List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName getNamespaceURI
public String getNamespaceURI()
Get the Namespace URI of this QName
From source
/** * @return TImplementationArtifact | TDeploymentArtifact (XML) | URL of generated IA zip (in case of autoGenerateIA) *//*from ww w . jav a 2s.c o m*/ @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @RestDoc(methodDescription = "Creates a new implementation/deployment artifact. " + "If an implementation artifact with the same name already exists, it is <em>overridden</em>.") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Response onPost( @FormParam("artifactName") @RestDocParam(description = "This is the name of the implementation/deployment artifact. " + "Is <em>also</em>used as prefix of the name of the corresponding artifact template if no specific template is provided. " + "In contrast to CS01, we require a artifactName also for the implementationArtifact to be able to properly referencing it.") String artifactNameStr, @FormParam("artifactTemplate") @RestDocParam(description = "QName of the artifact Template - used by Winery Backend instead of artifactTemplateName + artifactTemplateNS") String artifactTemplate, @FormParam("artifactTemplateName") @RestDocParam(description = "if provided and autoCreateArtifactTemplate, a template of this id localname and artifactTemplateNS generated. " + "Winery always sends this string if auto creation is desired.") String artifactTemplateName, @FormParam("artifactTemplateNS") String artifactTemplateNS, @FormParam("autoCreateArtifactTemplate") @RestDocParam(description = "if empty, no, or false, no artifact template is created. " + "An artifact type has to be given in that case. " + "Furthermore, an artifact template name + artifact template namespace has to be provided. " + "Otherwise, the artifactNameStr is used as name for the artifact and a <em>new</em> artifact template is created having {@code <artifactNameString>Template} as name") String autoCreateArtifactTemplate, @FormParam("artifactType") @RestDocParam(description = "QName of the type, format: {namespace}localname. " + "Optional if artifactTemplateName + artifactTempalteNS is provided") String artifactTypeStr, @FormParam("artifactSpecificContent") @RestDocParam(description = "<em>XML</em> snippet that should be put inside the artifact XML in the TOSCA serialization. " + "This feature will be removed soon. " + "TODO: This only works if there is a single child element expected and not several elements. " + "Future versions of the Winery will support arbitrary content there.") String artifactSpecificContent, @FormParam("interfaceName") String interfaceNameStr, @FormParam("operationName") String operationNameStr, @FormParam("autoGenerateIA") @RestDocParam(description = "If not empty, the IA generator will be called") String autoGenerateIA, @FormParam("javapackage") @RestDocParam(description = "The Java package to use for IA generation") String javapackage, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) { // we assume that the parent ComponentInstance container exists // @formatter:on if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactNameStr)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Empty artifactName").build(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTypeStr)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateNS)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplate)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("No artifact type given and no template given. Cannot guess artifact type") .build(); } } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(autoGenerateIA)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(javapackage)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("no java package name supplied for IA auto generation.").build(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(interfaceNameStr)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("no interface name supplied for IA auto generation.").build(); } } // convert second calling form to first calling form if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplate)) { QName qname = QName.valueOf(artifactTemplate); artifactTemplateName = qname.getLocalPart(); artifactTemplateNS = qname.getNamespaceURI(); } Document doc = null; // check artifact specific content for validity // if invalid, abort and do not create anything if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactSpecificContent)) { try { DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(); StringReader sr = new StringReader(artifactSpecificContent); is.setCharacterStream(sr); doc = db.parse(is); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME: currently we allow a single element only. However, the content should be internally wrapped by an (arbitrary) XML element as the content will be nested in the artifact element, too GenericArtifactsResource.logger.debug("Invalid content", e); return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(e.getMessage()).build(); } } // determine artifactTemplate and artifactType ArtifactTypeId artifactTypeId; ArtifactTemplateId artifactTemplateId = null; ArtifactTemplateResource artifactTemplateResource = null; boolean doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate = !(StringUtils.isEmpty(autoCreateArtifactTemplate) || autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("false")); if (!doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate) { // no auto creation if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateName) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateNS)) { QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(artifactTemplateNS, artifactTemplateName); artifactTemplateId = BackendUtils.getTOSCAcomponentId(ArtifactTemplateId.class, artifactTemplateQName); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTypeStr)) { // derive the type from the artifact template if (artifactTemplateId == null) { return Response.status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE).entity( "No artifactTemplate and no artifactType provided. Deriving the artifactType is not possible.") .build(); } artifactTemplateResource = new ArtifactTemplateResource(artifactTemplateId); artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getTOSCAcomponentId(ArtifactTypeId.class, artifactTemplateResource.getType()); } else { // artifactTypeStr is directly given, use that artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getTOSCAcomponentId(ArtifactTypeId.class, artifactTypeStr); } } else { // do the artifact template auto creation magic if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTypeStr)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("Artifact template auto creation requested, but no artifact type supplied.") .build(); } // we assume that the type points to a valid artifact type artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getTOSCAcomponentId(ArtifactTypeId.class, artifactTypeStr); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(artifactTemplateNS)) { // no explicit name provided // we use the artifactNameStr as prefix for the // artifact template name // we create a new artifact template in the namespace of the parent // element Namespace namespace = this.resWithNamespace.getNamespace(); artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(namespace, new XMLId(artifactNameStr + "artifactTemplate", false)); } else { QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(artifactTemplateNS, artifactTemplateName); artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(artifactTemplateQName); } ResourceCreationResult creationResult = BackendUtils.create(artifactTemplateId); if (!creationResult.isSuccess()) { // something went wrong. skip return creationResult.getResponse(); } // associate the type to the created artifact template artifactTemplateResource = new ArtifactTemplateResource(artifactTemplateId); // set the type. The resource is automatically persisted inside artifactTemplateResource.setType(artifactTypeStr); } // variable artifactTypeId is set // variable artifactTemplateId is not null if artifactTemplate has been generated // we have to generate the DA/IA resource now // Doing it here instead of doing it at the subclasses is dirty on the // one hand, but quicker to implement on the other hand // Create the artifact itself ArtifactT resultingArtifact; if (this instanceof ImplementationArtifactsResource) { ImplementationArtifact a = new ImplementationArtifact(); // Winery internal id is the name of the artifact: // store the name a.setName(artifactNameStr); a.setInterfaceName(interfaceNameStr); a.setOperationName(operationNameStr); assert (artifactTypeId != null); a.setArtifactType(artifactTypeId.getQName()); if (artifactTemplateId != null) { a.setArtifactRef(artifactTemplateId.getQName()); } if (doc != null) { // the content has been checked for validity at the beginning of the method. // If this point in the code is reached, the XML has been parsed into doc // just copy over the dom node. Hopefully, that works... a.getAny().add(doc.getDocumentElement()); } this.list.add((ArtifactT) a); resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a; } else { // for comments see other branch TDeploymentArtifact a = new TDeploymentArtifact(); a.setName(artifactNameStr); assert (artifactTypeId != null); a.setArtifactType(artifactTypeId.getQName()); if (artifactTemplateId != null) { a.setArtifactRef(artifactTemplateId.getQName()); } if (doc != null) { a.getAny().add(doc.getDocumentElement()); } this.list.add((ArtifactT) a); resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a; } Response persistResponse = BackendUtils.persist(super.res); // TODO: check for error and in case one found return that if (StringUtils.isEmpty(autoGenerateIA)) { // no IA generation // we include an XML for the data table String implOrDeplArtifactXML = Utils.getXMLAsString(resultingArtifact); return Response.created(Utils.createURI(Util.URLencode(artifactNameStr))).entity(implOrDeplArtifactXML) .build(); } else { // after everything was created, we fire up the artifact generation return this.generateImplementationArtifact(interfaceNameStr, javapackage, uriInfo, artifactTemplateId, artifactTemplateResource); } }
From source
/** * @return an instance of the requested resource *//*from w w w.j a v a 2s .co m*/ public R getComponentInstaceResource(QName qname) { return this.getComponentInstaceResource(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalPart(), false); }
From source
@GET @Path("getallartifacttemplatesofcontaineddeploymentartifacts") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)//from w ww . ja v a2s . co m public Response getAllArtifactTemplatesOfContainedDeploymentArtifacts( @QueryParam("servicetemplate") String serviceTemplateQNameString, @QueryParam("nodetemplateid") String nodeTemplateId) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceTemplateQNameString)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("servicetemplate has be given as query parameter") .build(); } QName serviceTemplateQName = QName.valueOf(serviceTemplateQNameString); ServiceTemplateId serviceTemplateId = new ServiceTemplateId(serviceTemplateQName); if (!RepositoryFactory.getRepository().exists(serviceTemplateId)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("service template does not exist").build(); } ServiceTemplateResource serviceTemplateResource = new ServiceTemplateResource(serviceTemplateId); Collection<QName> artifactTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); List<TNodeTemplate> allNestedNodeTemplates = BackendUtils .getAllNestedNodeTemplates(serviceTemplateResource.getServiceTemplate()); for (TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate : allNestedNodeTemplates) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeTemplateId) || nodeTemplate.getId().equals(nodeTemplateId)) { Collection<QName> ats = BackendUtils .getArtifactTemplatesOfReferencedDeploymentArtifacts(nodeTemplate); artifactTemplates.addAll(ats); } } // convert QName list to select2 data Select2DataWithOptGroups res = new Select2DataWithOptGroups(); for (QName qName : artifactTemplates) { res.add(qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.toString(), qName.getLocalPart()); } return Response.ok().entity(res.asSortedSet()).build(); }
From source
/** * Implementation similar to/*from ww w .j av a2s . c om*/ * getAllArtifactTemplatesOfContainedDeploymentArtifacts. Only difference is * "getArtifactTemplatesOfReferencedImplementationArtifacts" instead of * "getArtifactTemplatesOfReferencedDeploymentArtifacts". */ @GET @Path("getallartifacttemplatesofcontainedimplementationartifacts") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getAllArtifactTemplatesOfContainedImplementationArtifacts( @QueryParam("servicetemplate") String serviceTemplateQNameString, @QueryParam("nodetemplateid") String nodeTemplateId) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceTemplateQNameString)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("servicetemplate has be given as query parameter") .build(); } QName serviceTemplateQName = QName.valueOf(serviceTemplateQNameString); ServiceTemplateId serviceTemplateId = new ServiceTemplateId(serviceTemplateQName); if (!RepositoryFactory.getRepository().exists(serviceTemplateId)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("service template does not exist").build(); } ServiceTemplateResource serviceTemplateResource = new ServiceTemplateResource(serviceTemplateId); Collection<QName> artifactTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); List<TNodeTemplate> allNestedNodeTemplates = BackendUtils .getAllNestedNodeTemplates(serviceTemplateResource.getServiceTemplate()); for (TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate : allNestedNodeTemplates) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeTemplateId) || nodeTemplate.getId().equals(nodeTemplateId)) { Collection<QName> ats = BackendUtils .getArtifactTemplatesOfReferencedImplementationArtifacts(nodeTemplate); artifactTemplates.addAll(ats); } } // convert QName list to select2 data Select2DataWithOptGroups res = new Select2DataWithOptGroups(); for (QName qName : artifactTemplates) { res.add(qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.toString(), qName.getLocalPart()); } return Response.ok().entity(res.asSortedSet()).build(); }
From source
/** * @return TImplementationArtifact | TDeploymentArtifact (XML) | URL of generated IA zip (in case of autoGenerateIA) */// www . jav a 2 s .co m @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new implementation/deployment artifact. If an implementation artifact with the same name already exists, it is <em>overridden</em>.") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Response generateArtifact(GenerateArtifactApiData apiData, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) { // we assume that the parent ComponentInstance container exists final IRepository repository = RepositoryFactory.getRepository(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactName)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Empty artifactName").build(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplate)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("No artifact type given and no template given. Cannot guess artifact type") .build(); } } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoGenerateIA)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.javaPackage)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("no java package name supplied for IA auto generation.").build(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.interfaceName)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("no interface name supplied for IA auto generation.").build(); } } // convert second calling form to first calling form if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplate)) { QName qname = QName.valueOf(apiData.artifactTemplate); apiData.artifactTemplateName = qname.getLocalPart(); apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace = qname.getNamespaceURI(); } Document doc = null; // check artifact specific content for validity // if invalid, abort and do not create anything if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactSpecificContent)) { try { DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(); StringReader sr = new StringReader(apiData.artifactSpecificContent); is.setCharacterStream(sr); doc = db.parse(is); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME: currently we allow a single element only. However, the content should be internally wrapped by an (arbitrary) XML element as the content will be nested in the artifact element, too GenericArtifactsResource.LOGGER.debug("Invalid content", e); return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(e.getMessage()).build(); } } // determine artifactTemplate and artifactType ArtifactTypeId artifactTypeId; ArtifactTemplateId artifactTemplateId = null; ArtifactTemplateResource artifactTemplateResource = null; boolean doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate = !(StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate) || apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || apiData.autoCreateArtifactTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("false")); if (!doAutoCreateArtifactTemplate) { // no auto creation if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) { QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace, apiData.artifactTemplateName); artifactTemplateId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTemplateId.class, artifactTemplateQName); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) { // derive the type from the artifact template if (artifactTemplateId == null) { return Response.status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE).entity( "No artifactTemplate and no artifactType provided. Deriving the artifactType is not possible.") .build(); } @NonNull final QName type = repository.getElement(artifactTemplateId).getType(); artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, type); } else { // artifactTypeStr is directly given, use that artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, apiData.artifactType); } } else { // do the artifact template auto creation magic if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactType)) { return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity("Artifact template auto creation requested, but no artifact type supplied.") .build(); } artifactTypeId = BackendUtils.getDefinitionsChildId(ArtifactTypeId.class, apiData.artifactType); // ensure that given type exists if (!repository.exists(artifactTypeId)) { LOGGER.debug("Artifact type {} is created", apiData.artifactType); final TArtifactType element = repository.getElement(artifactTypeId); try { repository.setElement(artifactTypeId, element); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace)) { // no explicit name provided // we use the artifactNameStr as prefix for the // artifact template name // we create a new artifact template in the namespace of the parent // element Namespace namespace = this.resWithNamespace.getNamespace(); artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(namespace, new XmlId(apiData.artifactName + "artifactTemplate", false)); } else { QName artifactTemplateQName = new QName(apiData.artifactTemplateNamespace, apiData.artifactTemplateName); artifactTemplateId = new ArtifactTemplateId(artifactTemplateQName); } // even if artifactTemplate does not exist, it is loaded final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = repository.getElement(artifactTemplateId); artifactTemplate.setType(artifactTypeId.getQName()); try { repository.setElement(artifactTemplateId, artifactTemplate); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } // variable artifactTypeId is set // variable artifactTemplateId is not null if artifactTemplate has been generated // we have to generate the DA/IA resource now // Doing it here instead of doing it at the subclasses is dirty on the // one hand, but quicker to implement on the other hand // Create the artifact itself ArtifactT resultingArtifact; if (this instanceof ImplementationArtifactsResource) { ImplementationArtifact a = new ImplementationArtifact(); // Winery internal id is the name of the artifact: // store the name a.setName(apiData.artifactName); a.setInterfaceName(apiData.interfaceName); a.setOperationName(apiData.operationName); assert (artifactTypeId != null); a.setArtifactType(artifactTypeId.getQName()); if (artifactTemplateId != null) { a.setArtifactRef(artifactTemplateId.getQName()); } if (doc != null) { // the content has been checked for validity at the beginning of the method. // If this point in the code is reached, the XML has been parsed into doc // just copy over the dom node. Hopefully, that works... a.getAny().add(doc.getDocumentElement()); } this.list.add((ArtifactT) a); resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a; } else { // for comments see other branch TDeploymentArtifact a = new TDeploymentArtifact(); a.setName(apiData.artifactName); assert (artifactTypeId != null); a.setArtifactType(artifactTypeId.getQName()); if (artifactTemplateId != null) { a.setArtifactRef(artifactTemplateId.getQName()); } if (doc != null) { a.getAny().add(doc.getDocumentElement()); } this.list.add((ArtifactT) a); resultingArtifact = (ArtifactT) a; } // TODO: Check for error, and in case one found return it RestUtils.persist(super.res); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(apiData.autoGenerateIA)) { // No IA generation return Response.created(RestUtils.createURI(Util.URLencode(apiData.artifactName))) .entity(resultingArtifact).build(); } else { // after everything was created, we fire up the artifact generation return this.generateImplementationArtifact(apiData.interfaceName, apiData.javaPackage, uriInfo, artifactTemplateId); } }
From source
/** * @return an instance of the requested resource *//*from w ww . j av a 2s . co m*/ public R getComponentInstanceResource(QName qname) { return this.getComponentInstanceResource(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalPart(), false); }
From source
/** * Responsible for moving the cursor before the StartElement of the fragment * root.// w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m * * This implementation simply looks for the next corresponding element, it * does not care about element nesting. You will need to override this * method to correctly handle composite fragments. * @param xmlEventReader Set the XML event reader * @return <code>true</code> if next fragment was found, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ protected final boolean moveCursorToNextFragment(final XMLEventReader xmlEventReader) { try { while (true) { while (xmlEventReader.peek() != null && !xmlEventReader.peek().isStartElement()) { xmlEventReader.nextEvent(); } if (xmlEventReader.peek() == null) { return false; } QName startElementName = ((StartElement) xmlEventReader.peek()).getName(); if (startElementName.getLocalPart().equals(fragmentRootElementName)) { if (fragmentRootElementNameSpace == null || startElementName.getNamespaceURI().equals(fragmentRootElementNameSpace)) { return true; } } xmlEventReader.nextEvent(); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new DataAccessResourceFailureException("Error while reading from event reader", e); } }
From source
/** * Serialize a bean. Done simply by serializing each bean property. * @param name is the element name/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param attributes are the attributes...serialize is free to add more. * @param value is the value * @param context is the SerializationContext */ public void serialize(QName name, Attributes attributes, Object value, SerializationContext context) throws IOException { // Check for meta-data in the bean that will tell us if any of the // properties are actually attributes, add those to the element // attribute list Attributes beanAttrs = getObjectAttributes(value, attributes, context); // Get the encoding style String encodingStyle = context.getEncodingStyle(); boolean isEncoded = Constants.isSOAP_ENC(encodingStyle); // check whether we have and xsd:any namespace="##any" type boolean suppressElement = !context.isEncoded() && name.getNamespaceURI().equals("") && name.getLocalPart().equals("any"); boolean grpElement = name.toString().endsWith("Group"); suppressElement |= grpElement; if (!suppressElement) context.startElement(name, beanAttrs); try { // Serialize each property for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptor.length; i++) { String propName = propertyDescriptor[i].getName(); if (propName.equals("class")) continue; QName qname = null; QName xmlType = null; boolean isOmittable = false; // If we have type metadata, check to see what we're doing // with this field. If it's an attribute, skip it. If it's // an element, use whatever qname is in there. If we can't // find any of this info, use the default. if (typeDesc != null) { FieldDesc field = typeDesc.getFieldByName(propName); if (field != null) { if (!field.isElement()) continue; // If we're SOAP encoded, just use the local part, // not the namespace. Otherwise use the whole // QName. if (isEncoded) { qname = new QName(field.getXmlName().getLocalPart()); } else { qname = field.getXmlName(); } isOmittable = field.isMinOccursZero(); xmlType = field.getXmlType(); } } if (qname == null) { qname = new QName(isEncoded ? "" : name.getNamespaceURI(), propName); } if (xmlType == null) { // look up the type QName using the class xmlType = context.getQNameForClass(propertyDescriptor[i].getType()); } // Read the value from the property if (propertyDescriptor[i].isReadable()) { if (!propertyDescriptor[i].isIndexed()) { // Normal case: serialize the value Object propValue = propertyDescriptor[i].get(value); // if meta data says minOccurs=0, then we can skip // it if its value is null and we aren't doing SOAP // encoding. if (propValue == null && isOmittable && !isEncoded) continue; if (null == propValue && qname.toString().endsWith("Group")) { System.err.println("\telemQName:" + qname + " contains 'Group' not appending nil"); continue; } context.serialize(qname, null, propValue, xmlType, true, null); } else { // Collection of properties: serialize each one int j = 0; while (j >= 0) { Object propValue = null; try { propValue = propertyDescriptor[i].get(value, j); j++; } catch (Exception e) { j = -1; } if (j >= 0) { context.serialize(qname, null, propValue, xmlType, true, null); } } } } } BeanPropertyDescriptor anyDesc = typeDesc == null ? null : typeDesc.getAnyDesc(); if (anyDesc != null) { // If we have "extra" content here, it'll be an array // of MessageElements. Serialize each one. Object anyVal = anyDesc.get(value); if (anyVal != null && anyVal instanceof MessageElement[]) { MessageElement[] anyContent = (MessageElement[]) anyVal; for (int i = 0; i < anyContent.length; i++) { MessageElement element = anyContent[i]; element.output(context); } } } } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { Throwable target = ite.getTargetException(); log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), target); throw new IOException(target.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } if (!suppressElement) context.endElement(); }
From source
/** * write a schema representation of the given Class field and append it to * the where Node, recurse on complex types * @param fieldName name of the field//from w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m * @param xmlType the schema type of the field * @param fieldType type of the field * @param isUnbounded causes maxOccurs="unbounded" if set * @param where location for the generated schema node * @throws Exception */ protected void writeField(Types types, String fieldName, QName xmlType, Class fieldType, boolean isUnbounded, boolean isOmittable, Element where, boolean isAnonymous) throws Exception { Element elem; if (isAnonymous) { elem = types.createElementWithAnonymousType(fieldName, fieldType, isOmittable, where.getOwnerDocument()); } else { if (!SchemaUtils.isSimpleSchemaType(xmlType) && Types.isArray(fieldType)) { xmlType = null; } String elementType = types.writeType(fieldType, xmlType); if (elementType == null) { // If writeType returns null, then emit an anytype in such situations. QName anyQN = Constants.XSD_ANYTYPE; String prefix = types.getNamespaces().getCreatePrefix(anyQN.getNamespaceURI()); elementType = prefix + ":" + anyQN.getLocalPart(); } elem = types.createElement(fieldName, elementType, types.isNullable(fieldType), isOmittable, where.getOwnerDocument()); } if (isUnbounded) { elem.setAttribute("maxOccurs", "unbounded"); } where.appendChild(elem); }