List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet add
boolean add(E e);
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public Question question_updateRowLabels(Question question) { Long questionId = question.getId(); Question q = questionDAO.findById(questionId); questionRowLabelDAO.deleteByQuestionId(questionId); SortedSet<QuestionRowLabel> options = new TreeSet<QuestionRowLabel>(); for (QuestionRowLabel rowLabel : question.getRowLabelsList()) { if (rowLabel.getLabel() != null && rowLabel.getLabel().trim().length() > 0) { QuestionRowLabel questionRowLabel = new QuestionRowLabel(q, rowLabel.getOrder(), rowLabel.getLabel()); questionRowLabel = questionRowLabelDAO.merge(questionRowLabel); options.add(questionRowLabel); }//from w w w. j av a 2s . c o m } q.setRowLabels(options); return questionDAO.merge(q); }
From source
@RequestMapping("/s/admin/{eventKey}/download-rejected-speakers") public void downloadRejectedSpeakersForEvent(@PathVariable("eventKey") String eventKey, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { final Event event = businessService.getEventByEventKey(eventKey); final String csvFileName = event.getEventKey() + "-rejected-speakers.csv"; response.setContentType("text/csv"); final String headerKey = "Content-Disposition"; final String headerValue = String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", csvFileName); response.setHeader(headerKey, headerValue); final List<CfpSubmission> cfpSubmissions = businessService.getCfpSubmissions(event.getId()); final SortedSet<CsvRejectedSpeakerBean> rejectedSpeakers = new TreeSet<>(); final List<Presentation> presentations = businessService .getPresentationsForEventOrderedByName(event.getId()); for (CfpSubmission cfpSubmission : cfpSubmissions) { if (CfpSubmissionStatusType.REJECTED.equals(cfpSubmission.getStatus())) { for (CfpSubmissionSpeaker cfpSubmissionSpeaker : cfpSubmission.getCfpSubmissionSpeakers()) { boolean speakerAlreadyAccepted = speakerAlreadyAccepted(presentations, cfpSubmissionSpeaker); if (!speakerAlreadyAccepted) { final CsvRejectedSpeakerBean rejectedSpeaker = new CsvRejectedSpeakerBean(); rejectedSpeaker.setEmail(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getEmail().trim().toLowerCase()); rejectedSpeaker.setFirstName(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getFirstName().trim().toLowerCase()); rejectedSpeaker.setLastName(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getLastName().trim().toLowerCase()); rejectedSpeaker.setLocation(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getLocation()); rejectedSpeaker.setPhone(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getPhone()); rejectedSpeaker.setReimburseTravel(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.isMustReimburseTravelCost()); rejectedSpeaker.setTwitterId(cfpSubmissionSpeaker.getTwitterId()); rejectedSpeakers.add(rejectedSpeaker); }//from ww w. j a v a 2s .c om } } } ICsvBeanWriter beanWriter = null; try { beanWriter = new CsvBeanWriter(response.getWriter(), CsvPreference.STANDARD_PREFERENCE); final String[] header = new String[] { "firstName", "lastName", "email", "twitterId", "phone", "reimburseTravel", "location" }; final CellProcessor[] processors = CsvRejectedSpeakerBean.getProcessors(); beanWriter.writeHeader(header); for (final CsvRejectedSpeakerBean rejectedSpeaker : rejectedSpeakers) { beanWriter.write(rejectedSpeaker, header, processors); } } finally { if (beanWriter != null) { beanWriter.close(); } } }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public Question question_updateColumnLabels(Question question) { Long questionId = question.getId(); Question q = questionDAO.findById(questionId); questionColumnLabelDAO.deleteByQuestionId(questionId); SortedSet<QuestionColumnLabel> options = new TreeSet<QuestionColumnLabel>(); for (QuestionColumnLabel columnLabel : question.getColumnLabelsList()) { if (columnLabel.getLabel() != null && columnLabel.getLabel().trim().length() > 0) { QuestionColumnLabel questionColumnLabel = new QuestionColumnLabel(q, columnLabel.getOrder(), columnLabel.getLabel()); questionColumnLabel = questionColumnLabelDAO.merge(questionColumnLabel); options.add(questionColumnLabel); }/* w w w. ja v a 2 s .co m*/ } q.setColumnLabels(options); return questionDAO.merge(q); }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public SurveyDefinitionPage surveyDefinitionPage_merge(SurveyDefinitionPage surveyDefinitionPage) { SortedSet<SurveyDefinitionPage> updatedSurveyDefinitionPages = new TreeSet<SurveyDefinitionPage>(); Long AppTypeId = surveyDefinitionPage.getSurveyDefinition().getId(); SurveyDefinition surveyDefinition = surveyDefinitionDAO.findById(AppTypeId); surveyDefinitionPage.setSurveyDefinition(surveyDefinition); Short order = surveyDefinition.updateSet(surveyDefinition.getPages(), surveyDefinitionPage).getOrder(); for (SurveyDefinitionPage atp : surveyDefinition.getPages()) { updatedSurveyDefinitionPages.add(surveyDefinitionPageDAO.merge(atp)); }//from ww w.j av a2s. c om surveyDefinition.setPages(updatedSurveyDefinitionPages); surveyDefinition = surveyDefinitionDAO.merge(surveyDefinition); return surveyDefinition.getElement(surveyDefinition.getPages(), order); }
From source
@NotNull public SortedSet<ICustomChangesetLogEntry> getLatestChangesets(@NotNull String repositoryUrl, int limit, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SubMonitor submonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, "Retrieving changesets for " + repositoryUrl, 8); ISVNRepositoryLocation location = getRepositoryLocation(repositoryUrl, submonitor.newChild(1)); if (location == null) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AtlassianSubclipseCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, NLS.bind("Could not get repository location for {0}", repositoryUrl))); }/*from w ww . j a va 2s .co m*/ SortedSet<ICustomChangesetLogEntry> changesets = new TreeSet<ICustomChangesetLogEntry>(); ISVNRemoteFolder rootFolder = location.getRootFolder(); if (limit > 0) { //do not retrieve unlimited revisions GetLogsCommand getLogsCommand = new GetLogsCommand(rootFolder, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD, new SVNRevision.Number(0), false, limit, null, true); try {; ILogEntry[] logEntries = getLogsCommand.getLogEntries(); submonitor.setWorkRemaining(logEntries.length); for (ILogEntry logEntry : logEntries) { LogEntryChangePath[] logEntryChangePaths = logEntry.getLogEntryChangePaths(); String[] changed = new String[logEntryChangePaths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < logEntryChangePaths.length; i++) { changed[i] = logEntryChangePaths[i].getPath(); } ICustomChangesetLogEntry customEntry = new CustomChangeSetLogEntry(logEntry.getComment(), logEntry.getAuthor(), logEntry.getRevision().toString(), logEntry.getDate(), changed, getRepository(repositoryUrl, submonitor.newChild(1))); changesets.add(customEntry); } } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("Unable to load default SVN Client")) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AtlassianSubclipseCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, NLS.bind("Subclipse doesn't have a default client installed", repositoryUrl), e)); } else { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AtlassianSubclipseCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, NLS.bind("Subclipse client failed with an exception", repositoryUrl), e)); } } } else { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AtlassianSubclipseCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Getting all changesets is not supported")); } return changesets; }
From source
private void processPOM(boolean lookForNotice, boolean lookForLicense, String jarFilePath, JarMetadata contextJarMetadata, Set<JarMetadata> embeddedJarNames, int level, InputStream pomInputStream, boolean processingSources) throws IOException { MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader(); final String indent = getIndent(level); try {/* w ww . j a va 2 s. c om*/ final Model model =; final Parent parent = model.getParent(); String parentGroupId = null; String parentVersion = null; if (parent != null) { parentGroupId = parent.getGroupId(); parentVersion = parent.getVersion(); } if (model.getInceptionYear() != null) { contextJarMetadata.setInceptionYear(model.getInceptionYear()); } if (model.getOrganization() != null) { if (model.getOrganization().getName() != null) { contextJarMetadata.setOrganizationName(model.getOrganization().getName()); } if (model.getOrganization().getUrl() != null) { contextJarMetadata.setOrganizationUrl(model.getOrganization().getUrl()); } } if (model.getUrl() != null) { contextJarMetadata.setProjectUrl(model.getUrl()); } if (model.getLicenses() != null && model.getLicenses().size() > 0) { for (License license : model.getLicenses()) { output(indent, "Found license in POM for " + model.getId()); String licenseName = license.getName(); // let's try to resolve the license by name KnownLicense knownLicense = getKnowLicenseByName(licenseName); if (knownLicense != null) { SortedSet<LicenseFile> licenseFiles = knownLicensesFound.get(knownLicense); if (licenseFiles == null) { licenseFiles = new TreeSet<>(); } LicenseFile licenseFile = new LicenseFile(jarFilePath, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(jarFilePath), jarFilePath, knownLicense.getTextToUse()); licenseFile.getKnownLicenses().add(knownLicense); licenseFile.getKnownLicenseKeys().add(knownLicense.getId()); licenseFiles.add(licenseFile); knownLicensesFound.put(knownLicense, licenseFiles); // found a license for this project, let's see if we can resolve it Map<String, LicenseFile> projectLicenseFiles = contextJarMetadata.getLicenseFiles(); if (projectLicenseFiles == null) { projectLicenseFiles = new TreeMap<>(); } projectLicenseFiles.put("pom.xml", licenseFile); } else if (license.getUrl() != null) { try { URL licenseURL = new URL(license.getUrl()); String licenseText = IOUtils.toString(licenseURL); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseText)) { // found a license for this project, let's see if we can resolve it Map<String, LicenseFile> licenseFiles = contextJarMetadata.getLicenseFiles(); if (licenseFiles == null) { licenseFiles = new TreeMap<>(); } LicenseFile newLicenseFile = new LicenseFile(jarFilePath, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(jarFilePath), jarFilePath, licenseText); if (licenseFiles.containsValue(newLicenseFile)) { for (LicenseFile licenseFile : licenseFiles.values()) { if (licenseFile.equals(newLicenseFile)) { newLicenseFile = licenseFile; break; } } } resolveKnownLicensesByText(newLicenseFile); licenseFiles.put("pom.xml", newLicenseFile); } } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { output(indent, "Invalid license URL : " + license.getUrl() + ": " + mue.getMessage()); } } else { // couldn't resolve the license } } } else { if (parent != null) { Artifact parentArtifact = new DefaultArtifact(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), "pom", parent.getVersion()); Artifact resolvedParentArtifact = resolveArtifact(parentArtifact, level); if (resolvedParentArtifact != null) { output(indent, "Processing parent POM " + parentArtifact + "..."); processPOM(lookForNotice, lookForLicense, jarFilePath, contextJarMetadata, embeddedJarNames, level + 1, new FileInputStream(resolvedParentArtifact.getFile()), processingSources); } else { output(indent, "Couldn't resolve parent POM " + parentArtifact + " !"); } } } String scmConnection = null; if (model.getScm() != null) { scmConnection = model.getScm().getDeveloperConnection(); if (scmConnection == null) { model.getScm().getConnection(); } if (scmConnection == null) { // @todo let's try to resolve in the parent hierarcy } } /* if (scmManager != null && scmConnection != null) { ScmProvider scmProvider; File checkoutDir = new File(outputDirectory, "source-checkouts"); checkoutDir.mkdirs(); File wcDir = new File(checkoutDir, model.getArtifactId()); wcDir.mkdirs(); try { scmProvider = scmManager.getProviderByUrl(scmConnection); ScmRepository scmRepository = scmManager.makeScmRepository(scmConnection); CheckOutScmResult scmResult = scmProvider.checkOut(scmRepository, new ScmFileSet(wcDir)); if (!scmResult.isSuccess()) { } } catch (ScmRepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchScmProviderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ScmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } */ if (!embeddedJarNames.isEmpty()) { final List<Dependency> dependencies = model.getDependencies(); Map<String, Dependency> artifactToDep = new HashMap<String, Dependency>(dependencies.size()); for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { artifactToDep.put(dependency.getArtifactId(), dependency); } for (JarMetadata jarName : embeddedJarNames) { final Dependency dependency = artifactToDep.get(; if (dependency != null) { File jarFile = getArtifactFile(new DefaultArtifact(dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(), null, "jar", jarName.version), level); if (jarFile != null && jarFile.exists()) { FileInputStream jarInputStream = new FileInputStream(jarFile); processJarFile(jarInputStream, jarFile.getPath(), null, true, level, true, true, processingSources); IOUtils.closeQuietly(jarInputStream); } else { output(indent, "Couldn't find dependency for embedded JAR " + jarName, true, false); } } } } if (!processingSources && (lookForLicense || lookForNotice)) { final String groupId = model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : parentGroupId; final String version = model.getVersion() != null ? model.getVersion() : parentVersion; final Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(groupId, model.getArtifactId(), "sources", "jar", version); File sourceJar = getArtifactFile(artifact, level); if (sourceJar != null && sourceJar.exists()) { FileInputStream sourceJarInputStream = new FileInputStream(sourceJar); processJarFile(sourceJarInputStream, sourceJar.getPath(), contextJarMetadata, false, level, lookForNotice, lookForLicense, true); IOUtils.closeQuietly(sourceJarInputStream); } } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { throw new IOException(e); } }
From source
/** * * @param id//w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m * if null, gives all account that have no parent * @return the sorted collection of children of that account */ public Collection getAccountsByParentID(final String id) { if (accountid2account == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no root-element loaded"); } SortedSet retval = new TreeSet(); for (Object element : accountid2account.values()) { GnucashAccount account = (GnucashAccount) element; String parent = account.getParentAccountId(); if (parent == null) { if (id == null) { retval.add(account); } } else { if (parent.equals(id)) { retval.add(account); } } } return retval; }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public Question question_merge(Question question) { Long dataSetId = null;/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ if (question.getPage().getSurveyDefinition().getStatus().equals(SurveyDefinitionStatus.I)) { if (question.getType().getIsDataSet()) { dataSetId = question.getDataSetId(); question.setType(QuestionType.SINGLE_CHOICE_DROP_DOWN); question.setDataSetId(null); } //Deleting options from question that do not support options if (!question.getSuportsOptions()) { questionOptionDAO.deleteByQuestionId(question.getId()); } SortedSet<Question> updatedQuestions = new TreeSet<Question>(); Long pageId = question.getPage().getId(); SurveyDefinitionPage surveyDefinitionPage = surveyDefinitionPageDAO.findById(pageId); question.setPage(surveyDefinitionPage); question.setDataSetId(null); Short order = surveyDefinitionPage.updateSet(surveyDefinitionPage.getQuestions(), question).getOrder(); for (Question q : surveyDefinitionPage.getQuestions()) { updatedQuestions.add(questionDAO.merge(q)); } surveyDefinitionPage.setQuestions(updatedQuestions); surveyDefinitionPage = surveyDefinitionPageDAO.merge(surveyDefinitionPage); Question updatedquestion = surveyDefinitionPage.getElement(surveyDefinitionPage.getQuestions(), order); if (dataSetId != null) { Short o = 1; for (DataSetItem dataSetItem : dataSetItemDAO.findByDataSetId(dataSetId)) { questionOptionDAO.merge( new QuestionOption(updatedquestion, o, dataSetItem.getValue(), dataSetItem.getText())); o++; } } return updatedquestion; } else { Question dbQuestion = questionDAO.findById(question.getId()); dbQuestion.setTip(question.getTip()); dbQuestion.setQuestionText(question.getQuestionText()); return questionDAO.merge(dbQuestion); } }
From source
@Override public SortedSet<Command> getMergedCommands() { SortedSet<Command> mergedCommands = new TreeSet<Command>(super.getCommands()); if (getCommandRenderer() == null) { mergeCommands();//from w ww .j a va 2 s. c om } for (CommandAware commandAware : getCommandRenderer().getCommandOwners()) { if (!getCommandRenderer().getPrimaryOwner().equals(commandAware)) { SortedSet<Command> commands; if (commandAware instanceof CommandMerger) { commands = ((CommandMerger) commandAware).getMergedCommands(); } else { commands = commandAware.getCommands(); } for (Command command : commands) { if (commandAware instanceof CommandMerger) { //hinto for ToolbarRenderer so that in multiple command mergers scenario //the last merger (panel) can be identified so that it can be correctly mapped //to the correct region and this region settings can be applied (eg NORTH_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS) command.setArg(CommandMerger.ATTRIB_COMMAND_MERGER, commandAware); } mergedCommands.add(command); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(mergedCommands); }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public Question question_updateOptions(Question question) { Long questionId = question.getId(); Question q = questionDAO.findById(questionId); questionOptionDAO.deleteByQuestionId(questionId); SortedSet<QuestionOption> options = new TreeSet<QuestionOption>(); for (QuestionOption option : question.getOptionsList2()) { if (option.getValue() != null && option.getText() != null && option.getValue().trim().length() > 0 && option.getText().trim().length() > 0) { QuestionOption questionOption = new QuestionOption(q, option.getOrder(), option.getValue(), option.getText());/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ questionOption = questionOptionDAO.merge(questionOption); options.add(questionOption); } } q.setOptions(options); return questionDAO.merge(q); }