Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl.


public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);

Source Link


From source file:org.openvpms.web.echo.servlet.SpringWebContainerServlet.java

 * Processes a HTTP request and generates a response.
 * @param request  the incoming {@code HttpServletRequest}
 * @param response the outgoing {@code HttpServletResponse}
 *///w ww . ja  v  a 2  s .  c o  m
protected void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    String serviceId = request.getParameter(SERVICE_ID_PARAMETER);
    if (!AsyncMonitorService.SERVICE_ID.equals(serviceId)) {
        // flag the session as active, if the request isn't associated with echo2 asynchronous tasks
        Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        getSessionMonitor().active(request, authentication);

    if (supportsMultipleInstances(request)) {
        // get next instance-counter
        Integer nextInstance = (Integer) session.getAttribute(NEXT_INSTANCE);
        if (nextInstance == null) {
            nextInstance = 1;

        ServletInstance instance = new ServletInstance(request);

        if (instance.getId() != -1 && instance.getId() < nextInstance) {
            super.process(request, response);
        } else {
            // increase instance-counter
            synchronized (session) {
                nextInstance = (Integer) session.getAttribute(NEXT_INSTANCE);
                if (nextInstance == null) {
                    nextInstance = 1;
                nextInstance += 1;
                session.setAttribute(NEXT_INSTANCE, nextInstance);


            // redirect to new servlet-path including request parameters
            String url = instance.getURI();
            String queryString = request.getQueryString();
            if (queryString != null) {
                url += "?" + queryString;
    } else {
        super.process(request, response);

From source file:org.jlibrary.web.servlet.JLibraryForwardServlet.java

private void login(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {

    String repositoryName;/*ww  w.ja va2 s .c om*/
    String username;
    String password;
    try {
        repositoryName = getField(req, resp, "repository");
        username = getField(req, resp, "username");
        password = getField(req, resp, "password");
    } catch (FieldNotFoundException e) {

    Ticket ticket = TicketService.getTicketService().getTicket(req, repositoryName);
    //TODO: Refactor init/end methods to interface and remove this explicit cast
    JCRSecurityService securityService = (JCRSecurityService) JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile)

    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
    if (username.equals(User.ADMIN_KEYNAME)) {
        username = User.ADMIN_NAME;
    try {
        Ticket userTicket = securityService.login(credentials, repositoryName);
        TicketService.getTicketService().putTicket(req, repositoryName, userTicket);
        req.getSession(true).setAttribute((StatsService.SESSION_LOGGED_USER + repositoryName).toLowerCase(),
                new LoggedUser());

        // Always forward to root
        resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(getRepositoryURL(req, repositoryName)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logErrorAndForward(req, resp, repositoryName, e, "There was a problem trying to log in.");

From source file:pt.iflow.authentication.AuthWinUserServlet.java

static AuthenticationResult authenticate(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final String username, final String password, final String nextUrl)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    AuthenticationResult result = new AuthenticationResult();
    result.nextUrl = nextUrl;/*from   ww w .  ja v a 2 s  .c o m*/

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    Boolean bIsSystem = (Boolean) session.getAttribute(ADMIN_SESSION_NAME);
    boolean isSystem = false;

    if (bIsSystem != null)
        isSystem = bIsSystem.booleanValue();

    String login = Utils.decrypt(username);
    String pass = Utils.decrypt(password);

    if (login != null) {
        login = login.trim();

    boolean licenseOk = LicenseServiceFactory.getLicenseService().isLicenseOK();

    AuthProfile ap = BeanFactory.getAuthProfileBean();

    UserInfoInterface ui = null;

    if (isSystem)
        ui = BeanFactory.getUserInfoFactory().newSystemUserInfo();
        ui = BeanFactory.getUserInfoFactory().newUserInfo();

    Hashtable<String, String> cookies = ServletUtils.getCookies(request);
    if (cookies != null) {

    ui.login(login, pass);

    // check license status
    if (!licenseOk && !isSystem) {
        result.nextUrl = "Admin/login.jsp";
        return result;

    boolean isAuth = result.isAuth = ui.isLogged();

    if (isAuth) {

        // Now set some session vars

        //Application Data
        session.setAttribute("login", login);

        session.setAttribute(Const.USER_INFO, ui);
        UserSettings settings = ui.getUserSettings();
        OrganizationData orgData = ap.getOrganizationInfo(ui.getOrganization());
        session.setAttribute(Const.ORG_INFO, orgData);

        OrganizationTheme orgTheme = BeanFactory.getOrganizationThemeBean();
        if (orgTheme != null) {
            OrganizationThemeData themeData = orgTheme.getOrganizationTheme(ui);
            session.setAttribute("themedata", themeData);

        if (ui.isPasswordExpired()) {
            result.nextUrl = "changePassword";

        if (!isSystem && settings.isDefault() && Const.USE_INDIVIDUAL_LOCALE && Const.ASK_LOCALE_AT_LOGIN) {
            result.nextUrl = "setupUser";

        // check license status
        if (!licenseOk && isSystem) {
            result.nextUrl = "Admin/licenseValidation.jsp";

        session.setAttribute("SessionHelperToken", new SimpleSessionHelper());

    } else {
        result.nextUrl = "main.jsp";
        result.errorMsg = ui.getError();
        session.setAttribute("login_error", result.errorMsg);
    PersistSession ps = new PersistSession();
    ps.getSession(ui, session);


    return result;

From source file:org.etudes.mneme.tool.QuestionView.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from ww  w  .  j  a v a2  s. c o m*/
public void post(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Context context, String[] params)
        throws IOException {
    // we need two parameters (sid/question selector) and optional anchor
    // question selector may end in "!" for "last chance" - linear repeat question when it was not answered
    if (params.length < 5) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    String submissionId = params[2];
    String questionSelector = params[3];
    boolean lastChance = false;
    if (questionSelector.endsWith("!")) {
        questionSelector = questionSelector.substring(0, questionSelector.length() - 1);
        lastChance = true;

    String returnDestination = null;
    if (params.length > 5) {
        returnDestination = "/" + StringUtil.unsplit(params, 5, params.length - 5, "/");
    // if not specified, go to the main list view
    else {
        returnDestination = "/list";

    // if (!context.getPostExpected())
    // {
    // // redirect to error
    // res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.unexpected)));
    // return;
    // }

    // collect the questions (actually their answers) to put on the page
    List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();

    // get the submission
    Submission submission = submissionService.getSubmission(submissionId);
    if (submission == null) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.invalid)));

    // setup receiving context
    Errors err = questionSetup(submission, questionSelector, context, answers, false);
    if (Errors.invalid == err)
        err = Errors.invalidpost;
    if (err != null) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + err)));

    // read form
    String destination = uiService.decode(req, context);

    String redirectUrl = null;
    if (destination.startsWith("REDIRECT:")) {
        String[] parts = StringUtil.splitFirst(destination, ":");
        redirectUrl = "/!PORTAL!/" + parts[1];
        destination = "LIST";

    // check for file upload error
    boolean uploadError = ((req.getAttribute("upload.status") != null)
            && (!req.getAttribute("upload.status").equals("ok")));

    // if we are going to submitted, we must complete the submission (unless there was an upload error)
    Boolean complete = Boolean.valueOf((!uploadError) && destination.startsWith("/submitted"));

    // unless we are going to list, instructions, or this very same question, or we have a file upload error, mark the
    // answers as complete
    Boolean answersComplete = Boolean.valueOf(!(uploadError || destination.startsWith("LIST")
            || destination.startsWith("STAY") || destination.startsWith("/instructions")
            || destination.equals(context.getPreviousDestination())));

    // and if we are working in a random access test, answers are always complete
    if (submission.getAssessment().getRandomAccess())
        answersComplete = Boolean.TRUE;

    // post-process the answers
    for (Answer answer : answers) {

    // linear order check - unless this was a last chance display
    boolean repeat = false;
    if (!lastChance) {
        if (!submission.getAssessment().getRandomAccess().booleanValue()) {
            // linear order is always presented by-question
            if (answers.size() == 1) {
                Answer answer = answers.get(0);
                boolean answered = answer.getIsAnswered().booleanValue();
                if (!answered) {
                    repeat = true;

                    // don't mark the answer as complete, so we can re-enter
                    answersComplete = false;

    // where are we going?
    destination = questionChooseDestination(context, destination, questionSelector, submissionId, params,
            repeat, returnDestination);

    Boolean auto = Boolean.FALSE;

    // submit all answers
    try {
        // if we are doing AUTO, and the submission is really timed out, set complete
        if (destination.equals("AUTO")) {
            // check if this submission is really done (time over, past deadline)
            if (submission.getIsOver(new Date(), 0)) {
                auto = Boolean.TRUE;
                complete = Boolean.TRUE;
                destination = "/submitted/" + submissionId + returnDestination;
            } else {
                // if for some reason we are here (AUTO) but the submission is not yet really over, just return to list
                destination = "/list";
                complete = Boolean.FALSE;

        submissionService.submitAnswers(answers, answersComplete, complete, auto);

        // if there was an upload error, send to the upload error
        if ((req.getAttribute("upload.status") != null) && (!req.getAttribute("upload.status").equals("ok"))) {
                    Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.upload + "/" + req.getAttribute("upload.limit"))));

        if (destination.equals("SUBMIT")) {
            // get the submission again, to make sure that the answers we just posted are reflected
            submission = submissionService.getSubmission(submissionId);

            // if linear, or the submission is all answered, or this is a single question assessment, we can complete the submission and go to submitted
            if ((!submission.getAssessment().getRandomAccess()) || (submission.getIsAnswered())
                    || (submission.getAssessment().getIsSingleQuestion())) {
                submissionService.completeSubmission(submission, Boolean.FALSE);

                destination = "/submitted/" + submissionId + returnDestination;

            // if not linear, and there are unanswered parts, send to final review
            else {
                destination = "/final_review/" + submissionId + returnDestination;

        if (redirectUrl != null) {
            // redirect to the full URL
            res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, redirectUrl)));

        // redirect to the next destination
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, destination)));
    } catch (AssessmentClosedException e) {
    } catch (SubmissionCompletedException e) {
    } catch (AssessmentPermissionException e) {

    // redirect to error
    res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.unauthorized)));

From source file:net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.jetty.jetty.servlet.FormAuthenticator.java

/** Perform form authentication.
 * Called from SecurityHandler.//  w  w w .ja  v  a  2 s  .  c  om
 * @return UserPrincipal if authenticated else null.
public Principal authenticate(UserRealm realm, String pathInContext, HttpRequest httpRequest,
        HttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
    HttpServletRequest request = (ServletHttpRequest) httpRequest.getWrapper();
    HttpServletResponse response = httpResponse == null ? null
            : (HttpServletResponse) httpResponse.getWrapper();

    // Handle paths
    String uri = pathInContext;

    // Setup session 
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(response != null);
    if (session == null)
        return null;

    // Handle a request for authentication.
    if (uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).startsWith(__J_SECURITY_CHECK)) {
        // Check the session object for login info.
        FormCredential form_cred = new FormCredential();
        form_cred.authenticate(realm, request.getParameter(__J_USERNAME), request.getParameter(__J_PASSWORD),

        String nuri = (String) session.getAttribute(__J_URI);
        if (nuri == null || nuri.length() == 0) {
            nuri = request.getContextPath();
            if (nuri.length() == 0)
                nuri = "/";

        if (form_cred._userPrincipal != null) {
            // Authenticated OK
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Form authentication OK for " + form_cred._jUserName);
            session.removeAttribute(__J_URI); // Remove popped return URI.
            session.setAttribute(__J_AUTHENTICATED, form_cred);

            // Sign-on to SSO mechanism
            if (realm instanceof SSORealm) {
                ((SSORealm) realm).setSingleSignOn(httpRequest, httpResponse, form_cred._userPrincipal,
                        new Password(form_cred._jPassword));

            // Redirect to original request
            if (response != null) {
        } else if (response != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Form authentication FAILED for " + form_cred._jUserName);
            if (_formErrorPage != null) {
                        response.encodeRedirectURL(URI.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formErrorPage)));
            } else {

        // Security check is always false, only true after final redirection.
        return null;

    // Check if the session is already authenticated.
    FormCredential form_cred = (FormCredential) session.getAttribute(__J_AUTHENTICATED);

    if (form_cred != null) {
        // We have a form credential. Has it been distributed?
        if (form_cred._userPrincipal == null) {
            // This form_cred appears to have been distributed.  Need to reauth
            form_cred.authenticate(realm, httpRequest);

            // Sign-on to SSO mechanism
            if (form_cred._userPrincipal != null && realm instanceof SSORealm) {
                ((SSORealm) realm).setSingleSignOn(httpRequest, httpResponse, form_cred._userPrincipal,
                        new Password(form_cred._jPassword));
        } else if (!realm.reauthenticate(form_cred._userPrincipal))
            // Else check that it is still authenticated.
            form_cred._userPrincipal = null;

        // If this credential is still authenticated
        if (form_cred._userPrincipal != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("FORM Authenticated for " + form_cred._userPrincipal.getName());
            return form_cred._userPrincipal;
        } else
            session.setAttribute(__J_AUTHENTICATED, null);
    } else if (realm instanceof SSORealm) {
        // Try a single sign on.
        Credential cred = ((SSORealm) realm).getSingleSignOn(httpRequest, httpResponse);

        if (httpRequest.hasUserPrincipal()) {
            form_cred = new FormCredential();
            form_cred._userPrincipal = request.getUserPrincipal();
            form_cred._jUserName = form_cred._userPrincipal.getName();
            if (cred != null)
                form_cred._jPassword = cred.toString();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO for " + form_cred._userPrincipal);

            session.setAttribute(__J_AUTHENTICATED, form_cred);
            return form_cred._userPrincipal;

    // Don't authenticate authform or errorpage
    if (isLoginOrErrorPage(pathInContext))
        return SecurityConstraint.__NOBODY;

    // redirect to login page
    if (response != null) {
        if (httpRequest.getQuery() != null)
            uri += "?" + httpRequest.getQuery();
        session.setAttribute(__J_URI, request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":"
                + request.getServerPort() + URI.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), uri));
                response.encodeRedirectURL(URI.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formLoginPage)));

    return null;

From source file:org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.java

 * <p>Forward or redirect to the specified destination, by the specified
 * mechanism.  This method uses a <code>ForwardConfig</code> object
 * instead an <code>ActionForward</code>.</p>
 * @param request  The servlet request we are processing
 * @param response The servlet response we are creating
 * @param forward  The ForwardConfig controlling where we go next
 * @throws IOException      if an input/output error occurs
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet exception occurs
 *//*from w w w. ja  v  a2  s  . co m*/
protected void processForwardConfig(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        ForwardConfig forward) throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (forward == null) {

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("processForwardConfig(" + forward + ")");

    String forwardPath = forward.getPath();
    String uri;

    // If the forward can be unaliased into an action, then use the path of the action
    String actionIdPath = RequestUtils.actionIdURL(forward, request, servlet);
    if (actionIdPath != null) {
        forwardPath = actionIdPath;
        ForwardConfig actionIdForward = new ForwardConfig(forward);
        forward = actionIdForward;

    // paths not starting with / should be passed through without any
    // processing (ie. they're absolute)
    if (forwardPath.startsWith("/")) {
        // get module relative uri
        uri = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
    } else {
        uri = forwardPath;

    if (forward.getRedirect()) {
        // only prepend context path for relative uri
        if (uri.startsWith("/")) {
            uri = request.getContextPath() + uri;

    } else {
        doForward(uri, request, response);

From source file:org.jahia.bin.Render.java

 * This method allows you to define where you want to redirect the user after request.
 * @param url//from  w w w .jav a 2s.  co m
 * @param path
 * @param req
 * @param resp
 * @param parameters
 * @param bypassCache If true we will append a parameter to the URL that should match the id of the resource to refresh
 * @throws IOException
public static void performRedirect(String url, String path, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp,
        Map<String, List<String>> parameters, boolean bypassCache) throws IOException {
    String renderedURL = null;

    List<String> stringList = parameters.get(NEW_NODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
    String outputFormat = !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(stringList) && stringList.get(0) != null ? stringList.get(0)
            : "html";

    stringList = parameters.get(REDIRECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE);
    int responseCode = !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(stringList) && !StringUtils.isBlank(stringList.get(0))
            ? Integer.parseInt(stringList.get(0))
            : HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER;

    stringList = parameters.get(REDIRECT_TO);
    String stayOnPage = !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(stringList) && !StringUtils.isBlank(stringList.get(0))
            ? StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(stringList.get(0), ";")
            : null;

    if (!Login.isAuthorizedRedirect(req, stayOnPage, true)) {
        logger.warn("Unauthorized attempt redirect to {}", stayOnPage);
        stayOnPage = null;

    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(stayOnPage)) {
        renderedURL = stayOnPage + (!StringUtils.isEmpty(outputFormat) ? "." + outputFormat : "");
    } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
        String requestedURL = req.getRequestURI();
        //            String encodedPath = URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8").replace("%2F", "/").replace("+", "%20");
        String decodedURL = URLDecoder.decode(requestedURL, "UTF-8");

        int index = decodedURL.indexOf(path);

        renderedURL = decodedURL.substring(0, index) + url
                + (!StringUtils.isEmpty(outputFormat) ? "." + outputFormat : "");
    if (bypassCache) {
        stringList = parameters.get(RESOURCE_ID);
        String formuuid = !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(stringList) && !StringUtils.isBlank(stringList.get(0))
                ? stringList.get(0)
                : null;
        if (formuuid != null) {
            renderedURL = renderedURL + "?ec=" + formuuid;
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(renderedURL)) {
        String redirect = resp.encodeRedirectURL(renderedURL);
        if (SettingsBean.getInstance().isDisableJsessionIdParameter()) {
            String s = ";" + SettingsBean.getInstance().getJsessionIdParameterName();
            if (redirect.contains(s)) {
                redirect = SessionidRemovalResponseWrapper.removeJsessionId(redirect);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(stayOnPage)) {
            resp.setHeader("Location", redirect);
        } else if (responseCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER) {
            resp.setHeader("Location", redirect);
        if (responseCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_FOUND) {
        } else {

From source file:fll.web.UploadSpreadsheet.java

protected void processRequest(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final ServletContext application, final HttpSession session) throws IOException, ServletException {

    final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
    String nextPage;//from   www .  j  a  va2s.  c  o m
    try {
        final String uploadRedirect = (String) request.getAttribute("uploadRedirect");
        if (null == uploadRedirect) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Missing parameter 'uploadRedirect' params: " + request.getParameterMap());
        session.setAttribute("uploadRedirect", uploadRedirect);

        final FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) request.getAttribute("file");
        final String extension = Utilities.determineExtension(fileItem.getName());
        final File file = File.createTempFile("fll", extension);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Wrote data to: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
        session.setAttribute(SPREADSHEET_FILE_KEY, file.getAbsolutePath());

        if (ExcelCellReader.isExcelFile(file)) {
            final List<String> sheetNames = ExcelCellReader.getAllSheetNames(file);
            if (sheetNames.size() > 1) {
                session.setAttribute("sheetNames", sheetNames);
                nextPage = "promptForSheetName.jsp";
            } else {
                session.setAttribute(SHEET_NAME_KEY, sheetNames.get(0));
                nextPage = uploadRedirect;
        } else {
            nextPage = uploadRedirect;

    } catch (final FileUploadException e) {
        message.append("<p class='error'>Error processing team data upload: " + e.getMessage() + "</p>");
        LOGGER.error(e, e);
        throw new RuntimeException("Error processing team data upload", e);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        message.append("<p class='error'>Error saving team data into the database: " + e.getMessage() + "</p>");
        LOGGER.error(e, e);
        throw new RuntimeException("Error saving team data into the database", e);

    session.setAttribute("message", message.toString());

From source file:grails.plugin.springsecurity.web.access.AjaxAwareAccessDeniedHandler.java

public void handle(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final AccessDeniedException e) throws IOException, ServletException {

    if (e != null && isLoggedIn() && authenticationTrustResolver.isRememberMe(getAuthentication())) {
        // user has a cookie but is getting bounced because of IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY,
        // so Spring Security won't save the original request
        requestCache.saveRequest(request, response);
    }//from   w  ww.j  a  va 2 s.  co m

    if (response.isCommitted()) {

    boolean ajaxError = ajaxErrorPage != null && SpringSecurityUtils.isAjax(request);
    if (errorPage == null && !ajaxError) {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());

    if (useForward && (errorPage != null || ajaxError)) {
        // Put exception into request scope (perhaps of use to a view)
        request.setAttribute(WebAttributes.ACCESS_DENIED_403, e);
        request.getRequestDispatcher(ajaxError ? ajaxErrorPage : errorPage).forward(request, response);

    String redirectUrl;
    String serverURL = ReflectionUtils.getGrailsServerURL();
    if (serverURL == null) {
        boolean includePort = true;
        String scheme = request.getScheme();
        String serverName = request.getServerName();
        int serverPort = portResolver.getServerPort(request);
        String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
        boolean inHttp = "http".equals(scheme.toLowerCase());
        boolean inHttps = "https".equals(scheme.toLowerCase());

        if (inHttp && (serverPort == 80)) {
            includePort = false;
        } else if (inHttps && (serverPort == 443)) {
            includePort = false;
        redirectUrl = scheme + "://" + serverName + ((includePort) ? (":" + serverPort) : "") + contextPath;
    } else {
        redirectUrl = serverURL;

    if (ajaxError) {
        redirectUrl += ajaxErrorPage;
    } else if (errorPage != null) {
        redirectUrl += errorPage;

From source file:org.jasig.portal.url.UrlCanonicalizingFilter.java

protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
    if ("GET".equals(request.getMethod())) {
        final String canonicalUrl = this.urlSyntaxProvider.getCanonicalUrl(request);

        final String canonicalUri;
        final int queryStringIndex = canonicalUrl.indexOf("?");
        if (queryStringIndex < 0) {
            canonicalUri = canonicalUrl;
        } else {//from   w w w  . j  a va 2s .  c o  m
            canonicalUri = canonicalUrl.substring(0, queryStringIndex);

        final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

        final int redirectCount = this.getRedirectCount(request);
        if (!canonicalUri.equals(requestURI)) {
            if (redirectCount < this.maximumRedirects) {
                this.setRedirectCount(request, response, redirectCount + 1);

                 * This is the place where we should decide if...
                 *   - (1) the user is a guest
                 *   - (2) the canonicalUrl is not the requested content
                 *   - (3) there is a strategy for external login
                 * If all of these are true, we should attempt to send the 
                 * user to external login with a properly-encoded deep-linking 
                 * service URL attached.

                String encodedTargetUrl = null;

                IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
                if (/* #1 */ person.isGuest() && /* #2 */ urlSyntaxProvider
                        && /* #3 */ loginRefUrlEncoder != null) {
                    encodedTargetUrl = loginRefUrlEncoder.encodeLoginAndRefUrl(request);

                if (encodedTargetUrl == null) {
                    // For whatever reason, we haven't chosen to send the 
                    // user through external login, so we use the canonicalUrl
                    encodedTargetUrl = response.encodeRedirectURL(canonicalUrl);

                logger.debug("Redirecting from {} to canonicalized URL {}, redirect {}",
                        new Object[] { requestURI, canonicalUri, redirectCount });

            this.clearRedirectCount(request, response);
            logger.debug("Not redirecting from {} to canonicalized URL {} due to limit of {} redirects",
                    new Object[] { requestURI, canonicalUri, redirectCount });
        } else if (redirectCount > 0) {
            this.clearRedirectCount(request, response);

    final IPortalRequestInfo portalRequestInfo = this.urlSyntaxProvider.getPortalRequestInfo(request);
    final UrlType urlType = portalRequestInfo.getUrlType();
    final UrlState urlState = portalRequestInfo.getUrlState();

    final PortalHttpServletResponseWrapper httpServletResponseWrapper = new PortalHttpServletResponseWrapper(
    final PortalHttpServletRequestWrapper httpServletRequestWrapper = new PortalHttpServletRequestWrapper(
            request, httpServletResponseWrapper, this.userInstanceManager);

    httpServletRequestWrapper.setHeader(IPortalRequestInfo.URL_TYPE_HEADER, urlType.toString());
    httpServletRequestWrapper.setHeader(IPortalRequestInfo.URL_STATE_HEADER, urlState.toString());

    //Hack to make PortalController work in light of https://jira.springsource.org/secure/attachment/18283/SPR7346.patch
    httpServletRequestWrapper.setHeader(IPortalRequestInfo.URL_TYPE_HEADER + "." + urlType,
    httpServletRequestWrapper.setHeader(IPortalRequestInfo.URL_STATE_HEADER + "." + urlState,

    filterChain.doFilter(httpServletRequestWrapper, httpServletResponseWrapper);