List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet add
boolean add(E e);
From source
@Test public void matchAnyResourceMatchingRuleMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(5); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("**/*", "pmd:AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod", lines); Assert.assertTrue("must match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
@Test public void matchMatchingResourceAnyRuleMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(5); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("src/main/java/net/example/foo/", "*", lines); Assert.assertTrue("must match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
@Test public void matchMatchingResourceMatchingRuleMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(5); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("src/main/java/net/example/foo/", "pmd:AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod", lines); Assert.assertTrue("must match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
@Test public void matchMatchingResourceMatchingRuleNotMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(4); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("src/main/java/net/example/foo/", "pmd:AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod", lines); Assert.assertFalse("must not match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
@Test public void matchMatchingResourceNotMatchingRuleMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(5); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("src/main/java/net/example/foo/", "pmd:AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod", lines); Assert.assertFalse("must not match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
@Test public void matchNotMatchingResourceMatchingRuleMatchingLine() { final SortedSet<Integer> lines = new TreeSet<>(); lines.add(5); final IssuePattern pattern = new IssuePattern("src/main/java/net/example/foo/", "pmd:AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod", lines); Assert.assertFalse("must not match", IgnoreIssueFilter.match(DEFAULT_ISSUE, pattern)); }
From source
public void setColumns(String patientIds1, String patientIds2) { columns.put("Gene", new ExportColumn("Gene", "Gene", "", "t")); // StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(patientIds1, ","); // while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) { // String id = st1.nextToken(); // String label = "S1_" + id;//(ids1.size() + 1); // ids1.put(id, label); // columns.put(label, new ExportColumn(id, label, RATIO_PATTERN, "n")); // }//from ww w. j a v a 2s.c om StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(patientIds1, ","); SortedSet s1 = new TreeSet(); while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = st1.nextToken(); s1.add(id); } for (Object idO : s1.toArray()) { String id = idO.toString(); System.out.println("id: " + id); String label = "S1_" + id;//(ids1.size() + 1); ids1.put(id, label); columns.put(label, new ExportColumn(id, label, RATIO_PATTERN, "n")); } StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(patientIds2, ","); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = st2.nextToken(); String label = "S2_" + id;//(ids2.size() + 1); ids2.put(id, label); columns.put(label, new ExportColumn(id, label, RATIO_PATTERN, "n")); } }
From source
public DiskSpecificationsProvider(String baseDirectory) { File base = new File(baseDirectory); if (!base.exists() || !base.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Path '" + baseDirectory + "' cannot be accessed or does not point to a directory."); }/* ww w .j a va 2 s .c om*/ IOFileFilter filter = FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".aslan++"); IOFileFilter dirFilter = FileFilterUtils.makeCVSAware(FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware(null)); Collection<File> specs = FileUtils.listFiles(base, filter, dirFilter); List<String> forSort = new ArrayList<String>(); SortedSet<String> forASLanPath = new TreeSet<String>(); for (File f : specs) { if (isSpec(f)) { forSort.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); forASLanPath.add(f.getParent()); } } Collections.sort(forSort); for (String s : forSort) { add(new DiskTestTask(new File(s))); } String temp = ""; for (String s : forASLanPath) { if (temp.length() > 0) { temp += File.pathSeparator; } temp += s; } aslanPath = temp; }
From source
public void testCompareAll() { SortedSet<FilterOperator> sorted = new TreeSet<FilterOperator>(comparator); for (int i = 0; i < FilterOperator.values().length; i++) { FilterOperator op = FilterOperator.values()[i]; sorted.add(op); }/*from w w 2 s . c o m*/ assertEquals(FilterOperator.EQUAL, sorted.first()); assertEquals(FilterOperator.BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION, sorted.last()); assertEquals( "[EQUAL, IS, IN_LIST_OF_VALUES, RANGE_OPEN, RANGE_HALF_OPEN, RANGE_HALF_CLOSED, RANGE_CLOSED, LESS, LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, GREATER, NOT_RANGE_CLOSED, NOT_RANGE_HALF_CLOSED, NOT_RANGE_HALF_OPEN, NOT_RANGE_OPEN, NOT_IN_LIST_OF_VALUES, NOT_EQUAL, IS_NOT, BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION]", sorted.toString()); log.debug(".testCompareAll " + Arrays.toString(sorted.toArray())); }
From source
private static SortedSet<Integer> getAuthorIdsFromPaperAuthorFile(String file) { final List<String> lines = IOUtils.readFileLineByLine(file, false); SortedSet<Integer> author_ids = new TreeSet<>(); boolean added = true; for (String l : lines) { String[] split = l.split("\\t"); if (split.length > 3) { int id = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); // if (id == 4972689) { // added = true; // } if (added) { author_ids.add(id); }/*from w w w.j a va 2s . c o m*/ } } return author_ids; }