Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse encodeRedirectUrl.


public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);

Source Link


From source file:org.silverpeas.core.web.authentication.AuthenticationServlet.java

 * Ask for an authentication for the user behind the incoming HTTP request from a form.
 * @param servletRequest the HTTP request.
 * @param servletResponse the HTTP response.
 * @throws IOException when an error occurs while processing the request or sending the response.
 * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
 *//*from   w  ww  . j a  v  a  2s.c om*/
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.decorate(servletRequest);
    // get an existing session or creates a new one.
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    if (!StringUtil.isDefined(request.getCharacterEncoding())) {
    if (request.isWithinAnonymousUserSession()) {

    // Get the authentication settings
    SettingBundle authenticationSettings = ResourceLocator
    boolean securedAccess = request.isSecure();
    boolean isNewEncryptMode = StringUtil.isDefined(request.getParameter("Var2"));
    AuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters = new AuthenticationParameters(request);
    String domainId = getDomain(request, authenticationParameters, authenticationSettings);
    AuthenticationCredential credential = AuthenticationCredential

    String authenticationKey = authenticate(request, authenticationParameters, domainId);
    String url = "";

    // Verify if the user can try again to login.
    UserCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory

    if (!authService.isInError(authenticationKey)) {

        // Clearing user connection attempt cache.

        if (domainId != null) {
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
        storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);

        // if required by user, store password in cookie
        storePassword(servletResponse, authenticationParameters.getStoredPassword(), isNewEncryptMode,
                authenticationParameters.getClearPassword(), securedAccess);

        if (request.getAttribute("skipTermsOfServiceAcceptance") == null) {
            UserMustAcceptTermsOfServiceVerifier verifier = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory
            try {
            } catch (AuthenticationUserMustAcceptTermsOfService authenticationUserMustAcceptTermsOfService) {
                forward(request, servletResponse, verifier.getDestination(request));

        if (mandatoryQuestionChecker.check(request, authenticationKey)) {
            forward(request, servletResponse, mandatoryQuestionChecker.getDestination());

        String absoluteUrl = silverpeasSessionOpener.openSession(request, authenticationKey);
        // fetch the new opened session
        session = request.getSession(false);
        session.setAttribute("Silverpeas_pwdForHyperlink", authenticationParameters.getClearPassword());
        writeSessionCookie(servletResponse, session, securedAccess);
    // Authentication failed : remove password from cookies to avoid infinite loop
    removeStoredPassword(servletResponse, securedAccess);
    if (authenticationParameters.isCasMode()) {
        url = "/admin/jsp/casAuthenticationError.jsp";
    } else {
        if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD.equals(authenticationKey)
                || AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD_DOMAIN.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            try {
                if (userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.isActivated()) {
                    storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(),
                    storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
                if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD.equals(authenticationKey)) {
                    url = userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.verify().performRequestUrl(request,
                            "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD);
                } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD_DOMAIN.equals(authenticationKey)) {
                    url = userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.verify().performRequestUrl(request,
                            "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD_DOMAIN);
            } catch (AuthenticationNoMoreUserConnectionAttemptException e) {
                url = userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.getErrorDestination();
        } else if (UserCanLoginVerifier.ERROR_USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED.equals(authenticationKey)
                || UserCanLoginVerifier.ERROR_USER_ACCOUNT_DEACTIVATED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            if (userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.isActivated()
                    || StringUtil.isDefined(userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.getUser().getId())) {
                // If user can try again to login verifier is activated or if the user has been found
                // from credential, the login and the domain are stored
                storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(),
                storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
                url = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory
            } else {
                if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD.equals(authenticationKey)) {
                    url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD;
                } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD_DOMAIN.equals(authenticationKey)) {
                    url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD_DOMAIN;
        } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            String allowPasswordChange = (String) session.getAttribute(Authentication.PASSWORD_CHANGE_ALLOWED);
            if (StringUtil.getBooleanValue(allowPasswordChange)) {
                SettingBundle settings = ResourceLocator
                url = settings.getString("passwordExpiredURL") + "?login=" + authenticationParameters.getLogin()
                        + "&domainId=" + domainId;
            } else {
                url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED;
        } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_MUST_BE_CHANGED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            String allowPasswordChange = (String) session.getAttribute(Authentication.PASSWORD_CHANGE_ALLOWED);
            if (StringUtil.getBooleanValue(allowPasswordChange)) {
                SettingBundle settings = ResourceLocator
                url = settings.getString("passwordExpiredURL") + "?login=" + authenticationParameters.getLogin()
                        + "&domainId=" + domainId;
            } else {
                url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED;
        } else if (UserMustChangePasswordVerifier.ERROR_PWD_MUST_BE_CHANGED_ON_FIRST_LOGIN
                .equals(authenticationKey)) {
            // User has been successfully authenticated, but he has to change his password on his
            // first login and login / domain id can be stored
            storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
            url = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory.getUserMustChangePasswordVerifier(credential)
            forward(request, servletResponse, url);
        } else if (authenticationParameters.isSsoMode()) {
            // User has been successfully authenticated on AD, but he has no user account on Silverpeas
            // -> login / domain id can be stored
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
            storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);
            url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + SSO_UNEXISTANT_USER_ACCOUNT;
        } else {
            url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + TECHNICAL_ISSUE;
            .sendRedirect(servletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(URLUtil.getFullApplicationURL(request) + url));

From source file:org.etudes.mneme.tool.EnterView.java

 * Redirect to the appropriate question screen for this submission
 * // w  w  w. j  a v a  2 s .c  o m
 * @param req
 *        Servlet request.
 * @param res
 *        Servlet response.
 * @param submission
 *        The submission.
 * @param toc
 *        if true, send to TOC if possible (not possible for linear).
 * @param instructions
 *        if true, send to section instructions for first question.
 * @param returnDestination
 *        The final return destination path.
protected void redirectToQuestion(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Submission submission,
        boolean toc, boolean instructions, String returnDestination) throws IOException {
    String destination = null;
    Assessment assessment = submission.getAssessment();

    // if we are random access, and allowed, and more than a single question, send to TOC
    if (toc && assessment.getRandomAccess() && !assessment.getIsSingleQuestion()) {
        destination = "/toc/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;

    else {
        // find the first incomplete question
        Question question = submission.getFirstIncompleteQuestion();

        // if not found, and we have only one, go there
        if ((question == null) && (assessment.getIsSingleQuestion())) {
            question = submission.getFirstQuestion();

        // if we don't have one, we will go to the toc (or final_review for linear)
        if (question == null) {
            if (!assessment.getRandomAccess()) {
                destination = "/final_review/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;
            } else {
                destination = "/toc/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;

        else {
            // send to the section instructions if it's a first question and by-question
            // and we are showing part presentation and we have something authored for this part
            if (instructions && (question.getPartOrdering().getIsFirst())
                    && (assessment.getParts().getShowPresentation())
                    && (!question.getPart().getPresentation().getIsEmpty())
                    && (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.question)) {
                // to instructions
                destination = "/part_instructions/" + submission.getId() + "/" + question.getPart().getId()
                        + returnDestination;

            // or to the question
            else {
                if (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.question) {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/q" + question.getId() + "/-"
                            + returnDestination;
                } else if (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.part) {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/p" + question.getPart().getId();

                    // include the question target if not the first question in the section
                    if (!question.getPartOrdering().getIsFirst()) {
                        destination = destination + "/" + question.getId();
                    } else {
                        destination = destination + "/-";

                    destination = destination + returnDestination;
                } else {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/a";

                    // include the question target if not the first question in the assessment
                    if (!question.getAssessmentOrdering().getIsFirst().booleanValue()) {
                        destination = destination + "/" + question.getId();
                    } else {
                        destination = destination + "/-";

                    destination = destination + returnDestination;

    res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, destination)));

From source file:org.josso.gl2.agent.SSOAgentValve.java

private void securityCheck(HttpServletRequest hreq, HttpServletResponse hres, SingleSignOnEntry entry,
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg, String phase) {
    String ssoId = entry.ssoId;/*from w  w  w . j  a v  a 2 s  .  com*/
    try {
        cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), ssoId);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log(phase + " Pas de bras pas de chocolat !", e);
    jossoSessionId = ssoId;
    //Redirect user to the saved splash resource (in case of auth request) or to request URI otherwise
    String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(session.getSession());
    if (requestURI == null) {
        requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(session);
        if (requestURI == null) {

            if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
                requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
            } else {
                // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
                requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(0,
                        (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJOSSOSecurityCheckUri().length()));

            // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
            String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
            if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
                requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
            } else {
                String reverseProxyHost = hreq
                if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
                    requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;

            if (debug >= 1)
                log(phase + "-3 No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");

    // Check if we have a post login resource :
    String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
    try {
        if (postAuthURI != null) {
            String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
            if (debug >= 1) {
                log(phase + "-4 Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL + "'");

        } else {
            if (debug >= 1) {
                log(phase + "-4 Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");

            //on garde des fois que ...
            theOriginal = hres.encodeRedirectURL(requestURI);
    } catch (IOException iOException) {
        log(phase + " Erreur redirection", iOException);
    _agent.addEntrySSOIDsuccessed(ssoId, entry.getPrincipal().getName());
    log(phase + " Fin josso_check jossoSessionId=" + jossoSessionId);
    //c'est pas fini et pas en erreur pourtant ...


From source file:com.silverpeas.authentication.AuthenticationServlet.java

 * Ask for an authentication for the user behind the incoming HTTP request from a form.
 * @param servletRequest the HTTP request.
 * @param servletResponse the HTTP response.
 * @throws IOException when an error occurs while processing the request or sending the response.
 * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
 *///  ww  w. jav a 2 s.  c o  m
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.decorate(servletRequest);
    // get an existing session or creates a new one.
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();

    if (!StringUtil.isDefined(request.getCharacterEncoding())) {
    if (request.isWithinAnonymousUserSession()) {

    // Get the authentication settings
    ResourceLocator authenticationSettings = new ResourceLocator(
            "org.silverpeas.authentication.settings.authenticationSettings", "");
    boolean securedAccess = request.isSecure();
    boolean isNewEncryptMode = StringUtil.isDefined(request.getParameter("Var2"));
    AuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters = new AuthenticationParameters(request);
    String domainId = getDomain(request, authenticationParameters, authenticationSettings);
    AuthenticationCredential credential = AuthenticationCredential

    String authenticationKey = authenticate(request, authenticationParameters, domainId);
    String url;

    // Verify if the user can try again to login.
    UserCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory

    if (!authService.isInError(authenticationKey)) {

        // Clearing user connection attempt cache.

        if (domainId != null) {
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
        storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);

        // if required by user, store password in cookie
        storePassword(servletResponse, authenticationParameters.getStoredPassword(), isNewEncryptMode,
                authenticationParameters.getClearPassword(), securedAccess);

        if (request.getAttribute("skipTermsOfServiceAcceptance") == null) {
            UserMustAcceptTermsOfServiceVerifier verifier = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory
            try {
            } catch (AuthenticationUserMustAcceptTermsOfService authenticationUserMustAcceptTermsOfService) {
                forward(request, servletResponse, verifier.getDestination(request));

        MandatoryQuestionChecker checker = new MandatoryQuestionChecker();
        if (checker.check(request, authenticationKey)) {
            forward(request, servletResponse, checker.getDestination());

        String absoluteUrl = silverpeasSessionOpener.openSession(request, authenticationKey);
        // fetch the new opened session
        session = request.getSession(false);
        session.setAttribute("Silverpeas_pwdForHyperlink", authenticationParameters.getClearPassword());
        writeSessionCookie(servletResponse, session, securedAccess);
    // Authentication failed : remove password from cookies to avoid infinite loop
    removeStoredPassword(servletResponse, securedAccess);
    if (authenticationParameters.isCasMode()) {
        url = "/admin/jsp/casAuthenticationError.jsp";
    } else {
        if ("Error_1".equals(authenticationKey)) {
            try {
                if (userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.isActivated()) {
                    storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(),
                    storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
                url = userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.verify().performRequestUrl(request,
                        "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD);
            } catch (AuthenticationNoMoreUserConnectionAttemptException e) {
                url = userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.getErrorDestination();
        } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            String allowPasswordChange = (String) session.getAttribute(Authentication.PASSWORD_CHANGE_ALLOWED);
            if (StringUtil.getBooleanValue(allowPasswordChange)) {
                ResourceLocator settings = new ResourceLocator(
                        "com.silverpeas.authentication.settings.passwordExpiration", "");
                url = settings.getString("passwordExpiredURL") + "?login=" + authenticationParameters.getLogin()
                        + "&domainId=" + domainId;
            } else {
                url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED;
        } else if (AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_MUST_BE_CHANGED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            String allowPasswordChange = (String) session.getAttribute(Authentication.PASSWORD_CHANGE_ALLOWED);
            if (StringUtil.getBooleanValue(allowPasswordChange)) {
                ResourceLocator settings = new ResourceLocator(
                        "com.silverpeas.authentication.settings.passwordExpiration", "");
                url = settings.getString("passwordExpiredURL") + "?login=" + authenticationParameters.getLogin()
                        + "&domainId=" + domainId;
            } else {
                url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + AuthenticationService.ERROR_PWD_EXPIRED;
        } else if (UserMustChangePasswordVerifier.ERROR_PWD_MUST_BE_CHANGED_ON_FIRST_LOGIN
                .equals(authenticationKey)) {
            // User has been successfully authenticated, but he has to change his password on his
            // first login and login / domain id can be stored
            storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
            url = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory.getUserMustChangePasswordVerifier(credential)
            forward(request, servletResponse, url);
        } else if (UserCanLoginVerifier.ERROR_USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED.equals(authenticationKey)) {
            if (userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.isActivated()
                    || StringUtil.isDefined(userCanTryAgainToLoginVerifier.getUser().getId())) {
                // If user can try again to login verifier is activated or if the user has been found
                // from credential, the login and the domain are stored
                storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(),
                storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
                url = AuthenticationUserVerifierFactory.getUserCanLoginVerifier((UserDetail) null)
            } else {
                url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + INCORRECT_LOGIN_PWD;
        } else if (authenticationParameters.isSsoMode()) {
            // User has been successfully authenticated on AD, but he has no user account on Silverpeas
            // -> login / domain id can be stored
            storeDomain(servletResponse, domainId, securedAccess);
            storeLogin(servletResponse, isNewEncryptMode, authenticationParameters.getLogin(), securedAccess);
            url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + SSO_UNEXISTANT_USER_ACCOUNT;
        } else {
            url = "/Login.jsp?ErrorCode=" + TECHNICAL_ISSUE;
            .sendRedirect(servletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(URLManager.getFullApplicationURL(request) + url));

From source file:org.dspace.app.webui.search.LuceneSearchRequestProcessor.java

 * <p>//w w  w .ja v  a2s  .  co m
 * All metadata is search for the value contained in the "query" parameter.
 * If the "location" parameter is present, the user's location is switched
 * to that location using a redirect. Otherwise, the user's current location
 * is used to constrain the query; i.e., if the user is "in" a collection,
 * only results from the collection will be returned.
 * <p>
 * The value of the "location" parameter should be ALL (which means no
 * location), a the ID of a community (e.g. "123"), or a community ID, then
 * a slash, then a collection ID, e.g. "123/456".
 * author: Robert Tansley
public void doSimpleSearch(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws SearchProcessorException, IOException, ServletException {
    try {
        // Get the query
        String query = request.getParameter("query");
        int start = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "start");
        String advanced = request.getParameter("advanced");
        String fromAdvanced = request.getParameter("from_advanced");
        int sortBy = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "sort_by");
        String order = request.getParameter("order");
        int rpp = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "rpp");
        String advancedQuery = "";

        // can't start earlier than 0 in the results!
        if (start < 0) {
            start = 0;

        int collCount = 0;
        int commCount = 0;
        int itemCount = 0;

        Item[] resultsItems;
        Collection[] resultsCollections;
        Community[] resultsCommunities;

        QueryResults qResults = null;
        QueryArgs qArgs = new QueryArgs();
        SortOption sortOption = null;

        if (request.getParameter("etal") != null) {
            qArgs.setEtAl(UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "etal"));

        try {
            if (sortBy > 0) {
                sortOption = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy);

            if (SortOption.ASCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order)) {
            } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Override the page setting if exporting metadata
        if ("submit_export_metadata".equals(UIUtil.getSubmitButton(request, "submit"))) {
        } else if (rpp > 0) {

        // if the "advanced" flag is set, build the query string from the
        // multiple query fields
        if (advanced != null) {
            query = qArgs.buildQuery(request);
            advancedQuery = qArgs.buildHTTPQuery(request);

        // Ensure the query is non-null
        if (query == null) {
            query = "";

        // Get the location parameter, if any
        String location = request.getParameter("location");

        // If there is a location parameter, we should redirect to
        // do the search with the correct location.
        if ((location != null) && !location.equals("")) {
            String url = "";

            if (!location.equals("/")) {
                // Location is a Handle
                url = "/handle/" + location;

            // Encode the query
            query = URLEncoder.encode(query, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

            if (advancedQuery.length() > 0) {
                query = query + "&from_advanced=true&" + advancedQuery;

            // Do the redirect
                    .encodeRedirectURL(request.getContextPath() + url + "/simple-search?query=" + query));


        // Build log information
        String logInfo = "";

        // Get our location
        Community community = UIUtil.getCommunityLocation(request);
        Collection collection = UIUtil.getCollectionLocation(request);

        // get the start of the query results page
        //        List resultObjects = null;

        // Perform the search
        if (collection != null) {
            logInfo = "collection_id=" + collection.getID() + ",";

            // Values for drop-down box
            request.setAttribute("community", community);
            request.setAttribute("collection", collection);

            qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs, collection);
        } else if (community != null) {
            logInfo = "community_id=" + community.getID() + ",";

            request.setAttribute("community", community);

            // Get the collections within the community for the dropdown box
            request.setAttribute("collection.array", community.getCollections());

            qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs, community);
        } else {
            // Get all communities for dropdown box
            Community[] communities = Community.findAll(context);
            request.setAttribute("community.array", communities);

            qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs);

        // now instantiate the results and put them in their buckets
        for (int i = 0; i < qResults.getHitTypes().size(); i++) {
            Integer myType = qResults.getHitTypes().get(i);

            // add the handle to the appropriate lists
            switch (myType.intValue()) {
            case Constants.ITEM:

            case Constants.COLLECTION:

            case Constants.COMMUNITY:

        // Make objects from the handles - make arrays, fill them out
        resultsCommunities = new Community[commCount];
        resultsCollections = new Collection[collCount];
        resultsItems = new Item[itemCount];

        collCount = 0;
        commCount = 0;
        itemCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < qResults.getHitTypes().size(); i++) {
            Integer myId = qResults.getHitIds().get(i);
            String myHandle = qResults.getHitHandles().get(i);
            Integer myType = qResults.getHitTypes().get(i);

            // add the handle to the appropriate lists
            switch (myType.intValue()) {
            case Constants.ITEM:
                if (myId != null) {
                    resultsItems[itemCount] = Item.find(context, myId);
                } else {
                    resultsItems[itemCount] = (Item) HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, myHandle);

                if (resultsItems[itemCount] == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable item");

            case Constants.COLLECTION:
                if (myId != null) {
                    resultsCollections[collCount] = Collection.find(context, myId);
                } else {
                    resultsCollections[collCount] = (Collection) HandleManager.resolveToObject(context,

                if (resultsCollections[collCount] == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable collection");


            case Constants.COMMUNITY:
                if (myId != null) {
                    resultsCommunities[commCount] = Community.find(context, myId);
                } else {
                    resultsCommunities[commCount] = (Community) HandleManager.resolveToObject(context,

                if (resultsCommunities[commCount] == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable community");


        // Log
        log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "search",
                logInfo + "query=\"" + query + "\",results=(" + resultsCommunities.length + ","
                        + resultsCollections.length + "," + resultsItems.length + ")"));

        // Pass in some page qualities
        // total number of pages
        int pageTotal = 1 + ((qResults.getHitCount() - 1) / qResults.getPageSize());

        // current page being displayed
        int pageCurrent = 1 + (qResults.getStart() / qResults.getPageSize());

        // pageLast = min(pageCurrent+9,pageTotal)
        int pageLast = ((pageCurrent + 9) > pageTotal) ? pageTotal : (pageCurrent + 9);

        // pageFirst = max(1,pageCurrent-9)
        int pageFirst = ((pageCurrent - 9) > 1) ? (pageCurrent - 9) : 1;

        //Fire an event to log our search
        DSpaceObject scope = null;
        if (collection != null) {
            scope = collection;
        } else if (community != null) {
            scope = community;
        logSearch(context, request, query, pageCurrent, scope);

        // Pass the results to the display JSP
        request.setAttribute("items", resultsItems);
        request.setAttribute("communities", resultsCommunities);
        request.setAttribute("collections", resultsCollections);

        request.setAttribute("pagetotal", Integer.valueOf(pageTotal));
        request.setAttribute("pagecurrent", Integer.valueOf(pageCurrent));
        request.setAttribute("pagelast", Integer.valueOf(pageLast));
        request.setAttribute("pagefirst", Integer.valueOf(pageFirst));

        request.setAttribute("queryresults", qResults);

        // And the original query string
        request.setAttribute("query", query);

        request.setAttribute("order", qArgs.getSortOrder());
        request.setAttribute("sortedBy", sortOption);

        if (AuthorizeManager.isAdmin(context)) {
            // Set a variable to create admin buttons
            request.setAttribute("admin_button", Boolean.TRUE);

        if ((fromAdvanced != null) && (qResults.getHitCount() == 0)) {
            // send back to advanced form if no results
            Community[] communities = Community.findAll(context);
            request.setAttribute("communities", communities);
            request.setAttribute("no_results", "yes");

            Map<String, String> queryHash = qArgs.buildQueryMap(request);

            if (queryHash != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : queryHash.entrySet()) {
                    request.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

            JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/search/advanced.jsp");
        } else if ("submit_export_metadata".equals(UIUtil.getSubmitButton(request, "submit"))) {
            exportMetadata(context, response, resultsItems);
        } else {
            JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/search/results.jsp");
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw new SearchProcessorException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new SearchProcessorException(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.etudes.mneme.tool.QuestionView.java

 * Redirect to the appropriate question screen for this submission
 * /*ww  w  . j a  v a 2 s . co m*/
 * @param req
 *        Servlet request.
 * @param res
 *        Servlet response.
 * @param submission
 *        The submission.
 * @param toc
 *        if true, send to TOC if possible (not possible for linear).
 * @param instructions
 *        if true, send to part instructions for first question.
 * @param returnDestination
 *        The final return destination path.
protected void redirectToQuestion(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Submission submission,
        boolean toc, boolean instructions, String returnDestination) throws IOException {
    String destination = null;
    Assessment assessment = submission.getAssessment();

    // if we are random access, and not a single question, and allowed, send to TOC
    if (toc && assessment.getRandomAccess() && !assessment.getIsSingleQuestion()) {
        destination = "/toc/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;

    else {
        // find the first incomplete question
        Question question = submission.getFirstIncompleteQuestion();

        // if not found, and we have only one, go there
        if ((question == null) && (assessment.getIsSingleQuestion())) {
            question = submission.getFirstQuestion();

        // if we don't have one, we will go to the toc (or final_review for linear)
        if (question == null) {
            if (!assessment.getRandomAccess()) {
                destination = "/final_review/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;
            } else {
                destination = "/toc/" + submission.getId() + returnDestination;

        else {
            // send to the part instructions if it's a first question and by-question
            if (instructions && (question.getPartOrdering().getIsFirst())
                    && (assessment.getParts().getShowPresentation())
                    && (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.question)) {
                // to instructions
                destination = "/part_instructions/" + submission.getId() + "/" + question.getPart().getId()
                        + returnDestination;

            // or to the question
            else {
                if (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.question) {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/q" + question.getId() + "/-"
                            + returnDestination;
                } else if (assessment.getQuestionGrouping() == QuestionGrouping.part) {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/p" + question.getPart().getId();

                    // include the question target if not the first question in the part
                    if (!question.getPartOrdering().getIsFirst()) {
                        destination = destination + "/" + question.getId();
                    } else {
                        destination = destination + "/-";

                    destination = destination + returnDestination;
                } else {
                    destination = "/question/" + submission.getId() + "/a";

                    // include the question target if not the first question in the assessment
                    if (!question.getAssessmentOrdering().getIsFirst()) {
                        destination = destination + "/" + question.getId();
                    } else {
                        destination = destination + "/-";

                    destination = destination + returnDestination;

    res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL(Web.returnUrl(req, destination)));

From source file:org.openanzo.servlet.EncryptedTokenAuthenticator.java

 * Perform form authentication. Called from SecurityHandler.
 * /*from   w  w w  .j  a  v  a 2s  .  co  m*/
 * @param servletRequest
 *            request to authenticate
 * @param response
 *            response to send response data
 * @return UserPrincipal if authenticated else null.
 * @throws IOException
public boolean authenticate(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException {
    // NOTE: Jetty will sometimes call this method with a null response parameter. In particular, from
    // the org.eclipse.jetty.Request#getUserPrincipal() method.
    boolean ret = false;
    Request request = Request.getRequest(servletRequest);
    String uri = request.getServletPath();
    boolean protectedPath = false;
    for (PathSpec spec : protectedPathSpec) {
        if (spec.matches(uri)) {
            protectedPath = true;
    // Setup some defaults. Unfortunately, this is the only place we really get to set these up since the
    // Authenticator interface doesn't have an 'init'-like method.
    if (tokenTimeout <= 0) {
        tokenTimeout = 30 * DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    if (tokenRefreshWindow <= 0) {
        tokenRefreshWindow = 5 * DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    if (customTokenRefresh == null) {
        customTokenRefresh = Boolean.FALSE;

    // Now handle the request
    uri = request.getPathInfo();
    if (uri.endsWith(LOGIN_URI_SUFFIX)) {
        // Handle a request for authentication.

        ret = false; // We will entirely handle the request here so return false to stop processing the request.

        String username = request.getParameter(USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME);
        String password = request.getParameter(PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME);

        if (username == null || password == null) {
                    "Invalid anzo_authenticate request url:{} username:{} password:{}",
                    new Object[] { uri, username, password == null ? null : "XXXObscuredNonNullPasswordXXX" });

        AnzoPrincipal userPrincipal = null;
        try {
            userPrincipal = realm.authenticate(username, password, request);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // No matter what sort of failure occurs in the realm we want to make sure to send the  appropriate
            // error response or redirect. So we can't all exceptions here.
            log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Failed authentication call to the realm.", e);
        if (userPrincipal == null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Authentication request FAILED for {}",

            if (response != null) {
                if (_formErrorPage == null || isRequestSentByXmlHttpRequest(request)) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                "Sending 403 Forbidden error due to invalid credentials for user {}", username);
                } else {
                    String redirectPath = response
                            .encodeRedirectURL(URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formErrorPage));
                    log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Sending redirect to form error page {}", redirectPath);
        } else {
            // Authenticated OK
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Authentication request OK for {}",
            request.setAuthentication(new BasicUserAuthorization(userPrincipal, AUTH_METHOD));

            // Set the encrypted token
            if (response != null) {
                try {
                    String token = createEncryptedToken(username, request.getRemoteAddr());
                    Cookie tokenCookie = new Cookie(ANZO_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, token);
                    if (isRequestSentByXmlHttpRequest(request)) {
                        // XMLHttpRequests just want a response with the cookie, no fancy redirects or anything like that.
                        // just send back 200 in text.(Need to send back something else firefox reports an error)
                        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
                    } else {
                        // Redirect to the URL to user wanted to get to initially, or "/" if there isn't any such URL.
                        // We get the URL from a query parameter in the HTTP Referer (sic) header.
                        String referer = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.REFERER);
                        String redirectPath = null;
                        if (referer != null) {
                            HttpURI refererUri = new HttpURI(referer);
                            MultiMap<String> queryParams = new MultiMap<String>();
                            refererUri.decodeQueryTo(queryParams, null);
                            String desiredUrl = (String) queryParams.getValue(ANZO_URL_QUERY_PARAM, 0);
                            if (desiredUrl != null) {
                                redirectPath = desiredUrl;
                        if (redirectPath == null) {
                            redirectPath = URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), "/");
                        redirectPath = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirectPath);
                                "Sending redirect to root {} after successful login request.", redirectPath);

                } catch (AnzoException cause) {
                    IOException ex = new IOException("Error creating encrypted authentication token.");
                    throw ex;

    } else if (isLoginOrErrorPage(uri)) {
        // Don't authenticate authform or errorpage. Just let the system them out.
        ret = true;
    } else if (protectedPath) {
        // This is a regular request for a protected resource, so check whether there is a valid
        // encrypted token in the request.
        AnzoPrincipal userPrincipal = null;

        // Parse and validate the authentication token from the cookie
        Token token = null;
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
        Cookie tokenCookie = null;
        if (cookies != null) {
            for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
                String cookieName = cookie.getName();
                if (ANZO_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME.equals(cookieName)) {
                    tokenCookie = cookie;
                    try {
                        token = parseAnzoToken(cookie.getValue());
                        userPrincipal = validateAuthToken(token, realm, request.getRemoteAddr(), currentTime);
                    } catch (AnzoException e) {
                                "Error decrypting and parsing authentication token.", e);

        if (userPrincipal == null) {
            // Invalid, expired, or non-existent token
            ret = false; // Don't serve the resource

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Auth token ";
                if (tokenCookie == null) {
                    msg += "MISSING";
                } else {
                    msg += "INVALID";
                log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, msg + " for URL: {}",
            if (response != null) {
                Cookie cookie = new Cookie(ANZO_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, "");
                response.addCookie(cookie); // adding a cookie with MaxAge=0 tells the client to delete the cookie.
                if (_formLoginPage == null || isRequestSentByXmlHttpRequest(request)) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                "Sending 403 Forbidden error due to invalid auth token. Token: {}", token);
                } else {
                    // We save the URL the user tried to access into a query parameter in the redirect to the login page.
                    // That way the login page can send the user to the page they wanted after they finish logging in.
                    // First we must reconstruct the URL the user accessed.
                    String requestUrl = uri;
                    if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
                        requestUrl += "?" + request.getQueryString();
                    requestUrl = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":"
                            + request.getServerPort() + URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), requestUrl);
                    // Now we add the requested URL as a query parameter to the login URL
                    MultiMap<String> loginPageUrlQueryParams = new MultiMap<String>();
                    loginPageUrlQueryParams.put(ANZO_URL_QUERY_PARAM, requestUrl);
                    String loginPageUrl = URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formLoginPage);
                    try {
                        loginPageUrl = addQueryParametersToURI(loginPageUrl, loginPageUrlQueryParams);
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                                "Error creating login redirect URL. The user's attempted URL won't be saved for use after login.",
                    String redirectPath = response.encodeRedirectURL(loginPageUrl);
                            "Sending redirect to form login page {} after request without adequate credentials.",
        } else {
            // Properly authenticated
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Auth token OK for '{}' for URL:{}",
            if (userPrincipal instanceof AnzoPrincipal) {
                request.setAttribute(SerializationConstants.authenticationURI, (userPrincipal).getUserURI());
            request.setAttribute(SerializationConstants.userPrincipal, userPrincipal);
            request.setAuthentication(new BasicUserAuthorization(userPrincipal, AUTH_METHOD));
            ret = true;

            // Check if the token is older than the refresh window. If so, create a new cookie with an updated timestamp.
            try {
                if (currentTime < token.getTimestamp()
                        || (currentTime - token.getTimestamp() >= tokenRefreshWindow)) { // if current time is less than the token's time, we'll issue a new cookie. That should only ever happen upon overflow of the number of milliseconds from the epoch.
                    String cookieval = createEncryptedToken(token.getUsername(), token.getRemoteAddress());
                    Cookie newTokenCookie = new Cookie(ANZO_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, cookieval);
                    if (customTokenRefresh) {
                        request.setAttribute(ANZO_REFRESH_COOKIE_ATTRIBUTE, newTokenCookie);
                    } else {
            } catch (AnzoException e) {
                        "Could NOT update timestamp on authentication token. Authentication session may end prematurely.",
    } else {
        // This is NOT a protected resource so just let it be served.
        ret = true;

    log.debug(LogUtils.SECURITY_MARKER, "Returning from 'authenticate' with {} for path {}", ret, uri);
    return ret;

From source file:org.josso.jaspi.agent.JASPISSOAuthModule.java

public AuthStatus validateRequest(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject clientSubject, Subject serviceSubject)
        throws AuthException {

    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) messageInfo.getRequestMessage();
    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) messageInfo.getResponseMessage();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Processing : " + hreq.getContextPath() + " [" + hreq.getRequestURL() + "]");
    }//from   w  w  w.  j  a v a2s .  c  o  m

    try {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check with the agent if this context should be processed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();
        String vhost = hreq.getServerName();

        // In catalina, the empty context is considered the root context
        if ("".equals(contextPath)) {
            contextPath = "/";

        if (!_agent.isPartnerApp(vhost, contextPath)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Context is not a josso partner app : " + hreq.getContextPath());
            AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SUCCESS;
            return status;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check some basic HTTP handling
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // P3P Header for IE 6+ compatibility when embedding JOSSO in a IFRAME
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg = _agent.getPartnerAppConfig(vhost, contextPath);
        if (cfg.isSendP3PHeader() && !hres.isCommitted()) {
            hres.setHeader("P3P", cfg.getP3PHeaderValue());

        // Get our session ...
        HttpSession session = hreq.getSession(true);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required the login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_login_request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoLoginUri())
                || hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoUserLoginUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("josso_login_request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            //save referer url in case the user clicked on Login from some public resource (page)
            //so agent can redirect the user back to that page after successful login
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoUserLoginUri())) {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, true);
            } else {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, false);

            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            //set non cache headers

            // Request is authorized for this URI
            return AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required a logout
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_logout request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoLogoutUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("josso_logout request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            String logoutUrl = _agent.buildLogoutUrl(hreq, cfg);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Redirecting to logout url '" + logoutUrl + "'");

            // Clear previous COOKIE ...
            Cookie ssoCookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            // invalidate session (unbind josso security context)

            //set non cache headers

            // Request is authorized for this URI
            return AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for the single sign on cookie
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking for SSO cookie");
        Cookie cookie = null;
        Cookie cookies[] = hreq.getCookies();
        if (cookies == null) {
            cookies = new Cookie[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            if (org.josso.gateway.Constants.JOSSO_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_COOKIE.equals(cookies[i].getName())) {
                cookie = cookies[i];

        String jossoSessionId = (cookie == null) ? null : cookie.getValue();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Session is: " + session);

        // Get session map for this servlet context.
        Map sessionMap = (Map) hreq.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP);
        if (sessionMap == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                sessionMap = (Map) hreq.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP);
                if (sessionMap == null) {
                    sessionMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
                    hreq.getSession().getServletContext().setAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP, sessionMap);

        LocalSession localSession = (LocalSession) sessionMap.get(session.getId());
        if (localSession == null) {
            localSession = new JASPILocalSession(session);
            // the local session is new so, make the valve listen for its events so that it can
            // map them to local session events.
            // Not Supported : session.addSessionListener(this);
            sessionMap.put(session.getId(), localSession);


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application submitted custom login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_authentication for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoAuthenticationUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("josso_authentication received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            JASPISSOAgentRequest customAuthRequest = (JASPISSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION, jossoSessionId, localSession, null, hreq,


            // Request is authorized
            return AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;

        if (cookie == null || cookie.getValue().equals("-")) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Trigger LOGIN OPTIONAL if required
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, verifying optional login process ");

            // We have no cookie, remember me is enabled and a security check without assertion was received ...
            // This means that the user could not be identified ... go back to the original resource
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") == null) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            + " received without assertion.  Login Optional Process failed");

                String requestURI = this.getSavedRequestURL(hreq);
                AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;
                return status;

            // This is a standard anonymous request!
            if (!hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())) {

                // If saved request is NOT null, we're in the middle of another process ...
                if (!_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq) && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres)) {

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                    saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                    //hreq.getRequestDispatcher(loginUrl).forward(hreq, hres);
                    AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;
                    return status;
                } else {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, checking for outbound relaying");

            if (!(hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null)) {
                log.debug("SSO cookie not present and relaying was not requested, skipping");
                AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SUCCESS;
                return status;


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if this URI is subject to SSO protection
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq)) {
            // Ignored resources are authorized
            return AuthStatus.SUCCESS;

        // This URI should be protected by SSO, go on ...
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Session is: " + session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the SSO Agent
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Executing agent...");

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if a user has been authenticated and should be checked by the agent.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_security_check for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("josso_security_check received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "' assertion id '"
                        + hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id"));

            String assertionId = hreq.getParameter(Constants.JOSSO_ASSERTION_ID_PARAMETER);

            JASPISSOAgentRequest relayRequest;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Outbound relaying requested for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            relayRequest = (JASPISSOAgentRequest) doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY, null, localSession, assertionId, hreq, hres);

            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(relayRequest);
            if (entry == null) {
                // This is wrong! We should have an entry here!
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Outbound relaying failed for assertion id [" + assertionId
                            + "], no Principal found.");
                // Throw an exception, we will handle it below !
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Outbound relaying failed. No Principal found. Verify your SSO Agent Configuration!");
            } else {
                // Add the SSOUser as a Principal
                if (!clientSubject.getPrincipals().contains(entry.principal)) {
                SSORole[] ssoRolePrincipals = _agent.getRoleSets(cfg.getId(), entry.ssoId,
                List<String> rolesList = new ArrayList<String>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ssoRolePrincipals.length; i++) {
                    if (clientSubject.getPrincipals().contains(ssoRolePrincipals[i])) {

                    log.debug("Added SSORole Principal to the Subject : " + ssoRolePrincipals[i]);

                registerWithCallbackHandler(entry.principal, entry.principal.getName(), entry.ssoId,
                        rolesList.toArray(new String[rolesList.size()]));

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Outbound relaying succesfull for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Assertion id [" + assertionId + "] mapped to SSO session id [" + entry.ssoId + "]");

            // The cookie is valid to for the partner application only ... in the future each partner app may
            // store a different auth. token (SSO SESSION) value
            cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), entry.ssoId, hreq.isSecure());

            //Redirect user to the saved splash resource (in case of auth request) or to request URI otherwise
            String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(hreq);
            if (requestURI == null) {
                requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(hreq);
                if (requestURI == null) {

                    if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
                        requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
                    } else {
                        // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
                        requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(0,
                                (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri().length()));

                    // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
                    String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
                    if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
                        requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
                    } else {
                        String reverseProxyHost = hreq
                        if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
                            requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");

            _agent.clearAutomaticLoginReferer(hreq, hres);

            // Check if we have a post login resource :
            String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
            if (postAuthURI != null) {
                String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL + "'");
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");

            AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS;
            return status;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Creating Security Context for Session [" + session + "]");
        SSOAgentRequest r = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT, jossoSessionId, localSession, null, hreq,
        SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(r);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Executed agent.");

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Has a valid user already been authenticated?
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Process request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (entry != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Principal '" + entry.principal + "' has already been authenticated");
            // Add the SSOUser as a Principal
            if (!clientSubject.getPrincipals().contains(entry.principal)) {
            SSORole[] ssoRolePrincipals = _agent.getRoleSets(cfg.getId(), entry.ssoId, r.getNodeId());
            List<String> rolesList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < ssoRolePrincipals.length; i++) {
                if (clientSubject.getPrincipals().contains(ssoRolePrincipals[i])) {
                log.debug("Added SSORole Principal to the Subject : " + ssoRolePrincipals[i]);
            registerWithCallbackHandler(entry.principal, entry.principal.getName(), entry.ssoId,
                    rolesList.toArray(new String[rolesList.size()]));
        } else {
            log.debug("No Valid SSO Session, attempt an optional login?");
            // This is a standard anonymous request!

            if (cookie != null) {
                // cookie is not valid
                cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            if (cookie != null
                    || (getSavedRequestURL(hreq) == null && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres))) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("SSO Session is not valid, attempting automatic login");

                // Save current request, so we can co back to it later ...
                saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                //set non cache headers

                // Request is authorized for this URI
                return AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");


        // propagate the login and logout URLs to
        // partner applications.
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-login-url", _agent.getGatewayLoginUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-logout-url", _agent.getGatewayLogoutUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.ssoSessionid", jossoSessionId);

        clearSavedRequestURLs(hreq, hres);

        AuthStatus status = AuthStatus.SUCCESS;
        return status;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        log.warn(t.getMessage(), t);
        throw new AuthException(t.getMessage());
        //return AuthStatus.FAILURE;
    } finally {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Processed : " + hreq.getContextPath() + " [" + hreq.getRequestURL() + "]");

From source file:org.josso.wls10.agent.WLSAgentServletFilter.java

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {

    HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) response;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Processing : " + hreq.getContextPath());

    try {//from  w ww  .  j av  a 2  s  .co m
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check with the agent if this context should be processed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        String contextPath = hreq.getContextPath();

        // In catalina, the empty context is considered the root context
        if ("".equals(contextPath))
            contextPath = "/";

        if (!_agent.isPartnerApp(request.getServerName(), contextPath)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
            log.warn("JOSSO WLS 10 Filter is running on a non-JOSSO Partner application!");


        String nodeId = hreq.getParameter("josso_node");
        if (nodeId != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Storing JOSSO Node id : " + nodeId);
            _agent.setAttribute(hreq, hres, "JOSSO_NODE", nodeId);
        } else {
            nodeId = _agent.getAttribute(hreq, "JOSSO_NODE");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Found JOSSO Node id : " + nodeId);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check some basic HTTP handling
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // P3P Header for IE 6+ compatibility when embedding JOSSO in a IFRAME
        SSOPartnerAppConfig cfg = _agent.getPartnerAppConfig(request.getServerName(), contextPath);
        if (cfg.isSendP3PHeader() && !hres.isCommitted()) {
            hres.setHeader("P3P", cfg.getP3PHeaderValue());

        HttpSession session = hreq.getSession(true);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required the login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_login_request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoLoginUri())
                || hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoUserLoginUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("josso_login_request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            //save referer url in case the user clicked on Login from some public resource (page)
            //so agent can redirect the user back to that page after successful login
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoUserLoginUri())) {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, true);
            } else {
                saveLoginBackToURL(hreq, hres, session, false);

            String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginUrl(hreq);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            //set non cache headers


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application required a logout
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_logout request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoLogoutUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("josso_logout request received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            String logoutUrl = _agent.buildLogoutUrl(hreq, cfg);

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Redirecting to logout url '" + logoutUrl + "'");

            // Clear previous COOKIE ...
            Cookie ssoCookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            // logout user (remove data from the session and webserver)
            // (The LoginModule.logout method is never called 
            // for the WebLogic Authentication providers or custom Authentication providers. 
            // This is simply because once the principals are created and placed into a subject, 
            // the WebLogic Security Framework no longer controls the lifecycle of the subject)



        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for the single sign on cookie
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking for SSO cookie");
        Cookie cookie = null;
        Cookie cookies[] = hreq.getCookies();
        if (cookies == null)
            cookies = new Cookie[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            if (org.josso.gateway.Constants.JOSSO_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_COOKIE.equals(cookies[i].getName())) {
                cookie = cookies[i];

        String jossoSessionId = (cookie == null) ? null : cookie.getValue();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Session is: " + session);
        LocalSession localSession = new GenericServletLocalSession(session);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if the partner application submitted custom login form
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_authentication for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");
        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoAuthenticationUri())) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("josso_authentication received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

            SSOAgentRequest customAuthRequest = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(),
                    SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_CUSTOM_AUTHENTICATION, jossoSessionId, localSession, null, nodeId,
                    hreq, hres);


        if (cookie == null || cookie.getValue().equals("-")) {

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Trigger LOGIN OPTIONAL if required
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, verifying optional login process ");

            // We have no cookie, remember me is enabled and a security check without assertion was received ...
            // This means that the user could not be identified ... go back to the original resource
            if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") == null) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            + " received without assertion.  Login Optional Process failed");

                String requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(hreq);


            // This is a standard anonymous request!
            if (!hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())) {

                if (!_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq) && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres)) {

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, attempting automatic login");

                    // Save current request, so we can go back to it later ...
                    saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                    String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

                    //set non cache headers
                } else {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, checking for outbound relaying");

            if (!(hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                    && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null)) {
                log.debug("SSO cookie not present and relaying was not requested, skipping");
                filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if this URI is subject to SSO protection
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (_agent.isResourceIgnored(cfg, hreq)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);

        // This URI should be protected by SSO, go on ...

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the SSO Agent
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Executing agent...");

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if a user has been authenitcated and should be checked by the agent.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Checking if its a josso_security_check for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (hreq.getRequestURI().endsWith(_agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri())
                && hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id") != null) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("josso_security_check received for uri '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "' assertion id '"
                        + hreq.getParameter("josso_assertion_id"));

            String assertionId = hreq.getParameter(Constants.JOSSO_ASSERTION_ID_PARAMETER);

            SSOAgentRequest relayRequest;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Outbound relaying requested for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            relayRequest = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(), SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY, null, localSession,
                    assertionId, nodeId, hreq, hres);

            SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(relayRequest);
            if (entry == null) {
                // This is wrong! We should have an entry here!
                        "Outbound relaying failed for assertion id [" + assertionId + "], no Principal found.");
                // Throw an exception and let the container send the INERNAL SERVER ERROR
                throw new ServletException(
                        "Outbound relaying failed. No Principal found. Verify your SSO Agent Configuration!");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Outbound relaying succesfull for assertion id [" + assertionId + "]");

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Assertion id [" + assertionId + "] mapped to SSO session id [" + entry.ssoId + "]");

            // The cookie is valid to for the partner application only ... in the future each partner app may
            // store a different auth. token (SSO SESSION) value
            cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), entry.ssoId, hreq.isSecure());

            //Redirect user to the saved splash resource (in case of auth request) or to request URI otherwise
            String requestURI = getSavedSplashResource(hreq);
            if (requestURI == null) {
                requestURI = getSavedRequestURL(hreq);
                if (requestURI == null) {
                    if (cfg.getDefaultResource() != null) {
                        requestURI = cfg.getDefaultResource();
                    } else {
                        // If no saved request is found, redirect to the partner app root :
                        requestURI = hreq.getRequestURI().substring(0,
                                (hreq.getRequestURI().length() - _agent.getJossoSecurityCheckUri().length()));

                    // If we're behind a reverse proxy, we have to alter the URL ... this was not necessary on tomcat 5.0 ?!
                    String singlePointOfAccess = _agent.getSinglePointOfAccess();
                    if (singlePointOfAccess != null) {
                        requestURI = singlePointOfAccess + requestURI;
                    } else {
                        String reverseProxyHost = hreq
                        if (reverseProxyHost != null) {
                            requestURI = reverseProxyHost + requestURI;

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("No saved request found, using : '" + requestURI + "'");

            clearSavedRequestURLs(hreq, hres);
            _agent.clearAutomaticLoginReferer(hreq, hres);

            // Check if we have a post login resource :
            String postAuthURI = cfg.getPostAuthenticationResource();
            if (postAuthURI != null) {
                String postAuthURL = _agent.buildPostAuthUrl(hres, requestURI, postAuthURI);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to post-auth-resource '" + postAuthURL + "'");
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to original '" + requestURI + "'");


        SSOAgentRequest r;
        log.debug("Creating Security Context for Session [" + session + "]");
        r = doMakeSSOAgentRequest(cfg.getId(), SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_ESTABLISH_SECURITY_CONTEXT,
                jossoSessionId, localSession, null, nodeId, hreq, hres);

        SingleSignOnEntry entry = _agent.processRequest(r);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Executed agent.");

        // Get session map for this servlet context.
        Map sessionMap = (Map) hreq.getSession().getServletContext().getAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP);
        if (sessionMap.get(localSession.getWrapped()) == null) {
            // the local session is new so, make the valve listen for its events so that it can
            // map them to local session events.
            // TODO : Not supported ... session.addSessionListener(this);
            sessionMap.put(session, localSession);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Has a valid user already been authenticated?
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Process request for '" + hreq.getRequestURI() + "'");

        if (entry != null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Principal '" + entry.principal + "' has already been authenticated");
            // TODO : Not supported
            // (request).setAuthType(entry.authType);
            // (request).setUserPrincipal(entry.principal);
        } else {
            log.info("No Valid SSO Session, attempt an optional login?");
            // This is a standard anonymous request!

            if (cookie != null) {
                // cookie is not valid
                cookie = _agent.newJossoCookie(hreq.getContextPath(), "-", hreq.isSecure());

            if (cookie != null
                    || (getSavedRequestURL(hreq) == null && _agent.isAutomaticLoginRequired(hreq, hres))) {

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("SSO Session is not valid, attempting automatic login");

                // Save current request, so we can go back to it later ...
                saveRequestURL(hreq, hres);
                String loginUrl = _agent.buildLoginOptionalUrl(hreq);

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Redirecting to login url '" + loginUrl + "'");

            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("SSO cookie is not present, but login optional process is not required");


        // propagate the login and logout URLs to
        // partner applications.
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-login-url", _agent.getGatewayLoginUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.gateway-logout-url", _agent.getGatewayLogoutUrl());
        hreq.setAttribute("org.josso.agent.ssoSessionid", jossoSessionId);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Invoke the next Valve in our pipeline
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        filterChain.doFilter(hreq, hres);
    } finally {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Processed : " + hreq.getContextPath());

From source file:com.swdouglass.joid.server.OpenIdServlet.java

public void doQuery(String query, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    debug("\nrequest\n-------\n" + query + "\n");

    if (!(openId.canHandle(query))) {
        returnError(query, response);//from  w  w w.  ja  v a  2 s  .c  o m
    try {
        boolean isAuth = openId.isAuthenticationRequest(query);
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
        String username = getLoggedIn(request);
        debug("[OpenIdServlet] Logged in as: " + username);

        if (this.captchaPrivateKey != null) {
            session.setAttribute(INIT_CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY, this.captchaPrivateKey);
        if (request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_TRUST_ROOT) != null) {
        if (request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_RETURN_TO) != null) {
        // If we're handling an authentication request, and the user has not been authenticated,
        // redirect to the login page.
        if (isAuth && username == null) {
            // TODO: should ask user to accept realm even if logged in, but only once
            // ask user to accept this realm
            request.setAttribute(QUERY, query);
            String realm = request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_REALM);
            if (realm == null) {
                realm = request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_RETURN_TO);
            request.setAttribute(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_REALM, realm);
            session.setAttribute(QUERY, query);
            //if claimed_id is null then use identity instead (because of diffs between v2 & v1 of spec)
            if (request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_CLAIMED_ID) == null) {
            } else {
        String s = openId.handleRequest(query);
        debug("\nresponse\n--------\n" + s + "\n");
        if (isAuth) {
            AuthenticationRequest authReq = (AuthenticationRequest) MessageFactory.parseRequest(query);
            //String claimedId = (String) session.getAttribute(ID_CLAIMED);
            /*TODO: Ensure that the previously claimed id is the same as the just
            passed in claimed id. */
            String identity;
            if (request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_CLAIMED_ID) == null) {
                identity = request.getParameter(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_IDENTITY);
            } else {
                identity = authReq.getClaimedIdentity();
            User user = (User) session.getAttribute(USER_ATTRIBUTE);
            debug("User.username: " + user);
            debug("identity: " + identity);
            if (getUserManager().canClaim(user, identity)) {
                //String returnTo = authReq.getReturnTo();
                String returnTo = (String) session.getAttribute(AuthenticationRequest.OPENID_RETURN_TO);
                String delim = (returnTo.indexOf('?') >= 0) ? "&" : "?";
                s = response.encodeRedirectURL(returnTo + delim + s);
                debug("sending redirect to: " + s);
            } else {
                throw new OpenIdException("User cannot claim this id.");

        } else {
            // Association request
            int len = s.length();
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            response.setHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(len));
            if (openId.isAnErrorResponse(s)) {
    } catch (OpenIdException e) {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage());