Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl.


public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);

Source Link


From source file:org.jlibrary.web.servlet.JLibraryForwardServlet.java

private void addComment(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {

    String id;/*  www.j  a  v  a2  s.  c om*/
    String repositoryName;
    String text;

    try {
        id = getField(req, resp, "document");
        repositoryName = getField(req, resp, "repository");
        text = getField(req, resp, "text");
    } catch (FieldNotFoundException e) {
    Ticket ticket = TicketService.getTicketService().getTicket(req, repositoryName);
    RepositoryService repositoryService = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService();
    try {
        Document document = repositoryService.findDocument(ticket, id);
        Note note = new Note();
        note.setDate(new Date());
        repositoryService.updateDocument(ticket, document.dumpProperties());
        String refererURL = req.getHeader("referer");
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        if ((e.getCause() != null) && (e.getCause() instanceof SecurityException)) {
            logErrorAndForward(req, resp, repositoryName, e,
                    "Sorry, but you need to be logged in to add comments!");
        } else {
            logErrorAndForward(req, resp, repositoryName, e, "There was a problem adding the comment.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logErrorAndForward(req, resp, repositoryName, e, "There was a problem adding the comment.");

From source file:com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.MyFormAuthenticator.java

 * Process any login information passed in parameter (username, password). Returns true if SecurityFilter should
 * abort further processing after the method completes (for example, if a redirect was sent as part of the login
 * processing)./*from   w  ww  .j a v a 2  s  .c om*/
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return true if the filter should return after this method ends, false otherwise
public boolean processLogin(String username, String password, String rememberme, SecurityRequestWrapper request,
        HttpServletResponse response, XWikiContext context) throws Exception {
    Principal principal = authenticate(username, password, context);
    if (principal != null) {
        // login successful
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.info("User " + principal.getName() + " has been logged-in");

        // invalidate old session if the user was already authenticated, and they logged in as a different user
        if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null && !username.equals(request.getRemoteUser())) {

        // manage persistent login info, if persistent login management is enabled
        if (this.persistentLoginManager != null) {
            // did the user request that their login be persistent?
            if (rememberme != null) {
                // remember login
                this.persistentLoginManager.rememberLogin(request, response, username, password);
            } else {
                // forget login
                this.persistentLoginManager.forgetLogin(request, response);

        // make sure the Principal contains wiki name information
        if (!StringUtils.contains(principal.getName(), ':')) {
            principal = new SimplePrincipal(context.getDatabase() + ":" + principal.getName());

        Boolean bAjax = (Boolean) context.get("ajax");
        if ((bAjax == null) || (!bAjax.booleanValue())) {
            String continueToURL = getContinueToURL(request);
            // This is the url that the user was initially accessing before being prompted for login.
    } else {
        // login failed
        // set response status and forward to error page
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.info("User " + username + " login has failed");

        String returnCode = context.getWiki().Param("xwiki.authentication.unauthorized_code");
        int rCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
        if ((returnCode != null) && (!returnCode.equals(""))) {
            try {
                rCode = Integer.parseInt(returnCode);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                rCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
        response.setStatus(rCode); // TODO: Does this work? (200 in case of error)

    return true;

From source file:org.pentaho.platform.web.http.security.HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.java

public void doFilter(final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response, final FilterChain chain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
        throw new ServletException();
    }//w w w . j a  v a  2s  .c om

    if (!(response instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
        throw new ServletException();

    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

    if (requiresAuthentication(httpRequest, httpResponse)) {
        if (HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    Messages.getInstance().getString("HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.DEBUG_PROCESS_AUTHN")); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // TODO: this should use LogoutHandlers in latest Spring Security

        if (null != httpRequest) {
            String remoteUser = httpRequest.getRemoteUser();
            if ((null != remoteUser) && (remoteUser.length() > 0)) {
                if (HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.DEBUG_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN", remoteUser)); //$NON-NLS-1$

                HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(false);
                if (null != session) {
                    if (HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                .getString("HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.DEBUG_INVALIDATING_SESSION")); //$NON-NLS-1$


                if (HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "HttpSessionReuseDetectionFilter.DEBUG_REDIRECTING", sessionReuseDetectedUrl)); //$NON-NLS-1$

                        httpResponse.encodeRedirectURL(httpRequest.getContextPath() + sessionReuseDetectedUrl));
    chain.doFilter(request, response);

From source file:org.jasig.portal.security.mvc.LogoutController.java

 * Process the incoming request and response.
 * @param request HttpServletRequest object
 * @param response HttpServletResponse object
 * @throws ServletException/*from  w w w.  jav a 2 s.  co m*/
 * @throws IOException
public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    String redirect = this.getRedirectionUrl(request);
    final HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

    if (session != null) {
        // Record that an authenticated user is requesting to log out
        try {
            final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
            if (person != null && person.getSecurityContext().isAuthenticated()) {
                this.portalEventFactory.publishLogoutEvent(request, this, person);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception recording logout " + "associated with request " + request, e);

        final String originalUid = this.identitySwapperManager.getOriginalUsername(session);
        //Logging out from a swapped user, just redirect to the Login servlet
        if (originalUid != null) {
            redirect = request.getContextPath() + "/Login";
        } else {
            // Clear out the existing session for the user
            try {
            } catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
                // IllegalStateException indicates session was already invalidated.
                // This is fine.  LogoutController is looking to guarantee the logged out session is invalid;
                // it need not insist that it be the one to perform the invalidating.
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            "LogoutController encountered IllegalStateException invalidating a presumably already-invalidated session.",

    // Send the user back to the guest page
    final String encodedRedirectURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirect);

From source file:com.expressflow.servlets.ExecProcessServlet.java

private void performRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

    UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
    User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
    if (user != null) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(request.getRequestURI());
        String processID = sb.substring(6, sb.length());
        if (processID != null) {
            try {
                // TaskQueues do not support UserService functions...
                // Add the process to the flow-processing queue
                TaskOptions taskOptions = TaskOptions.Builder.withUrl("/_ah/queue/flowprocessor");

                Enumeration parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();
                while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String parameterName = (String) parameterNames.nextElement();
                    String[] paramValues = request.getParameterValues(parameterName);
                    if (paramValues.length == 1) {
                        taskOptions.param(parameterName, paramValues[0]);
                    } else {
                        System.err.print(parameterName + " has more values?!");
                    }/*w  ww  . j a v  a  2s.c  o  m*/

                //                  Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = request.getParameterMap();
                //                  for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> parameter : parameterMap.entrySet()) {
                //                     for(String value : parameter.getValue()){
                //                        taskOptions.param(parameter.getKey(), value);
                //                     }
                //                  }

                Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("flowprocessor");
                queue.add(taskOptions.param("key", processID));

            } catch (Exception e) {
    } else {

From source file:org.sakaiproject.portal.tool.ToolPortal.java

 * Process a tool request/*from   w w w.ja  v a2 s . com*/
 * @param req
 * @param res
 * @param session
 * @param placementId
 * @param toolContextPath
 * @param toolPathInfo
 * @return true if the processing was successful, false if nt
 * @throws ToolException
 * @throws IOException
protected boolean doTool(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Session session, String placementId,
        String toolContextPath, String toolPathInfo) throws ToolException, IOException {
    // find the tool from some site
    // TODO: all placements are from sites? -ggolden
    ToolConfiguration siteTool = SiteService.findTool(placementId);
    if (siteTool == null)
        return false;

    // find the tool registered for this
    ActiveTool tool = ActiveToolManager.getActiveTool(siteTool.getToolId());
    if (tool == null)
        return false;

    // permission check - visit the site (unless the tool is configured to
    // bypass)
    if (tool.getAccessSecurity() == Tool.AccessSecurity.PORTAL) {
        Site site = null;
        try {
            site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(siteTool.getSiteId());
        } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            // TODO: login here?
            return false;

    // if the path is not set, and we are expecting one, we need to compute
    // the path and redirect
    // we expect a path only if the tool has a registered home -ggolden
    if ((toolPathInfo == null) && (tool.getHome() != null)) {
        // what path? The one last visited, or home
        ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentSession().getToolSession(placementId);
        String redirectPath = (String) toolSession.getAttribute(ActiveTool.TOOL_ATTR_CURRENT_DESTINATION);
        if (redirectPath == null) {
            redirectPath = tool.getHome();

        // redirect with this tool path
        String redirectUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl() + toolContextPath + redirectPath;
        return true;

    // store the path as the current path, if we are doing this
    if (tool.getHome() != null) {
        ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentSession().getToolSession(placementId);
        toolSession.setAttribute(ActiveTool.TOOL_ATTR_CURRENT_DESTINATION, toolPathInfo);

    // prepare for the forward
    setupForward(req, res, siteTool, siteTool.getSkin());
    req.setAttribute(ToolURL.MANAGER, new ToolURLManagerImpl(res));

    // let the tool do the the work (forward)
    tool.forward(req, res, siteTool, toolContextPath, toolPathInfo);

    return true;

From source file:com.wso2telco.gsma.authenticators.ussd.USSDAuthenticator.java

protected void initiateAuthenticationRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        AuthenticationContext context) throws AuthenticationFailedException {

    log.info("Initiating authentication request");
    UserStatus userStatus = (UserStatus) context.getParameter(Constants.USER_STATUS_DATA_PUBLISHING_PARAM);
    String loginPage;// www.j a  va2 s  . com
    String queryParams = FrameworkUtils.getQueryStringWithFrameworkContextId(context.getQueryParams(),
            context.getCallerSessionKey(), context.getContextIdentifier());

    String msisdn = (String) context.getProperty(Constants.MSISDN);
    boolean isUserExists = !(boolean) context.getProperty(Constants.IS_REGISTERING);
    String serviceProviderName = context.getSequenceConfig().getApplicationConfig().getApplicationName();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("MSISDN : " + msisdn);
        log.debug("Service provider : " + serviceProviderName);
        log.debug("User exist : " + isUserExists);
        log.debug("Query parameters : " + queryParams);

    try {
        String retryParam = "";

        loginPage = getAuthEndpointUrl(context);

        if (serviceProviderName.equals("wso2_sp_dashboard")) {
            serviceProviderName = configurationService.getDataHolder().getMobileConnectConfig().getUssdConfig()
        String operator = (String) context.getProperty(Constants.OPERATOR);

        DBUtils.insertAuthFlowStatus(msisdn, Constants.STATUS_PENDING, context.getContextIdentifier());
        sendUssd(context, msisdn, serviceProviderName, operator, isUserExists);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Operator : " + operator);
            log.debug("Redirect URI : " + context.getProperty("redirectURI"));
        response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(loginPage + ("?" + queryParams)) + "&redirect_uri="
                + (String) context.getProperty("redirectURI") + "&authenticators=" + getName() + ":" + "LOCAL"
                + retryParam);

    } catch (IOException | SQLException | AuthenticatorException e) {
                DataPublisherUtil.UserState.USSD_AUTH_PROCESSING_FAIL, e.getMessage());
        throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.etudes.ambrosia.impl.UiServiceImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from ww  w  .  j a v  a  2  s.c om
public boolean redirectToCurrentDestination(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String home)
        throws IOException {
    // get the Tool session
    ToolSession toolSession = m_sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();

    // check the path in the request - if null, we will either send them home or to the current destination
    String destination = req.getPathInfo();
    if (destination == null) {
        // do we have a current destination?
        destination = (String) toolSession.getAttribute(ActiveTool.TOOL_ATTR_CURRENT_DESTINATION);

        // if not, set it to home
        if (destination == null) {
            destination = "/" + ((home != null) ? home : "");

        // redirect
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, destination)));

        return true;

    return false;

From source file:org.etudes.mneme.tool.QuestionView.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  ww  w .jav  a  2  s  .co m
public void get(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Context context, String[] params)
        throws IOException {
    // sid/question selector/anchor and return
    // question selector may end in "!" for "last chance" - linear repeat question when it was not answered
    if (params.length < 5) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    String submissionId = params[2];
    String questionSelector = params[3];
    boolean lastChance = false;
    if (questionSelector.endsWith("!")) {
        questionSelector = questionSelector.substring(0, questionSelector.length() - 1);
        lastChance = true;
    String anchor = params[4];
    if (anchor.equals("-"))
        anchor = null;

    String destination = null;
    if (params.length > 5) {
        destination = "/" + StringUtil.unsplit(params, 5, params.length - 5, "/");
    // if not specified, go to the main list view
    else {
        destination = "/list";
    context.put("return", destination);

    // adjust the current destination to remove the anchor
    params[4] = "-";
    String curDestination = "/" + StringUtil.unsplit(params, 1, params.length - 1, "/");
    context.put("curDestination", curDestination);

    Submission submission = submissionService.getSubmission(submissionId);

    if (submission == null) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.invalid)));

    // if not in-progress (i.e. already closed)
    if (submission.getIsComplete()) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.over)));

    // validity check
    if (!submission.getAssessment().getIsValid()) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.unauthorized)));

    // handle our 'z' selector - redirect to the appropriate question to re-enter this submission
    if ("z".equals(questionSelector)) {
        try {
            // Note: enterSubmission() can create a new submission, if the submission is not in progress.
            // Our submission has no sibling count (=0), since we used getSubmission(), which does not set it.
            // enterSubmission() will think there are no other submissions, so would create one even if the max allowed
            // for the user has been exceeded. Since we check getIsComplete() above, this should be avoided -ggolden
        } catch (AssessmentPermissionException e) {
            // redirect to error
            res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.unauthorized)));
        } catch (AssessmentClosedException e) {
            // redirect to error
            res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.invalid)));
        } catch (AssessmentCompletedException e) {
            // redirect to error
            res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.invalid)));

        redirectToQuestion(req, res, submission, true, false, destination);

    // if the submission has past a hard deadline or ran out of time, close it and tell the user
    if (submission.completeIfOver()) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + Errors.over)));

    context.put("actionTitle", messages.getString("question-header-work"));

    // collect the questions (actually their answers) to put on the page
    List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();

    Errors err = questionSetup(submission, questionSelector, context, answers, true);
    if (err != null) {
        // redirect to error
        res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, "/error/" + err + "/" + submissionId)));

    // for the tool navigation
    if (this.assessmentService.allowManageAssessments(toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext())) {
        context.put("maintainer", Boolean.TRUE);

    if (anchor != null)
        context.put("anchor", anchor);
    if (lastChance)
        context.put("lastChance", Boolean.TRUE);
    new CKSetup().setCKCollectionAttrib(getDocsPath(), toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext());

    // render
    uiService.render(ui, context);

From source file:org.apereo.portal.security.mvc.LogoutController.java

 * Process the incoming request and response.
 * @param request HttpServletRequest object
 * @param response HttpServletResponse object
 * @throws ServletException/*from w w w .j a v  a 2  s . c  o m*/
 * @throws IOException
public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    String redirect = this.getRedirectionUrl(request);
    final HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

    if (session != null) {
        // Record that an authenticated user is requesting to log out
        try {
            final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
            if (person != null && person.getSecurityContext().isAuthenticated()) {
                this.portalEventFactory.publishLogoutEvent(request, this, person);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception recording logout " + "associated with request " + request, e);

        final String originalUid = this.identitySwapperManager.getOriginalUsername(session);
        //Logging out from a swapped user, just redirect to the Login servlet
        if (originalUid != null) {
            redirect = request.getContextPath() + "/Login";
        } else {
            // Clear out the existing session for the user
            try {
            } catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
                // IllegalStateException indicates session was already invalidated.
                // This is fine.  LogoutController is looking to guarantee the logged out session is invalid;
                // it need not insist that it be the one to perform the invalidating.
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            "LogoutController encountered IllegalStateException invalidating a presumably already-invalidated session.",

    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Redirecting to " + redirect + " to send the user back to the guest page.");

    final String encodedRedirectURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirect);