Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011, 2012 Delving BV * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.0 or? as soon they * will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent * versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * you may not use this work except in compliance with the * Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the Licence. */ package eu.delving.sip.xml; import eu.delving.XMLToolFactory; import eu.delving.metadata.Hasher; import eu.delving.metadata.Path; import eu.delving.metadata.Tag; import eu.delving.sip.base.CancelException; import eu.delving.sip.base.ProgressListener; import eu.delving.sip.base.Work; import eu.delving.sip.files.DataSet; import eu.delving.sip.files.Storage; import eu.delving.sip.files.StorageException; import eu.delving.stats.Stats; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import*; import*; import; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static eu.delving.sip.files.Storage.*; import static eu.delving.sip.files.Storage.FileType.SOURCE; import static eu.delving.sip.files.StorageHelper.*; import static; import static; /** * Create an output file with our standard record wrapping from a file of otherwise wrapped records, given by * the recordRootPath. There is a potential regex-based conversion of the ID values on the way. The uniqueness * of the ID is checked. * * @author Gerald de Jong <> */ public class SourceConverter implements Work.DataSetWork, Work.LongTermWork { public static final String CONVERTER_DELIMITER = ":::"; // public static final String ANONYMOUS_RECORDS_PROPERTY = "anonymousRecords"; private static final String XSI_SCHEMA = ""; private static final Pattern TO_UNDERSCORE = Pattern.compile("[:]"); private XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLToolFactory.xmlInputFactory(); private XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLToolFactory.xmlOutputFactory(); private XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLToolFactory.xmlEventFactory(); private Path recordRootPath; private Path uniqueElementPath; private int recordCount, totalRecords;//, anonymousRecords; private ProgressListener progressListener; private String unique; private StartElement start; private boolean recordEvents; private List<XMLEvent> eventBuffer = new ArrayList<XMLEvent>(); private List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean finished = false; private Set<String> uniqueness = new HashSet<String>(); private Pattern converterPattern; private String converterReplacement; private int uniqueRepeatCount; private int maxUniqueValueLength; private DataSet dataSet; private Runnable work; public SourceConverter(DataSet dataSet, Runnable finished) { this.dataSet = dataSet; = finished; } @Override public DataSet getDataSet() { return dataSet; } @Override public Job getJob() { return Job.CONVERT_SOURCE; } @Override public void run() { try { interpretHints(); if (!dataSet.isRecentlyImported()) { throw new StorageException("Import to source would be redundant, since source is newer"); } Stats stats = dataSet.getStats(false, null); if (stats == null) { throw new StorageException("No analysis stats so conversion doesn't trust the record count"); } File parent = dataSet.sourceOutput().getParentFile(); dataSet.deleteSource(); // clean out before the new import deleteQuietly(statsFile(parent, true, null)); Hasher hasher = new Hasher(); DigestOutputStream digestOut = hasher.createDigestOutputStream(zipOut(dataSet.sourceOutput())); parse(dataSet.openImportedInputStream(), digestOut, stats.namespaces); // streams closed within parse() File hashedSource = new File(parent, hasher.prefixFileName(SOURCE.getName())); try { moveFile(dataSet.sourceOutput(), hashedSource); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StorageException("Unable to move file " + dataSet.sourceOutput().getAbsolutePath(), e); } } catch (StorageException e) { deleteQuietly(dataSet.sourceOutput()); progressListener.getFeedback().alert("Conversion failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (work != null); } } public void interpretHints() throws StorageException { Map<String, String> hints = dataSet.getHints(); this.recordRootPath = getRecordRoot(hints); this.totalRecords = getRecordCount(hints); this.uniqueElementPath = getUniqueElement(hints); this.maxUniqueValueLength = getMaxUniqueValueLength(hints); String uniqueConverter = getUniqueValueConverter(hints); if (uniqueConverter != null) { int divider = uniqueConverter.indexOf(CONVERTER_DELIMITER); if (divider > 0) { converterPattern = Pattern.compile(uniqueConverter.substring(0, divider)); converterReplacement = uniqueConverter.substring(divider + CONVERTER_DELIMITER.length()); } } } @Override public void setProgressListener(ProgressListener progressListener) { this.progressListener = progressListener; this.progressListener.setProgressMessage("Converting to standard form"); } public void parse(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Map<String, String> namespaces) throws StorageException { progressListener.prepareFor(totalRecords); // anonymousRecords = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(ANONYMOUS_RECORDS_PROPERTY, "0")); Path path = Path.create(); try { XMLEventReader in = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(new StreamSource(inputStream, "UTF-8")); XMLEventWriter out = outputFactory.createXMLEventWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "UTF-8")); processEvents: while (!finished) { XMLEvent event = in.nextEvent(); switch (event.getEventType()) { case XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT: out.add(eventFactory.createStartDocument()); out.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); List<Namespace> nslist = new ArrayList<Namespace>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : namespaces.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().isEmpty() || entry.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) continue; if (XSI_SCHEMA.equals(entry.getValue())) continue; nslist.add(eventFactory.createNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } out.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", ENVELOPE_TAG, null, nslist.iterator())); out.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); break; case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT: boolean followsStart = start != null; start = event.asStartElement(); if (linesAvailable()) { eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", TEXT_TAG, null, null)); Iterator<String> walk = lines.iterator(); while (walk.hasNext()) { eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters(; if (walk.hasNext()) { eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", TEXT_TAG)); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", TEXT_TAG, null, null)); } } eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", TEXT_TAG)); lines.clear(); } path = path.child(Tag.element(start.getName())); handleStartElement(path, followsStart); progressListener.setProgress(recordCount); break; case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT: EndElement end = event.asEndElement(); if (recordEvents) { if (path.equals(recordRootPath)) { if (unique != null) { outputRecord(out); recordCount++; } else { clearEvents(); } } else { if (!uniqueElementPath.peek().isAttribute() && path.equals(uniqueElementPath)) { unique = StringUtils.join(lines, ""); } boolean addEndTag = true; if (linesAvailable()) { Iterator<String> walk = lines.iterator(); while (walk.hasNext()) { eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters(; if (walk.hasNext()) { eventBuffer.add(end); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); handleStartElement(path, false); } } } else { if (eventBuffer.get(eventBuffer.size() - 1).isStartElement()) { eventBuffer.remove(eventBuffer.size() - 1); // remove the start event addEndTag = false; } } lines.clear(); if (addEndTag) { eventBuffer.add(end); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); } } } start = null; path = path.parent(); break; case XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT: out.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", ENVELOPE_TAG)); out.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); out.add(eventFactory.createEndDocument()); out.flush(); break processEvents; case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS: case XMLEvent.CDATA: if (recordEvents) extractLines(event.asCharacters().getData()); break; } } } catch (CancelException e) { throw new StorageException("Cancelled", e); } catch (StorageException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new StorageException("Storage problem", e); } finally { if (uniqueRepeatCount > 0) { progressListener.getFeedback().alert(String.format("Uniqueness violations : " + uniqueRepeatCount)); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputStream); } } private boolean linesAvailable() { Iterator<String> iterator = lines.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String line =; if (line.trim().isEmpty()) iterator.remove(); } return !lines.isEmpty(); } private void outputRecord(XMLEventWriter out) throws StorageException { // if (anonymousRecords == 0 || recordCount < anonymousRecords) { String uniqueValue = getUniqueValue(); if (!uniqueValue.isEmpty()) { if (uniqueness.contains(uniqueValue)) { uniqueRepeatCount++; } else { uniqueness.add(uniqueValue); Attribute id = eventFactory.createAttribute(Storage.UNIQUE_ATTR, uniqueValue); unique = null; List<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attrs.add(id); try { out.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", RECORD_TAG, attrs.iterator(), null)); for (XMLEvent bufferedEvent : eventBuffer) out.add(bufferedEvent); out.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", RECORD_TAG)); out.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new StorageException("Problem writing XML", e); } } } // } clearEvents(); } private String getUniqueValue() throws StorageException { String trimmed = unique.trim().replaceAll(":", "-"); String modified = converterPattern != null ? converterPattern.matcher(trimmed).replaceFirst(converterReplacement) : trimmed; if (modified.length() > maxUniqueValueLength) { throw new StorageException("Unique value too large: " + unique); } return TO_UNDERSCORE.matcher(modified).replaceAll("_"); } private void handleStartElement(Path path, boolean followsStart) { if (recordEvents) { if (followsStart) eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); if (uniqueElementPath.peek().isAttribute()) handleAttributes(path, start); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement(start.getName(), filteredAttributes(), null)); // remove namespaces } else if (path.equals(recordRootPath)) { recordEvents = true; if (uniqueElementPath.peek().isAttribute()) handleAttributes(path, start); } } private Iterator<Attribute> filteredAttributes() { Iterator aw = start.getAttributes(); List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); while (aw.hasNext()) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); if (XSI_SCHEMA.equals(attribute.getName().getNamespaceURI())) continue; attributes.add(attribute); } return attributes.iterator(); } private void handleAttributes(Path path, StartElement start) { Iterator attrWalk = start.getAttributes(); while (attrWalk.hasNext()) handleAttribute(path, (Attribute); } private void handleAttribute(Path path, Attribute attr) { Path extended = path.child(Tag.attribute(attr.getName())); if (extended.equals(uniqueElementPath)) { unique = attr.getValue(); } else if (path.equals(recordRootPath)) { QName a = attr.getName(); QName attrName = new QName(a.getNamespaceURI(), "_" + a.getLocalPart(), a.getPrefix()); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement(attrName, null, null)); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters(attr.getValue())); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createEndElement(attrName, null)); eventBuffer.add(eventFactory.createCharacters("\n")); } } private void extractLines(String value) { for (String line : value.split(" *[\n\r]+ *")) { if (line.isEmpty()) continue; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(line.length()); for (char c : line.toCharArray()) out.append(Character.isWhitespace(c) ? ' ' : c); String clean = out.toString().replaceAll(" +", " ").trim(); // if (anonymousRecords > 0) clean = anonymize(clean); if (!clean.isEmpty()) lines.add(clean); } } private String anonymize(String string) { if (string.startsWith("http")) { // preserve the beginning and the end int slashSlash = string.indexOf("//"); int nextSlash = string.indexOf("/", slashSlash + 1); int finalSlash = string.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashSlash > 0 && nextSlash > 0 && finalSlash > 0) { return String.format("%s%s%s%s", string.substring(0, slashSlash), anonymizeString(string.substring(slashSlash, nextSlash)), anonymizeString(string.substring(nextSlash, finalSlash)), string.substring(finalSlash)); } } return anonymizeString(string); } private String anonymizeString(String string) { if (moreNumbersThanLetters(string)) return string; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(string.length()); Random random = new Random(string.hashCode()); for (char c : string.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) { out.append((char) ('a' + (Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 26))); } else if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { out.append((char) ('A' + (Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 26))); } else { out.append(c); } } return out.toString(); } private boolean moreNumbersThanLetters(String string) { int letters = 0, numbers = 0; for (char c : string.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isLetter(c)) { letters++; } else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { numbers++; } } return numbers > letters; } private void clearEvents() { recordEvents = false; eventBuffer.clear(); } }