List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName getNamespaceURI
public String getNamespaceURI()
Get the Namespace URI of this QName
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/** * Indicates whether the object should be interpretted as a primitive * for the purposes of multi-ref processing. A primitive value * is serialized directly instead of using id/href pairs. Thus * primitive serialization/deserialization is slightly faster. * @param value to be serialized//from www . java 2 s.c om * @return true/false */ public boolean isPrimitive(Object value) { if (value == null) return true; Class javaType = value.getClass(); if (javaType.isPrimitive()) return true; if (javaType == String.class) return true; if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType)) return true; if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType)) return true; if (HexBinary.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType)) return true; if (Element.class.isAssignableFrom(javaType)) return true; if (javaType == byte[].class) return true; // There has been discussion as to whether arrays themselves should // be regarded as multi-ref. // Here are the three options: // 1) Arrays are full-fledged Objects and therefore should always be // multi-ref'd (Pro: This is like java. Con: Some runtimes don't // support this yet, and it requires more stuff to be passed over the wire.) // 2) Arrays are not full-fledged Objects and therefore should // always be passed as single ref (note the elements of the array // may be multi-ref'd.) (Pro: This seems reasonable, if a user // wants multi-referencing put the array in a container. Also // is more interop compatible. Con: Not like java serialization.) // 3) Arrays of primitives should be single ref, and arrays of // non-primitives should be multi-ref. (Pro: Takes care of the // looping case. Con: Seems like an obtuse rule.) // // Changing the code from (1) to (2) to see if interop fairs better. if (javaType.isArray()) return true; // Note that java.lang wrapper classes (i.e. java.lang.Integer) are // not primitives unless the corresponding type is an xsd type. // (If the wrapper maps to a soap encoded primitive, it can be nillable // and multi-ref'd). QName qName = getQNameForClass(javaType); if (qName != null && Constants.isSchemaXSD(qName.getNamespaceURI())) { if (SchemaUtils.isSimpleSchemaType(qName)) { return true; } } return false; }
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/** * Writes (using the Writer) the start tag for element QName along with the * indicated attributes and namespace mappings. * @param qName is the name of the element * @param attributes are the attributes to write *//*from w ww .j a va 2 s .c om*/ public void startElement(QName qName, Attributes attributes) throws IOException { java.util.ArrayList vecQNames = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(Messages.getMessage("startElem00", "[" + qName.getNamespaceURI() + "]:" + qName.getLocalPart())); } if (startOfDocument && sendXMLDecl) { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); startOfDocument = false; } if (writingStartTag) { writer.write('>'); if (pretty) writer.write('\n'); indent++; } if (pretty) for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) writer.write(' '); String elementQName = qName2String(qName, true); writer.write('<'); writer.write(elementQName); if (attributes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String qname = attributes.getQName(i); writer.write(' '); String prefix = ""; String uri = attributes.getURI(i); if (uri != null && uri.length() > 0) { if (qname.length() == 0) { // If qname isn't set, generate one prefix = getPrefixForURI(uri); } else { // If it is, make sure the prefix looks reasonable. int idx = qname.indexOf(':'); if (idx > -1) { prefix = qname.substring(0, idx); prefix = getPrefixForURI(uri, prefix, true); } } if (prefix.length() > 0) { qname = prefix + ':' + attributes.getLocalName(i); } else { qname = attributes.getLocalName(i); } } else { qname = attributes.getQName(i); if(qname.length() == 0) qname = attributes.getLocalName(i); } if (qname.startsWith("xmlns")) { if (vecQNames == null) vecQNames = new ArrayList(); vecQNames.add(qname); } writer.write(qname); writer.write("=\""); writer.write(XMLUtils.xmlEncodeString(attributes.getValue(i))); writer.write('"'); } } if (noNamespaceMappings) { nsStack.push(); } else { for (Mapping map=nsStack.topOfFrame(); map!=null; { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("xmlns"); if (map.getPrefix().length() > 0) { sb.append(':'); sb.append(map.getPrefix()); } if ((vecQNames==null) || (vecQNames.indexOf(sb.toString())==-1)) { writer.write(' '); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(map.getNamespaceURI()); sb.append('"'); writer.write(sb.toString()); } } noNamespaceMappings = true; } writingStartTag = true; elementStack.push(elementQName); onlyXML=true; }
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/** * Gets the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair * of Java type and XML data type.// w w w .ja v a2 s .c o m * * @param javaType - Class of the Java type * @param xmlType - Qualified name of the XML data type * * @return Registered SerializerFactory * * @throws JAXRPCException - If there is no registered SerializerFactory * for this pair of Java type and XML data type * java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - * If invalid or unsupported XML/Java type is specified */ public javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory getSerializer(Class javaType, QName xmlType) throws JAXRPCException { javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory sf = null; // If the xmlType was not provided, get one if (xmlType == null) { xmlType = getTypeQName(javaType, null); // If we couldn't find one, we're hosed, since getTypeQName() // already asked all of our delegates. if (xmlType == null) { return null; } } // Try to get the serializer associated with this pair Pair pair = new Pair(javaType, xmlType); // Now get the serializer with the pair sf = (javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory) pair2SF.get(pair); // Need to look into hierarchy of component type. // ex) java.util.GregorianCalendar[] // -> java.util.Calendar[] if (sf == null && javaType.isArray()) { int dimension = 1; Class componentType = javaType.getComponentType(); while (componentType.isArray()) { dimension += 1; componentType = componentType.getComponentType(); } int[] dimensions = new int[dimension]; componentType = componentType.getSuperclass(); Class superJavaType = null; while (componentType != null) { superJavaType = Array.newInstance(componentType, dimensions).getClass(); pair = new Pair(superJavaType, xmlType); sf = (javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory) pair2SF.get(pair); if (sf != null) { break; } componentType = componentType.getSuperclass(); } } // check if ArrayOfT(xml)->T[](java) conversion is possible if (sf == null && javaType.isArray() && xmlType != null) { Pair pair2 = (Pair) qName2Pair.get(xmlType); if (pair2 != null && pair2.javaType != null && !pair2.javaType.isPrimitive() && ArrayUtil.isConvertable(pair2.javaType, javaType)) { sf = (javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory) pair2SF.get(pair2); } } // find serializer with xmlType if (sf == null && !javaType.isArray() && !Constants.isSchemaXSD(xmlType.getNamespaceURI()) && !Constants.isSOAP_ENC(xmlType.getNamespaceURI())) { Pair pair2 = (Pair) qName2Pair.get(xmlType); if (pair2 != null && pair2.javaType != null && !pair2.javaType.isArray() // for array && (javaType.isAssignableFrom(pair2.javaType) || (pair2.javaType.isPrimitive() && javaType == JavaUtils.getWrapperClass(pair2.javaType)))) // for derived type (xsd:restriction) { sf = (javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory) pair2SF.get(pair2); } } return sf; }
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/** * Get the QName for this Java class, but only return a specific * mapping if there is one. In other words, don't do special array * processing, etc./*from w ww .java2 s . c om*/ * * @param javaType * @return */ public QName getTypeQNameExact(Class javaType, TypeMappingDelegate next) { if (javaType == null) return null; QName xmlType = null; Pair pair = (Pair) class2Pair.get(javaType); if (isDotNetSoapEncFixNeeded() && pair != null) { // Hack alert! // If we are in .NET bug compensation mode, skip over any // SOAP Encoded types we my find and prefer XML Schema types xmlType = pair.xmlType; if (Constants.isSOAP_ENC(xmlType.getNamespaceURI()) && !xmlType.getLocalPart().equals("Array")) { pair = null; } } if (pair == null && next != null) { // Keep checking up the stack... xmlType = next.delegate.getTypeQNameExact(javaType,; } if (pair != null) { xmlType = pair.xmlType; } return xmlType; }
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public Class getClassForQName(QName xmlType, Class javaType, TypeMappingDelegate next) { if (xmlType == null) { return null; }//from www.ja v a 2 s. c om //log.debug("getClassForQName xmlType =" + xmlType); if (javaType != null) { // Looking for an exact match first Pair pair = new Pair(javaType, xmlType); if (pair2DF.get(pair) == null) { if (next != null) { javaType = next.getClassForQName(xmlType, javaType); } } } if (javaType == null) { //look for it in our map Pair pair = (Pair) qName2Pair.get(xmlType); if (pair == null && next != null) { //on no match, delegate javaType = next.getClassForQName(xmlType); } else if (pair != null) { javaType = pair.javaType; } } //log.debug("getClassForQName javaType =" + javaType); if (javaType == null && shouldDoAutoTypes()) { String pkg = Namespaces.getPackage(xmlType.getNamespaceURI()); if (pkg != null) { String className = xmlType.getLocalPart(); if (pkg.length() > 0) { className = pkg + "." + className; } try { javaType = ClassUtils.forName(className); internalRegister(javaType, xmlType, new BeanSerializerFactory(javaType, xmlType), new BeanDeserializerFactory(javaType, xmlType)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } } return javaType; }
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/** * constructor declaring the qualified name of the node * @param name naming information/*from w ww. jav a 2s .com*/ */ public MessageElement(QName name) { this(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart()); }
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/** * constructor declaring the qualified name of the node * and its value//from w w w .ja v a 2 s .c om * @param name naming information * @param value value of the node */ public MessageElement(QName name, Object value) { this(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart()); objectValue = value; }
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/** * set the name and namespace of this element * @param qName qualified name//from www .j av a2 s .c o m */ public void setQName(QName qName) { = qName.getLocalPart(); this.namespaceURI = qName.getNamespaceURI(); }
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/** This is the public output() method, which will always simply use * the recorded SAX stream for this element if it is available. If * not, this method calls outputImpl() to allow subclasses and * programmatically created messages to serialize themselves. * * @param outputContext the SerializationContext we will write to. *//*from w w w . jav a 2s . c om*/ public final void output(SerializationContext outputContext) throws Exception { if ((recorder != null) && (!_isDirty)) { recorder.replay(startEventIndex, endEventIndex, new SAXOutputter(outputContext)); return; } // Turn QName attributes into strings if (qNameAttrs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < qNameAttrs.size(); i++) { QNameAttr attr = (QNameAttr) qNameAttrs.get(i); QName attrName =; setAttribute(attrName.getNamespaceURI(), attrName.getLocalPart(), outputContext.qName2String(attr.value)); } } /** * Write the encoding style attribute IF it's different from * whatever encoding style is in scope.... */ if (encodingStyle != null) { MessageContext mc = outputContext.getMessageContext(); SOAPConstants soapConstants = (mc != null) ? mc.getSOAPConstants() : SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS; if (parent == null) { // don't emit an encoding style if its "" (literal) if (!"".equals(encodingStyle)) { setAttribute(soapConstants.getEnvelopeURI(), Constants.ATTR_ENCODING_STYLE, encodingStyle); } } else if (!encodingStyle.equals(((MessageElement) parent).getEncodingStyle())) { setAttribute(soapConstants.getEnvelopeURI(), Constants.ATTR_ENCODING_STYLE, encodingStyle); } } outputImpl(outputContext); }
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/** * get an iterator over child elements/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param qname namespace/element name of parts to find. * This iterator is not (currently) susceptible to change in the element * list during its lifetime, though changes in the contents of the elements * are picked up. * @return an iterator. */ public Iterator getChildElements(QName qname) { initializeChildren(); int num = children.size(); Vector c = new Vector(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { MessageElement child = (MessageElement) children.get(i); Name cname = child.getElementName(); if (cname.getURI().equals(qname.getNamespaceURI()) && cname.getLocalName().equals(qname.getLocalPart())) { c.add(child); } } return c.iterator(); }