Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl.


public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);

Source Link


From source file:org.josso.servlet.agent.JossoFilter.java

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response;
    debug = 1;//from  w w  w. ja  v  a  2s  .  c o m
    if (debug == 1)
        log.debug("Processing : " + hreq.getContextPath());

    try {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check with the agent if this context should be processed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();
        String vhost = hreq.getServerName();
        // In catalina, the empty context is considered the root context
        if ("".equals(contextPath))
            contextPath = "/";

        // T1 si l'appli n'est pas partenaire alors pas de SSO on continue
        if (!_agent.isPartnerApp(vhost, contextPath)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
            logg("T1 Context is not a josso partner app : " + hreq.getContextPath());
            hres.sendError(hres.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "vrifier config agent ajouter le contexte");
        } else {
            logg("T1 Context IS a josso partner app =" + hreq.getContextPath());

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check some basic HTTP handling
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // P3P Header for IE 6+ compatibility when embedding JOSSO in a IFRAME
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg = _agent.getPartnerAppConfig(vhost, contextPath);
        if (cfg.isSendP3PHeader() && !hres.isCommitted()) {
            hres.setHeader("P3P", cfg.getP3PHeaderValue());

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if this URI is subject to SSO protection
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq)) {
            logg("T9 ressource non ssois (accs libre)");
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);

        // Get our session ...
        HttpSession session = hreq.getSession(true);

        //TA1 pas de cookie et on trouve la page de login attendue dans la dclaration du contexte agent
        logg("TA1 uri=" + hreq.getRequestURI() + " se termine par " + cfg.getLoginPage() + " rep="
                + hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(cfg.getLoginPage()) + " test cookie="
                + testCookie2Session(hreq, session.getId()));
        if (!testCookie2Session(hreq, session.getId()) && hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(cfg.getLoginPage())) {
            logg("TA1 on demande l'authentification locale on switche vers Josso");
            Cookie gato = newJossoCookie2(hreq.getContextPath(), session.getId(), COOKIE_LOGIN);
            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);
            //response.setHeader("Location", jeVeux);
        //T3 on revient aprs authentification russie et pour finalisation
        if (_agent.isSSOIDloged(jossoSessionId)) {
            logg("T3 Info retour authentifi pour " + jossoSessionId + " faire retour vers " + theOriginal);
            SSOAgentRequest r = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT,
                    jossoSessionId, localSession, null, hreq, hres);
            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(r);

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("Executed agent.");

            // Get session map for this servlet context.
            Map sessionMap = (Map) hreq.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP);
            if (sessionMap.get(localSession.getWrapped()) == null) {
                // the local session is new so, make the valve listen for its events so that it can
                // map them to local session events.
                // Not supported : session.addSessionListener(this);
                sessionMap.put(session, localSession);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Has a valid user already been authenticated?
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("Process request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            if (entry != null) {
                if (debug == 1)
                    log.debug("Principal '" + entry.principal + "' has already been authenticated");
                // TODO : Not supported
                // (request).setAuthType(entry.authType);
                // (request).setUserPrincipal(entry.principal);
            } else {
                log.info("No Valid SSO Session, attempt an optional login?");
                // This is a standard anonymous request!

                if (cookie != null) {
                    // cookie is not valid
                    cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-");

                if (cookie != null
                        || (getSavedRequestURL(session) == null && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq))) {

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("SSO Session is not valid, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    saveRequestURL(hreq, session);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                } else {
                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");

            try {
                logg("Avant sur webProgrammaticLogin -------------" + iBoucle);

                if (!WebProgrammaticLogin.login(jossoSessionId, assertionId, "jossoRealm", hreq, hres)) {
                    logg("Erreur sur webProgrammaticLogin");
                } else {
                    logg("Russite sur webProgrammaticLogin");
                logg("Aprs sur webProgrammaticLogin-------------" + iBoucle);
            } catch (Exception err) {
                logg("SSOAgentValve Erreur2 finalisation contexte securit", err);
                throw new ServletException(err);

            // propagate the login and logout URLs to
            // partner applications.
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-login-url", _agent.getGatewayLoginUrl());
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-logout-url", _agent.getGatewayLogoutUrl());
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.ssoSessionid", jossoSessionId);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Invoke the next Valve in our pipeline
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required the login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("T4 Checking if its a josso_login_request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOLoginUri())
                || hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOUserLoginUri())) {

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T4 josso_login_request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            //save referer url in case the user clicked on Login from some public resource (page)
            //so agent can redirect the user back to that page after successful login
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOUserLoginUri())) {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, session, true);
            } else {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, session, false);

            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T4 Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            //set non cache headers



        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required a logout
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("T5 Checking if its a josso_logout request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOLogoutUri())) {

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T5 josso_logout request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            String logoutUrl = _agent.buildLogoutUrl(hreq, cfg);

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T5 Redirecting to logout url '" + logoutUrl + "'");

            // Clear previous COOKIE ...
            Cookie ssoCookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-");

            // invalidate session (unbind josso security context)

            //set non cache headers



        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application submitted custom login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (debug == 1) {
            log.debug("T7 Checking if its a josso_authentication for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOAuthenticationUri())) {

            if (debug == 1) {
                log.debug("T7 josso_authentication received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            GenericServletSSOAgentRequest customAuthRequest = (GenericServletSSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION, jossoSessionId, localSession, null, hreq,


        // si pas de cookie de session SSO
        if (cookie == null || cookie.getValue().equals("-")) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Trigger LOGIN OPTIONAL if required
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T8 SSO cookie is not present, verifying optional login process ");

            // We have no cookie, remember me is enabled and a security check without assertion was received ...
            // This means that the user could not be identified ... go back to the original resource
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") == null) {

                if (debug == 1)
                    log.debug("T8-1 " + _agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri()
                            + " received without assertion.  Login Optional Process failed");

                String requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(session);


            // This is a standard anonymous request!
            if (!hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())) {

                if (!_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq) && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq)) {

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("T8-2 SSO cookie is not present, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    saveRequestURL(hreq, session);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("T8-2 Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                } else {
                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("T8-2 SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T8-3 SSO cookie is not present, checking for outbound relaying");

            if (!(hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null)) {
                log.debug("T8-3 SSO cookie not present and relaying was not requested, skipping");
                filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);


        // This URI should be protected by SSO, go on ...
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("Session is: " + session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the SSO Agent
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("Executing agent...");
        //T10  /josso_security_check
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if a user has been authenitcated and should be checked by the agent.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("T10 Checking if its a josso_security_check for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null) {

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T10 josso_security_check received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI()
                        + "' assertion id '" + hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id"));

            assertionId = hreq.getParameter(Constants.JOSSO_ASSERTION_ID_PARAMETER);

            GenericServletSSOAgentRequest relayRequest;

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T10 Outbound relaying requested for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            relayRequest = (GenericServletSSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY,
                    null, localSession, assertionId, hreq, hres);

            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(relayRequest);
            if (entry == null) {
                // This is wrong! We should have an entry here!
                log.error("T10-1 Outbound relaying failed for assertion id [" + assertionId
                        + "], no Principal found.");
                // Throw an exception and let the container send the INERNAL SERVER ERROR
                throw new ServletException("No Principal found. Verify your SSO Agent Configuration!");

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T10-2 Outbound relaying succesfull for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            if (debug == 1)
                log.debug("T10-2 Assertion id [" + assertionId + "] mapped to SSO session id [" + entry.ssoId
                        + "]");

            // The cookie is valid to for the partner application only ... in the future each partner app may
            // store a different auth. token (SSO SESSION) value
            cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), entry.ssoId);

            // Redirect the user to the original request URI (which will cause
            // the original request to be restored)
            String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(session);
            if (requestURI == null) {
                requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(session);
                if (requestURI == null) {

                    if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
                        requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
                    } else {
                        // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
                        requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(0,
                                (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri().length()));

                    // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
                    String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
                    if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
                        requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
                    } else {
                        String reverseProxyHost = hreq
                        if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
                            requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log.debug("T10 No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");


            // Check if we have a post login resource :
            String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
            if (postAuthURI != null) {
                String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
                if (debug == 1)
                    log.debug("T10 Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL + "'");
            } else {
                if (debug == 1)
                    log.debug("T10 Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");
            _agent.addEntrySSOIDsuccessed(entry.ssoId, entry.getPrincipal().getName());

    } finally {
        if (debug == 1)
            log.debug("Processed : " + hreq.getContextPath());

From source file:eu.eidas.node.service.IdPResponseServlet.java

private String handleExecute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {

    IdPResponseBean controllerService = (IdPResponseBean) getApplicationContext()

    ISpecificProxyService specificProxyService = controllerService.getSpecificProxyService();
    ILightResponse lightResponse;/*from w w w . j a v  a2  s .c o  m*/
    try {
        lightResponse = specificProxyService.processResponse(request, response);
    } catch (SpecificException e) {
        getLogger().error("SpecificException" + e, e);
        // Illegal state: no error AND no success response received from the specific
        throw new ServletException("Unable to process specific response: " + e, e);
    if (null == lightResponse) {
        getLogger().error("SpecificException: Missing specific response");
        // Illegal state: no error AND no success response received from the specific
        throw new ServletException("Missing specific response: no error and no success");

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    session.setAttribute(EidasParameterKeys.SAML_PHASE.toString(), EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_RESPONSE);

    // This is not the specific Map
    CorrelationMap<StoredAuthenticationRequest> requestCorrelationMap = controllerService
    StoredAuthenticationRequest storedAuthenticationRequest = requestCorrelationMap

    if (null == storedAuthenticationRequest) {
        // send the error back:
        if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
            LOG.error("Could not correlate any eIDAS request to the received specific IdP response: "
                    + lightResponse);
        throw new ServletException(
                "Could not correlate specific response ID: " + lightResponse.getId() + " to any eIDAS request");

    IAuthenticationRequest originalRequest = storedAuthenticationRequest.getRequest();

    WebRequest webRequest = new IncomingRequest(request);

    String retVal;

    IResponseStatus responseStatus = lightResponse.getStatus();
    if (responseStatus.isFailure()) {

        String statusCode = responseStatus.getStatusCode();
        String errorMessage = responseStatus.getStatusMessage();
        String errorSubCode = responseStatus.getSubStatusCode();

        // send the error back:
        if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
            LOG.error("Received failed authentication from Specific Idp: errorMessage=\"" + errorMessage
                    + "\", statusCode=\"" + statusCode + "\", subCode=\"" + errorSubCode + "\"");
        retVal = NodeViewNames.EIDAS_CONNECTOR_REDIRECT.toString();

                .trace("Generate SAMLTokenFail because of authentication failure received from specific IdP");
        String samlTokenFail = controllerService.getProxyService().generateSamlTokenFail(originalRequest,
                statusCode, null, errorSubCode, errorMessage, webRequest.getRemoteIpAddress(), false);

        request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.SAML_TOKEN_FAIL.toString(), samlTokenFail);
    } else {

        // generate the eIDAS response with the ProxyService and send it back to the Connector:
        if (controllerService.isAskConsentValue()) {
            retVal = NodeViewNames.EIDAS_SERVICE_CITIZEN_CONSENT.toString();

            // TODO: DO NOT generate this in advance!
                    "Generate SAMLTokenFail proactively in case of future consent refusal by the citizen");
            String samlTokenFail = controllerService.getProxyService().generateSamlTokenFail(originalRequest,
                    EIDASStatusCode.REQUESTER_URI.toString(), EidasErrorKey.CITIZEN_NO_CONSENT_MANDATORY,

            request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.SAML_TOKEN_FAIL.toString(), samlTokenFail);

        } else {
            retVal = NodeViewNames.EIDAS_CONNECTOR_REDIRECT.toString();

        IResponseMessage responseMessage = controllerService.getProxyService().processIdpResponse(webRequest,
                storedAuthenticationRequest, lightResponse);

        String samlToken = EidasStringUtil.encodeToBase64(responseMessage.getMessageBytes());

        request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.SAML_TOKEN.toString(), samlToken);

        IAuthenticationResponse authnResponse = responseMessage.getResponse();

        ImmutableAttributeMap responseAttributeMap = authnResponse.getAttributes();

        ImmutableAttributeMap.Builder attrMapBuilder = new ImmutableAttributeMap.Builder();
        ProtocolProcessorI extProx = controllerService.getProxyService().getSamlService().getSamlEngine()
        for (AttributeDefinition attrDef : responseAttributeMap.getAttributeMap().keySet()) {
            // filter out non file-registry attributes = dynamic, additional ones, where value must not be displayed
            if (extProx.getAttributeDefinitionNullable(attrDef.getNameUri().toString()) != null
                    && extProx.getAdditionalAttributes().getByName(attrDef.getNameUri().toString()) == null) {
        request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.PAL.toString(), attrMapBuilder.build().getAttributeMap());

        boolean hasEidasAttributes = false;
        for (final AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition : responseAttributeMap.getAttributeMap().keySet()) {
            if (EidasSpec.REGISTRY.contains(attributeDefinition)) {
                hasEidasAttributes = true;

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(authnResponse.getLevelOfAssurance())) {

    // Prevent cookies from being accessed through client-side script.
    setHTTPOnlyHeaderToSession(false, request, response);

    // Gets the attributes from Attribute Providers and validates mandatory
    // attributes.

    // Setting internal variables, to be included by the Struts on the JSP
    getLogger().trace("setting internal variables");

    String redirectUrl = originalRequest.getAssertionConsumerServiceURL();
    getLogger().debug("redirectUrl: " + redirectUrl);

    // These attributes are used by citizenConsent.jsp
    request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.REDIRECT_URL.toString(), response.encodeRedirectURL(redirectUrl)); // Correct URl redirect cookie implementation
    request.setAttribute(EidasParameterKeys.SP_ID.toString(), originalRequest.getProviderName());
    if (originalRequest instanceof IStorkAuthenticationRequest) {
                ((IStorkAuthenticationRequest) originalRequest).getQaa());

    String relayState = storedAuthenticationRequest.getRelayState();
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(relayState)) {
        getLogger().debug("Relay State ProxyService " + relayState);
        request.setAttribute(NodeParameterNames.RELAY_STATE.toString(), relayState);

    return retVal;

From source file:org.jahia.bin.Render.java

private void doAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, URLResolver urlResolver,
        RenderContext renderContext, Resource resource, Action action, Map<String, List<String>> parameters)
        throws Exception {
    final String requestWith = req.getHeader("x-requested-with");
    boolean isAjaxRequest = req.getHeader("accept") != null
            && req.getHeader("accept").contains("application/json") && requestWith != null
            && requestWith.equals("XMLHttpRequest");

    final Action originalAction = action;

    int tokenResult = TokenChecker.NO_TOKEN;
    if (!isWebflowRequest(req)) {
        tokenResult = TokenChecker.checkToken(req, resp, parameters);
    }/*from   w  w  w . ja va  2s  .c o m*/

    switch (tokenResult) {
    case TokenChecker.NO_TOKEN:
    case TokenChecker.INVALID_TOKEN:
        throw new AccessDeniedException("Invalid token.");
    case TokenChecker.INVALID_CAPTCHA:
        Map<String, String[]> formDatas = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
        Set<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>> set = parameters.entrySet();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> params : set) {
            formDatas.put(params.getKey(), params.getValue().toArray(new String[params.getValue().size()]));
        String errorMessage = Messages.getInternal("failure.captcha", urlResolver.getLocale(),
                "Your captcha is invalid");
        if (!isAjaxRequest) {
            req.getSession().setAttribute("formDatas", formDatas);
            req.getSession().setAttribute("formError", errorMessage);
            performRedirect(renderContext.getMainResource().getNode().getPath(), urlResolver.getPath(), req,
                    resp, parameters, true);
        } else {
            resp.setContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8");
            Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<String, String>();
            res.put("status", errorMessage);
            new JSONObject(res).write(resp.getWriter());
    case TokenChecker.INVALID_HIDDEN_FIELDS:
        throw new AccessDeniedException();
    case TokenChecker.VALID_TOKEN:
        action = new SystemAction() {
            public ActionResult doExecuteAsSystem(HttpServletRequest req, RenderContext renderContext,
                    JCRSessionWrapper systemSession, Resource resource, Map<String, List<String>> parameters,
                    URLResolver urlResolver) throws Exception {
                return originalAction.doExecute(req, renderContext, resource, systemSession, parameters,

    if (!(action instanceof SystemAction)) {
        if (action.getRequiredWorkspace() != null
                && !action.getRequiredWorkspace().equals(urlResolver.getWorkspace())) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException("Action is not supported for this workspace");
        if (action.isRequireAuthenticatedUser() && !renderContext.isLoggedIn()) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException("Action '" + action.getName() + "' requires an authenticated user");
        if (!action.isPermitted(urlResolver.getNode())) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException("Action '" + action.getName() + "' requires '"
                    + action.getRequiredPermission() + "' permission.");
    } else if (originalAction instanceof LicensedAction) {
        LicensedAction licensedAction = (LicensedAction) originalAction;
        if (!licensedAction.isAllowedByLicense()) {
                    "Action '{}' requires a licene feature '{}'"
                            + " which is not allowed by the current license terms",
                    originalAction.getName(), licensedAction.getLicenseFeature());
            throw new AccessDeniedException("Action '" + action.getName() + "' requires a licene feature '"
                    + licensedAction.getLicenseFeature()
                    + "' which is not allowed by the current license terms");

    JCRSessionWrapper session = null;
    if (resource != null) {
        session = resource.getNode().getSession();
    } else {
        session = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance().getCurrentUserSession(urlResolver.getWorkspace(),
    ActionResult result;
    try {
        result = action.doExecute(req, renderContext, resource, session, parameters, urlResolver);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("An error occurs when executing action {}", action.getName(), e);
        throw e;
    if (result != null) {
        boolean returnJSON = "json".equals(
                parameters.get(RETURN_CONTENTTYPE) != null ? parameters.get(RETURN_CONTENTTYPE).get(0) : "")
                || req.getHeader("accept") != null && req.getHeader("accept").contains("application/json");
        if (result.getResultCode() < 300 || returnJSON) {
            addCookie(req, resp);
            if (result.getJson() != null && returnJSON) {
                try {
                    String contentType = parameters.get(RETURN_CONTENTTYPE_OVERRIDE) != null
                            ? StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(parameters.get(RETURN_CONTENTTYPE_OVERRIDE).get(0),
                            : null;
                    if (contentType == null) {
                        contentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
                    } else if (!contentType.toLowerCase().contains("charset")) {
                        // append the charset
                        contentType += "; charset=UTF-8";
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            } else {
                if (!result.isAbsoluteUrl()) {
                    performRedirect(result.getUrl(), urlResolver.getPath(), req, resp, parameters, false);
                } else {
        } else {

From source file:gov.nih.nci.evs.browser.servlet.AjaxServlet.java

public static void search_value_set(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    String selectValueSetSearchOption = HTTPUtils
            .cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("selectValueSetSearchOption"));
    request.getSession().setAttribute("selectValueSetSearchOption", selectValueSetSearchOption);

    String algorithm = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("valueset_search_algorithm"));
    request.getSession().setAttribute("valueset_search_algorithm", algorithm);

    // check if any checkbox is checked.
    String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
    String view_str = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("view"));
    String vsd_uri = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("vsd_uri"));
    String root_vsd_uri = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("root_vsd_uri"));

    int view = Constants.STANDARD_VIEW;
    boolean isInteger = DataUtils.isInteger(view_str);
    if (isInteger) {
        view = Integer.parseInt(view_str);
    }// w  w  w .  j  a va  2 s . co m

    if (vsd_uri != null && root_vsd_uri == null) {
        root_vsd_uri = vsd_uri;

    String msg = null;
    String checked_vocabularies = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("checked_vocabularies"));
    String matchText = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("matchText"));
    if (DataUtils.isNull(matchText)) {
        matchText = "";
    } else {
        matchText = matchText.trim();
    request.getSession().setAttribute("matchText", matchText);

    String ontology_display_name = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("ontology_display_name"));
    String ontology_version = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("ontology_version"));

    if (matchText.compareTo("") == 0) {
        msg = "Please enter a search string.";
        request.getSession().setAttribute("message", msg);
        if (!DataUtils.isNull(ontology_display_name) && !DataUtils.isNull(ontology_version)) {
            create_vs_tree(request, response, view, ontology_display_name, ontology_version);
        } else {
            create_vs_tree(request, response, view);

    if (checked_vocabularies == null || (checked_vocabularies.compareTo("") == 0)) {
        msg = "No value set definition is selected.";
        request.getSession().setAttribute("message", msg);
        if (!DataUtils.isNull(ontology_display_name) && !DataUtils.isNull(ontology_version)) {
            create_vs_tree(request, response, view, ontology_display_name, ontology_version);
        } else {
            vsd_uri = HTTPUtils.cleanXSS((String) request.getParameter("vsd_uri"));
            if (DataUtils.isNull(vsd_uri)) {
                create_vs_tree(request, response, view);
            } else {
                create_vs_tree(request, response, view, vsd_uri);
    } else {
        try {
            String retstr = valueSetSearchAction(request);
            //KLO, 041312
            if (retstr.compareTo("message") == 0) {
                if (!DataUtils.isNull(ontology_display_name) && !DataUtils.isNull(ontology_version)) {
                    create_vs_tree(request, response, view, ontology_display_name, ontology_version);
                } else {
                    create_vs_tree(request, response, view);

            //Vector matched_vsds = (Vector) request.getSession().getAttribute("matched_vsds");

            //String destination = contextPath + "/pages/value_set_search_results.jsf";

            String destination = contextPath + "/pages/value_set_entity_search_results.jsf";

            if (!DataUtils.isNull(vsd_uri)) {
                destination = contextPath
                        + "/pages/value_set_entity_search_results.jsf?value_set_tab=false&root_vsd_uri="
                        + root_vsd_uri;

            //request.getSession().setAttribute("checked_vocabularies", checked_vocabularies);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.duoauth.DuoAuthenticator.java

protected void initiateAuthenticationRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        AuthenticationContext context) throws AuthenticationFailedException {

    String username = null;/*from w w  w.  j  a v a 2 s .co m*/
    String loginPage = ConfigurationFacade.getInstance().getAuthenticationEndpointURL();
    AKEY = DuoAuthenticatorConstants.stringGenerator();

    for (int i = context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {

        //Getting the last authenticated local user
        if (context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().get(i).getAuthenticatedUser() != null
                && context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().get(i).getAuthenticatedAutenticator()
                        .getApplicationAuthenticator() instanceof LocalApplicationAuthenticator) {

            username = context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().get(i).getAuthenticatedUser();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("username :" + username);


    String mobile = null;

    if (username != null) {

        int tenantId = 0;
        try {

            tenantId = IdentityUtil.getTenantIdOFUser(username);
            UserRealm userRealm = DuoAuthenticatorServiceComponent.getRealmService()

            username = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username);

            if (userRealm != null) {

                UserStoreManager userStoreManager = (UserStoreManager) userRealm.getUserStoreManager();

                mobile = userStoreManager.getUserClaimValue(username, DuoAuthenticatorConstants.MOBILE_CLAIM,

            } else {
                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                        "Cannot find the user realm for the given tenant: " + tenantId);
        } catch (IdentityException e) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            throw new AuthenticationFailedException(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_GETTING_PHONE, e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            throw new AuthenticationFailedException(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_GETTING_PHONE, e);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("mobile number : " + mobile);

        Object result = null;
        if (mobile != null) {

            //Initiate Duo API request to get the user
            Http duoRequest = new Http(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.HTTP_GET,

            duoRequest.addParam(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DUO_USERNAME, username);

            try {


            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_SIGN_REQUEST,

            try {
                //Execute Duo API request
                result = duoRequest.executeRequest();

            } catch (Exception e) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                        DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_EXECUTE_REQUEST, e);

            if (result != null) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                try {
                    JSONArray array = new JSONArray(result.toString());

                    if (array.length() == 0) {

                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                        throw new AuthenticationFailedException(

                    } else {
                        JSONArray phoneArray;

                        JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(0);
                        phoneArray = (JSONArray) object.get(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DUO_PHONES);

                        if (phoneArray.length() == 0) {

                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                            throw new AuthenticationFailedException(

                        } else {
                            String number = ((JSONObject) phoneArray.get(0))

                            if (mobile.equals(number)) {

                                String sig_request = DuoWeb.signRequest(
                                        AKEY, username);

                                String DuoUrl = loginPage + "?" + FrameworkConstants.RequestParams.AUTHENTICATOR
                                        + "=" + getName() + ":" + FrameworkConstants.LOCAL_IDP_NAME + "&"
                                        + FrameworkConstants.RequestParams.TYPE + "="
                                        + DuoAuthenticatorConstants.RequestParams.DUO + "&"
                                        + DuoAuthenticatorConstants.RequestParams.SIG_REQUEST + "="
                                        + sig_request + "&" + FrameworkConstants.SESSION_DATA_KEY + "="
                                        + context.getContextIdentifier() + "&"
                                        + DuoAuthenticatorConstants.RequestParams.DUO_HOST + "="
                                        + getAuthenticatorConfig().getParameterMap()

                                try {
                                    //Redirect to Duo Authentication page
                                } catch (IOException e) {

                                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                                            DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_REDIRECTING, e);

                            } else {

                                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(

                } catch (JSONException e) {

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_JSON, e);


        } else {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

            throw new AuthenticationFailedException(DuoAuthenticatorConstants.DuoErrors.ERROR_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND);
    } else {

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("No local user found");

        throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Duo authenticator failed to initialize");

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.emailotp.EmailOTPAuthenticator.java

 * Initiate the authentication request/*from  ww  w. j ava  2s  . com*/
protected void initiateAuthenticationRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        AuthenticationContext context) throws AuthenticationFailedException {
    try {
        Map<String, String> authenticatorProperties = context.getAuthenticatorProperties();
        Map<String, String> emailOTPParameters = getAuthenticatorConfig().getParameterMap();
        if (!context.isRetrying()
                || (context.isRetrying()
                        && StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.RESEND)))
                || (context.isRetrying()
                        && Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.RESEND)))) {
            String username = null;
            String email = null;
            for (Integer stepMap : context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().keySet()) {
                if (context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().get(stepMap).getAuthenticatedUser() != null
                        && context.getSequenceConfig().getStepMap().get(stepMap).getAuthenticatedAutenticator()
                                .getApplicationAuthenticator() instanceof LocalApplicationAuthenticator) {
                    username = String.valueOf(
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(username)) {
                UserRealm userRealm = null;
                String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username);
                int tenantId = IdentityTenantUtil.getTenantId(tenantDomain);
                RealmService realmService = IdentityTenantUtil.getRealmService();
                try {
                    userRealm = (UserRealm) realmService.getTenantUserRealm(tenantId);
                } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) {
                    throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Cannot find the user realm", e);
                username = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(String.valueOf(username));
                if (userRealm != null) {
                    email = userRealm.getUserStoreManager().getUserClaimValue(username,
                            EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.EMAIL_CLAIM, null);
                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(email)) {
                        log.error("Receiver's email ID can not be null.");
                        throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Receiver's email ID can not be null.");
                    } else {
                        context.setProperty(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.RECEIVER_EMAIL, email);

            OneTimePassword token = new OneTimePassword();
            String secret = OneTimePassword.getRandomNumber(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.SECRET_KEY_LENGTH);
            String myToken = token.generateToken(secret, "" + EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.NUMBER_BASE,
            context.setProperty(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.OTP_TOKEN, myToken);

            if (authenticatorProperties != null) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(myToken)) {
                    if (isSMTP(emailOTPParameters, authenticatorProperties)) {
                        sendOTP(username, myToken, email);
                    } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(email)) {
                        String failureString = null;
                        if (isAccessTokenRequired(emailOTPParameters, authenticatorProperties)) {
                            String tokenResponse = sendTokenRequest(authenticatorProperties,
                            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tokenResponse)
                                    || tokenResponse.startsWith(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.FAILED)) {
                                log.error("Unable to get the access token");
                                throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Unable to get the access token");
                            } else {
                                JSONObject tokenObj = new JSONObject(tokenResponse);
                                String accessToken = tokenObj
                                        .put(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.EMAILOTP_ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken);
                                authenticatorProperties = context.getAuthenticatorProperties();
                        String payload = preparePayload(authenticatorProperties, emailOTPParameters, email,
                        String formData = prepareFormData(authenticatorProperties, emailOTPParameters, email,
                        String urlParams = prepareURLParams(authenticatorProperties, emailOTPParameters, email,
                        String sendCodeResponse = sendMailUsingAPIs(authenticatorProperties, emailOTPParameters,
                                urlParams, payload, formData);
                        String api = getAPI(authenticatorProperties);
                        if (emailOTPParameters.containsKey(api + EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.FAILURE)) {
                            failureString = emailOTPParameters
                                    .get(api + EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.FAILURE);
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sendCodeResponse)
                                || sendCodeResponse.startsWith(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.FAILED)
                                || (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(failureString)
                                        && sendCodeResponse.contains(failureString))) {
                            log.error("Unable to send the code");
                            throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Unable to send the code");
            } else {
                log.error("Error while retrieving properties. Authenticator Properties cannot be null");
                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(
                        "Error while retrieving properties. Authenticator Properties cannot be null");
        if (context.isRetrying()
                || StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter(EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.RESEND))) {
            String emailOTPPage = ConfigurationFacade.getInstance().getAuthenticationEndpointURL().replace(
                    EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.LOGIN_PAGE, EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.EMILOTP_PAGE);
            String queryParams = FrameworkUtils.getQueryStringWithFrameworkContextId(context.getQueryParams(),
                    context.getCallerSessionKey(), context.getContextIdentifier());
            String retryParam = "";
            if (context.isRetrying()) {
                retryParam = EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.RETRY_PARAMS;
            try {
                response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(emailOTPPage + ("?" + queryParams))
                        + EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.AUTHENTICATORS + getName() + ":"
                        + EmailOTPAuthenticatorConstants.LOCAL + retryParam);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (UserStoreException e) {
        log.error("Cannot find the user claim for email", e);
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Cannot find the user claim for email " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:com.exedio.cope.live.Bar.java

void doRequest(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpSession httpSession,
        final HttpServletResponse response, final Anchor anchor) throws IOException {
    if (!Cop.isPost(request)) {
        try {/*from w ww  . j  a  va 2 s  .  c  om*/
            anchor.redirectHome(request, response);
        } finally {

    final String referer;

    if (isMultipartContent(request)) {
        final HashMap<String, String> fields = new HashMap<String, String>();
        final HashMap<String, FileItem> files = new HashMap<String, FileItem>();
        final FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        final ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
        try {
            for (final Iterator<?> i = upload.parseRequest(request).iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                final FileItem item = (FileItem) i.next();
                if (item.isFormField())
                    fields.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString(UTF_8.name()));
                    files.put(item.getFieldName(), item);
        } catch (final FileUploadException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        final String featureID = fields.get(FEATURE);
        if (featureID == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();

        final Media feature = (Media) model.getFeature(featureID);
        if (feature == null)
            throw new NullPointerException(featureID);

        final String itemID = fields.get(ITEM);
        if (itemID == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();

        final FileItem file = files.get(FILE);

        try {
            startTransaction("publishFile(" + featureID + ',' + itemID + ')');

            final Item item = model.getItem(itemID);

            if (fields.get(PUBLISH_NOW) != null) {
                for (final History history : History.getHistories(item.getCopeType())) {
                    final History.Event event = history.createEvent(item, anchor.getHistoryAuthor(), false);
                    event.createFeature(feature, feature.getName(),
                            feature.isNull(item) ? null
                                    : ("file type=" + feature.getContentType(item) + " size="
                                            + feature.getLength(item)),
                            "file name=" + file.getName() + " type=" + file.getContentType() + " size="
                                    + file.getSize());

                // TODO use more efficient setter with File or byte[]
                feature.set(item, file.getInputStream(), file.getContentType());
            } else {
                anchor.modify(file, feature, item);

        } catch (final NoSuchIDException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {

        referer = fields.get(REFERER);
    } else // isMultipartContent
        if (request.getParameter(BORDERS_ON) != null || request.getParameter(BORDERS_ON_IMAGE) != null) {
            anchor.borders = true;
        } else if (request.getParameter(BORDERS_OFF) != null
                || request.getParameter(BORDERS_OFF_IMAGE) != null) {
            anchor.borders = false;
        } else if (request.getParameter(CLOSE) != null || request.getParameter(CLOSE_IMAGE) != null) {
        } else if (request.getParameter(SWITCH_TARGET) != null) {
        } else if (request.getParameter(SAVE_TARGET) != null) {
            try {
            } finally {
        } else {
            final String featureID = request.getParameter(FEATURE);
            if (featureID == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();

            final Feature featureO = model.getFeature(featureID);
            if (featureO == null)
                throw new NullPointerException(featureID);

            final String itemID = request.getParameter(ITEM);
            if (itemID == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();

            if (featureO instanceof StringField) {
                final StringField feature = (StringField) featureO;
                final String value = request.getParameter(TEXT);

                try {
                    startTransaction("barText(" + featureID + ',' + itemID + ')');

                    final Item item = model.getItem(itemID);

                    if (request.getParameter(PUBLISH_NOW) != null) {
                        String v = value;
                        if ("".equals(v))
                            v = null;
                        for (final History history : History.getHistories(item.getCopeType())) {
                            final History.Event event = history.createEvent(item, anchor.getHistoryAuthor(),
                            event.createFeature(feature, feature.getName(), feature.get(item), v);
                        feature.set(item, v);
                        anchor.notifyPublished(feature, item);
                    } else {
                        anchor.modify(value, feature, item);

                } catch (final NoSuchIDException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                } finally {
            } else {
                final IntegerField feature = (IntegerField) featureO;
                final String itemIDFrom = request.getParameter(ITEM_FROM);
                if (itemIDFrom == null)
                    throw new NullPointerException();

                try {
                    startTransaction("swapPosition(" + featureID + ',' + itemIDFrom + ',' + itemID + ')');

                    final Item itemFrom = model.getItem(itemIDFrom);
                    final Item itemTo = model.getItem(itemID);

                    final Integer positionFrom = feature.get(itemFrom);
                    final Integer positionTo = feature.get(itemTo);
                    feature.set(itemFrom, feature.getMinimum());
                    feature.set(itemTo, positionFrom);
                    feature.set(itemFrom, positionTo);

                    for (final History history : History.getHistories(itemFrom.getCopeType())) {
                        final History.Event event = history.createEvent(itemFrom, anchor.getHistoryAuthor(),
                        event.createFeature(feature, feature.getName(), positionFrom, positionTo);
                    for (final History history : History.getHistories(itemTo.getCopeType())) {
                        final History.Event event = history.createEvent(itemTo, anchor.getHistoryAuthor(),
                        event.createFeature(feature, feature.getName(), positionTo, positionFrom);

                } catch (final NoSuchIDException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                } finally {

        referer = request.getParameter(REFERER);

    if (referer != null)

From source file:at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.protocols.pvp2x.SingleLogOutAction.java

public SLOInformationInterface processRequest(IRequest req, HttpServletRequest httpReq,
        HttpServletResponse httpResp, IAuthData authData) throws MOAIDException {

    PVPTargetConfiguration pvpReq = (PVPTargetConfiguration) req;

    if (pvpReq.getRequest() instanceof MOARequest
            && ((MOARequest) pvpReq.getRequest()).getSamlRequest() instanceof LogoutRequest) {
        Logger.debug("Process Single LogOut request");
        MOARequest samlReq = (MOARequest) pvpReq.getRequest();
        LogoutRequest logOutReq = (LogoutRequest) samlReq.getSamlRequest();

        AuthenticationSession session = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.searchMOASessionWithNameIDandOAID(
                logOutReq.getIssuer().getValue(), logOutReq.getNameID().getValue());

        if (session == null) {
            Logger.warn("Can not find active SSO session with nameID " + logOutReq.getNameID().getValue()
                    + " and OA " + logOutReq.getIssuer().getValue());
            Logger.info("Search active SSO session with SSO session cookie");
            SSOManager ssomanager = SSOManager.getInstance();
            String ssoID = ssomanager.getSSOSessionID(httpReq);
            if (MiscUtil.isEmpty(ssoID)) {
                Logger.warn("Can not find active Session. Single LogOut not possible!");
                SingleLogoutService sloService = SingleLogOutBuilder.getResponseSLODescriptor(pvpReq);
                //LogoutResponse message = SingleLogOutBuilder.buildSLOErrorResponse(sloService, pvpReq, StatusCode.RESPONDER_URI);
                LogoutResponse message = SingleLogOutBuilder.buildSLOResponseMessage(sloService, pvpReq, null);
                Logger.info("Sending SLO success message to requester ...");
                SingleLogOutBuilder.sendFrontChannelSLOMessage(sloService, message, httpReq, httpResp,
                return null;

            } else {
                String moasession = ssomanager.getMOASession(ssoID);
                try {
                    session = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.getSession(moasession);

                } catch (MOADatabaseException e) {
                    Logger.warn("Can not find active Session. Single LogOut not possible!");
                    SingleLogoutService sloService = SingleLogOutBuilder.getResponseSLODescriptor(pvpReq);
                    //LogoutResponse message = SingleLogOutBuilder.buildSLOErrorResponse(sloService, pvpReq, StatusCode.RESPONDER_URI);
                    LogoutResponse message = SingleLogOutBuilder.buildSLOResponseMessage(sloService, pvpReq,
                            null);//from w w w.  j a  v  a 2  s. co m
                    Logger.info("Sending SLO success message to requester ...");
                    SingleLogOutBuilder.sendFrontChannelSLOMessage(sloService, message, httpReq, httpResp,
                    return null;


        AuthenticationManager authManager = AuthenticationManager.getInstance();
        authManager.performSingleLogOut(httpReq, httpResp, session, pvpReq);

    } else if (pvpReq.getRequest() instanceof MOAResponse
            && ((MOAResponse) pvpReq.getRequest()).getResponse() instanceof LogoutResponse) {
        Logger.debug("Process Single LogOut response");
        LogoutResponse logOutResp = (LogoutResponse) ((MOAResponse) pvpReq.getRequest()).getResponse();

        Transaction tx = null;

        try {
            String relayState = pvpReq.getRequest().getRelayState();
            if (MiscUtil.isEmpty(relayState)) {
                        "SLO Response from " + logOutResp.getIssuer().getValue() + " has no SAML2 RelayState.");
                throw new SLOException("pvp2.19", null);


            Session session = MOASessionDBUtils.getCurrentSession();
            boolean storageSuccess = false;
            int counter = 0;

            //TODO: add counter to prevent deadlock

            while (!storageSuccess) {
                tx = session.beginTransaction();

                List result;
                Query query = session.getNamedQuery("getAssertionWithArtifact");
                query.setParameter("artifact", relayState);
                result = query.list();
                Logger.trace("Found entries: " + result.size());

                //Assertion requires an unique artifact
                if (result.size() != 1) {
                    Logger.trace("No entries found.");
                    throw new MOADatabaseException("No sessioninformation found with this ID");

                AssertionStore element = (AssertionStore) result.get(0);
                Object data = SerializationUtils.deserialize(element.getAssertion());

                if (data instanceof SLOInformationContainer) {
                    SLOInformationContainer sloContainer = (SLOInformationContainer) data;

                    //check status
                    SingleLogOutBuilder.checkStatusCode(sloContainer, logOutResp);

                    if (sloContainer.hasFrontChannelOA()) {
                        try {
                            //some response are open
                            byte[] serializedSLOContainer = SerializationUtils
                                    .serialize((Serializable) sloContainer);


                            //sloContainer could be stored to database
                            storageSuccess = true;

                        } catch (HibernateException e) {

                                    "SLOContainter could not stored to database. Wait some time and restart storage process ... ");
                            java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random();

                            try {
                                Thread.sleep(rand.nextInt(20) * 10);

                            } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                                Logger.warn("Thread could not stopped. ReStart storage process immediately",

                    } else {
                        //last response received.
                        try {

                        } catch (HibernateException e) {
                            Logger.error("SLOContainter could not deleted from database. ");


                        storageSuccess = true;
                        String redirectURL = null;
                        if (sloContainer.getSloRequest() != null) {
                            //send SLO response to SLO request issuer
                            SingleLogoutService sloService = SingleLogOutBuilder
                            LogoutResponse message = SingleLogOutBuilder.buildSLOResponseMessage(sloService,
                                    sloContainer.getSloRequest(), sloContainer.getSloFailedOAs());
                            redirectURL = SingleLogOutBuilder.getFrontChannelSLOMessageURL(sloService, message,
                                    httpReq, httpResp,

                        } else {
                            //print SLO information directly
                            redirectURL = AuthConfigurationProvider.getInstance().getPublicURLPrefix()
                                    + "/idpSingleLogout";

                            String artifact = Random.nextRandom();

                            String statusCode = null;
                            if (sloContainer.getSloFailedOAs() == null
                                    || sloContainer.getSloFailedOAs().size() == 0)
                                statusCode = SLOSTATUS_SUCCESS;
                                statusCode = SLOSTATUS_ERROR;

                            AssertionStorage.getInstance().put(artifact, statusCode);
                            redirectURL = addURLParameter(redirectURL, PARAM_SLOSTATUS, artifact);

                        //redirect to Redirect Servlet
                        String url = AuthConfigurationProvider.getInstance().getPublicURLPrefix()
                                + "/RedirectServlet";
                        url = addURLParameter(url, RedirectServlet.REDIRCT_PARAM_URL,
                                URLEncoder.encode(redirectURL, "UTF-8"));
                        url = httpResp.encodeRedirectURL(url);

                        httpResp.addHeader("Location", url);

                } else {
                    Logger.warn("Sessioninformation Cast-Exception by using Artifact=" + relayState);
                    throw new MOADatabaseException("Sessioninformation Cast-Exception");


        } catch (MOADatabaseException e) {
            Logger.error("MOA AssertionDatabase ERROR", e);
            throw new SLOException("pvp2.19", null);

        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            Logger.error("Finale SLO redirct not possible.", e);
            throw new AuthenticationException("pvp2.13", new Object[] {});

        } finally {
            if (tx != null && !tx.wasCommitted()) {


    } else {
        Logger.error("Process SingleLogOutAction but request is NOT of type LogoutRequest or LogoutResponse.");
        throw new MOAIDException("pvp2.13", null);


    return null;

From source file:at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.servlet.PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet.java

private void handleSAMLResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    Logger.info("handleSAMLResponse started");
    String pendingRequestID = null;

    try {/*from w ww  . jav a  2  s  .com*/
        Logger.info("PEPSConnector Servlet invoked, expecting C-PEPS message.");
        Logger.debug("This ACS endpoint is: " + HTTPUtils.getBaseURL(request));

        super.setNoCachingHeadersInHttpRespone(request, response);
        Logger.trace("No Caching headers set for HTTP response");

        //check if https or only http

        Logger.debug("Beginning to extract SAMLResponse out of HTTP Request");

        //extract STORK Response from HTTP Request
        //Decodes SAML Response
        byte[] decSamlToken;
        try {
            decSamlToken = PEPSUtil.decodeSAMLToken(request.getParameter("SAMLResponse"));
            Logger.debug("SAMLResponse: " + new String(decSamlToken));

        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            Logger.error("Unable to retrieve STORK Response", e);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.04", null);

        //Get SAMLEngine instance
        STORKSAMLEngine engine = STORKSAMLEngine.getInstance("outgoing");

        STORKAuthnResponse authnResponse = null;
        try {
            //validate SAML Token
            Logger.debug("Starting validation of SAML response");
            authnResponse = engine.validateSTORKAuthnResponse(decSamlToken, (String) request.getRemoteHost());
            Logger.info("SAML response succesfully verified!");
        } catch (STORKSAMLEngineException e) {
            Logger.error("Failed to verify STORK SAML Response", e);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.05", null);

        Logger.info("STORK SAML Response message succesfully extracted");
        Logger.debug("STORK response: ");

        Logger.debug("Trying to find MOA Session-ID ...");
        //String moaSessionID = request.getParameter(PARAM_SESSIONID);
        //first use SAML2 relayState 
        String moaSessionID = request.getParameter("RelayState");

        // escape parameter strings
        moaSessionID = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(moaSessionID);

        //check if SAML2 relaystate includes a MOA sessionID
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(moaSessionID)) {
            //if relaystate is emtpty, use SAML response -> inResponseTo element as session identifier

            moaSessionID = authnResponse.getInResponseTo();
            moaSessionID = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(moaSessionID);

            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(moaSessionID)) {
                //No authentication session has been started before
                Logger.error("MOA-SessionID was not found, no previous AuthnRequest had been started");
                Logger.debug("PEPSConnectorURL was: " + request.getRequestURL());
                throw new AuthenticationException("auth.02", new Object[] { moaSessionID });

            } else
                        "Use MOA SessionID " + moaSessionID + " from AuthnResponse->inResponseTo attribute.");

        } else
            //Logger.trace("MOA SessionID " + moaSessionID + " is found in http GET parameter.");
            Logger.trace("MOA SessionID " + moaSessionID + " is found in SAML2 relayState.");

         * SAML message IDs has an different format then MOASessionIDs
         * This is only a workaround because many PEPS does not support SAML2 relayState or
         * MOASessionID as AttributConsumerServiceURL GET parameter
        //            if (!ParamValidatorUtils.isValidSessionID(moaSessionID))
        //                throw new WrongParametersException("VerifyAuthenticationBlock", PARAM_SESSIONID, "auth.12");

        pendingRequestID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.getPendingRequestID(moaSessionID);

        //load MOASession from database
        AuthenticationSession moaSession = AuthenticationServer.getSession(moaSessionID);
        //change MOASessionID
        moaSessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(moaSession);

        Logger.info("Found MOA sessionID: " + moaSessionID);

        String statusCodeValue = authnResponse.getStatusCode();

        if (!statusCodeValue.equals(StatusCode.SUCCESS_URI)) {
            Logger.error("Received ErrorResponse from PEPS: " + statusCodeValue);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.06", new Object[] { statusCodeValue });

        Logger.info("Got SAML response with authentication success message.");

        Logger.debug("MOA session is still valid");

        STORKAuthnRequest storkAuthnRequest = moaSession.getStorkAuthnRequest();

        if (storkAuthnRequest == null) {
                    "Could not find any preceeding STORK AuthnRequest to this MOA session: " + moaSessionID);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.07", null);

        Logger.debug("Found a preceeding STORK AuthnRequest to this MOA session: " + moaSessionID);

        ////////////// incorporate gender from parameters if not in stork response

        IPersonalAttributeList attributeList = authnResponse.getPersonalAttributeList();

        // but first, check if we have a representation case
        if (STORKResponseProcessor.hasAttribute("mandateContent", attributeList)
                || STORKResponseProcessor.hasAttribute("representative", attributeList)
                || STORKResponseProcessor.hasAttribute("represented", attributeList)) {
            // in a representation case...

            // and check if we have the gender value
            PersonalAttribute gender = attributeList.get("gender");
            if (null == gender) {
                String gendervalue = (String) request.getParameter("gender");
                if (null != gendervalue) {
                    gender = new PersonalAttribute();
                    ArrayList<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>();



        Logger.debug("Starting extraction of signedDoc attribute");
        //extract signed doc element and citizen signature
        String citizenSignature = null;
        try {
            PersonalAttribute signedDoc = authnResponse.getPersonalAttributeList().get("signedDoc");
            String signatureInfo = null;
            if (signedDoc != null) {
                signatureInfo = signedDoc.getValue().get(0);
                //should not occur
            } else {

                //store SAMLResponse
                //store authnResponse

                //moaSession.setAuthnResponse(authnResponse);//not serializable

                String authnContextClassRef = null;
                try {
                    authnContextClassRef = authnResponse.getAssertions().get(0).getAuthnStatements().get(0)
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                            "STORK QAA-Level is not found in AuthnResponse. Set QAA Level to requested level");


                //load signedDoc
                String signRequest = moaSession.getSignedDoc();

                //session is implicit stored in changeSessionID!!!!
                String newMOASessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(moaSession);

                //set return url to PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet and add newMOASessionID 

                String issuerValue = AuthConfigurationProvider.getInstance().getPublicURLPrefix();
                String acsURL = issuerValue
                        + PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet.PEPSCONNECTOR_SERVLET_URL_PATTERN;

                String url = acsURL + "?moaSessionID=" + newMOASessionID;
                //redirect to OASIS module and sign there

                boolean found = false;
                try {
                    List<AttributeProviderPlugin> aps = AuthConfigurationProvider.getInstance()
                    Logger.info("Found AttributeProviderPlugins:" + aps.size());
                    for (AttributeProviderPlugin ap : aps) {
                        Logger.info("Found AttributeProviderPlugin attribute:" + ap.getAttributes());
                        if (ap.getAttributes().equalsIgnoreCase("signedDoc")) {
                            // FIXME[tlenz]: A servlet's class field is not thread safe.
                            oasisDssWebFormURL = ap.getUrl();
                            found = true;
                            Logger.info("Loaded signedDoc attribute provider url from config:"
                                    + oasisDssWebFormURL);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Logger.error("Loading the signedDoc attribute provider url from config failed");
                if (!found) {
                    Logger.error("Failed to load the signedDoc attribute provider url from config");
                performRedirect(url, request, response, signRequest);

            SignResponse dssSignResponse = (SignResponse) ApiUtils
                    .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new java.io.StringReader(signatureInfo)));

            citizenSignature = getCitizienSignatureFromSignResponse(dssSignResponse);

            // memorize signature into authblock

            X509Certificate cert = getSignerCertificate(citizenSignature);

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            Logger.error("Could not extract citizen signature from C-PEPS", e);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.09", null);

        try {
            SZRGInsertion(moaSession, authnResponse.getPersonalAttributeList(),
        } catch (STORKException e) {
            // this is really nasty but we work against the system here. We are supposed to get the gender attribute from
            // stork. If we do not, we cannot register the person in the ERnP - we have to have the
            // gender for the represented person. So here comes the dirty hack. 
            if (e.getCause() instanceof STORKException
                    && e.getCause().getMessage().equals("gender not found in response")) {
                try {
                    Logger.trace("Initialize VelocityEngine...");

                    VelocityEngine velocityEngine = VelocityProvider.getClassPathVelocityEngine();
                    Template template = velocityEngine.getTemplate("/resources/templates/fetchGender.html");
                    VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
                    context.put("SAMLResponse", request.getParameter("SAMLResponse"));
                    context.put("action", request.getRequestURL());

                    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                    template.merge(context, writer);

                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    Logger.error("Error sending gender retrival form.", e1);
                    //                  httpSession.invalidate();
                    throw new MOAIDException("stork.10", null);


            Logger.error("Error connecting SZR Gateway", e);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.10", null);

        Logger.debug("Add full STORK AuthnResponse to MOA session");
        moaSession.setStorkAuthnResponse(request.getParameter("SAMLResponse"));//TODO ask Florian/Thomas authnResponse?

        //session is implicit stored in changeSessionID!!!!
        String newMOASessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(moaSession);

        Logger.info("Changed MOASession " + moaSessionID + " to Session " + newMOASessionID);

        String redirectURL = null;
        redirectURL = new DataURLBuilder().buildDataURL(moaSession.getAuthURL(),
                ModulUtils.buildAuthURL(moaSession.getModul(), moaSession.getAction(), pendingRequestID),
        redirectURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirectURL);

        response.addHeader("Location", redirectURL);
        Logger.info("REDIRECT TO: " + redirectURL);

    } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
        handleError(null, e, request, response, pendingRequestID);

    } catch (MOAIDException e) {
        handleError(null, e, request, response, pendingRequestID);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("PEPSConnector has an interal Error.", e);

    finally {


From source file:org.akaza.openclinica.control.submit.DataEntryServlet.java

protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    //JN:The following were the the global variables, moved as local.
    locale = LocaleResolver.getLocale(request);
    EventCRFBean ecb = (EventCRFBean) request.getAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF);
    SectionBean sb = (SectionBean) request.getAttribute(SECTION_BEAN);
    ItemDataDAO iddao = new ItemDataDAO(getDataSource(), locale);
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    StudyBean currentStudy = (StudyBean) session.getAttribute("study");
    StudyUserRoleBean currentRole = (StudyUserRoleBean) session.getAttribute("userRole");
    SectionDAO sdao = new SectionDAO(getDataSource());
    /**//from   w  ww.  j  a  va2s. c  om
     * Determines whether the form was submitted. Calculated once in processRequest. The reason we don't use the normal means to determine if the form was
     * submitted (ie FormProcessor.isSubmitted) is because when we use forwardPage, Java confuses the inputs from the just-processed form with the inputs for
     * the forwarded-to page. This is a problem since frequently we're forwarding from one (submitted) section to the next (unsubmitted) section. If we use the
     * normal means, Java will always think that the unsubmitted section is, in fact, submitted. This member is guaranteed to be calculated before
     * shouldLoadDBValues() is called.
    boolean isSubmitted = false;
    boolean hasGroup = false;

    EventCRFDAO ecdao = null;
    FormProcessor fp = new FormProcessor(request);
    logMe("Enterting DataEntry Servlet" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    EventDefinitionCRFDAO edcdao = new EventDefinitionCRFDAO(getDataSource());

    FormDiscrepancyNotes discNotes;

    String age = "";
    UserAccountBean ub = (UserAccountBean) request.getSession().getAttribute(USER_BEAN_NAME);
    String instantAtt = CV_INSTANT_META + ecb.getCRFVersionId();

    //for 11958: repeating groups rows appear if validation returns to the same section
    int isFirstTimeOnSection = fp.getInt("isFirstTimeOnSection");
    request.setAttribute("isFirstTimeOnSection", isFirstTimeOnSection + "");

    if (fp.getString(GO_EXIT).equals("") && !isSubmitted && fp.getString("tabId").equals("")
            && fp.getString("sectionId").equals("")) {
        //HashMap unavailableCRF = getUnavailableCRFList();
        if (getCrfLocker().isLocked(ecb.getId())) {
            int userId = getCrfLocker().getLockOwner(ecb.getId());
            UserAccountDAO udao = new UserAccountDAO(getDataSource());
            UserAccountBean ubean = (UserAccountBean) udao.findByPK(userId);
            addPageMessage(resword.getString("CRF_unavailable") + " " + ubean.getName() + " "
                    + resword.getString("Currently_entering_data") + " " + resword.getString("Leave_the_CRF"),

            forwardPage(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, request, response);
        } else {
            getCrfLocker().lock(ecb.getId(), ub.getId());

    if (!ecb.isActive()) {
        throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET,

    logMe("Enterting DataEntry Get the status/number of item discrepancy notes" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // Get the status/number of item discrepancy notes
    DiscrepancyNoteDAO dndao = new DiscrepancyNoteDAO(getDataSource());
    ArrayList<DiscrepancyNoteBean> allNotes = new ArrayList<DiscrepancyNoteBean>();
    List<DiscrepancyNoteBean> eventCrfNotes = new ArrayList<DiscrepancyNoteBean>();
    List<DiscrepancyNoteThread> noteThreads = new ArrayList<DiscrepancyNoteThread>();
    // BWP: this try block is not necessary try {
    dndao = new DiscrepancyNoteDAO(getDataSource());
    allNotes = dndao.findAllTopNotesByEventCRF(ecb.getId());
    eventCrfNotes = dndao.findOnlyParentEventCRFDNotesFromEventCRF(ecb);
    if (!eventCrfNotes.isEmpty()) {

    logMe("Entering DataEntry Create disc note threads out of the various notes" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // Create disc note threads out of the various notes
    DiscrepancyNoteUtil dNoteUtil = new DiscrepancyNoteUtil();
    noteThreads = dNoteUtil.createThreadsOfParents(allNotes, getDataSource(), currentStudy, null, -1, true);
    // variables that provide values for the CRF discrepancy note header
    int updatedNum = 0;
    int openNum = 0;
    int closedNum = 0;
    int resolvedNum = 0;
    int notAppNum = 0;
    DiscrepancyNoteBean tempBean;

    for (DiscrepancyNoteThread dnThread : noteThreads) {
         * 3014: do not count parent beans, only the last child disc note of the thread.
        tempBean = dnThread.getLinkedNoteList().getLast();
        if (tempBean != null) {
            if (ResolutionStatus.UPDATED.equals(tempBean.getResStatus())) {
            } else if (ResolutionStatus.OPEN.equals(tempBean.getResStatus())) {
            } else if (ResolutionStatus.CLOSED.equals(tempBean.getResStatus())) {
                // if (dn.getParentDnId() > 0){
                // }
            } else if (ResolutionStatus.RESOLVED.equals(tempBean.getResStatus())) {
                // if (dn.getParentDnId() > 0){
                // }
            } else if (ResolutionStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE.equals(tempBean.getResStatus())) {

    logMe("Entering DataEntry Create disc note threads out of the various notes DONE"
            + System.currentTimeMillis());
    request.setAttribute("updatedNum", updatedNum + "");
    request.setAttribute("openNum", openNum + "");
    request.setAttribute("closedNum", closedNum + "");
    request.setAttribute("resolvedNum", resolvedNum + "");
    request.setAttribute("notAppNum", notAppNum + "");

    String fromViewNotes = fp.getString("fromViewNotes");
    if (fromViewNotes != null && "1".equals(fromViewNotes)) {
        request.setAttribute("fromViewNotes", fromViewNotes);

    logMe("Entering Create studySubjDao.. ++++stuff" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    StudySubjectDAO ssdao = new StudySubjectDAO(getDataSource());
    StudySubjectBean ssb = (StudySubjectBean) ssdao.findByPK(ecb.getStudySubjectId());
    // YW 11-07-2007, data entry could not be performed if its study subject
    // has been removed.
    // Notice: ViewSectionDataEntryServelet, ViewSectionDataEntryPreview,
    // PrintCRFServlet and PrintDataEntryServlet, have theirs own
    // processRequest
    Status s = ssb.getStatus();
    if ("removed".equalsIgnoreCase(s.getName()) || "auto-removed".equalsIgnoreCase(s.getName())) {
                + respage.getString("study_subject_has_been_deleted"), request);
        request.setAttribute("id", new Integer(ecb.getStudySubjectId()).toString());
        forwardPage(Page.VIEW_STUDY_SUBJECT_SERVLET, request, response);
    // YW >>

    HashMap<String, String> newUploadedFiles = (HashMap<String, String>) session
    if (newUploadedFiles == null) {
        newUploadedFiles = new HashMap<String, String>();
    request.setAttribute("newUploadedFiles", newUploadedFiles);
    if (!fp.getString("exitTo").equals("")) {
        request.setAttribute("exitTo", fp.getString("exitTo"));
    //some EVENT CRF CHECK
    logMe("Entering some EVENT CRF CHECK" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    if (!fp.getString(GO_EXIT).equals("")) {
        //Removing the user and EventCRF from the locked CRF List
        if (newUploadedFiles.size() > 0) {
            if (this.unloadFiles(newUploadedFiles)) {

            } else {
                String missed = "";
                Iterator iter = newUploadedFiles.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    missed += " " + newUploadedFiles.get(iter.next());
                addPageMessage(respage.getString("uploaded_files_not_deleted_or_not_exist") + ": " + missed,
        addPageMessage(respage.getString("exit_without_saving"), request);
        // addPageMessage("You chose to exit the data entry page.");
        // changed bu jxu 03/06/2007- we should use redirection to go to
        // another servlet
        if (fromViewNotes != null && "1".equals(fromViewNotes)) {
            String viewNotesURL = (String) session.getAttribute("viewNotesURL");
            if (viewNotesURL != null && viewNotesURL.length() > 0) {
        String fromResolvingNotes = fp.getString("fromResolvingNotes", true);
        String winLocation = (String) session.getAttribute(ViewNotesServlet.WIN_LOCATION);
        if (!StringUtil.isBlank(fromResolvingNotes) && !StringUtil.isBlank(winLocation)) {
        } else {
            if (!fp.getString("exitTo").equals("")) {
            } else
        // forwardPage(Page.SUBMIT_DATA_SERVLET);
    logMe("Entering some EVENT CRF CHECK DONE" + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // checks if the section has items in item group
    // for repeating items
    // hasGroup = getInputBeans();
    hasGroup = checkGroups(fp, ecb);

    Boolean b = (Boolean) request.getAttribute(INPUT_IGNORE_PARAMETERS);
    isSubmitted = fp.isSubmitted() && b == null;
    // variable is used for fetching any null values like "not applicable"
    int eventDefinitionCRFId = 0;
    if (fp != null) {
        eventDefinitionCRFId = fp.getInt("eventDefinitionCRFId");

    StudyBean study = (StudyBean) session.getAttribute("study");
    // constructs the list of items used on UI
    // tbh>>
    // logger.trace("trying event def crf id: "+eventDefinitionCRFId);
    logMe("Entering some EVENT DEF CRF CHECK " + System.currentTimeMillis());

    if (eventDefinitionCRFId <= 0) {
        // TODO we have to get that id before we can continue
        EventDefinitionCRFBean edcBean = edcdao.findByStudyEventIdAndCRFVersionId(study, ecb.getStudyEventId(),
        eventDefinitionCRFId = edcBean.getId();

    logMe("Entering some EVENT DEF CRF CHECK DONE " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    logMe("Entering some Study EVENT DEF CRF CHECK  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    StudyEventDAO seDao = new StudyEventDAO(getDataSource());
    EventDefinitionCRFBean edcBean = (EventDefinitionCRFBean) edcdao.findByPK(eventDefinitionCRFId);
    EventDefinitionCRFBean edcb = (EventDefinitionCRFBean) edcdao.findByPK(eventDefinitionCRFId);
    request.setAttribute(EVENT_DEF_CRF_BEAN, edcb);//JN:Putting the event_def_crf_bean in the request attribute.

    StudyEventBean studyEventBean = (StudyEventBean) seDao.findByPK(ecb.getStudyEventId());

    StudyEventDefinitionDAO seddao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(getDataSource());
    StudyEventDefinitionBean studyEventDefinition = (StudyEventDefinitionBean) seddao

    CRFVersionDAO cvdao = new CRFVersionDAO(getDataSource());
    CRFVersionBean crfVersionBean = (CRFVersionBean) cvdao.findByPK(ecb.getCRFVersionId());

    Phase phase2 = Phase.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY;
    if (getServletPage(request).equals(Page.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY_SERVLET)) {
        phase2 = Phase.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY;
    } else if (getServletPage(request).equals(Page.ADMIN_EDIT_SERVLET)) {
        phase2 = Phase.ADMIN_EDITING;
    logMe("Entering ruleSets::: CreateAndInitializeRuleSet:::" + Thread.currentThread());
    logMe("Entering ruleSets::: CreateAndInitializeRuleSet:::" + Thread.currentThread() + "currentStudy?"
            + currentStudy + "studyEventDefinition" + studyEventDefinition + "crfVersionBean" + crfVersionBean
            + "studyEventBean" + studyEventBean + "ecb" + ecb);
    //  List<RuleSetBean> ruleSets = createAndInitializeRuleSet(currentStudy, studyEventDefinition, crfVersionBean, studyEventBean, ecb, true, request, response);
    // boolean shouldRunRules = getRuleSetService(request).shouldRunRulesForRuleSets(ruleSets, phase2);
    logMe("Entering getDisplayBean:::::Thread::::" + Thread.currentThread());
    DisplaySectionBean section = getDisplayBean(hasGroup, false, request, isSubmitted);
    //hasSCDItem has been initialized in getDisplayBean() which is online above

    VariableSubstitutionHelper.replaceVariables(section, study, ssb, studyEventDefinition, studyEventBean,

    if (section.getSection().hasSCDItem()) {
        SimpleConditionalDisplayService cds0 = (SimpleConditionalDisplayService) SpringServletAccess
        section = cds0.initConditionalDisplays(section);
    logMe("Entering  Find out the id of the section's first field " + System.currentTimeMillis());

    // 2790: Find out the id of the section's first field
    String firstFieldId = getSectionFirstFieldId(section.getSection().getId());
    request.setAttribute("formFirstField", firstFieldId);

    // logger.trace("now trying event def crf id: "+eventDefinitionCRFId);
    // above is necessary to give us null values during DDE
    // ironically, this only covers vertical null value result sets
    // horizontal ones are covered in FormBeanUtil, tbh 112007
    logMe("Entering  displayItemWithGroups " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    //@pgawade 30-May-2012 Fix for issue 13963 - added an extra parameter 'isSubmitted' to method createItemWithGroups
    List<DisplayItemWithGroupBean> displayItemWithGroups = createItemWithGroups(section, hasGroup,
            eventDefinitionCRFId, request, isSubmitted);
    logMe("Entering  displayItemWithGroups end " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            section.getSection().getId(), ecb);
    DisplayTableOfContentsBean toc = TableOfContentsServlet.getDisplayBeanWithShownSections(getDataSource(),
            (DisplayTableOfContentsBean) request.getAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY),
            (DynamicsMetadataService) SpringServletAccess.getApplicationContext(getServletContext())
    request.setAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY, toc);
    LinkedList<Integer> sectionIdsInToc = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIdsInToc(toc);

    // why do we get previousSec and nextSec here, rather than in
    // getDisplayBeans?
    // so that we can use them in forwarding the user to the previous/next
    // section
    // if the validation was successful
    logMe("Entering  displayItemWithGroups sdao.findPrevious  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    int sIndex = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIndexInToc(section.getSection(), toc, sectionIdsInToc);
    SectionBean previousSec = this.prevSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);
    logMe("Entering  displayItemWithGroups sdao.findPrevious  end " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    SectionBean nextSec = this.nextSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);

    // this is for generating side info panel
    // and the information panel under the Title
    SubjectDAO subjectDao = new SubjectDAO(getDataSource());
    StudyDAO studydao = new StudyDAO(getDataSource());
    SubjectBean subject = (SubjectBean) subjectDao.findByPK(ssb.getSubjectId());

    // Get the study then the parent study
    logMe("Entering  Get the study then the parent study   " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    if (study.getParentStudyId() > 0) {
        // this is a site,find parent
        StudyBean parentStudy = (StudyBean) studydao.findByPK(study.getParentStudyId());
        request.setAttribute("studyTitle", parentStudy.getName());
        request.setAttribute("siteTitle", study.getName());
    } else {
        request.setAttribute("studyTitle", study.getName());

    logMe("Entering  Get the study then the parent study end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    // Let us process the age
    if (currentStudy.getStudyParameterConfig().getCollectDob().equals("1")) {
        // YW 11-16-2007 erollment-date is used for calculating age.
        Date enrollmentDate = ssb.getEnrollmentDate();
        age = Utils.getInstacne().processAge(enrollmentDate, subject.getDateOfBirth());
    //ArrayList beans = ViewStudySubjectServlet.getDisplayStudyEventsForStudySubject(ssb, getDataSource(), ub, currentRole);
    request.setAttribute("studySubject", ssb);
    request.setAttribute("subject", subject);
    //request.setAttribute("beans", beans);
    request.setAttribute("eventCRF", ecb);
    request.setAttribute("age", age);
            ((SecurityManager) SpringServletAccess.getApplicationContext(getServletContext())
                    .getBean("securityManager")).encrytPassword("root", getUserDetails()));

    // set up interviewer name and date
    fp.addPresetValue(INPUT_INTERVIEWER, ecb.getInterviewerName());

    if (ecb.getDateInterviewed() != null) {
        DateFormat local_df = new SimpleDateFormat(resformat.getString("date_format_string"),
        String idateFormatted = local_df.format(ecb.getDateInterviewed());
        fp.addPresetValue(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE, idateFormatted);
    } else {
        fp.addPresetValue(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE, "");
    setPresetValues(fp.getPresetValues(), request);
    logMe("Entering Checks !submitted  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    if (!isSubmitted) {
        // TODO: prevent data enterer from seeing results of first round of
        // data
        // entry, if this is second round
        logMe("Entering Checks !submitted entered  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
        request.setAttribute(BEAN_DISPLAY, section);
        request.setAttribute(BEAN_ANNOTATIONS, getEventCRFAnnotations(request));
        session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", null);
        session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", null);
        session.setAttribute(DataEntryServlet.NOTE_SUBMITTED, null);

        discNotes = new FormDiscrepancyNotes();

        //            discNotes = (FormDiscrepancyNotes) session.getAttribute(AddNewSubjectServlet.FORM_DISCREPANCY_NOTES_NAME);
        //            if (discNotes == null) {
        //                discNotes = new FormDiscrepancyNotes();
        //            }
        // << tbh 01/2010

        section = populateNotesWithDBNoteCounts(discNotes, section, request);
        populateInstantOnChange(request.getSession(), ecb, section);
                "+++ just ran populateNotes, printing field notes: " + discNotes.getFieldNotes().toString());
        LOGGER.debug("found disc notes: " + discNotes.getNumExistingFieldNotes().toString());
        session.setAttribute(AddNewSubjectServlet.FORM_DISCREPANCY_NOTES_NAME, discNotes);

        if (section.getSection().hasSCDItem()) {
            section = SCDItemDisplayInfo.generateSCDDisplayInfo(section,
                            || this.getServletPage(request).equals(Page.ADMIN_EDIT_SERVLET)
                                    && !this.isAdminForcedReasonForChange(request));

        int keyId = ecb.getId();
        session.removeAttribute(DoubleDataEntryServlet.COUNT_VALIDATE + keyId);

        if (newUploadedFiles.size() > 0) {
            if (this.unloadFiles(newUploadedFiles)) {

            } else {
                String missed = "";
                Iterator iter = newUploadedFiles.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    missed += " " + newUploadedFiles.get(iter.next());
                addPageMessage(respage.getString("uploaded_files_not_deleted_or_not_exist") + ": " + missed,
        logMe("Entering Checks !submitted entered end forwarding page " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        logMe("Time Took for this block" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t));
        forwardPage(getJSPPage(), request, response);
    } else {
        logMe("Entering Checks !submitted not entered  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        // If validation is required for this round, we will go through
        // each item and add an appropriate validation to the Validator
        // Otherwise, we will just load the data into the DisplayItemBean
        // so that we can write to the database later.
        // Validation is required if two conditions are met:
        // 1. The user clicked a "Save" button, not a "Confirm" button
        // 2. In this type of data entry servlet, when the user clicks
        // a Save button, the inputs are validated

        boolean validate = fp.getBoolean(INPUT_CHECK_INPUTS) && validateInputOnFirstRound();
        // did the user click a "Save" button?
        // is validation required in this type of servlet when the user
        // clicks
        // "Save"?
        // We can conclude that the user is trying to save data; therefore,
        // set a request
        // attribute indicating that default values for items shouldn't be
        // displayed
        // in the application UI that will subsequently be displayed
        // TODO: find a better, less random place for this
        // session.setAttribute(HAS_DATA_FLAG, true);

        // section.setCheckInputs(fp.getBoolean(INPUT_CHECK_INPUTS));
        errors = new HashMap();
        // ArrayList items = section.getItems();

        discNotes = (FormDiscrepancyNotes) session
        if (discNotes == null) {
            discNotes = new FormDiscrepancyNotes();

        // populateNotesWithDBNoteCounts(discNotes, section);

        // all items- inlcude items in item groups and other single items
        List<DisplayItemWithGroupBean> allItems = section.getDisplayItemGroups();
        String attachedFilePath = Utils.getAttachedFilePath(currentStudy);

        DiscrepancyValidator v = new DiscrepancyValidator(request, discNotes);
        RuleValidator ruleValidator = new RuleValidator(request);
        LOGGER.debug("SZE 1  :: " + allItems.size());
        logMe("Looping inside !submitted  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            LOGGER.trace("===itering through items: " + i);
            DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwg = allItems.get(i);
            if (diwg.isInGroup()) {
                // for the items in groups
                DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = diwg.getItemGroup();
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dbGroups = diwg.getDbItemGroups();
                //dbGroups = diwg.getItemGroups();
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> formGroups = new ArrayList<DisplayItemGroupBean>();
                LOGGER.debug("got db item group size " + dbGroups.size());

                if (validate) {
                    // int manualGroups = getManualRows(dbGroups2);
                    // logger.debug("+++ found manual rows from db group 2: " + manualGroups);
                    LOGGER.debug("===IF VALIDATE NOT A SINGLE ITEM: got to this part in the validation loop: "
                            + dgb.getGroupMetaBean().getName());
                    // TODO next marker tbh 112007
                    // formGroups = validateDisplayItemGroupBean(v,
                    // dgb,dbGroups, formGroups,
                    // ruleValidator,groupOrdinalPLusItemOid);
                    formGroups = validateDisplayItemGroupBean(v, dgb, dbGroups, formGroups, request, response);
                    LOGGER.debug("form group size after validation " + formGroups.size());
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("+++ELSE NOT A SINGLE ITEM: got to this part in the validation loop: "
                            + dgb.getGroupMetaBean().getName());
                    formGroups = loadFormValueForItemGroup(dgb, dbGroups, formGroups, eventDefinitionCRFId,
                    LOGGER.debug("form group size without validation " + formGroups.size());


                allItems.set(i, diwg);

            } else {// other single items
                DisplayItemBean dib = diwg.getSingleItem();
                // dib = (DisplayItemBean) allItems.get(i);
                if (validate) {
                    // generate input name here?
                    // DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = diwg.getItemGroup();
                    String itemName = getInputName(dib);
                    // no Item group for single item, so just use blank
                    // string as parameter for inputName

                    dib = validateDisplayItemBean(v, dib, "", request);// this
                    // should be
                    // used,
                    // otherwise,
                    // DDE not
                    // working-jxu

                    LOGGER.debug("&&& found name: " + itemName);
                    LOGGER.debug("input VALIDATE " + itemName + ": " + fp.getString(itemName));
                    // dib.loadFormValue(fp.getString(itemName));
                    LOGGER.debug("input " + itemName + " has a response set of "
                            + dib.getMetadata().getResponseSet().getOptions().size() + " options");
                } else {
                    String itemName = getInputName(dib);
                    LOGGER.debug("input NONVALIDATE " + itemName + ": " + fp.getString(itemName));
                    // dib.loadFormValue(itemName);
                    dib = loadFormValue(dib, request);
                    // String itemName = getInputName(dib);
                    // dib = loadFormValue(itemName);

                ArrayList children = dib.getChildren();
                for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemBean child = (DisplayItemBean) children.get(j);
                    // DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = diwg.getItemGroup();
                    String itemName = getInputName(child);
                    if (validate) {
                        // child = validateDisplayItemBean(v, child,
                        // itemName, ruleValidator, groupOrdinalPLusItemOid,
                        // false);
                        child = validateDisplayItemBean(v, child, itemName, request);
                        // was null changed value 092007 tbh
                    } else {
                        // child.loadFormValue(itemName);
                        child = loadFormValue(child, request);
                    LOGGER.debug("Checking child value for " + itemName + ": " + child.getData().getValue());
                    children.set(j, child);

                diwg.setSingleItem(runDynamicsItemCheck(dib, null, request));
                // logger.trace("just set single item on line 447:
                // "+dib.getData().getValue());
                // items.set(i, dib);
                LOGGER.debug(" I : " + i);
                allItems.set(i, diwg);

        logMe("Loop ended  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        //JN: This is the list that contains all the scd-shown items.
        List<ItemBean> itemBeansWithSCDShown = new ArrayList<ItemBean>();
        if (validate && section.getSection().hasSCDItem()) {
            logMe(" Validate and Loop  " + System.currentTimeMillis());

            for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); ++i) {
                DisplayItemBean dib = allItems.get(i).getSingleItem();
                ItemFormMetadataBean ifmb = dib.getMetadata();
                if (ifmb.getParentId() == 0) {
                    if (dib.getScdData().getScdSetsForControl().size() > 0) {
                        //for control item
                        //dib has to loadFormValue first. Here loadFormValue has been done in validateDisplayItemBean(v, dib, "")
                                .conditionalDisplayToBeShown(dib, section.getShowSCDItemIds()));
                    if (dib.getScdData().getScdItemMetadataBean().getScdItemFormMetadataId() > 0) {
                        //for scd item
                        //a control item is always before its scd item
                        if (dib.getIsSCDtoBeShown())

                        validateSCDItemBean(v, dib);
                    ArrayList<DisplayItemBean> children = dib.getChildren();
                    for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {
                        DisplayItemBean child = children.get(j);
                        if (child.getScdData().getScdSetsForControl().size() > 0) {
                            //for control item
                            //dib has to loadFormValue first. Here loadFormValue has been done in validateDisplayItemBean(v, dib, "")
                                    .conditionalDisplayToBeShown(child, section.getShowSCDItemIds()));
                        if (child.getScdData().getScdItemMetadataBean().getScdItemFormMetadataId() > 0) {
                            //for scd item
                            //a control item is always before its scd item
                            if (child.getIsSCDtoBeShown())
                            validateSCDItemBean(v, child);
            logMe(" Validate and Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        logMe(" Validate and Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        //JN:calling again here, for the items with simple conditional display and rules.
        List<RuleSetBean> ruleSets = createAndInitializeRuleSet(currentStudy, studyEventDefinition,
                crfVersionBean, studyEventBean, ecb, true, request, response, itemBeansWithSCDShown);
        boolean shouldRunRules = getRuleSetService(request).shouldRunRulesForRuleSets(ruleSets, phase2);

        // this.getItemMetadataService().resetItemCounter();
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> groupOrdinalPLusItemOid = null;
        groupOrdinalPLusItemOid = runRules(allItems, ruleSets, true, shouldRunRules, MessageType.ERROR, phase2,
                ecb, request);

        logMe("allItems  Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwg = allItems.get(i);
            if (diwg.isInGroup()) {
                // for the items in groups
                DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = diwg.getItemGroup();
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dbGroups = diwg.getDbItemGroups();
                //dbGroups = diwg.getItemGroups();
                // tbh 01/2010 change the group list?
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> formGroups = new ArrayList<DisplayItemGroupBean>();
                // List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dbGroups2 = loadFormValueForItemGroup(dgb, dbGroups, formGroups, eventDefinitionCRFId);
                // jxu- this part need to be refined, why need to validate
                // items again?
                if (validate) {
                    // int manualGroups = getManualRows(dbGroups2);
                    // logger.debug("+++ found manual rows for db group2: " + manualGroups);
                    formGroups = validateDisplayItemGroupBean(v, dgb, dbGroups, formGroups, ruleValidator,
                            groupOrdinalPLusItemOid, request, response);
                    // formGroups = validateDisplayItemGroupBean(v, dgb,
                    // dbGroups, formGroups);
                    LOGGER.debug("*** form group size after validation " + formGroups.size());

                allItems.set(i, diwg);

            } else {// other single items
                DisplayItemBean dib = diwg.getSingleItem();
                // dib = (DisplayItemBean) allItems.get(i);
                if (validate) {
                    String itemName = getInputName(dib);
                    dib = validateDisplayItemBean(v, dib, "", ruleValidator, groupOrdinalPLusItemOid, false,
                            null, request);//
                    // / dib = validateDisplayItemBean(v, dib, "");// this
                ArrayList children = dib.getChildren();
                for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {

                    DisplayItemBean child = (DisplayItemBean) children.get(j);
                    // DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = diwg.getItemGroup();
                    String itemName = getInputName(child);
                    if (validate) {
                        child = validateDisplayItemBean(v, child, "", ruleValidator, groupOrdinalPLusItemOid,
                                false, null, request);
                        // child = validateDisplayItemBean(v, child,
                        // itemName);
                    children.set(j, child);
                    LOGGER.debug(" J (children): " + j);

                diwg.setSingleItem(runDynamicsItemCheck(dib, null, request));
                LOGGER.debug(" I : " + i);
                allItems.set(i, diwg);
        logMe("allItems  Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        // YW, 2-1-2008 <<
        // A map from item name to item bean object.
        HashMap<String, ItemBean> scoreItems = new HashMap<String, ItemBean>();
        HashMap<String, String> scoreItemdata = new HashMap<String, String>();
        HashMap<String, ItemDataBean> oldItemdata = prepareSectionItemdataObject(sb.getId(), request);
        // hold all item names of changed ItemBean in current section
        TreeSet<String> changedItems = new TreeSet<String>();
        // holds complete disply item beans for checking against 'request
        // for change' restriction
        ArrayList<DisplayItemBean> changedItemsList = new ArrayList<DisplayItemBean>();
        // key is repeating item name, value is its display item group bean
        HashMap<String, DisplayItemGroupBean> changedItemsMap = new HashMap<String, DisplayItemGroupBean>();
        // key is itemid, value is set of itemdata-ordinal
        HashMap<Integer, TreeSet<Integer>> itemOrdinals = prepareItemdataOrdinals(request);

        // prepare item data for scoring
        scoreItems = prepareScoreItems(request);
        scoreItemdata = prepareScoreItemdata(request);
        logMe("allItems 2 Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwb = allItems.get(i);
            if (diwb.isInGroup()) {
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dbGroups = diwb.getDbItemGroups();
                for (int j = 0; j < dbGroups.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = dbGroups.get(j);
                    List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();
                    if ("remove".equalsIgnoreCase(displayGroup.getEditFlag())) {
                        for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                            int itemId = displayItem.getItem().getId();
                            int ordinal = displayItem.getData().getOrdinal();
                            if (itemOrdinals.containsKey(itemId)) {
                            if (scoreItemdata.containsKey(itemId + "_" + ordinal)) {
                                scoreItemdata.remove(itemId + "_" + ordinal);

                            String formName = displayItem.getItem().getName();
                            // logger.debug("SET: formName:" + formName);
                            if (displayGroup.isAuto()) {
                                formName = getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);

                                LOGGER.debug("GET: changed formName to " + formName);

                            } else {
                                formName = getGroupItemManualInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);
                                LOGGER.debug("GET-MANUAL: changed formName to " + formName);
                            changedItemsMap.put(formName, displayGroup);
                            LOGGER.debug("adding to changed items map: " + formName);

                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dgbs = diwb.getItemGroups();
                int groupsize = dgbs.size();
                HashMap<Integer, Integer> maxOrdinals = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                boolean first = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < dgbs.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = dgbs.get(j);
                    List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();
                    boolean isAdd = "add".equalsIgnoreCase(displayGroup.getEditFlag()) ? true : false;
                    for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                        ItemBean ib = displayItem.getItem();
                        String itemName = ib.getName();
                        int itemId = ib.getId();
                        if (first) {
                                    iddao.getMaxOrdinalForGroup(ecb, sb, displayGroup.getItemGroupBean()));
                        ItemDataBean idb = displayItem.getData();
                        String value = idb.getValue();
                        scoreItems.put(itemName, ib);
                        int ordinal = displayItem.getData().getOrdinal();
                        if (isAdd && scoreItemdata.containsKey(itemId + "_" + ordinal)) {
                            int formMax = 1;
                            if (maxOrdinals.containsKey(itemId)) {
                                formMax = maxOrdinals.get(itemId);
                            int dbMax = iddao.getMaxOrdinalForGroup(ecb, sb, displayGroup.getItemGroupBean());
                            ordinal = ordinal >= dbMax ? formMax + 1 : ordinal;
                            maxOrdinals.put(itemId, ordinal);
                            scoreItemdata.put(itemId + "_" + ordinal, value);
                        } else {
                            scoreItemdata.put(itemId + "_" + ordinal, value);
                        if (itemOrdinals.containsKey(itemId)) {
                        } else {
                            TreeSet<Integer> ordinalSet = new TreeSet<Integer>();
                            itemOrdinals.put(itemId, ordinalSet);
                        if (isChanged(displayItem, oldItemdata, attachedFilePath)) {
                            String formName = displayItem.getItem().getName();
                            // logger.debug("SET: formName:" + formName);
                            if (displayGroup.isAuto()) {
                                formName = getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);
                                LOGGER.debug("RESET: formName group-item-input:" + formName);

                            } else {
                                formName = getGroupItemManualInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);
                                LOGGER.debug("RESET: formName group-item-input-manual:" + formName);
                            changedItemsMap.put(formName, displayGroup);
                            LOGGER.debug("adding to changed items map: " + formName);
                    first = false;
            } else {
                DisplayItemBean dib = diwb.getSingleItem();
                ItemBean ib = dib.getItem();
                ItemDataBean idb = dib.getData();
                int itemId = ib.getId();
                String itemName = ib.getName();
                String value = idb.getValue();
                scoreItems.put(itemName, ib);
                // for items which are not in any group, their ordinal is
                // set as 1
                TreeSet<Integer> ordinalset = new TreeSet<Integer>();
                itemOrdinals.put(itemId, ordinalset);
                scoreItemdata.put(itemId + "_" + 1, value);
                if (isChanged(idb, oldItemdata, dib, attachedFilePath)) {
                    // changedItemsMap.put(dib.getItem().getName(), new
                    // DisplayItemGroupBean());

                ArrayList children = dib.getChildren();
                for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemBean child = (DisplayItemBean) children.get(j);
                    ItemBean cib = child.getItem();
                    scoreItems.put(cib.getName(), cib);
                    TreeSet<Integer> cordinalset = new TreeSet<Integer>();
                    itemOrdinals.put(itemId, cordinalset);
                    scoreItemdata.put(cib.getId() + "_" + 1, child.getData().getValue());
                    if (isChanged(child.getData(), oldItemdata, child, attachedFilePath)) {
                        // changedItemsMap.put(itemName, new
                        // DisplayItemGroupBean());
        logMe("allItems 2 Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        // do calculation for 'calculation' and 'group-calculation' type
        // items
        // and write the result in DisplayItemBean's ItemDateBean - data
        ScoreItemValidator sv = new ScoreItemValidator(request, discNotes);
        // *** doing calc here, load it where? ***
        SessionManager sm = (SessionManager) request.getSession().getAttribute("sm");
        ScoreCalculator sc = new ScoreCalculator(sm, ecb, ub);
        logMe("allItems 3 Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwb = allItems.get(i);
            if (diwb.isInGroup()) {
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dgbs = diwb.getItemGroups();
                for (int j = 0; j < dgbs.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = dgbs.get(j);

                    List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();
                    for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                        ItemFormMetadataBean ifmb = displayItem.getMetadata();
                        int responseTypeId = ifmb.getResponseSet().getResponseTypeId();
                        if (responseTypeId == 8 || responseTypeId == 9) {
                            StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer();
                            ResponseOptionBean robBean = (ResponseOptionBean) ifmb.getResponseSet().getOptions()
                            String value = "";

                            String inputName = "";
                            // note that we have to use
                            // getFormInputOrdinal() here, tbh 06/2009
                            if (displayGroup.isAuto()) {
                                inputName = getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);
                                LOGGER.debug("returning input name: " + inputName);
                            } else {
                                inputName = getGroupItemManualInputName(displayGroup,
                                        displayGroup.getFormInputOrdinal(), displayItem);
                                LOGGER.debug("returning input name: " + inputName);
                            if (robBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getexternalvalue")
                                    || robBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getExternalValue")) {

                                value = fp.getString(inputName);
                                LOGGER.debug("*** just set " + fp.getString(inputName) + " for line 815 "
                                        + displayItem.getItem().getName() + " with input name " + inputName);

                            } else {
                                value = sc.doCalculation(displayItem, scoreItems, scoreItemdata, itemOrdinals,
                                        err, displayItem.getData().getOrdinal());
                            if (isChanged(displayItem, oldItemdata, attachedFilePath)) {

                            request.setAttribute(inputName, value);
                            if (validate) {
                                displayItem = validateCalcTypeDisplayItemBean(sv, displayItem, inputName,
                                if (err.length() > 0) {
                                    Validation validation = new Validation(Validator.CALCULATION_FAILED);
                                    sv.addValidation(inputName, validation);
            } else {
                DisplayItemBean dib = diwb.getSingleItem();
                ItemFormMetadataBean ifmb = dib.getMetadata();
                int responseTypeId = ifmb.getResponseSet().getResponseTypeId();
                if (responseTypeId == 8 || responseTypeId == 9) {
                    StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer();
                    ResponseOptionBean robBean = (ResponseOptionBean) ifmb.getResponseSet().getOptions().get(0);
                    String value = "";
                    if (robBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getexternalvalue")
                            || robBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getExternalValue")) {
                        String itemName = getInputName(dib);
                        value = fp.getString(itemName);
                        LOGGER.debug("just set " + fp.getString(itemName) + " for " + dib.getItem().getName());
                        LOGGER.debug("found in fp: " + fp.getString(dib.getItem().getName()));
                        // logger.debug("scoreitemdata: " +
                        // scoreItemdata.toString());
                    } else {
                        value = sc.doCalculation(dib, scoreItems, scoreItemdata, itemOrdinals, err, 1);
                    if (isChanged(dib.getData(), oldItemdata, dib, attachedFilePath)) {
                        // changedItemsMap.put(dib.getItem().getName(), new
                        // DisplayItemGroupBean());
                    String inputName = getInputName(dib);
                    request.setAttribute(inputName, value);
                    if (validate) {
                        dib = validateCalcTypeDisplayItemBean(sv, dib, "", request);
                        if (err.length() > 0) {
                            Validation validation = new Validation(Validator.CALCULATION_FAILED);
                            sv.addValidation(inputName, validation);

                ArrayList children = dib.getChildren();
                for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {
                    DisplayItemBean child = (DisplayItemBean) children.get(j);
                    ItemFormMetadataBean cifmb = child.getMetadata();
                    int resTypeId = cifmb.getResponseSet().getResponseTypeId();
                    if (resTypeId == 8 || resTypeId == 9) {
                        StringBuffer cerr = new StringBuffer();
                        ResponseOptionBean crobBean = (ResponseOptionBean) cifmb.getResponseSet().getOptions()
                        String cvalue = "";
                        if (crobBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getexternalvalue")
                                || crobBean.getValue().startsWith("func: getExternalValue")) {
                            String itemName = getInputName(child);
                            cvalue = fp.getString(itemName);
                                    "just set " + fp.getString(itemName) + " for " + child.getItem().getName());

                        } else {
                            cvalue = sc.doCalculation(child, scoreItems, scoreItemdata, itemOrdinals, cerr, 1);
                        if (isChanged(child.getData(), oldItemdata, child, attachedFilePath)) {
                            // changedItemsMap.put(child.getItem().getName(),
                            // new DisplayItemGroupBean());
                        String cinputName = getInputName(child);
                        request.setAttribute(cinputName, cvalue);
                        if (validate) {
                            child = validateCalcTypeDisplayItemBean(sv, child, "", request);
                            if (cerr.length() > 0) {
                                Validation cvalidation = new Validation(Validator.CALCULATION_FAILED);
                                sv.addValidation(cinputName, cvalidation);
                    children.set(j, child);

        logMe("allItems 3 Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        // YW >>

        // we have to do this since we loaded all the form values into the
        // display
        // item beans above
        // section.setItems(items);
        // setting this AFTER we populate notes - will that make a difference?

        // logger.debug("+++ try to populate notes");

        section = populateNotesWithDBNoteCounts(discNotes, section, request);
        populateInstantOnChange(request.getSession(), ecb, section);
        // logger.debug("+++ try to populate notes, got count of field notes: " + discNotes.getFieldNotes().toString());

        if (currentStudy.getStudyParameterConfig().getInterviewerNameRequired().equals("yes")) {
            v.addValidation(INPUT_INTERVIEWER, Validator.NO_BLANKS);

        if (currentStudy.getStudyParameterConfig().getInterviewDateRequired().equals("yes")) {
            v.addValidation(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE, Validator.NO_BLANKS);

        if (!StringUtil.isBlank(fp.getString(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE))) {
            v.addValidation(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE, Validator.IS_A_DATE);

        if (section.getSection().hasSCDItem()) {
            section = SCDItemDisplayInfo.generateSCDDisplayInfo(section,
                            || this.getServletPage(request).equals(Page.ADMIN_EDIT_SERVLET)
                                    && !this.isAdminForcedReasonForChange(request));

        // logger.debug("about to validate: " + v.getKeySet());
        errors = v.validate();

        // tbh >>
        if (this.isAdminForcedReasonForChange(request) && this.isAdministrativeEditing() && errors.isEmpty()) {
            // "You have changed data after this CRF was marked complete. "
            // +
            // "You must provide a Reason For Change discrepancy note for this item before you can save this updated information."
            String error = respage.getString("reason_for_change_error");
            // "Please enter a reason for change discrepancy note before saving."
            // ;
            int nonforcedChanges = 0;
            // change everything here from changed items list to changed
            // items map
            if (changedItemsList.size() > 0) {
                LOGGER.debug("found admin force reason for change: changed items " + changedItems.toString()
                        + " and changed items list: " + changedItemsList.toString() + " changed items map: "
                        + changedItemsMap.toString());
                logMe("DisplayItemBean  Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
                for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : changedItemsList) {
                    String formName = getInputName(displayItem);

                    ItemDataBean idb = displayItem.getData();
                    ItemBean item_bean = displayItem.getItem();
                    ItemFormMetadataBean ifmb = displayItem.getMetadata();

                    LOGGER.debug("-- found group label " + ifmb.getGroupLabel());
                    if (!ifmb.getGroupLabel().equalsIgnoreCase("Ungrouped")
                            && !ifmb.getGroupLabel().equalsIgnoreCase(""))

                        // << tbh 11/2009 sometimes the group label is blank instead of ungrouped???
                        Iterator iter = changedItemsMap.entrySet().iterator();
                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            Map.Entry<String, DisplayItemGroupBean> pairs = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
                            String formName2 = pairs.getKey();
                            DisplayItemGroupBean dgb = pairs.getValue();
                            // logger.debug("found auto: " +
                            // dgb.isAuto());
                            String testFormName = "";
                            if (dgb.isAuto()) {
                                // testFormName = getGroupItemInputName(dgb, dgb.getFormInputOrdinal(), getManualRows(dgbs), displayItem);
                                testFormName = getGroupItemInputName(dgb, dgb.getFormInputOrdinal(),
                            } else {
                                testFormName = getGroupItemManualInputName(dgb, dgb.getFormInputOrdinal(),
                            LOGGER.debug("found test form name: " + testFormName);
                            // if our test is the same with both the display
                            // item and the display group ...
                            // logger.debug("comparing " +
                            // testFormName + " and " + formName2);
                            int existingNotes = dndao.findNumExistingNotesForItem(idb.getId());
                            if (testFormName.equals(formName2)) {
                                formName = formName2;
                                this.setReasonForChangeError(ecb, item_bean, idb, formName, error, request);
                                LOGGER.debug("form name changed: " + formName);
                                // .., send it as the form name
                            // ... otherwise, don't touch it
                            // how to tell vs. manual and just plain input?

                    } else {
                        this.setReasonForChangeError(ecb, item_bean, idb, formName, error, request);
                        LOGGER.debug("form name added: " + formName);
                logMe("DisplayItemBean  Loop end  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            if (nonforcedChanges > 0) {
                // do smething here?
        LOGGER.debug("errors here: " + errors.toString());
        // <<
        logMe("error check  Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        if (errors.isEmpty() && shouldRunRules) {
            LOGGER.debug("Errors was empty");
            if (session.getAttribute("rulesErrors") != null) {
                // rules have already generated errors, Let's compare old
                // error list with new
                // error list, if lists not same show errors.

                HashMap h = ruleValidator.validate();
                Set<String> a = (Set<String>) session.getAttribute("rulesErrors");
                Set<String> ba = h.keySet();
                Boolean showErrors = false;
                for (Object key : ba) {
                    if (!a.contains(key)) {
                        showErrors = true;
                if (showErrors) {
                    errors = h;
                    if (errors.size() > 0) {
                        session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", "1");
                        session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", errors.keySet());
                    } else {
                        session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", null);
                        session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", null);
                } else {
                    session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", null);
                    session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", null);


            } else if (session.getAttribute("shouldRunValidation") != null
                    && session.getAttribute("shouldRunValidation").toString().equals("1")) {
                session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", null);
                session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", null);
            } else {
                errors = ruleValidator.validate();
                if (errors.size() > 0) {
                    session.setAttribute("shouldRunValidation", "1");
                    session.setAttribute("rulesErrors", errors.keySet());

        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("threw an error with data entry...");
            // copying below three lines, tbh 03/2010
            String[] textFields = { INPUT_INTERVIEWER, INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE };
            setPresetValues(fp.getPresetValues(), request);
            // YW, 2-4-2008 <<
            logMe("!errors if  Loop begin  " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> siErrors = sv.validate();

            if (siErrors != null && !siErrors.isEmpty()) {
                Iterator iter = siErrors.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    String fieldName = iter.next().toString();
                    errors.put(fieldName, siErrors.get(fieldName));
            // we should 'shift' the names here, tbh 02/2010
            // need: total number of rows, manual rows, all row names
            // plus: error names
            Iterator iter2 = errors.keySet().iterator();
            while (iter2.hasNext()) {
                String fieldName = iter2.next().toString();
                LOGGER.debug("found error " + fieldName);
            //                for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            //                    DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwb = allItems.get(i);
            //                    if (diwb.isInGroup()) {
            //                        List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dgbs = diwb.getItemGroups();
            //                        logger.debug("found manual rows " + getManualRows(dgbs) + " and total rows " + dgbs.size() + " from ordinal " + diwb.getOrdinal());
            //                    }
            //                }

            errors = reshuffleErrorGroupNamesKK(errors, allItems, request);
            reshuffleReasonForChangeHashAndDiscrepancyNotes(allItems, request, ecb);
            // reset manual rows, so that we can catch errors correctly
            // but it needs to be set per block of repeating items?  what if there are two or more?

            int manualRows = 0; // getManualRows(formGroups);
            for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
            DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwb = allItems.get(i);
            if (diwb.isInGroup()) {
                List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dgbs = diwb.getItemGroups();
                manualRows = getManualRows(dgbs);
            //request.setAttribute("manualRows", new Integer(manualRows));
            Iterator iter3 = errors.keySet().iterator();
            while (iter3.hasNext()) {
                String fieldName = iter3.next().toString();
                LOGGER.debug("found error after shuffle " + fieldName);
            //Mantis Issue: 8116. Parsist the markComplete chebox on error
            request.setAttribute("markComplete", fp.getString(INPUT_MARK_COMPLETE));
            // << tbh, 02/2010
            // YW >>
            // copied
            request.setAttribute(BEAN_DISPLAY, section);
            request.setAttribute(BEAN_ANNOTATIONS, fp.getString(INPUT_ANNOTATIONS));
            setInputMessages(errors, request);
            addPageMessage(respage.getString("errors_in_submission_see_below"), request);
            request.setAttribute("hasError", "true");
            // addPageMessage("To override these errors and keep the data as
            // you
            // entered it, click one of the \"Confirm\" buttons. ");
            // if (section.isCheckInputs()) {
            // addPageMessage("Please notice that you must enter data for
            // the
            // <b>required</b> entries.");
            // }
            // we do not save any DNs if we get here, so we have to set it back into session...
            session.setAttribute(AddNewSubjectServlet.FORM_DISCREPANCY_NOTES_NAME, discNotes);
            // << tbh 01/2010
            forwardPage(getJSPPage(), request, response);
        } else {
            //reshuffleReasonForChangeHashAndDiscrepancyNotes( allItems, request, ecb);
            LOGGER.debug("Do we hit this in save ?????");
            logMe("Do we hit this in save ????  " + System.currentTimeMillis());

            boolean success = true;
            boolean temp = true;

            // save interviewer name and date into DB
            if (!StringUtil.isBlank(fp.getString(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE))) {
            } else {

            if (ecdao == null) {
                ecdao = new EventCRFDAO(getDataSource());
            // set validator id for DDE
            DataEntryStage stage = ecb.getStage();
            if (stage.equals(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE)
                    || stage.equals(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY)) {

             * if(studyEventBean.getSubjectEventStatus().equals(SubjectEventStatus .SIGNED)){ if(edcBean.isDoubleEntry()){
             * ecb.setStage(DataEntryStage.DOUBLE_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE); }else{ ecb.setStage(DataEntryStage.INITIAL_DATA_ENTRY_COMPLETE); } }

            // for Administrative editing
            if (studyEventBean.getSubjectEventStatus().equals(SubjectEventStatus.SIGNED)
                    && changedItemsList.size() > 0) {
                studyEventBean.setUpdatedDate(new Date());

            // If the Study Subject's Satus is signed and we save a section
            // , change status to available
            LOGGER.debug("Status of Study Subject {}", ssb.getStatus().getName());
            if (ssb.getStatus() == Status.SIGNED && changedItemsList.size() > 0) {
                LOGGER.debug("Status of Study Subject is Signed we are updating");
                StudySubjectDAO studySubjectDao = new StudySubjectDAO(getDataSource());
                ssb.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
            if (ecb.isSdvStatus() && changedItemsList.size() > 0) {
                LOGGER.debug("Status of Study Subject is SDV we are updating");
                StudySubjectDAO studySubjectDao = new StudySubjectDAO(getDataSource());
                ssb.setUpdatedDate(new Date());

            ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.update(ecb);

            // save discrepancy notes into DB
            FormDiscrepancyNotes fdn = (FormDiscrepancyNotes) session
            dndao = new DiscrepancyNoteDAO(getDataSource());

            AddNewSubjectServlet.saveFieldNotes(INPUT_INTERVIEWER, fdn, dndao, ecb.getId(), "EventCRF",
            AddNewSubjectServlet.saveFieldNotes(INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE, fdn, dndao, ecb.getId(), "EventCRF",

            // items = section.getItems();
            allItems = section.getDisplayItemGroups();
            int nextOrdinal = 0;

            LOGGER.debug("all items before saving into DB" + allItems.size());
            //TODO:Seems longer here, check this
            logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean allitems4 " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            for (int i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++) {
                DisplayItemWithGroupBean diwb = allItems.get(i);

                // we don't write success = success && writeToDB here
                // since the short-circuit mechanism may prevent Java
                // from executing writeToDB.
                if (diwb.isInGroup()) {

                    List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dgbs = diwb.getItemGroups();
                    // using the above gets us the correct number of manual groups, tbh 01/2010
                    List<DisplayItemGroupBean> dbGroups = diwb.getDbItemGroups();
                    LOGGER.debug("item group size: " + dgbs.size());
                    LOGGER.debug("item db-group size: " + dbGroups.size());
                    for (int j = 0; j < dgbs.size(); j++) {
                        DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = dgbs.get(j);
                        List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();
                        // this ordinal will only useful to create a new
                        // item data
                        // update an item data won't touch its ordinal
                        //  int nextOrdinal = iddao.getMaxOrdinalForGroup(ecb, sb, displayGroup.getItemGroupBean()) + 1;

                        // Determine if any items in this group have data.  If so we need to undelete and previously deleted items.
                        boolean undelete = false;
                        for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                            String currItemVal = displayItem.getData().getValue();
                            if (currItemVal != null && !currItemVal.equals("")) {
                                undelete = true;

                        for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                            String fileName = this.addAttachedFilePath(displayItem, attachedFilePath);
                            boolean writeDN = true;
                            LOGGER.debug("group item value: " + displayItem.getData().getValue());
                            //                if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(displayItem.getEditFlag()) && fileName.length() > 0 && !newUploadedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) {
                            //                    displayItem.getData().setValue("");
                            //               }

                            //15350, this particular logic, takes into consideration that a DN is created properly as long as the item data record exists and it fails to get created when it doesnt.
                            //so, we are expanding the logic from writeToDb method to avoid creating duplicate records.
                            writeDN = writeDN(displayItem);
                            //pulling from dataset instead of database and correcting the flawed logic of using the database ordinals as max ordinal...
                            nextOrdinal = displayItem.getData().getOrdinal();

                            temp = writeToDB(displayItem, iddao, nextOrdinal, request);
                            LOGGER.debug("just executed writeToDB - 1");
                            LOGGER.debug("next ordinal: " + nextOrdinal);

                            // Undelete item if any item in the repeating group has data.
                            if (undelete && displayItem.getDbData() != null
                                    && displayItem.getDbData().isDeleted()) {
                                iddao.undelete(displayItem.getDbData().getId(), ub.getId());

                            if (temp && newUploadedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) {
                            // maybe put ordinal in the place of j? maybe subtract max rows from next ordinal if j is gt
                            // next ordinal?
                            String inputName = getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup, j, displayItem);
                            // String inputName2 = getGroupItemManualInputName(displayGroup, j, displayItem);
                            if (!displayGroup.isAuto()) {
                                LOGGER.trace("not auto");
                                inputName = this.getGroupItemManualInputName(displayGroup, j, displayItem);

                            //htaycher last DN is not stored for new rows
                            //                                if (j == dgbs.size() - 1) {
                            //                                    // LAST ONE
                            //                                    logger.trace("last one");
                            //                                    int ordinal = j - this.getManualRows(dgbs);
                            //                                    logger.debug("+++ found manual rows from line 1326: " + ordinal);
                            //                                    inputName = getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup, ordinal, displayItem);
                            //                                }
                            // logger.trace("&&& we get previous looking at input name: " + inputName + " " + inputName2);
                            LOGGER.trace("&&& we get previous looking at input name: " + inputName);
                            // input name 2 removed from below
                            inputName = displayItem.getFieldName();
                            if (writeDN) {
                                AddNewSubjectServlet.saveFieldNotes(inputName, fdn, dndao,
                                        displayItem.getData().getId(), "itemData", currentStudy, ecb.getId());
                            success = success && temp;
                    for (int j = 0; j < dbGroups.size(); j++) {
                        DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = dbGroups.get(j);
                        //JN: Since remove button is gone, the following code can be commented out, however it needs to be tested? Can be tackled when handling discrepancy note w/repeating groups issues.
                        if ("remove".equalsIgnoreCase(displayGroup.getEditFlag())) {
                            List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();
                            for (DisplayItemBean displayItem : items) {
                                String fileName = this.addAttachedFilePath(displayItem, attachedFilePath);
                                LOGGER.debug("group item value: " + displayItem.getData().getValue());
                                //               if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(displayItem.getEditFlag()) && fileName.length() > 0 && !newUploadedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) {
                                //                   displayItem.getData().setValue("");
                                //               }
                                temp = writeToDB(displayItem, iddao, 0, request);
                                LOGGER.debug("just executed writeToDB - 2");
                                if (temp && newUploadedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) {
                                // just use 0 here since update doesn't
                                // touch ordinal
                                success = success && temp;

                } else {
                    DisplayItemBean dib = diwb.getSingleItem();
                    // TODO work on this line

                    //  this.addAttachedFilePath(dib, attachedFilePath);
                    String fileName = addAttachedFilePath(dib, attachedFilePath);
                    boolean writeDN = writeDN(dib);
                    temp = writeToDB(dib, iddao, 1, request);
                    LOGGER.debug("just executed writeToDB - 3");
                    if (temp && (newUploadedFiles.containsKey(dib.getItem().getId() + "")
                            || newUploadedFiles.containsKey(fileName))) {
                        // so newUploadedFiles will contain only failed file
                        // items;
                        newUploadedFiles.remove(dib.getItem().getId() + "");

                    String inputName = getInputName(dib);
                    LOGGER.trace("3 - found input name: " + inputName);
                    if (writeDN)
                        AddNewSubjectServlet.saveFieldNotes(inputName, fdn, dndao, dib.getData().getId(),
                                "itemData", currentStudy, ecb.getId());

                    success = success && temp;

                    ArrayList childItems = dib.getChildren();
                    for (int j = 0; j < childItems.size(); j++) {
                        DisplayItemBean child = (DisplayItemBean) childItems.get(j);
                        this.addAttachedFilePath(child, attachedFilePath);
                        writeDN = writeDN(child);
                        temp = writeToDB(child, iddao, 1, request);
                        LOGGER.debug("just executed writeToDB - 4");
                        if (temp && newUploadedFiles.containsKey(child.getItem().getId() + "")) {
                            // so newUploadedFiles will contain only failed
                            // file items;
                            newUploadedFiles.remove(child.getItem().getId() + "");
                        inputName = getInputName(child);
                        if (writeDN)
                            AddNewSubjectServlet.saveFieldNotes(inputName, fdn, dndao, child.getData().getId(),
                                    "itemData", currentStudy, ecb.getId());
                        success = success && temp;
            logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean allitems4 end " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            LOGGER.debug("running rules: " + phase2.name());
            List<Integer> prevShownDynItemDataIds = shouldRunRules
                    ? this.getItemMetadataService().getDynamicsItemFormMetadataDao()
                            .findShowItemDataIdsInSection(section.getSection().getId(), ecb.getCRFVersionId(),
                    : new ArrayList<Integer>();
            logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean dryrun  start" + System.currentTimeMillis());
            HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> rulesPostDryRun = runRules(allItems, ruleSets, false,
                    shouldRunRules, MessageType.WARNING, phase2, ecb, request);

            HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> errorsPostDryRun = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
            // additional step needed, run rules and see if any items are 'shown' AFTER saving data
            logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean dryrun  end" + System.currentTimeMillis());
            boolean inSameSection = false;
            logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean allitems4 " + System.currentTimeMillis());
            if (!rulesPostDryRun.isEmpty()) {
                // in same section?

                // iterate through the OIDs and see if any of them belong to this section
                Iterator iter3 = rulesPostDryRun.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter3.hasNext()) {
                    String fieldName = iter3.next().toString();
                    LOGGER.debug("found oid after post dry run " + fieldName);
                    // set up a listing of OIDs in the section
                    // BUT: Oids can have the group name in them.
                    int ordinal = -1;
                    String newFieldName = fieldName;
                    String[] fieldNames = fieldName.split("\\.");
                    if (fieldNames.length == 2) {
                        newFieldName = fieldNames[1];
                        // check items in item groups here?
                        if (fieldNames[0].contains("[")) {
                            int p1 = fieldNames[0].indexOf("[");
                            int p2 = fieldNames[0].indexOf("]");
                            try {
                                ordinal = Integer.valueOf(fieldNames[0].substring(p1 + 1, p2));
                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                ordinal = -1;
                            fieldNames[0] = fieldNames[0].substring(0, p1);
                    List<DisplayItemWithGroupBean> displayGroupsWithItems = section.getDisplayItemGroups();
                    //ArrayList<DisplayItemBean> displayItems = section.getItems();
                    for (int i = 0; i < displayGroupsWithItems.size(); i++) {
                        DisplayItemWithGroupBean itemWithGroup = displayGroupsWithItems.get(i);
                        if (itemWithGroup.isInGroup()) {
                            LOGGER.debug("found group: " + fieldNames[0]);
                            // do something there
                            List<DisplayItemGroupBean> digbs = itemWithGroup.getItemGroups();
                            LOGGER.debug("digbs size: " + digbs.size());
                            for (int j = 0; j < digbs.size(); j++) {
                                DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = digbs.get(j);
                                if (displayGroup.getItemGroupBean().getOid().equals(fieldNames[0])
                                        && displayGroup.getOrdinal() == ordinal - 1) {
                                    List<DisplayItemBean> items = displayGroup.getItems();

                                    for (int k = 0; k < items.size(); k++) {
                                        DisplayItemBean dib = items.get(k);
                                        if (dib.getItem().getOid().equals(newFieldName)) {
                                            //inSameSection = true;
                                            if (!dib.getMetadata().isShowItem()) {
                                                LOGGER.debug("found item in group "
                                                        + this.getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup, j, dib)
                                                        + " vs. " + fieldName + " and is show item: "
                                                        + dib.getMetadata().isShowItem());
                                            if (prevShownDynItemDataIds == null || !prevShownDynItemDataIds
                                                    .contains(dib.getData().getId())) {
                                                inSameSection = true;
                                                        this.getGroupItemInputName(displayGroup, j, dib),
                                        items.set(k, dib);
                                    digbs.set(j, displayGroup);
                        } else {
                            DisplayItemBean displayItemBean = itemWithGroup.getSingleItem();
                            ItemBean itemBean = displayItemBean.getItem();
                            if (newFieldName.equals(itemBean.getOid())) {
                                //System.out.println("is show item for " + displayItemBean.getItem().getId() + ": " + displayItemBean.getMetadata().isShowItem());
                                //System.out.println("check run dynamics item check " + runDynamicsItemCheck(displayItemBean).getMetadata().isShowItem());
                                if (!displayItemBean.getMetadata().isShowItem()) {
                                    // double check there?
                                    LOGGER.debug("found item " + this.getInputName(displayItemBean) + " vs. "
                                            + fieldName + " and is show item: "
                                            + displayItemBean.getMetadata().isShowItem());
                                    // if is repeating, use the other input name? no

                                    if (prevShownDynItemDataIds == null || !prevShownDynItemDataIds
                                            .contains(displayItemBean.getData().getId())) {
                                        inSameSection = true;
                        displayGroupsWithItems.set(i, itemWithGroup);
                    logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean allitems4  end,begin" + System.currentTimeMillis());
                    // check groups
                    //List<DisplayItemGroupBean> itemGroups = new ArrayList<DisplayItemGroupBean>();
                    //itemGroups = section.getDisplayFormGroups();
                    //   But in jsp: section.displayItemGroups.itemGroup.groupMetaBean.showGroup
                    List<DisplayItemWithGroupBean> itemGroups = section.getDisplayItemGroups();
                    // List<DisplayItemGroupBean> newItemGroups = new ArrayList<DisplayItemGroupBean>();
                    for (DisplayItemWithGroupBean itemGroup : itemGroups) {
                        DisplayItemGroupBean displayGroup = itemGroup.getItemGroup();
                        if (newFieldName.equals(displayGroup.getItemGroupBean().getOid())) {
                            if (!displayGroup.getGroupMetaBean().isShowGroup()) {
                                inSameSection = true;
                                LOGGER.debug("found itemgroup " + displayGroup.getItemGroupBean().getOid()
                                        + " vs. " + fieldName + " and is show item: "
                                        + displayGroup.getGroupMetaBean().isShowGroup());
                                // hmmm how to set highlighting for a group?
                                // add necessary rows to the display group here????
                                // we have to set the items in the itemGroup for the displayGroup
                                loadItemsWithGroupRows(itemGroup, sb, edcb, ecb, request);

                        // newItemGroups.add(displayGroup);
                    logMe("DisplayItemWithGroupBean allitems4  end,end" + System.currentTimeMillis());
                    // trying to reset the display form groups here, tbh

                    // section.setItems(displayItems);
                    populateInstantOnChange(request.getSession(), ecb, section);

                    // section.setDisplayFormGroups(newDisplayBean.getDisplayFormGroups());

                        section.getSection().getId(), ecb);
                toc = TableOfContentsServlet.getDisplayBeanWithShownSections(getDataSource(),
                        (DisplayTableOfContentsBean) request.getAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY),
                        (DynamicsMetadataService) SpringServletAccess.getApplicationContext(getServletContext())
                request.setAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY, toc);
                sectionIdsInToc = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIdsInToc(toc);
                sIndex = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIndexInToc(section.getSection(), toc, sectionIdsInToc);
                previousSec = this.prevSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);
                nextSec = this.nextSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);
                // we need the following for repeating groups, tbh
                // >> tbh 06/2010
                // List<DisplayItemWithGroupBean> displayItemWithGroups2 = createItemWithGroups(section, hasGroup, eventDefinitionCRFId);

                // section.setDisplayItemGroups(displayItemWithGroups2);

                // if so, stay at this section
                LOGGER.debug(" in same section: " + inSameSection);
                if (inSameSection) {
                    // copy of one line from early on around line 400, forcing a re-show of the items
                    // section = getDisplayBean(hasGroup, true);// include all items, tbh
                    // below a copy of three lines from the if errors = true line, tbh 03/2010
                    String[] textFields = { INPUT_INTERVIEWER, INPUT_INTERVIEW_DATE };
                    setPresetValues(fp.getPresetValues(), request);
                    // below essetially a copy except for rulesPostDryRun
                    request.setAttribute(BEAN_DISPLAY, section);
                    request.setAttribute(BEAN_ANNOTATIONS, fp.getString(INPUT_ANNOTATIONS));
                    setInputMessages(errorsPostDryRun, request);
                    addPageMessage(respage.getString("your_answers_activated_hidden_items"), request);
                    request.setAttribute("hasError", "true");
                    request.setAttribute("hasShown", "true");

                    session.setAttribute(AddNewSubjectServlet.FORM_DISCREPANCY_NOTES_NAME, discNotes);
                    forwardPage(getJSPPage(), request, response);

            if (!inSameSection) {// else if not in same section, progress as usual
                toc =
                TableOfContentsServlet.getDisplayBeanWithShownSections(getDataSource(), (DisplayTableOfContentsBean) request.getAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY),
                        (DynamicsMetadataService) SpringServletAccess.getApplicationContext(getServletContext()).getBean("dynamicsMetadataService"));
                request.setAttribute(TOC_DISPLAY, toc);
                sectionIdsInToc = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIdsInToc(toc);
                sIndex = TableOfContentsServlet.sectionIndexInToc(section.getSection(), toc, sectionIdsInToc);
                previousSec = this.prevSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);
                nextSec = this.nextSection(section.getSection(), ecb, toc, sIndex);
                // can we just forward page or do we actually need an ELSE here?
                // yes, we do. tbh 05/03/2010

                ArrayList<String> updateFailedItems = sc.redoCalculations(scoreItems, scoreItemdata,
                        changedItems, itemOrdinals, sb.getId());
                success = updateFailedItems.size() > 0 ? false : true;

                // now check if CRF is marked complete
                boolean markComplete = fp.getString(INPUT_MARK_COMPLETE).equals(VALUE_YES);
                boolean markSuccessfully = false; // if the CRF was marked
                // complete
                // successfully
                if (markComplete && section.isLastSection()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("need to mark CRF as complete");
                    markSuccessfully = markCRFComplete(request);
                    LOGGER.debug("...marked CRF as complete: " + markSuccessfully);
                    if (!markSuccessfully) {
                        request.setAttribute(BEAN_DISPLAY, section);
                        request.setAttribute(BEAN_ANNOTATIONS, fp.getString(INPUT_ANNOTATIONS));
                        forwardPage(getJSPPage(), request, response);

                // now write the event crf bean to the database
                String annotations = fp.getString(INPUT_ANNOTATIONS);
                setEventCRFAnnotations(annotations, request);
                Date now = new Date();
                ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.update(ecb);
                success = success && ecb.isActive();

                StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(getDataSource());
                StudyEventBean seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByPK(ecb.getStudyEventId());
                seb = (StudyEventBean) sedao.update(seb);
                success = success && seb.isActive();

                request.setAttribute(INPUT_IGNORE_PARAMETERS, Boolean.TRUE);

                if (newUploadedFiles.size() > 0) {
                    if (this.unloadFiles(newUploadedFiles)) {

                    } else {
                        String missed = "";
                        Iterator iter = newUploadedFiles.keySet().iterator();
                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            missed += " " + newUploadedFiles.get(iter.next());
                                respage.getString("uploaded_files_not_deleted_or_not_exist") + ": " + missed,
                if (!success) {
                    // YW, 3-6-2008 <<
                    if (updateFailedItems.size() > 0) {
                        String mess = "";
                        for (String ss : updateFailedItems) {
                            mess += ss + ", ";
                        mess = mess.substring(0, mess.length() - 2);
                        addPageMessage(resexception.getString("item_save_failed_because_database_error") + mess,
                    } else {
                        // YW>>
                        addPageMessage(resexception.getString("database_error"), request);
                    request.setAttribute(BEAN_DISPLAY, section);
                    LOGGER.debug("try to remove to_create_crf");

                    // forwardPage(Page.SUBMIT_DATA_SERVLET);
                    forwardPage(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, request, response);
                    // >> changed tbh, 06/2009
                } else {
                    boolean forwardingSucceeded = false;

                    if (!fp.getString(GO_PREVIOUS).equals("")) {
                        if (previousSec.isActive()) {
                            forwardingSucceeded = true;
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF, ecb);
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_SECTION, previousSec);
                            int tabNum = 0;
                            if (fp.getString("tab") == null) {
                                tabNum = 1;
                            } else {
                                tabNum = fp.getInt("tab");
                            request.setAttribute("tab", new Integer(tabNum - 1).toString());

                            //  forwardPage(getServletPage(request), request, response);
                    } else if (!fp.getString(GO_NEXT).equals("")) {
                        if (nextSec.isActive()) {
                            forwardingSucceeded = true;
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF, ecb);
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_SECTION, nextSec);
                            int tabNum = 0;
                            if (fp.getString("tab") == null) {
                                tabNum = 1;
                            } else {
                                tabNum = fp.getInt("tab");
                            request.setAttribute("tab", new Integer(tabNum + 1).toString());
                            //forwardPage(getServletPage(request), request, response);

                    if (!forwardingSucceeded) {
                        // request.setAttribute(TableOfContentsServlet.
                        // INPUT_EVENT_CRF_BEAN,
                        // ecb);
                        if (markSuccessfully) {
                            addPageMessage(respage.getString("data_saved_CRF_marked_complete"), request);

                            request.setAttribute("eventId", new Integer(ecb.getStudyEventId()).toString());
                            forwardPage(Page.ENTER_DATA_FOR_STUDY_EVENT_SERVLET, request, response);
                        } else {
                            // use clicked 'save'
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF, ecb);
                            request.setAttribute(INPUT_EVENT_CRF_ID, new Integer(ecb.getId()).toString());
                            // forward to the next section if the previous one
                            // is not the last section
                            if (!section.isLastSection()) {
                                request.setAttribute(INPUT_SECTION, nextSec);
                                request.setAttribute(INPUT_SECTION_ID, new Integer(nextSec.getId()).toString());
                            } else if (section.isLastSection()) { //JN ADDED TO avoid return down
                                // already the last section, should go back to
                                // view event page

                                request.setAttribute("eventId", new Integer(ecb.getStudyEventId()).toString());
                                if (fromViewNotes != null && "1".equals(fromViewNotes)) {
                                    String viewNotesPageFileName = (String) session
                                    if (viewNotesPageFileName != null && viewNotesPageFileName.length() > 0) {
                                        // forwardPage(Page.setNewPage(viewNotesPageFileName, "View Notes"), request, response);
                                                .forward(request, response);
                                forwardPage(Page.ENTER_DATA_FOR_STUDY_EVENT_SERVLET, request, response);


                            int tabNum = 0;
                            if (fp.getString("tab") == null) {
                                tabNum = 1;
                            } else {
                                tabNum = fp.getInt("tab");
                            if (!section.isLastSection()) {
                                request.setAttribute("tab", new Integer(tabNum + 1).toString());

                            //  forwardPage(getServletPage(request), request, response);
                        // session.removeAttribute(AddNewSubjectServlet.
                        // FORM_DISCREPANCY_NOTES_NAME);
                        // forwardPage(Page.SUBMIT_DATA_SERVLET);
            } // end of if-block for dynamic rules not in same section, tbh 05/2010
        } // end of save
