Java javax.xml.namespace QName fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java javax.xml.namespace QName fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for javax.xml.namespace QName.

The text is from its open source code.


javax.xml.namespace.QName has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


QName(final String namespaceURI, final String localPart)

QName constructor specifying the Namespace URI and local part.

If the Namespace URI is null, it is set to javax.xml.XMLConstants#NULL_NS_URI XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI .

QName(String localPart)

QName constructor specifying the local part.

If the local part is null an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

QName(String namespaceURI, String localPart, String prefix)

QName constructor specifying the Namespace URI, local part and prefix.

If the Namespace URI is null, it is set to javax.xml.XMLConstants#NULL_NS_URI XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI .


booleanequals(Object objectToTest)

Test this QName for equality with another Object.

If the Object to be tested is not a QName or is null, then this method returns false.

Two QNames are considered equal if and only if both the Namespace URI and local part are equal.


Get the local part of this QName.


Get the Namespace URI of this QName.


Get the prefix of this QName.

The prefix assigned to a QName might NOT be valid in a different context.


String representation of this QName.

The commonly accepted way of representing a QName as a String was defined by James Clark.

QNamevalueOf(String qNameAsString)

QName derived from parsing the formatted String.

If the String is null or does not conform to #toString() QName.toString() formatting, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

The String MUST be in the form returned by #toString() QName.toString() .

The commonly accepted way of representing a QName as a String was defined by James Clark.