List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName getNamespaceURI
public String getNamespaceURI()
Get the Namespace URI of this QName
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/** * Create XML element with the correct namespace prefix and namespace definition. * @param qname element QName/*from w w w . j a va2s . c o m*/ * @return created DOM element */ private Element createElement(QName qname, Element parentElement) { String namespaceURI = qname.getNamespaceURI(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(namespaceURI)) { qname = setQNamePrefix(qname); } if (parentElement != null) { return DOMUtil.createElement(doc, qname, parentElement, parentElement); } else { // This is needed otherwise the root element itself could not be created // Caller of this method is responsible for setting the topElement return DOMUtil.createElement(doc, qname); } }
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/** * @see OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification 2.0.2 - ISO Metadata * Application Profile ww . j a v a2 s. c om */ @Override public Document doGetRecordById(String serverURL, CSWQuery query) throws Exception { // create the request OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace cswNs = fac.createOMNamespace(query.getSchema().getQName().getNamespaceURI(), query.getSchema().getQName().getPrefix()); // create method OMElement method = fac.createOMElement(Operation.GET_RECORD_BY_ID.toString(), cswNs); // add the default parameters method.addAttribute("service", CSWConstants.SERVICE_TYPE, null); // add the query specific parameters method.addAttribute("version", query.getVersion(), null); method.addAttribute("outputFormat", query.getOutputFormat().toString(), null); QName outputSchemaQN = query.getOutputSchema().getQName(); method.declareNamespace(outputSchemaQN.getNamespaceURI(), outputSchemaQN.getPrefix()); if (outputSchemaQN.getLocalPart().length() > 0) method.addAttribute("outputSchema", outputSchemaQN.getPrefix() + ":" + outputSchemaQN.getLocalPart(), null); else method.addAttribute("outputSchema", outputSchemaQN.getNamespaceURI(), null); // create Id OMElement idNode = fac.createOMElement("Id", cswNs); idNode.setText(query.getId()); method.addChild(idNode); // create ElementSetName element typename OMElement elementSetName = fac.createOMElement("ElementSetName", cswNs); elementSetName.setText(query.getElementSetName().toString()); method.addChild(elementSetName); // send the request try { return sendRequest(serverURL, method); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
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private QName discoverQNameAndCachesIt(Class<?> classType, String classTypeNameSuffix, String prefixSuffix, QNamesCache cache) {//from w w w . j a va2s . c o m QName qName = cache.getQNameFor(classType); if (qName == null) { qName = discoverQNameFromJaxb(classType); final String localPart = (isNotBlank(qName.getLocalPart()) ? qName.getLocalPart() : discoverLocalPartFor(classType)) + classTypeNameSuffix; final String namespaceUri = isNotBlank(qName.getNamespaceURI()) ? qName.getNamespaceURI() : discoverNamespaceUriFor(classType, localPart); final String prefix = isNotBlank(qName.getPrefix()) ? qName.getPrefix() : discoverPrefixFor(classType, prefixSuffix); qName = new QName(namespaceUri, localPart, prefix); cache.putQNameFor(classType, qName); } return qName; }
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private QName setQNamePrefixExplicitIfNeeded(QName name) { if (name != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(name.getNamespaceURI()) && StringUtils.isBlank(name.getPrefix())) { return setQNamePrefixExplicit(name); } else {//from w ww . j ava 2s. c om return name; } }
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/** * @see OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification 2.0.2 - ISO Metadata * Application Profile .j av a 2 s . co m */ @Override public Document doGetRecords(String serverURL, CSWQuery query) throws Exception { // create the request OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace cswNs = fac.createOMNamespace(query.getSchema().getQName().getNamespaceURI(), query.getSchema().getQName().getPrefix()); // create method OMElement method = fac.createOMElement(Operation.GET_RECORDS.toString(), cswNs); method.declareNamespace(Namespace.ISO.getQName().getNamespaceURI(), Namespace.ISO.getQName().getPrefix()); method.declareNamespace(Namespace.GML.getQName().getNamespaceURI(), Namespace.GML.getQName().getPrefix()); // add the default parameters method.addAttribute("service", CSWConstants.SERVICE_TYPE, null); // add the query specific parameters method.addAttribute("version", query.getVersion(), null); method.addAttribute("outputFormat", query.getOutputFormat().toString(), null); method.addAttribute("resultType", query.getResultType().toString(), null); method.addAttribute("startPosition", Integer.toString(query.getStartPosition()), null); method.addAttribute("maxRecords", Integer.toString(query.getMaxRecords()), null); QName outputSchemaQN = query.getOutputSchema().getQName(); method.declareNamespace(outputSchemaQN.getNamespaceURI(), outputSchemaQN.getPrefix()); if (outputSchemaQN.getLocalPart().length() > 0) method.addAttribute("outputSchema", outputSchemaQN.getPrefix() + ":" + outputSchemaQN.getLocalPart(), null); else method.addAttribute("outputSchema", outputSchemaQN.getNamespaceURI(), null); // create Query element typename OMElement queryElem = fac.createOMElement("Query", cswNs); // add typeNames attribute List<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TypeName typeName : query.getTypeNames()) { QName typeNameQN = typeName.getQName(); method.declareNamespace(typeNameQN.getNamespaceURI(), typeNameQN.getPrefix()); typeNames.add(typeNameQN.getPrefix() + ":" + typeNameQN.getLocalPart()); } String typeNamesValue = StringUtils.join(typeNames.toArray(), ","); queryElem.addAttribute("typeNames", typeNamesValue, null); // create ElementSetName element typename OMElement elementSetName = fac.createOMElement("ElementSetName", cswNs); elementSetName.setText(query.getElementSetName().toString()); queryElem.addChild(elementSetName); // add the Filter if (query.getConstraint() != null) { // create Constraint // make sure the constraint element is only created when // we have a filter. OMElement constraint = fac.createOMElement("Constraint", cswNs); constraint.addAttribute("version", query.getConstraintLanguageVersion(), null); queryElem.addChild(constraint); OMElement filter = XMLUtils.toOM(query.getConstraint().getDocumentElement()); constraint.addChild(filter); } method.addChild(queryElem); // send the request try { return sendRequest(serverURL, method); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
public SoapBuilderFinder binding() { return new SoapBuilderFinder() { private String namespaceURI; private String localPart; private String prefix; @Override/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s . com*/ public SoapBuilderFinder namespaceURI(String namespaceURI) { this.namespaceURI = namespaceURI; return this; } @Override public SoapBuilderFinder localPart(String localPart) { this.localPart = localPart; return this; } @Override public SoapBuilderFinder prefix(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; return this; } @Override public SoapBuilder builder() { validate(); return getBuilder(getBindingName(), SoapContext.DEFAULT); } @Override public SoapBuilder builder(SoapContext context) { validate(); return getBuilder(getBindingName(), context); } @Override public SoapOperationFinder operation() { return builder().operation(); } private QName getBindingName() { List<QName> result = new ArrayList<QName>(); for (QName bindingName : soapFacade.getBindingNames()) { if (bindingName.getLocalPart().equals(localPart)) { if (namespaceURI != null) { if (!bindingName.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)) { continue; } } if (prefix != null) { if (!bindingName.getPrefix().equals(prefix)) { continue; } } result.add(bindingName); } } if (result.isEmpty()) { throw new SoapBuilderException("Binding not found"); } if (result.size() > 1) { throw new SoapBuilderException("Found more than one binding " + result); } return result.iterator().next(); } private void validate() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(localPart)) { throw new SoapBuilderException("Specify at least localPart of the binding's QName"); } } }; }
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public static Element createElement(Document document, QName qname, Element parentElement, Element definitionElement) { lookupOrCreateNamespaceDeclaration(parentElement, qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getPrefix(), definitionElement, true);/* ww w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ return createElement(document, qname); }
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/** * Create XML element with the correct namespace prefix and namespace definition. * @param qname element QName//from w ww. ja v a 2s . c o m * @return created DOM element */ @NotNull private Element createElement(QName qname, Element parentElement) { String namespaceURI = qname.getNamespaceURI(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(namespaceURI)) { qname = setQNamePrefix(qname); } if (parentElement != null) { return DOMUtil.createElement(doc, qname, parentElement, parentElement); } else { // This is needed otherwise the root element itself could not be created // Caller of this method is responsible for setting the topElement return DOMUtil.createElement(doc, qname); } }
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private void handleAttribute(Path path, Attribute attr) { Path extended = path.child(Tag.attribute(attr.getName())); if (extended.equals(uniqueElementPath)) { unique = attr.getValue();/* w ww . j av a 2 s .c om*/ } else if (path.equals(recordRootPath)) { QName a = attr.getName(); QName attrName = new QName(a.getNamespaceURI(), "_" + a.getLocalPart(), a.getPrefix()); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement(attrName, null, null)); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters(attr.getValue())); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createEndElement(attrName, null)); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); } }
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public static void setQNameAttribute(Element element, QName attributeName, QName attributeValue) { Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument(); Attr attr = doc.createAttributeNS(attributeName.getNamespaceURI(), attributeName.getLocalPart()); String namePrefix = lookupOrCreateNamespaceDeclaration(element, attributeName.getNamespaceURI(), attributeName.getPrefix(), element, true); attr.setPrefix(namePrefix);// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om setQNameAttribute(element, attr, attributeValue, element); }