Source code

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   * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015, MyWarp team and contributors
   * This file is part of MyWarp.
   * MyWarp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   * (at your option) any later version.
   * MyWarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   * GNU General Public License for more details.
   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   * along with MyWarp. If not, see <>.

  package me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit.util;


  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
  import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder;
  import org.bukkit.ChatColor;

  import java.util.LinkedList;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Map;

   * Provides several static methods that allow basic formatting of strings send to players. Colors are supported, bold
   * and italic formatting not!
   * <p/>
   * The basic character widths this class relies on where extracted from old Minecraft source code. The algorithm and
   * supported characters in Minecraft have changed, but these changes are not covered!
  public final class FormattingUtils {

       * The horizontal width of a chat line in vanilla Minecraft.
      private static final int CHAT_WIDTH = 318; // 325

       * The character used to indicate formatting-codes.
      private static final char FORMATTING_CHAR = ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR;

 * A map that stores supported characters and their width in the Minecraft chat. This map is a conversion of code
 * originally found in older Minecraft versions. It does not include most unicode characters that are supported
 * today!
private static final Map<Character, Integer>
    ImmutableMap.<Character, Integer>builder().put(' ', 4).put('!', 2).put('"', 5).put('#', 6).put('$', 6).put('%', 6)
        .put('&', 6).put('\'', 3).put('(', 5).put(')', 5).put('*', 5).put('+', 6).put(',', 2).put('-', 6).put('.', 2)
        .put('/', 6).put('0', 6).put('1', 6).put('2', 6).put('3', 6).put('4', 6).put('5', 6).put('6', 6).put('7', 6)
        .put('8', 6).put('9', 6).put(':', 2).put(';', 2).put('<', 5).put('=', 6).put('>', 5).put('?', 6).put('@', 7)
        .put('A', 6).put('B', 6).put('C', 6).put('D', 6).put('E', 6).put('F', 6).put('G', 6).put('H', 6).put('I', 4)
        .put('J', 6).put('K', 6).put('L', 6).put('M', 6).put('N', 6).put('O', 6).put('P', 6).put('Q', 6).put('R', 6)
        .put('S', 6).put('T', 6).put('U', 6).put('V', 6).put('W', 6).put('X', 6).put('Y', 6).put('Z', 6).put('[', 4)
        .put('\\', 6).put(']', 4).put('^', 6).put('_', 6).put('a', 6).put('b', 6).put('c', 6).put('d', 6).put('e', 6)
        .put('f', 5).put('g', 6).put('h', 6).put('i', 2).put('j', 6).put('k', 5).put('l', 3).put('m', 6).put('n', 6)
        .put('o', 6).put('p', 6).put('q', 6).put('r', 6).put('s', 6).put('t', 4).put('u', 6).put('v', 6).put('w', 6)
        .put('x', 6).put('y', 6).put('z', 6).put('{', 5).put('|', 2).put('}', 5).put('~', 7).put('', 6).put('', 6)
        .put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6)
        .put('', 6).put('', 4).put('', 6).put('', 3).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6)
        .put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6)
        .put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 4).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 3).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6)
        .put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 7).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 6).put('', 2)
        .put('', 6).put('', 6).put(FORMATTING_CHAR, 0).build();

       * Block initialization of this class.
      private FormattingUtils() {

       * Gets the width of the given character. Will return 0 if the character is not displayed or not covered by the
       * underling data.
       * @param character the character to check
       * @return the width of the character in pixels
      public static int getWidth(char character) {
          int width = 0;
          if (CHAR_WIDTHS.containsKey(character)) {
              width = CHAR_WIDTHS.get(character);
          return width;

       * Gets the width of the given string. Formatting codes are ignored.
       * @param str the string to check
       * @return the width of the string in pixels
      public static int getWidth(String str) {
          int width = 0;

          str = ChatColor.stripColor(str);
          for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
              width += getWidth(c);
          return width;

       * Calls {@link #paddingRight(String, char)} using a space as padding character.
       * @param str the string
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingRight(String str) {
          return paddingRight(str, ' ');

       * Calls {@link #paddingRight(String, char, int)} using the chat width as paddedWidth.
       * @param str the string
       * @param pad the padding char
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingRight(String str, char pad) {
          return paddingRight(str, pad, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Pads the given string with the given character on the right until the string has the given width.
       * @param str         the string
       * @param pad         the padding char
       * @param paddedWidth the width of the padded string
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingRight(String str, char pad, int paddedWidth) {
          paddedWidth -= getWidth(str);
          return StringUtils.rightPad(str, paddedWidth / getWidth(pad), pad);

       * Calls {@link #paddingLeft(String, char)} using a space as padding char.
       * @param str the string
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingLeft(String str) {
          return paddingLeft(str, ' ');

       * Calls {@link #paddingLeft(String, char, int)} using the chat width as paddedWidth.
       * @param str the string
       * @param pad the padding char
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingLeft(String str, char pad) {
          return paddingLeft(str, pad, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Pads the given string with the given character on the left until the string has the given width.
       * @param str         the string
       * @param pad         the padding character
       * @param paddedWidth the width of the padded string
       * @return the padded string
      public static String paddingLeft(String str, char pad, int paddedWidth) {
          paddedWidth -= getWidth(str);
          return StringUtils.leftPad(str, paddedWidth / getWidth(pad), pad);

       * Calls {@link #center(String, char)} using a space as padding character.
       * @param str the string
       * @return the centered string
      public static String center(String str) {
          return center(str, ' ');

       * Calls {@link #center(String, char, int)} using the chat width as paddedWidth.
       * @param str the string
       * @param pad the padding char
       * @return the centered string
      public static String center(String str, char pad) {
          return center(str, pad, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Centralizes the given string relative to the given width by padding it with the given character.
       * @param str         the string to centralize
       * @param pad         the padding char
       * @param paddedWidth the width of the padded string
       * @return the centered string
      public static String center(String str, char pad, int paddedWidth) {
          paddedWidth -= getWidth(str);
          String padding = StringUtils.repeat(Character.toString(pad), paddedWidth / getWidth(pad) / 2);
          return padding + str + padding;

       * Calls {@link #trim(String, int)} using the chat width as trimmedWidth.
       * @param str the string to trim
       * @return the trimmed string
      public static String trim(String str) {
          return trim(str, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Trims the given String until it has the given width. Formatting codes are recognized and fully removed.
       * @param str          the string to trim
       * @param trimmedWidth the width of the trimmed string
       * @return the trimmed string
      public static String trim(String str, int trimmedWidth) {
          char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
          for (int i = chars.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {

              // also cut off color codes
              if (chars[i - 1] == FORMATTING_CHAR) {
              String check = String.valueOf(chars, 0, i);
              if (getWidth(check) <= trimmedWidth) {
                  return check;
          return "";

       * Calls {@link #wrap(String, String)} with an empty newLinePrefix.
       * @param str the string to wrap
       * @return the wrapped string
      public static String wrap(String str) {
          return wrap(str, "");

       * Calls {@link #wrap(String, String, int)} using the chat width as totalWidth.
       * @param str           the string to wrap
       * @param newLinePrefix the prefix for created new lines
       * @return the wrapped string
      public static String wrap(String str, String newLinePrefix) {
          return wrap(str, newLinePrefix, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Wraps the given String into multiple lines so that each line is at most as wide as the given width. Each new line
       * will start with the given prefix.
       * @param str           the string to wrap
       * @param newLinePrefix the prefix for created new lines
       * @param wrappedWidth  the width of each line
       * @return the wrapped string
      public static String wrap(String str, String newLinePrefix, int wrappedWidth) {
          return wrappedJoin(Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(str), newLinePrefix,

       * Joins the given parts, separated by blanks. The resulting string will be wrapped into multiple lines so that each
       * line is at most as wide as the given width. Each new line will start with the given prefix.
       * @param parts         the parts
       * @param newLinePrefix the prefix for created new lines
       * @param wrappedWidth  the width of each line
       * @return the wrapped string
      private static String wrappedJoin(Iterable<String> parts, String newLinePrefix, int wrappedWidth) {
          StrBuilder ret = new StrBuilder();

          StrBuilder line = new StrBuilder();
          for (String part : parts) {
              // if the word is longer than the maximum length, add chars as long
              // as possible than make a new line
              if (getWidth(part) > wrappedWidth) {
                  for (char c : part.toCharArray()) {
                      // if the maximum width is reached, make a new line
                      if (getWidth(line.toString()) + getWidth(c) > wrappedWidth) {
                  // if the world AND the needed black is longer than the maximum
                  // width make a new line and insert the word there
              } else {
                  // if the maximum width is reached, make a new line
                  if (getWidth(line.toString()) + getWidth(part) + getWidth(' ') > wrappedWidth) {
                  // a blank is only needed if the line is not empty AND the last
                  // char is not a a blank (e.g. from prefix)
                  if (!line.isEmpty() && !line.rightString(1).equals(" ")) {
                      line.append(' ');
          // commit the line
          if (!line.isEmpty()) {
          return ret.toString();

       * Calls {@link #twoColumnAlign(String, String, char)} using a space as padding char.
       * @param leftColumn  the contents of the left column
       * @param rightColumn the contents of the right column
       * @return the formatted string
      public static String twoColumnAlign(String leftColumn, String rightColumn) {
          return twoColumnAlign(leftColumn, rightColumn, ' ');

       * Calls {@link #twoColumnAlign(String, String, char, int)} using the chat width as totalWidth.
       * @param leftColumn  the contents of the left column
       * @param rightColumn the contents of the right column
       * @param pad         the padding character
       * @return the formatted string
      public static String twoColumnAlign(String leftColumn, String rightColumn, char pad) {
          return twoColumnAlign(leftColumn, rightColumn, pad, CHAT_WIDTH);

       * Creates a two-column-layout from the given strings, using the given character as padding in between with the given
       * total width. The left column will be aligned on the left, the right column on the right of the given width.
       * @param leftColumn  the contents of the left column
       * @param rightColumn the contents of the right column
       * @param pad         the padding character
       * @param totalWidth  the horizontal width that should be covered by the layout
       * @return the formatted string
      public static String twoColumnAlign(String leftColumn, String rightColumn, char pad, int totalWidth) {
          int leftWidth = getWidth(leftColumn);
          int rightWidth = getWidth(rightColumn);
          totalWidth -= leftWidth + rightWidth;

          if (totalWidth > 0) {
              return leftColumn + StringUtils.repeat(Character.toString(pad), totalWidth / getWidth(pad))
                      + rightColumn;
          // If both columns together are larger than the totalWidth, the larger
          // one is trimmed until it fits.
          int separatorWidth = getWidth(pad);
          totalWidth -= separatorWidth;
          if (leftWidth > rightWidth) {
              leftColumn = trim(leftColumn, leftWidth + totalWidth);
          } else {
              rightColumn = trim(rightColumn, rightWidth + totalWidth);
          return leftColumn + pad + rightColumn;

       * Calls {@link #toList(char, List)} using a '-' as list character.
       * @param entries the list's entries
       * @return a string with all entries
      public static String toList(List<String> entries) {
          return toList('-', entries);

       * Calls {@link #toList(char, int, List)} using the chat width as totalWidth.
       * @param listChar the character that will be displayed as bullet point before each entry
       * @param entries  the list's entries
       * @return a string with all entries
      public static String toList(char listChar, List<String> entries) {
          return toList(listChar, CHAT_WIDTH, entries);

       * Creates a not numbered list from the given strings. Each string represents an independent entry on the list.
       * Strings that are longer than the given width will be split above several lines.
       * @param listChar the character that will be displayed as bullet point before each entry
       * @param maxWidth the maximal width of each entry
       * @param entries  the list's entries
       * @return the list
      public static String toList(char listChar, int maxWidth, List<String> entries) {
          StrBuilder ret = new StrBuilder();
          String listPrefix = listChar + " ";
          Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();

          for (String entry : entries) {

              if (!ret.isEmpty()) {
                  // reset colors from the previous entry

              List<String> entryParts = new LinkedList<String>();
              Iterables.addAll(entryParts, splitter.split(entry));

              ret.append(wrappedJoin(entryParts, "  ", maxWidth));

          return ret.toString();