartlyOverDroppedRow() { TetrisFigure figure = new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##"); glass.drop(figure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2 + 1, 0)); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2, 0)); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2 - 1, 0)); } @Test public void shouldAcceptWhenFigureAboveDropped() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##"), WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertTrue(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##"), WIDTH / 2, 1)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigurePartlyOverDroppedColumn() { TetrisFigure figure = new TetrisFigure(0, 1, "#", "#"); glass.drop(figure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2, 0)); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2, 1)); assertTrue(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2, 2)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigureOverlapDroppedColumnByBottomSize() { TetrisFigure figure = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"); glass.drop(figure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2, 2)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigureIsNotSymmetric() { TetrisFigure figure = new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##", " #"); glass.drop(figure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, WIDTH / 2 - 1, 1)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigureIsNotSymmetricPositive() { TetrisFigure figure = new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##", " #"); glass.drop(figure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertTrue(glass.accept(figure, WIDTH / 2 + 1, 2)); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenFigureDroppedToFilledGlass() { glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, 0, 1)); } @Test public void shouldIgnoreWhenDropOutside() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "##"), -1, HEIGHT - 1); assertTrue(glass.accept(point, 0, 0)); } @Test public void shouldIgnoreWhenOutOfBoundsLeft() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "##"), 0, HEIGHT - 1); assertTrue(glass.isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldIgnoreWhenOutOfBoundsRightPartially() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "##"), WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1); assertTrue(glass.isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldIgnoreWhenOutOfBoundsBottom() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"), 0, 0); assertTrue(glass.isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldRejectWhenPartiallyOutsideOnRight() { assertFalse(glass.accept(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "##"), WIDTH - 1, 0)); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateSimpleFigure() { glass.figureAt(point, 1, 1); Plot plot = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots().get(0); assertContainsPlot(1, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plot); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateSimpleRedFigure() { glass.figureAt(createLine(Figure.Type.Z, "#"), 1, 1); Plot plot = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots().get(0); assertContainsPlot(1, 1, PlotColor.RED, plot); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateHorizontalFigure() { glass.figureAt(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, "###"), 1, 1); List<Plot> plots = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots(); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1 - 1, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1 + 1, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateVerticalFigure() { glass.figureAt(new TetrisFigure(0, 1, "#", "#", "#"), 1, 3); List<Plot> plots = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots(); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1, 3 + 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1, 3, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1, 3 - 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateAsymetricFigure() { glass.figureAt(new TetrisFigure(1, 0, " #"), 1, 0); List<Plot> plots = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots(); assertEquals(1, plots.size()); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1, 0, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotCoordinateAsymetricFigure2() { glass.figureAt(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, " #"), 1, 0); List<Plot> plots = glass.getCurrentFigurePlots(); assertEquals(1, plots.size()); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(1 + 1, 0, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldReturnEmptyArrayWhenNoFigure() { assertTrue(glass.getCurrentFigurePlots().isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotOfDroppedFigure() { glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); List<Plot> plots = glass.getDroppedPlots(); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(0, 0, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldReturnPlotOfDroppedFigure2() { glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(1, 1, "##", "##"), 3, HEIGHT); List<Plot> plots = glass.getDroppedPlots(); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(3 - 1, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(3, 1, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(3 - 1, 0, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(3, 0, PlotColor.BLUE, plots); } @Test public void shouldEmptyWhenRequested() { glass.drop(point, 0, 0); glass.empty(); assertTrue(glass.getDroppedPlots().isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldRemoveFilledLineAfterDrop() { glass.drop(glassWidthFigure, 0, 0); assertTrue(glass.isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldRemoveFilledLineWhenSeveralFilled() { TetrisFigure columnFigure = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"); glass.drop(line9Width, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(line9Width, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(columnFigure, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT); assertTrue(glass.isEmpty()); } @Test public void shouldRemoveFilledWhenGarbageOnTop() { drop(line9Width, HEIGHT); glass.drop(point, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT); assertTrue(glass.accept(glassWidthFigure, 0, HEIGHT - 1)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveFilledLineWhenInMiddleOfGlass() { glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(line9Width, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"), WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT); assertTrue(glass.accept(glassWidthFigure, 0, 1)); } @Test public void shouldNotifyWhenLineRemoved() { glass.drop(glassWidthFigure, 0, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener).linesRemoved(removedLines.capture()); assertEquals(1, removedLines.getValue().intValue()); } @Test public void shouldNotifyWhenSeveralLinesRemoved() { glass.drop(line9Width, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(line9Width, 0, HEIGHT); glass.drop(new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"), WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener).linesRemoved(removedLines.capture()); assertEquals(2, removedLines.getValue().intValue()); } @Test public void shouldNotifyScoreBoardWhenDropped() { glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener).figureDropped(droppedFigure.capture()); assertSame(point, droppedFigure.getValue()); } @Test public void shouldTriggerListenerWhenOverflow() { glass.empty(); verify(glassEventListener).glassOverflown(); } @Test public void shouldTriggerAllListenersWhenOverflow() { TetrisGlass glass = new TetrisGlass(WIDTH, HEIGHT, glassEventListener, glassEventListener); glass.empty(); verify(glassEventListener, times(2)).glassOverflown(); } @Test public void shouldNotifyAllListenersScoreBoardWhenDropped() { TetrisGlass glass = new TetrisGlass(WIDTH, HEIGHT, glassEventListener, glassEventListener); glass.drop(point, 0, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener, times(2)).figureDropped(droppedFigure.capture()); } @Test public void shouldNotifyAllListenersScoreBoardWhenLinesRemoved() { TetrisGlass glass = new TetrisGlass(WIDTH, HEIGHT, glassEventListener, glassEventListener); glass.drop(glassWidthFigure, 0, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener, times(2)).figureDropped(droppedFigure.capture()); } @Test public void shouldQuietWhenDropOutOfBounds() { glass.drop(createVerticalFigure(HEIGHT), WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); try { glass.drop(Figure.Type.I.createNewFigure(), WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); verify(glassEventListener, times(1)).figureDropped(Matchers.<Figure>any()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Was exception: " + e); } } @Test public void shouldRemainWhenDropped_FoundInIntegrationTesting() { TetrisFigure twoRowsFigure = new TetrisFigure(0, 0, "#", "#"); glass.drop(twoRowsFigure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); glass.drop(twoRowsFigure, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, WIDTH / 2, 2)); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, WIDTH / 2, 3)); } @Test public void shouldBeOccupiedWhenLongFigureDroppedOnTopOfGlass() { glass.drop(createVerticalFigure(HEIGHT - 2), CENTER_X, TOP_Y); Figure figure = Figure.Type.J.createNewFigure(); glass.drop(figure, CENTER_X, TOP_Y); assertFalse(glass.accept(figure, CENTER_X, TOP_Y)); } @Test public void shouldStoreColorsWhenRedFigure() { glass.drop(createLine(Figure.Type.Z, "#"), CENTER_X, TOP_Y); assertEquals(PlotColor.RED, glass.getDroppedPlots().get(0).getColor()); } @Test public void shouldNotAcceptWhenDroppedYellowFigure_int_overflow() { glass.drop(createLine(Figure.Type.O, "#"), 0, TOP_Y); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, 0, 0)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveLinesWhenDroppedDifferentColors() { glass.drop(createLine(Figure.Type.I, "#########"), 1, TOP_Y); glass.drop(createLine(Figure.Type.J, "#"), 0, TOP_Y); verify(glassEventListener).linesRemoved(removedLines.capture()); assertEquals(1, removedLines.getValue().intValue()); assertTrue(glass.accept(point, 0, 0)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveLinesInBetweenWhenDropped() { glass.drop(createLine("# ########"), 0, TOP_Y); glass.drop(createLine("##########"), 0, TOP_Y); verify(glassEventListener).linesRemoved(removedLines.capture()); assertEquals(1, removedLines.getValue().intValue()); assertFalse(glass.accept(point, 0, 0)); assertTrue(glass.accept(point, 1, 0)); } private TetrisFigure createLine(Figure.Type type, String... lines) { return new TetrisFigure(0, 0, type, lines); } private TetrisFigure createLine(String... lines) { return createLine(Figure.Type.I, lines); } private TetrisFigure createVerticalFigure(int height) { String[] verticalLine = new String[height]; Arrays.fill(verticalLine, "#"); return new TetrisFigure(0, 0, verticalLine); } private void drop(TetrisFigure lineFigure, int times) { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { glass.drop(lineFigure, 0, HEIGHT); } } private void assertContainsPlot(final int x, final int y, final PlotColor color, Plot... plots) { TestUtils.assertContainsPlot(x, y, color, Arrays.asList(plots)); } }