Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl.


public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);

Source Link


From source file:org.josso.liferay6.agent.LiferaySSOAgentFilter.java

protected void processFilter(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {

    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response;

    // URI pattern matching is implemented programmatically in case this filter is bound to the root web context
    // (i.e. '/*' url pattern) required for intercepting locale-prefixed URLs.
    if (!hreq.getRequestURI().contains(LIFERAY_PORTAL_LOGIN_URI)
            && !hreq.getRequestURI().contains(LIFERAY_PORTAL_LOGOUT_URI)
            && !hreq.getRequestURI().contains(LIFERAY_GROUP_URI)
            && !hreq.getRequestURI().contains(LIFERAY_USER_URI)
            && !hreq.getRequestURI().contains(LIFERAY_WEB_URI)
            && !hreq.getRequestURI().contains(JOSSO_SECURITY_CHECK_URI)) {
        filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
        return;/*from w  ww  . j  a va  2s  .  c om*/

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Processing : " + hreq.getContextPath());

    try {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check with the agent if this context should be processed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();
        String vhost = hreq.getServerName();
        long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(request);

        // In catalina, the empty context is considered the root context
        if ("".equals(contextPath))
            contextPath = "/";

        if (!_agent.isPartnerApp(vhost, contextPath)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Context is not a josso partner app : " + hreq.getContextPath());


        String nodeId = hreq.getParameter("josso_node");
        if (nodeId != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Storing JOSSO Node id : " + nodeId);
            _agent.setAttribute(hreq, hres, "JOSSO_NODE", nodeId);
        } else {
            nodeId = _agent.getAttribute(hreq, "JOSSO_NODE");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Found JOSSO Node id : " + nodeId);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check some basic HTTP handling
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // P3P Header for IE 6+ compatibility when embedding JOSSO in a IFRAME
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg = _agent.getPartnerAppConfig(vhost, contextPath);
        if (cfg.isSendP3PHeader() && !hres.isCommitted()) {
            hres.setHeader("P3P", cfg.getP3PHeaderValue());

        // Get our session ...
        HttpSession session = hreq.getSession(true);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the Liferay application required its login form [/c/portal/login]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (JossoLiferayProps.isEnabled(companyId) && hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(LIFERAY_PORTAL_LOGIN_URI)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Requested liferay login: '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
            //save referer url in case the user clicked on Login from some public resource (page)
            //so agent can redirect the user back to that page after successful login
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoUserLoginUri())) {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, true);
            } else {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, false);

            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            //set non cache headers


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the Liferay application required its logout form [/c/portal/logout]
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (JossoLiferayProps.isEnabled(companyId)
                && hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(LIFERAY_PORTAL_LOGOUT_URI)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Requested liferay logout: '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            String logoutUrl = _agent.buildLogoutUrl(hreq, cfg);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Redirecting to logout url '" + logoutUrl + "'");

            // Clear previous COOKIE ...
            Cookie ssoCookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            // invalidate session (unbind josso security context)

            //set non cache headers


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for the single sign on cookie
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking for SSO cookie");
        Cookie cookie = null;
        Cookie cookies[] = hreq.getCookies();
        if (cookies == null)
            cookies = new Cookie[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            if (org.josso.gateway.Constants.JOSSO_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_COOKIE.equals(cookies[i].getName())) {
                cookie = cookies[i];

        String jossoSessionId = (cookie == null) ? null : cookie.getValue();
        LiferayLocalSession localSession = new LiferayLocalSession(session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application submitted custom login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_authentication for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoAuthenticationUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("josso_authentication received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            LiferaySSOAgentRequest customAuthRequest = (LiferaySSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(
                    cfg.getId(), SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION, jossoSessionId, localSession,
                    null, hreq, hres);



        if (cookie == null || cookie.getValue().equals("-")) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Trigger LOGIN OPTIONAL if required
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, verifying optional login process ");

            // We have no cookie, remember me is enabled and a security check without assertion was received ...
            // This means that the user could not be identified ... go back to the original resource
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") == null) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            + " received without assertion.  Login Optional Process failed");

                String requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(hreq);


            // This is a standard anonymous request!
            if (!hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())) {

                if (!_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq) && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres)) {

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                } else {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, checking for outbound relaying");

            if (!(hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null)) {
                log.debug("SSO cookie not present and relaying was not requested, skipping");
                filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if this URI is subject to SSO protection
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);

        // This URI should be protected by SSO, go on ...
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Session is: " + session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the SSO Agent
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Executing agent...");

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if a user has been authenitcated and should be checked by the agent.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_security_check for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("josso_security_check received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "' assertion id '"
                        + hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id"));

            String assertionId = hreq.getParameter(Constants.JOSSO_ASSERTION_ID_PARAMETER);

            LiferaySSOAgentRequest relayRequest;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Outbound relaying requested for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            relayRequest = (LiferaySSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY, null, localSession, assertionId, hreq, hres);

            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(relayRequest);
            if (entry == null) {
                // This is wrong! We should have an entry here!
                        "Outbound relaying failed for assertion id [" + assertionId + "], no Principal found.");
                // Throw an exception and let the container send the INERNAL SERVER ERROR
                throw new ServletException("No Principal found. Verify your SSO Agent Configuration!");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Outbound relaying succesfull for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Assertion id [" + assertionId + "] mapped to SSO session id [" + entry.ssoId + "]");

            // The cookie is valid to for the partner application only ... in the future each partner app may
            // store a different auth. token (SSO SESSION) value
            cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), entry.ssoId, hreq.isSecure());

            // Redirect the user to the original request URI (which will cause
            // the original request to be restored)
            String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(hreq);
            if (requestURI == null) {
                requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(hreq);
                if (requestURI == null) {

                    if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
                        requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
                    } else {
                        // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
                        requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(0,
                                (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri().length()));

                    // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
                    String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
                    if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
                        requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
                    } else {
                        String reverseProxyHost = hreq
                        if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
                            requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");

            clearSavedRequestURLs(hreq, hres);
            _agent.clearAutomaticLoginReferer(hreq, hres);

            // Check if we have a post login resource :
            String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
            if (postAuthURI != null) {
                String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL + "'");
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");


        SSOAgentRequest r = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT, jossoSessionId, localSession, null, hreq,
        SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(r);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Executed agent.");

        // Get session map for this servlet context.
        Map sessionMap = (Map) hreq.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP);
        if (sessionMap.get(localSession.getWrapped()) == null) {
            // the local session is new so, make the valve listen for its events so that it can
            // map them to local session events.
            // Not supported : session.addSessionListener(this);
            sessionMap.put(session, localSession);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Has a valid user already been authenticated?
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Process request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (entry != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Principal '" + entry.principal + "' has already been authenticated");
            // TODO : Not supported
            // (request).setAuthType(entry.authType);
            // (request).setUserPrincipal(entry.principal);
        } else {
            log.info("No Valid SSO Session, attempt an optional login?");
            // This is a standard anonymous request!

            if (cookie != null) {
                // cookie is not valid
                cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            if (cookie != null
                    || (getSavedRequestURL(hreq) == null && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres))) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("SSO Session is not valid, attempting automatic login");

                // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                //set non cache headers
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");


        // propagate the login and logout URLs to
        // partner applications.
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-login-url", _agent.getGatewayLoginUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-logout-url", _agent.getGatewayLogoutUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.ssoSessionid", jossoSessionId);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the next Valve in our pipeline
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
    } finally {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Processed : " + hreq.getContextPath());

From source file:com.bluexml.xforms.controller.navigation.NavigationManager.java

 * Send XForms to Chiba filter.<br>
 * Inserts session id into form.<br>
 * No data manipulation has to be made here.
 * /*from ww  w. j a v a 2 s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param req
 *            the req
 * @param resp
 *            the resp
 * @throws ServletException
 *             the servlet exception
 * @throws IOException
 *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public void sendXForms(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
    String sessionId = session.getId();

    controller = getController();

    String testStr = StringUtils.trimToNull(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_SERVE_TEST_PAGE.getText()));
    boolean serveTestPage = StringUtils.equals(testStr, "true");
    String pageId = StringUtils.trimToNull(req.getParameter(PAGE_ID));

    // called from a direct link? set our info (pageId, stackId)
    if (pageId == null) {
        // check for a possible initialisation call
        boolean isInit = StringUtils.equals(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_INIT_CALL.getText()), "true");
        if (isInit) {
            ServletOutputStream stream = resp.getOutputStream();
            String result = (loadConfiguration(req, true) == -1) ? "success" : "failure";
        pageId = NavigationSessionListener.getPageId(sessionId);
        NavigationPath navigationPath = NavigationSessionListener.getNavigationPath(sessionId, pageId);

        // check whether reloading of the mapping.xml file was asked for
        if (StringUtils.equals(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_RELOAD_MAPPING_FILE.getText()), "true")) {
        // check whether reloading of properties/configuration files was asked for
        if (StringUtils.equals(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_RELOAD_PROPERTIES.getText()), "true")) {
            int resLoad = loadConfiguration(req, false);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (resLoad == -1) {
                    logger.debug("Reloaded properties: OK.");
                } else {
                    String reason = "";
                    switch (resLoad) {
                    case 0:
                        reason = "an exception occured";
                    case 1:
                        reason = "properties files";
                    case 2:
                        reason = "redirection file";
                    logger.debug("Failed in loading the configuration. Reason: " + reason);
        // set specific CSS if given
        // initial status message. CAUTION: may be overridden later in case of errors.
        String statusMsg = StringUtils.trimToNull(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_STATUS_MSG.getText()));
        if (statusMsg != null) {
        // deal with standalone mode
        if (StringUtils.equals(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_STANDALONE.getText()), "true")) {
        if (StringUtils.equals(req.getParameter(MsgId.PARAM_STANDALONE.getText()), "false")) {

        PageInfoBean pageInfo = collectPageInfo(req);
        // save session and URL we were called with (useful when a host is multi-domain'ed)
        String curServletURL = this.registerSessionURL(req, sessionId);
        // remember where we are
        String location = curServletURL + "?pageId=" + pageId + "&stackId=" + navigationPath.getSize();
        // propagate queryString
        location += "&" + req.getQueryString();
        if (serveTestPage == false) {
            // redirect the web client, providing ids we need
    // the ids are available
    NavigationPath navigationPath = NavigationSessionListener.getNavigationPath(sessionId, pageId);
    if (navigationPath.isEmpty()) {
        // the servlet is called directly with ids we did not register
        throw new ServletException(MsgPool.getMsg(MsgId.MSG_SESSION_TIMED_OUT));
    Page currentPage = navigationPath.peekCurrentPage();
    // set the warning if page was called with an object it can't display
    if (currentPage.isWrongCallType()) {
        navigationPath.setStatusMsg("WARNING: the data Id provided is not appropriate for this form.");

    // get the form template as a string
    String statusDisplayedMsg = navigationPath.getStatusDisplayedMsg();
    Document doc = loadXFormsDocument(req, sessionId, pageId, statusDisplayedMsg, currentPage);

    req.setAttribute(WebFactory.XFORMS_NODE, doc);

From source file:org.sensorhub.impl.security.gxoauth.OAuthAuthenticator.java

public Authentication validateRequest(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, boolean mandatory)
        throws ServerAuthException {
    try {//from   www.  ja  v a 2s.c  om
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) resp;
        String redirectUrl = config.redirectURL != null ? config.redirectURL
                : request.getRequestURL().toString();
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

        // check for cached auth
        Authentication cachedAuth = (Authentication) session
        if (cachedAuth != null && cachedAuth instanceof Authentication.User) {
            if (!_loginService.validate(((Authentication.User) cachedAuth).getUserIdentity()))
                return cachedAuth;

        // if calling back from provider with auth code
        if (generatedState != null && request.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_CODE) != null) {
            try {
                // first request temporary access token
                OAuthAuthzResponse oar = OAuthAuthzResponse.oauthCodeAuthzResponse(request);
                String code = oar.getCode();
                log.debug("OAuth Code = " + code);

                // check state parameter
                if (!generatedState.equals(oar.getState()))
                    throw OAuthProblemException.error("Invalid state parameter");

                OAuthClientRequest authRequest = OAuthClientRequest.tokenLocation(config.tokenEndpoint)

                String authString = config.clientID + ":" + config.clientSecret;
                byte[] authEncBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(authString.getBytes());
                String authStringEnc = new String(authEncBytes);

                authRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authStringEnc);
                authRequest.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");

                OAuthClient oAuthClient = new OAuthClient(new URLConnectionClient());
                OAuthJSONAccessTokenResponse oAuthResponse = oAuthClient.accessToken(authRequest,

                // read access token and store in session
                String accessToken = oAuthResponse.getAccessToken();
                log.debug("OAuth Token = " + accessToken);

                // request user info
                OAuthClientRequest bearerClientRequest = new OAuthBearerClientRequest(config.userInfoEndpoint)
                bearerClientRequest.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken);
                OAuthResourceResponse resourceResponse = oAuthClient.resource(bearerClientRequest,
                        HttpMethod.GET, OAuthResourceResponse.class);

                // parse user info
                log.debug("UserInfo = " + resourceResponse.getBody());
                JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(resourceResponse.getBody()));
                String userId = parseUserInfoJson(jsonReader);

                // login and return UserAuth object
                UserIdentity user = login(userId, "NONE", req);
                if (user != null) {
                    UserAuthentication userAuth = new UserAuthentication(getAuthMethod(), user);
                    session.setAttribute(SessionAuthentication.__J_AUTHENTICATED, userAuth);
                    return userAuth;

                return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;
            } catch (OAuthProblemException | OAuthSystemException | IOException e) {
                log.error("Cannot complete authentication at endpoint " + config.tokenEndpoint, e);
                response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());
                return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;

        // first login at auth provider
        else {
            try {
                // generate request to auth provider
                this.generatedState = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                OAuthClientRequest authRequest = OAuthClientRequest.authorizationLocation(config.authzEndpoint)

                // send as redirect
                String loginUrl = authRequest.getLocationUri();
                return Authentication.SEND_CONTINUE;
            } catch (OAuthSystemException e) {
                log.error("Cannot redirect to authentication endpoint " + config.authzEndpoint, e);
                response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());
                return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Cannot send HTTP error", e);
        return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;

From source file:org.guanxi.sp.sakai.portal.tool.GuanxiPortal.java

 * Main entry point for the Shibboleth portal. It' here that we register a Pod for the current user.
 * By the time we get here, the full Shibboleth protocol has been completed and the Guanxi Guard
 * has created a Guanxi Pod for the user and stored it in the servlet context.
 * @param request Standard HttpServletRequest
 * @param response Standard HttpServletResponse
 * @throws ServletException if an error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an error occurs
 *//*from  w  w  w  .j  a v a 2 s  . c o  m*/
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
        // make sure the portal is enabled
        if (!ServerConfigurationService.getString(SHIBB_ENABLED_KEY, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            log.error("Shibboleth portal disabled");
            doError(request, response, "Disabled",
                    "The Shibboleth Portal is currently disabled. To enable this, set \"shibb.enabled=true\" in your sakai.properties file.");

        // Configuration sanity checks
        if (!sanityCheck()) {
            log.error("Sanity check failed");
            doError(request, response, "SAML Attribute configuration error",
                    "Please check your saml.attribute.name settings in sakai.properties.");

        // Get a Sakai Pod ready...
        GSKPod gxPod = null;

        // ...and search the request for the Guanxi Guard cookie which will point to the Guanxi Pod
        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
        if (cookies != null) {
            for (int c = 0; c < cookies.length; c++) {
                if (cookies[c].getName()
                        .equals(getServletContext().getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_GUARD_COOKIE_NAME))) {
                    Pod pod = (Pod) getServletContext().getAttribute(cookies[c].getValue());
                    if (pod != null) {
                        String podErrors = verifyPod(pod);
                        if (!podErrors.equals("")) {
                            doError(request, response, "Shibboleth", podErrors);

                        // If the eid attribute is multi-valued, use the first one
                        String eid = pod.getBag()
                        if (eid.indexOf(Bag.ATTR_VALUE_DELIM) != -1) {
                            eid = eid.split(Bag.ATTR_VALUE_DELIM)[0];

                        // Register the Sakai pod with this eid
                        gxPod = podManager.registerPod(eid);

                        // Update the user's details in the Sakai pod according to their attributes

                        /* Save the raw SAML response in the Sakai pod. This is the response from the
                         * Shibboleth Attribute Authority and contains the attributes in their raw
                         * SAML form. It's stored in the pod as a String.

                        // Sakai will deal with logout so delete the Guanxi Guard cookie...
                        // ...and remove the Guanxi Guard Pod
                        getServletContext().setAttribute(cookies[c].getValue(), null);
                    } // if (pod != null)
                } // if (cookies[c].getName().startsWith ...
            } // for (int c = 0; c < cookies.length; c++)
        } // if (cookies != null)

        // If we didn't get a pod for them, go to the error page
        if (gxPod == null) {
            doError(request, response, "Shibboleth error", "We could not find your Shibboleth credentials.");

        // Get the current session
        Session session = (SessionManager.getCurrentSession() == null) ? SessionManager.startSession()
                : SessionManager.getCurrentSession();

        /* As the user has been through the Shibboleth process we can trust them as we trust
         * their IdP to issue assertions on their behalf. So what we see in the attributes
         * should be a valid representation of the user.
        ExternalTrustedEvidence trustedUser = new ExternalTrustedEvidence(gxPod.getEid());

        // Log them in and redirect to the requested resource
        Authentication authentication = AuthenticationManager.authenticate(trustedUser);
        if (UsageSessionService.login(authentication, request)) {
            String defaultPortal = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl()
                    + ServerConfigurationService.getString(DEFAULT_PORTAL_REDIRECT_KEY);
        } else {
            doError(request, response, "Shibboleth error", "We could not log you in.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        doThrowableError(request, response, t);

From source file:org.jahia.bin.Logout.java

protected void doRedirect(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    String redirect = request.getParameter("redirect");
    if (redirect == null) {
        redirect = request.getHeader("referer");
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(redirect) && Login.isAuthorizedRedirect(request, redirect, false)) {
            redirect = redirect.startsWith("http://") ? StringUtils.substringAfter(redirect, "http://")
                    : StringUtils.substringAfter(redirect, "https://");
            redirect = redirect.contains("/") ? "/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(redirect, "/") : null;
        } else {//from   w w  w.j a  v  a 2s. c om
            redirect = null;
    } else if (!Login.isAuthorizedRedirect(request, redirect, false)) {
        redirect = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(redirect)) {
        try {
            final String r = redirect;
            HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request) {
                public String getRequestURI() {
                    return r;

                public String getPathInfo() {
                    if (r.startsWith(getContextPath() + "/cms/")) {
                        return StringUtils.substringAfter(r, getContextPath() + "/cms");
                    return null;

            if (urlRewriteService.prepareInbound(wrapper, response)) {
                RewrittenUrl restored = urlRewriteService.rewriteInbound(wrapper, response);
                if (restored != null) {
                    redirect = request.getContextPath() + restored.getTarget();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Cannot rewrite redirection url", e);

        String prefix = request.getContextPath() + "/cms/";
        if (redirect.startsWith(prefix)) {
            String url = "/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(redirect, prefix);
            String hash = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(url, "#");
            url = StringUtils.substringBefore(url,
                    ";" + SettingsBean.getInstance().getJsessionIdParameterName());
            url = StringUtils.substringBefore(url, "?");
            url = StringUtils.substringBefore(url, "#");
            if (hash != null && hash.startsWith("/sites/") && url.contains("/sites/")) {
                url = StringUtils.substringBefore(url, "/sites/") + StringUtils.substringBefore(hash, ":")
                        + ".html";

            List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (url.startsWith("/edit/")) {
                url = "/render/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(url, "/edit/");
            } else if (url.startsWith("/editframe/default/")) {
                url = "/render/live/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(url, "/editframe/default/");
            } else if (url.startsWith("/contribute/")) {
                url = "/render/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(url, "/contribute/");
            } else if (url.startsWith("/contributeframe/default/")) {
                url = "/render/live/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(url, "/contributeframe/default/");
            if (url.startsWith("/render/default/")) {
                url = "/render/live/" + StringUtils.substringAfter(url, "/render/default/");
            for (String currentUrl : urls) {
                try {
                    URLResolver r = urlResolverFactory.createURLResolver(currentUrl, request.getServerName(),
                    if (r.getPath().startsWith("/sites/")) {
                        JCRNodeWrapper n = r.getNode();
                        // test that we do not get the site node, in that case, redirect to homepage
                        if (n.isNodeType("jnt:virtualsite")) {
                            n = ((JCRSiteNode) n).getHome();
                        if (n == null) {
                            // this can occur if the homepage of the site is not set
                            redirect = request.getContextPath() + "/";
                        } else {
                            redirect = prefix + r.getServletPart() + "/" + r.getWorkspace() + "/"
                                    + resolveLanguage(request, n.getResolveSite()) + n.getPath() + ".html";
                    } else {
                        redirect = request.getContextPath() + "/";
                    redirect = urlRewriteService.rewriteOutbound(redirect, request, response);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.debug("Cannot redirect to " + currentUrl, e);
            response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(request.getContextPath() + "/"));

            .encodeRedirectURL(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(redirect) ? redirect : request.getContextPath() + "/"));

From source file:at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.servlet.GetForeignIDServlet.java

 * Verifies the identity link and responds with a new 
 * <code>CreateXMLSignatureRequest</code>.
 * <br>/*from  w w  w.  j  av a  2 s  .  c o  m*/
 * Request parameters:
 * <ul>
 * <li>MOASessionID: ID of associated authentication session</li>
 * <li>XMLResponse: <code>&lt;InfoboxReadResponse&gt;</code></li>
 * </ul>
 * Response:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Content type: <code>"text/xml"</code></li>
 * <li>Content: see return value of {@link AuthenticationServer#verifyIdentityLink}</li>
 * <li>Error status: <code>500</code>
 * </ul>
 * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    Logger.debug("POST GetForeignIDServlet");

    Logger.warn(getClass().getName() + " is deprecated and should not be used any more.");

    resp.setHeader(MOAIDAuthConstants.HEADER_EXPIRES, MOAIDAuthConstants.HEADER_VALUE_EXPIRES);
    resp.setHeader(MOAIDAuthConstants.HEADER_PRAGMA, MOAIDAuthConstants.HEADER_VALUE_PRAGMA);

    Map<String, String> parameters;

    String pendingRequestID = null;

    try {
        parameters = getParameters(req);
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {
        Logger.error("Parsing mulitpart/form-data request parameters failed: " + e.getMessage());
        throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
    String sessionID = req.getParameter(PARAM_SESSIONID);
    pendingRequestID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.getPendingRequestID(sessionID);

    // escape parameter strings
    sessionID = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(sessionID);

    String redirectURL = null;
    AuthenticationSession session = null;
    try {
        String xmlCreateXMLSignatureResponse = (String) parameters.get(PARAM_XMLRESPONSE);
        // check parameter
        if (!ParamValidatorUtils.isValidSessionID(sessionID))
            throw new WrongParametersException("GetForeignID", PARAM_SESSIONID, "auth.12");
        if (!ParamValidatorUtils.isValidXMLDocument(xmlCreateXMLSignatureResponse))
            throw new WrongParametersException("GetForeignID", PARAM_XMLRESPONSE, "auth.12");

        session = AuthenticationServer.getSession(sessionID);

        //change MOASessionID
        sessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(session);


        CreateXMLSignatureResponse csresp = new CreateXMLSignatureResponseParser(xmlCreateXMLSignatureResponse)

        try {
            String serializedAssertion = DOMUtils.serializeNode(csresp.getDsigSignature());

        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new ParseException("parser.04", new Object[] { REQ_VERIFY_AUTH_BLOCK, PARAM_XMLRESPONSE });

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ParseException("parser.04", new Object[] { REQ_VERIFY_AUTH_BLOCK, PARAM_XMLRESPONSE });


        Element signature = csresp.getDsigSignature();

        try {
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            Logger.error("Could not extract certificate from CreateXMLSignatureResponse");
            throw new MOAIDException("auth.14", null);

        // make SZR request to the identity link
        CreateIdentityLinkResponse response = AuthenticationServer.getInstance().getIdentityLink(signature);

        if (null != response.getErrorResponse()) {
            // TODO fix exception parameter
            throw new SZRGWClientException("service.08", (String) response.getErrorResponse().getErrorCode(),
                    (String) response.getErrorResponse().getInfo());
        } else {
            IdentityLinkAssertionParser ilParser = new IdentityLinkAssertionParser(
                    new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getIdentityLink()));
            IdentityLink identitylink = ilParser.parseIdentityLink();

            //set QAA Level four in case of card authentifcation

            String samlArtifactBase64 = AuthenticationServer.getInstance()

            //session is implicit stored in changeSessionID!!!! 
            String newMOASessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(session);

            Logger.info("Changed MOASession " + sessionID + " to Session " + newMOASessionID);
            Logger.info("Daten angelegt zu MOASession " + newMOASessionID);

            if (!samlArtifactBase64.equals("Redirect to Input Processor")) {
                /*redirectURL = session.getOAURLRequested();
                if (!session.getBusinessService()) {
                   redirectURL = addURLParameter(redirectURL, PARAM_TARGET, URLEncoder.encode(session.getTarget(), "UTF-8"));
                redirectURL = addURLParameter(redirectURL, PARAM_SAMLARTIFACT, URLEncoder.encode(samlArtifactBase64, "UTF-8"));
                redirectURL = resp.encodeRedirectURL(redirectURL);*/

                redirectURL = new DataURLBuilder().buildDataURL(session.getAuthURL(),
                        ModulUtils.buildAuthURL(session.getModul(), session.getAction(), pendingRequestID),
                redirectURL = resp.encodeRedirectURL(redirectURL);

            } else {
                redirectURL = new DataURLBuilder().buildDataURL(session.getAuthURL(),
                        AuthenticationServer.REQ_PROCESS_VALIDATOR_INPUT, newMOASessionID);


            try {
            } catch (MOADatabaseException e) {
                throw new MOAIDException("Session store error", null);

            resp.addHeader("Location", redirectURL);
            Logger.debug("REDIRECT TO: " + redirectURL);

    } catch (MOAIDException ex) {
        handleError(null, ex, req, resp, pendingRequestID);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("GetForeignIDServlet has an interal Error.", e);


From source file:at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.servlet.PEPSConnectorWithLocalSigningServlet.java

private void handleSignResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    Logger.info("handleSignResponse started");
    String moaSessionID = request.getParameter("moaSessionID");
    String signResponse = request.getParameter("signresponse");
    Logger.info("moaSessionID:" + moaSessionID);
    Logger.info("signResponse:" + signResponse);
    String pendingRequestID = null;
    try {/*from  w  w w.  j  av a 2  s  .  co m*/

        //load MOASession from database
        AuthenticationSession moaSession = AuthenticationServer.getSession(moaSessionID);
        //change MOASessionID
        moaSessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(moaSession);

        pendingRequestID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.getPendingRequestID(moaSessionID);
        Logger.info("pendingRequestID:" + pendingRequestID);
        String signResponseString = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(signResponse), "UTF8");
        Logger.info("RECEIVED signresponse:" + signResponseString);
        //create SignResponse object
        Source response1 = new StreamSource(new java.io.StringReader(signResponseString));
        SignResponse dssSignResponse = ApiUtils.unmarshal(response1, SignResponse.class);

        //         SignResponse dssSignResponse = (SignResponse) ApiUtils.unmarshal(new StreamSource(new java.io.StringReader(Base64.signResponse)));

        String citizenSignature = getCitizienSignatureFromSignResponse(dssSignResponse);

        // memorize signature into authblock

        X509Certificate cert = getSignerCertificate(citizenSignature);
        VerifyXMLSignatureResponse xMLVerifySignatureResponse = verifyXMLSignature(citizenSignature);
        at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.data.VerifyXMLSignatureResponse tmp = convert(xMLVerifySignatureResponse);

        try {
            IPersonalAttributeList personalAttributeList = moaSession
            //Add SignResponse   TODO Add signature (extracted from signResponse)?
            List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
            //            values.add(citizenSignature);
            Logger.debug("Assembling signedDoc attribute");
            PersonalAttribute signedDocAttribute = new PersonalAttribute("signedDoc", false, values,

            String authnContextClassRef = moaSession.getAuthnContextClassRef();
            SZRGInsertion(moaSession, personalAttributeList, authnContextClassRef, citizenSignature);
        } catch (STORKException e) {
            // this is really nasty but we work against the system here. We are supposed to get the gender attribute from
            // stork. If we do not, we cannot register the person in the ERnP - we have to have the
            // gender for the represented person. So here comes the dirty hack. 
            if (e.getCause() instanceof STORKException
                    && e.getCause().getMessage().equals("gender not found in response")) {
                try {
                    Logger.trace("Initialize VelocityEngine...");

                    VelocityEngine velocityEngine = VelocityProvider.getClassPathVelocityEngine();
                    Template template = velocityEngine.getTemplate("/resources/templates/fetchGender.html");
                    VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
                    context.put("SAMLResponse", request.getParameter("SAMLResponse"));
                    context.put("action", request.getRequestURL());

                    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                    template.merge(context, writer);

                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    Logger.error("Error sending gender retrival form.", e1);
                    //                  httpSession.invalidate();
                    throw new MOAIDException("stork.10", null);


            Logger.error("Error connecting SZR Gateway", e);
            throw new MOAIDException("stork.10", null);

        Logger.debug("Add full STORK AuthnResponse to MOA session");
        moaSession.setStorkAuthnResponse(request.getParameter("SAMLResponse"));//TODO ask Florian/Thomas authnResponse?

        //session is implicit stored in changeSessionID!!!!
        String newMOASessionID = AuthenticationSessionStoreage.changeSessionID(moaSession);

        Logger.info("Changed MOASession " + moaSessionID + " to Session " + newMOASessionID);

        String redirectURL = null;
        redirectURL = new DataURLBuilder().buildDataURL(moaSession.getAuthURL(),
                ModulUtils.buildAuthURL(moaSession.getModul(), moaSession.getAction(), pendingRequestID),
        redirectURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirectURL);

        Logger.info("REDIRECT TO: " + redirectURL);

    } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
        handleError(null, e, request, response, pendingRequestID);

    } catch (MOAIDException e) {
        handleError(null, e, request, response, pendingRequestID);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("PEPSConnector has an interal Error.", e);

    finally {

From source file:de.zib.scalaris.examples.wikipedia.bliki.WikiServlet.java

 * Shows a preview of the edit operation submitted or saves the page with
 * the given <tt>title</tt> depending on what button the user clicked.
 * /*from w  w w . j  a  v a 2s.  co m*/
 * @param request
 *            the request of the current operation
 * @param response
 *            the response of the current operation
 * @param title
 *            the title of the article to show
 * @param page
 *            the bean for the page
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
 * @throws ServletException 
private void handleEditPageSubmitted(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String title,
        Connection connection, WikiPageEditBean page)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, ServletException {
    String content = request.getParameter("wpTextbox1");
    String summary = request.getParameter("wpSummary");
    int oldVersion = parseInt(request.getParameter("oldVersion"), -1);
    boolean minorChange = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("minor"));

    // save page or preview+edit page?
    if (request.getParameter("wpSave") != null) {
        // save page
        Contributor contributor = new Contributor();
        String timestamp = Revision.calendarToString(Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")));
        Revision newRev = new Revision(-1, timestamp, minorChange, contributor, summary);

        SavePageResult result;
        int retries = 0;
        while (true) {
            result = savePage(connection, title, newRev, oldVersion, null, siteinfo, "", namespace);
            if (!result.failedKeys.isEmpty()) {
                page.getFailedKeys().put(retries + 1, result.failedKeys);
            if (!result.success && retries < Options.getInstance().WIKI_SAVEPAGE_RETRIES) {
                // check for conflicting edit on same page, do not retry in this case
                final Page oldPage = result.oldPage;
                if (oldPage != null && oldPage.getCurRev().getId() != oldVersion) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } else {
        page.setSaveAttempts(retries + 1);
        for (WikiEventHandler handler : eventHandlers) {
            handler.onPageSaved(page, result, connection);
        if (result.success) {
            // successfully saved -> show page with a notice of the successful operation
            // also actively update the bloom filter of existing pages
            existingPages.add(NormalisedTitle.fromUnnormalised(title, namespace));
            ArrayList<Long> times = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (List<Long> time : page.getStats().values()) {
            // do not include the UTF-8-title directly into encodeRedirectURL since that's not 
            // encoding umlauts (maybe other special chars as well) correctly, e.g.  -> %E4 instead of %C3%A4
            StringBuilder redirectUrl = new StringBuilder(256);
            redirectUrl.append(URLEncoder.encode(title, "UTF-8"));
            redirectUrl.append("&save_times=" + StringUtils.join(times, "%2C"));
            redirectUrl.append("&save_attempts=" + page.getSaveAttempts());
            for (Entry<Integer, List<String>> failedKeys : page.getFailedKeys().entrySet()) {
                redirectUrl.append("&failed_keys" + failedKeys.getKey() + "="
                        + URLEncoder.encode(StringUtils.join(failedKeys.getValue(), " # "), "UTF-8"));
                    + URLEncoder.encode(StringUtils.join(page.getInvolvedKeys(), " # "), "UTF-8"));
            redirectUrl.append("&server_time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - page.getStartTime()));
            if (result.newPage.isRedirect()) {
            final String serviceUser = page.getServiceUser().isEmpty() ? ""
                    : "&service_user=" + page.getServiceUser();
                    "http://" + Options.getInstance().SERVERNAME + Options.getInstance().SERVERPATH
                            + response.encodeRedirectURL(redirectUrl.toString()) + serviceUser);
        } else {
            // set error message and show the edit page again (see below)
            if (result.connect_failed) {
                setParam_error(request, "ERROR: DB connection failed");
            } else {
                setParam_error(request, "ERROR: conflicting edit");
            addToParam_notice(request, "error: could not save page: <pre>" + result.message + "</pre>");

    // preview+edit page

    // set the textarea's contents:

    MyWikiModel wikiModel = getWikiModel(connection, page);
    String[] titleParts = wikiModel.splitNsTitle(title);

    forwardToPageJsp(request, response, connection, page, "pageEdit.jsp");

From source file:org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator.java

 * Authenticate the user making this request, based on the specified
 * login configuration.  Return <code>true</code> if any specified
 * constraint has been satisfied, or <code>false</code> if we have
 * created a response challenge already.
 * @param request Request we are processing
 * @param response Response we are creating
 * @param config    Login configuration describing how authentication
 *              should be performed// ww  w .j  av a 2 s.co m
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
public boolean authenticate(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, LoginConfig config) throws IOException {

    // References to objects we will need later
    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest();
    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response.getResponse();
    Session session = null;

    // Have we already authenticated someone?
    Principal principal = hreq.getUserPrincipal();
    String ssoId = (String) request.getNote(Constants.REQ_SSOID_NOTE);
    if (principal != null) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Already authenticated '" + principal.getName() + "'");
        // Associate the session with any existing SSO session
        if (ssoId != null)
            associate(ssoId, getSession(request, true));
        return (true);

    // Is there an SSO session against which we can try to reauthenticate?
    if (ssoId != null) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("SSO Id " + ssoId + " set; attempting " + "reauthentication");
        // Try to reauthenticate using data cached by SSO.  If this fails,
        // either the original SSO logon was of DIGEST or SSL (which
        // we can't reauthenticate ourselves because there is no
        // cached username and password), or the realm denied
        // the user's reauthentication for some reason.
        // In either case we have to prompt the user for a logon */
        if (reauthenticateFromSSO(ssoId, request))
            return true;

    // Have we authenticated this user before but have caching disabled?
    if (!cache) {
        session = getSession(request, true);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking for reauthenticate in session " + session);
        String username = (String) session.getNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE);
        String password = (String) session.getNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE);
        if ((username != null) && (password != null)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Reauthenticating username '" + username + "'");
            principal = context.getRealm().authenticate(username, password);
            if (principal != null) {
                session.setNote(Constants.FORM_PRINCIPAL_NOTE, principal);
                register(request, response, principal, Constants.FORM_METHOD, username, password);
                return (true);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Reauthentication failed, proceed normally");

    // Is this the re-submit of the original request URI after successful
    // authentication?  If so, forward the *original* request instead.
    if (matchRequest(request)) {
        session = getSession(request, true);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Restore request from session '" + session.getId() + "'");
        principal = (Principal) session.getNote(Constants.FORM_PRINCIPAL_NOTE);
        register(request, response, principal, Constants.FORM_METHOD,
                (String) session.getNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE),
                (String) session.getNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE));
        if (restoreRequest(request, session)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Proceed to restored request");
            return (true);
        } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Restore of original request failed");
            return (false);

    // Acquire references to objects we will need to evaluate
    MessageBytes uriMB = MessageBytes.newInstance();
    CharChunk uriCC = uriMB.getCharChunk();
    String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();
    String requestURI = request.getDecodedRequestURI();

    // Is this the action request from the login page?
    boolean loginAction = requestURI.startsWith(contextPath) && requestURI.endsWith(Constants.FORM_ACTION);

    // No -- Save this request and redirect to the form login page
    if (!loginAction) {
        session = getSession(request, true);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Save request in session '" + session.getId() + "'");
        saveRequest(request, session);
        RequestDispatcher disp = context.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(config.getLoginPage());
        try {
            disp.forward(hreq, hres);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Unexpected error forwarding to login page", t);
        return (false);

    // Yes -- Validate the specified credentials and redirect
    // to the error page if they are not correct
    Realm realm = context.getRealm();
    String username = hreq.getParameter(Constants.FORM_USERNAME);
    String password = hreq.getParameter(Constants.FORM_PASSWORD);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Authenticating username '" + username + "'");
    principal = realm.authenticate(username, password);
    if (principal == null) {
        RequestDispatcher disp = context.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(config.getErrorPage());
        try {
            disp.forward(hreq, hres);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.warn("Unexpected error forwarding to error page", t);
        return (false);

    // Save the authenticated Principal in our session
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Authentication of '" + username + "' was successful");
    if (session == null)
        session = getSession(request, true);
    session.setNote(Constants.FORM_PRINCIPAL_NOTE, principal);

    // If we are not caching, save the username and password as well
    if (!cache) {
        session.setNote(Constants.SESS_USERNAME_NOTE, username);
        session.setNote(Constants.SESS_PASSWORD_NOTE, password);

    // Redirect the user to the original request URI (which will cause
    // the original request to be restored)
    requestURI = savedRequestURL(session);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");
    if (requestURI == null)
        hres.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, sm.getString("authenticator.formlogin"));
    return (false);


From source file:org.josso.gl2.agent.SSOAgentValve.java

 * Perform single-sign-on support processing for this request.
 * @param request  The servlet request we are processing
 * @param response The servlet response we are creating
 * @throws IOException      if an input/output error occurs
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet error occurs
 *///from  w ww  .j  a  va 2 s. co  m
public int invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException {

    // If this is not an HTTP request and response, just pass them on
    int ret = 0;
    if (!(request instanceof HttpRequest) || !(response instanceof HttpResponse)) {
        //context.invokeNext(request, response);
        ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
        return ret;

    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest();
    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response.getResponse();

    if (debug >= 1)
        log("***Processing : " + hreq.getContextPath() + " [" + hreq.getRequestURL() + "] path="
                + hreq.getPathInfo());
    try {
        container = (Container) request.getContext();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log("Erreur sur cast container", e);
    try {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check with the agent if this context should be processed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();
        String vhost = hreq.getServerName();

        // In catalina, the empty context is considered the root context
        if ("".equals(contextPath))
            contextPath = "/";
        // T1 si l'appli n'est pas partenaire alors pas de SSO on continue
        if (!_agent.isPartnerApp(vhost, contextPath)) {
            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T1 Context is not a josso partner app : " + hreq.getContextPath());
            hres.sendError(hres.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "vrifier config agent ajouter le contexte");
            ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
            return ret;
        } else {
            log("T1 Context IS a josso partner app =" + hreq.getContextPath());

        // T2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check some basic HTTP handling
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // P3P Header for IE 6+ compatibility when embedding JOSSO in a IFRAME
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg = _agent.getPartnerAppConfig(vhost, contextPath);
        if (cfg.isSendP3PHeader() && !hres.isCommitted()) {
            hres.setHeader("P3P", cfg.getP3PHeaderValue());

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if this URI is subject to SSO protection
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (isResourceIgnored(cfg, request)) {
            log("T9 ressource non ssois (accs libre)");
            ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
            return ret;

        // Get our session ...
        session = getSession(((HttpRequest) request), true);

        //T3 on revient aprs authentification russie et pour finalisation
        if (_agent.isSSOIDloged(jossoSessionId)) {
            log("T3 SSOAgentValve Info retour authentifi pour " + jossoSessionId + " faire retour vers "
                    + theOriginal);
            localSession = new CatalinaLocalSession(session);
            //T4 on revrifie ma prsence d'une entre SSOID
            SSOAgentRequest r = new CatalinaSSOAgentRequest(SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT,
                    jossoSessionId, localSession);
            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(r);

            if (debug == 1)
                log("T3 Executed agent acction ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT");
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Has a valid user already been authenticated?
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (entry != null) {
                if (debug == 1)
                    log("T3-1 Principal '" + entry.principal + "' has already been authenticated");
                // TODO : Not supported
                // (request).setAuthType(entry.authType);
                // (request).setUserPrincipal(entry.principal);
            } else {
                log("T3-2 No Valid SSO Session, attempt an optional login?");
                // This is a standard anonymous request!

                if (cookie != null) {
                    // cookie is not valid
                    cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-");
                if (cookie != null
                        || (getSavedRequestURL(session) == null && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq))) {

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log("T3-2-1 SSO Session is not valid, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    log("T3-2-1 ***On sauve la requte 2 ***");
                    saveRequest((HttpRequest) request, session);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (debug == 1)
                        log("T3-2-1 Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                    ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
                    return ret;
                } else {
                    if (debug == 1)
                        log("T3-2-1 SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");


            try {
                log("Avant sur webProgrammaticLogin -------------" + iBoucle);

                if (!WebProgrammaticLogin.login(jossoSessionId, assertionId, "jossoRealm", hreq, hres)) {
                    log("Erreur sur webProgrammaticLogin");
                } else {
                    log("Russite sur webProgrammaticLogin");
                log("Aprs sur webProgrammaticLogin-------------" + iBoucle);
            } catch (Exception err) {
                log("SSOAgentValve Erreur2 finalisation contexte securit", err);
                throw err;
            // propagate the login and logout URLs to
            // partner applications.
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-login-url", _agent.getGatewayLoginUrl());
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-logout-url", _agent.getGatewayLogoutUrl());
            hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.ssoSessionid", jossoSessionId);

            ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
            return ret;
        } else {
            log("T3 SSOAgentValve Info retour pas authentifi pour " + jossoSessionId);
            iBoucle = 0;
        String username = processAuthorizationToken(hreq);
        //equivalent  la page de login si pas autoris on passe par l'authent
        if (username == null && getSavedRequestURL(session) == null
                && !hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOLoginUri())
                && !hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOUserLoginUri())) {
            log("TA2 Il faut une authentification pralable (premire URL)! session=" + session.getId());
            //return sendAuthenticateChallenge(msgInfo);
            //return sendAuthenticateChallenge2(msgInfo);
            saveRequest((HttpRequest) request, session);
            theOriginal = getSavedRequestURL(session);
            //response.setHeader("Location", jeVeux);
            hres.sendRedirect(hreq.getContextPath() + "/josso_login/");
            ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
            return ret;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required the login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("T4 Checking if its a josso_login_request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        // /josso_login/ ou /josso_user_login/ c'est pas la page de login qui fait cela ?
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOLoginUri())
                || hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOUserLoginUri())) {

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T4 josso_login_request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            //save referer url in case the user clicked on Login from some public resource (page)
            //so agent can redirect the user back to that page after successful login
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOUserLoginUri())) {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, session, true);
            } else {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, session, false);

            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T4 Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            //set non cache headers
            //question on termine ou on continue
            ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
            return ret;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required a logout
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("T5 Checking if its a josso_logout request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOLogoutUri())) {

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T5 josso_logout request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            String logoutUrl = _agent.buildLogoutUrl(hreq, cfg);

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T5 Redirecting to logout url '" + logoutUrl + "'");

            // Clear previous COOKIE ...
            Cookie ssoCookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-");

            //set non cache headers

            ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
            return ret;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for the single sign on cookie
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("T6 Session is: " + session);
        //localSession = new CatalinaLocalSession(session);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application submitted custom login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // /josso_authentication/
        if (debug >= 1) {
            log("T7 Checking if its a josso_authentication for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOAuthenticationUri())) {

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T7 josso_authentication received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            HttpSSOAgentRequest customAuthRequest = new HttpSSOAgentRequest(
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION, jossoSessionId, localSession);



            ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
            return ret;
        // si pas de cookie de session SSO
        if (cookie == null || cookie.getValue().equals("-")) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Trigger LOGIN OPTIONAL if required
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T8 SSO cookie is not present, verifying optional login process ");
            //T8-1  /josso_security_check
            // We have no cookie, remember me is enabled and a security check without assertion was received ...
            // This means that the user could not be identified ... go back to the original resource
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") == null) {

                if (debug >= 1)
                    log("T8-1 " + _agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri()
                            + " received without assertion.  Login Optional Process failed");

                String requestURI = this.getSavedRequestURL(session);
                ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
                return ret;

            // This is a standard anonymous request!
            if (!hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())) {

                // If saved request is NOT null, we're in the middle of another process ...
                if (!isResourceIgnored(cfg, request) && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq)) {

                    if (debug >= 1)
                        log("T8-2 SSO cookie is not present, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    saveRequest((HttpRequest) request, session);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (debug >= 1)
                        log("T8-2 Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                    ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
                    return ret;
                } else {
                    if (debug >= 1)
                        log("T8-2 SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");
            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T8-3 SSO cookie is not present, checking for outbound relaying");

            if (!(hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null)) {
                log("T8-3 SSO cookie not present and relaying was not requested, skipping");
                //context.invokeNext(request, response);
                ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
                return ret;


        // This URI should be protected by SSO, go on ...
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("Session is: " + session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the SSO Agent
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("Executing agent...");

        _agent.setCatalinaContainer((Container) request.getContext());
        //T10  /josso_security_check
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if a user has been authenticated and should be checked by the agent.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("T10 Checking if its a josso_security_check for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri())
                && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null) {

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T10 josso_security_check received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "' assertion id '"
                        + hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id"));

            assertionId = hreq.getParameter(Constants.JOSSO_ASSERTION_ID_PARAMETER);

            HttpSSOAgentRequest relayRequest;

            relayRequest = new HttpSSOAgentRequest(SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY, null, localSession,
            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T10 Outbound relaying requested for assertion id=" + assertionId + " sessionID="
                        + relayRequest.getSessionId());


            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(relayRequest);
            if (entry == null) {
                // This is wrong! We should have an entry here!
                if (debug >= 1)
                    log("T10-1 Outbound relaying failed for assertion id [" + assertionId
                            + "], no Principal found.");
                // Throw an exception, we will handle it below !
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Outbound relaying failed. No Principal found. Verify your SSO Agent Configuration!");
            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T10-2 Outbound relaying succesfull for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            if (debug >= 1)
                log("T10-2 Assertion id [" + assertionId + "] mapped to SSO session id [" + entry.ssoId + "]");

            // The cookie is valid to for the partner application only ... in the future each partner app may
            // store a different auth. token (SSO SESSION) value
            securityCheck(hreq, hres, entry, cfg, "T10");
            /*try {
            cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), entry.ssoId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            log("Pas de bras pas de chocolat !", e);
            jossoSessionId = entry.ssoId;
            //Redirect user to the saved splash resource (in case of auth request) or to request URI otherwise
            String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(session.getSession());
            if(requestURI == null) {
            requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(session);
            if (requestURI == null) {
            if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
            requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
            } else {
            // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
            requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(
            0, (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri().length()));
            // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
            String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
            if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
            requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
            } else {
            String reverseProxyHost = hreq.getHeader(org.josso.gateway.Constants.JOSSO_REVERSE_PROXY_HEADER);
            if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
            requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;
            if (debug >= 1)
            log("T10-3 No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");
            // Check if we have a post login resource :
            String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
            if (postAuthURI != null) {
            String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
            if (debug >= 1)
            log("T10-4 Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL  + "'");
            } else {
            if (debug >= 1)
            log("T10-4 Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");
            //on garde des fois que ...
            theOriginal = hres.encodeRedirectURL(requestURI);
            log("T10 Fin josso_check jossoSessionId="+jossoSessionId);*/
            //c'est pas fini et pas en erreur pourtant ...
            ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;
            return ret;
        // si on arrive la c'est une erreur!
        log("T11 Fin de la boucle validate donc tout va bien");
        ret = Valve.INVOKE_NEXT;
        return ret;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        //  This is a 'hack' : Because this valve exectues before the ErrorReportingValve, we need to preapare
        // some stuff and invoke the next valve in the chain always ...

        // Store this error, it will be checked by the ErrorReportingValve
        hreq.setAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_ATTR, t);

        // Mark this response as error!

        // Let the next valves work on this
        //context.invokeNext(request, response);
        ret = Valve.END_PIPELINE;

    } finally {
        if (debug >= 1)
            log("Processed : " + hreq.getContextPath() + " [" + hreq.getRequestURL() + "] ret=" + ret);
        //return ret;
    log("retourne ret=" + ret);
    return ret;
