Example usage for java.util SortedSet add

List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet add


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util SortedSet add.


boolean add(E e);

Source Link


Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).


From source file:gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.arraydesign.AbstractArrayDesignServiceTest.java

public ArrayDesign createDesign(Organization provider, Organism organism, SortedSet<AssayType> assayTypes,
        CaArrayFile caArrayFile) {/*  w  w w. ja  va 2s.c  o m*/
    final ArrayDesign arrayDesign = new ArrayDesign();
    arrayDesign.setName("Dummy Design");

    if (provider == null) {
        provider = DUMMY_ORGANIZATION;

    if (organism == null) {
        organism = DUMMY_ORGANISM;

    if (assayTypes == null) {
        assayTypes = new TreeSet<AssayType>();

    if (caArrayFile == null) {
        caArrayFile = new CaArrayFile();

    return arrayDesign;

From source file:edu.sdsc.scigraph.internal.reachability.ReachabilityIndex.java

 * @return The hop coverage for each node sorted in descending order.
 *//*from w w w  . ja va 2  s. c  om*/
SortedSet<Entry<Long, Integer>> getHopCoverages(Predicate<Node> nodePredicate) {
    SortedSet<Entry<Long, Integer>> nodeSet = new TreeSet<Entry<Long, Integer>>(
            new Comparator<Entry<Long, Integer>>() {
                public int compare(Entry<Long, Integer> a, Entry<Long, Integer> b) {
                    int difference = b.getValue() - a.getValue();
                    return (0 != difference) ? difference : (int) (a.getKey() - b.getKey());

    try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {
        for (Node n : GlobalGraphOperations.at(graphDb).getAllNodes()) {
            if (n.getId() > 0) {
                int relationshipCount = nodePredicate.apply(n) ? size(n.getRelationships()) : -1;
                nodeSet.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Long, Integer>(n.getId(), relationshipCount));

    return nodeSet;

From source file:cerrla.LocalCrossEntropyDistribution.java

 * Processes the internal goal (checks if it is achieved).
 * /*from  w w w .j  a v a  2  s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param modularPolicy
 *            The policy that called this operation.
 * @param observations
 *            The current state observations.
 * @param goalReplacements
 *            The current goal replacement variable(s) (a -> ?G_0).
 * @return True if the internal goal is/has been achieved.
private boolean processInternalGoal(ModularPolicy modularPolicy, RRLObservations observations,
        BidiMap goalReplacements) {
    if (modularPolicy.isGoalCurrentlyAchieved())
        return true;

    // Form the goal rule
    if (!goalCondition_.isMainGoal()) {
        if (goalRule_ == null) {
            SortedSet<RelationalPredicate> conditions = new TreeSet<RelationalPredicate>();
            goalRule_ = new RelationalRule(conditions, null, null, this);
            if (!goalRule_.isLegal())
                System.err.println("Illegal goal condition: " + conditions);
    } else
        goalRule_ = null;

    try {
        // Assign the parameters
        Rete state = observations.getState();
        // System.out.println(StateSpec.extractFacts(state));
        ValueVector vv = new ValueVector();
        if (goalRule_.getParameters() != null)
            for (RelationalArgument param : goalRule_.getParameters())

        // Run the query
        String query = StateSpec.getInstance().getRuleQuery(goalRule_, false);
        QueryResult results = state.runQueryStar(query, vv);

        // If results, then the goal has been met!
        if (results.next()) {
        } else {

    } catch (Exception e) {
    return modularPolicy.isGoalCurrentlyAchieved();

From source file:edu.harvard.med.screensaver.model.libraries.Library.java

public SortedSet<LibraryPlate> getLibraryPlates() {
    SetMultimap<Integer, AssayPlate> index = HashMultimap.create();
    for (Copy copy : getCopies()) {
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Plate> entry : copy.getPlates().entrySet()) {
            index.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAssayPlates());
        }/*ww w . j  av  a2  s .c o m*/
    SortedSet<LibraryPlate> libraryPlates = Sets.newTreeSet();
    Set<AssayPlate> assayPlates;
    for (int p = getStartPlate(); p <= getEndPlate(); ++p) {
        if (index.containsKey(p)) {
            assayPlates = index.get(p);
        } else {
            assayPlates = Collections.emptySet();
        libraryPlates.add(new LibraryPlate(p, this, assayPlates));
    return libraryPlates;

From source file:edu.harvard.med.screensaver.model.screenresults.ScreenResult.java

private SortedSet<AssayPlate> findOrCreateAssayPlatesDataLoaded(int plateNumber, int replicatesDataLoaded) {
    SortedSet<AssayPlate> mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber = Sets.newTreeSet();
    SortedSet<AssayPlate> allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber = getScreen().findAssayPlates(plateNumber);
    if (!allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber.isEmpty()) {
        final LibraryScreening lastLibraryScreening = ImmutableSortedSet
                .copyOf(Iterables.transform(allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber, AssayPlate.ToLibraryScreening))
                .last();/*from ww w  .  jav a2  s .  c  o m*/
        assert lastLibraryScreening != null;
                .addAll(Sets.filter(allAssayPlatesForPlateNumber, new Predicate<AssayPlate>() {
                    public boolean apply(AssayPlate ap) {
                        return lastLibraryScreening.equals(ap.getLibraryScreening());
    SortedSet<AssayPlate> assayPlatesDataLoaded = Sets.newTreeSet();
    // if there are fewer assay plates screened replicates than we have data
    // for, then a library screening must not have been recorded for the assay
    // plates that were used to generate this data, so we'll create them now
    if (mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber.size() < replicatesDataLoaded) {
        //log.warn("creating missing assay plate(s) for plate number " + plateNumber);
        for (int r = 0; r < replicatesDataLoaded; r++) {
            assayPlatesDataLoaded.add(getScreen().createAssayPlate(plateNumber, r));
    } else {
        for (AssayPlate assayPlate : mostRecentAssayPlatesForPlateNumber) {
            if (assayPlate.getReplicateOrdinal() < replicatesDataLoaded) {
    return assayPlatesDataLoaded;

From source file:net.contextfw.web.application.internal.servlet.UriMappingFactory.java

public SortedSet<UriMapping> createMappings(Collection<Class<?>> origClasses, ClassLoader classLoader,
        InitializerProvider initializerProvider, InitHandler initHandler, PropertyProvider properties,
        RequestInvocationFilter filter) {

    // Note: This process creates some phantom chains from
    // views that do not have any url. Those chains are
    // however ingnored and are not such problem.

    SortedSet<UriMapping> mappings = new TreeSet<UriMapping>();

    try {//from   ww  w  . ja v  a2s  . c o m
        for (Class<?> origClass : origClasses) {
            Class<?> cl = classLoader.loadClass(origClass.getCanonicalName());
            View annotation = cl.getAnnotation(View.class);
            if (annotation != null) {

                if (!Component.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
                    throw new WebApplicationException(
                            "Class " + cl.getName() + " annotated with @View does " + "not extend Component");

                List<Class<? extends Component>> chain = initializerProvider.getInitializerChain(cl);

                InitServlet servlet = new InitServlet(initHandler, chain, filter);

                for (String url : annotation.url()) {
                    if (!"".equals(url)) {
                        mappings.add(this.getMapping((Class<? extends Component>) cl, servlet, url));

                for (String property : annotation.property()) {
                    if (!"".equals(property)) {
                        if (!properties.get().containsKey(property)) {
                            throw new WebApplicationException("No url bound to property: " + property);

                        String url = properties.get().getProperty(property);

                        if (url != null && !"".equals(url)) {
                            mappings.add(this.getMapping((Class<? extends Component>) cl, servlet, url));
                        } else {
                            throw new WebApplicationException("No url bound to view component. (class="
                                    + cl.getSimpleName() + ", property=" + property + ")");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(e);

    return mappings;

From source file:com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserUtilImpl.java

public SortedSet<Group> getGroupsForUser(final String userName) {
    notNull("userName", userName);
    final SortedSet<Group> setOfGroups = new TreeSet<Group>();

    Iterable<Group> groups = getGroupsForUserFromCrowd(userName);
    for (Group group : groups) {
    }/*from   w w  w  .j a  v  a  2  s .co m*/
    return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(setOfGroups);

From source file:Arguments.java

 * Gives a short synopsis of how to provide arguments, including which are required and optional,
 * and which long arguments take values.
 *///  w ww .  ja va2s .  co  m
public String getUsage() {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    if (programName.length() > 0) {
        buf.append(programName + ": ");
    if (shortProgramDoc.length() > 0) {
        buf.append(shortProgramDoc + "\n");
    } else {
        buf.append("usage synopsis...\n");
    SortedSet<String> smallRequired = new TreeSet<String>();
    SortedSet<String> smallNotRequired = new TreeSet<String>();
    SortedSet<String> bigRequired = new TreeSet<String>();
    SortedSet<String> bigNotRequired = new TreeSet<String>();

    for (String f : docs.keySet()) {
        boolean req = requireFlag.contains(f);
        boolean sh = f.length() == 1 && !requireValue.contains(f);
        if (req && sh) {
        } else if (req && !sh) {
        } else if (!req && sh) {
        } else if (!req && !sh) {

    if (programName.length() > 0) {
        buf.append(programName + " ");
    for (String f : smallRequired) {
        buf.append("-" + f + " ");
    if (smallNotRequired.size() > 0) {
        buf.append(" [ ");
        for (String f : smallNotRequired) {
            buf.append("-" + f + " ");
        buf.append("] ");
    for (String f : bigRequired) {
        if (requireValue.contains(f)) {
            buf.append("--" + f + "=..." + " ");
        } else {
            buf.append("--" + f + "[=...]" + " ");
    if (bigNotRequired.size() > 0) {
        buf.append(" [ ");
        for (String f : bigNotRequired) {
            if (requireValue.contains(f)) {
                buf.append("--" + f + "=..." + " ");
            } else {
                buf.append("--" + f + " ");
        buf.append("] ");
    for (int i = 0; i < positionalDocs.size(); i++) {
        if (i == requiredPositionArgs) {
            buf.append(" [ ");
        buf.append(positionalDocs.get(i).get(0) + " ");
        if (i == requiredPositionArgs) {
            buf.append(" ] ");

    return buf.toString();

From source file:com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserUtilImpl.java

public SortedSet<String> getGroupNamesForUser(final String userName) {
    notNull("userName", userName);
    final SortedSet<String> setOfGroups = new TreeSet<String>();

    Iterable<String> groups = getGroupNamesForUserFromCrowd(userName);
    for (String groupName : groups) {
    }//from  w ww. ja  v  a 2  s .c  om
    return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(setOfGroups);

From source file:com.revetkn.ios.analyzer.ArtworkAnalyzer.java

/** Modifies the passed-in {@code applicationArtwork} instance to include image reference data. */
protected void detectImageReferences(File projectRootDirectory, final ApplicationArtwork applicationArtwork,
        final ArtworkExtractionProgressCallback progressCallback) throws Exception {
    final Map<File, String> contentsOfReferencingFiles = extractContentsOfReferencingFiles(
            projectRootDirectory);/*from   ww  w  .j a v a2s  .c  o m*/
    final SortedSet<File> unreferencedImageFiles = synchronizedSortedSet(new TreeSet<File>());
    final SortedSet<File> onlyProjectFileReferencedImageFiles = synchronizedSortedSet(new TreeSet<File>());
    final SortedMap<File, SortedSet<File>> allImageFilesAndReferencingFiles = synchronizedSortedMap(
            new TreeMap<File, SortedSet<File>>());

    final AtomicInteger imageFilesProcessed = new AtomicInteger(0);

    Set<Callable<Object>> imageReferenceProcessingTasks = new HashSet<Callable<Object>>();

    for (final File imageFile : applicationArtwork.getAllImageFiles()) {
        imageReferenceProcessingTasks.add(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                String imageFilename = imageFile.getName();
                SortedSet<File> filesWhereImageIsReferenced = new TreeSet<File>();
                Set<String> imageFilenameVariants = imageFilenameVariants(imageFilename);

                for (Entry<File, String> entry : contentsOfReferencingFiles.entrySet()) {
                    String fileContents = entry.getValue();

                    for (String imageFilenameVariant : imageFilenameVariants) {
                        // Quoted references, e.g. "aboutBackground"
                        if (fileContents.indexOf(format("\"%s\"", imageFilenameVariant)) != -1)

                        // Nib files, e.g. <string key="NSResourceName">aboutBackground~ipad.png</string>
                        else if (fileContents.indexOf(format(">%s<", imageFilenameVariant)) != -1)

                if (filesWhereImageIsReferenced.size() == 1 && "project.pbxproj"

                if (filesWhereImageIsReferenced.size() == 0) {
                } else {
                    allImageFilesAndReferencingFiles.put(imageFile, filesWhereImageIsReferenced);

                progressCallback.onProcessedImageReferences(imageFile, filesWhereImageIsReferenced,
                        imageFilesProcessed.incrementAndGet(), applicationArtwork.getAllImageFiles().size());

                return null;

    for (Future<Object> future : getExecutorService().invokeAll(imageReferenceProcessingTasks))
